""" Author: LiangSong(sl12160010@gmail.com) Date: 2023-03-24 20:49:03 LastEditors: LiangSong(sl12160010@gmail.com) LastEditTime: 2023-03-26 23:43:59 FilePath: /Open-Llama/dataset/train_tokenizer.py Description: Copyright (c) 2023 by LiangSong(sl12160010@gmail.com), All Rights Reserved. """ import random from dataset.data_iter import create_data_iter, create_shard_kwargs wudao_patterns = [ "data/pretrain_data/part-wudao-*.jsonl.zst", ] wudao_paths = create_shard_kwargs(wudao_patterns) random.shuffle(wudao_paths) pile_patterns = [ "data/pretrain_data/part-pile-*.jsonl.zst", ] pile_paths = create_shard_kwargs(pile_patterns) random.shuffle(pile_paths) paths = wudao_paths[:5] + pile_paths[:10] transform_dict = { "wudao": lambda line: [(line["title"] + "\n" + line["content"])], "pile": lambda line: [line["text"]], } data_iter = create_data_iter(paths, transform_dict) import io import sentencepiece as spm # Loads model from URL as iterator and stores the model to BytesIO. model = io.BytesIO() spm.SentencePieceTrainer.train( sentence_iterator=data_iter, model_writer=model, shuffle_input_sentence=False, train_extremely_large_corpus=True, # hyperparameters of tokenizer max_sentence_length=16384, pad_id=3, model_type="BPE", vocab_size=100000, # split digits and fallback to byte same as Llama. # set split_by_unicode_script to True to avoid grouping punctuation and characters together. split_digits=True, split_by_unicode_script=True, byte_fallback=True, # reserve whitespace and \n and \t etc. for code generation allow_whitespace_only_pieces=True, remove_extra_whitespaces=False, normalization_rule_name="nfkc", ) # Serialize the model as file. with open("configs/10w_vocab_wudao5_pile10.model", "wb") as f: f.write(model.getvalue()) # Directly load the model from serialized model. sp = spm.SentencePieceProcessor(model_proto=model.getvalue()) print(sp.decode(sp.encode("只因你太美🤗▃ \n 1")))