# gnh1201/caterpillar [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fgnh1201%2Fcaterpillar.svg?type=shield)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fgnh1201%2Fcaterpillar?ref=badge_shield) [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.13346533.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13346533) Caterpillar Proxy - The simple web debugging proxy (formerly, php-httpproxy) ![Cover image - Caterpillar on a tree looking at a rocket flying over the clouds](assets/img/cover.png) You can connect all physical and logical channels with communication capabilities to the web! Imagine various means such as time machines, satellites, quantum technology, sound, light, the Philosopher's Stone, or Excalibur, just like in science fiction movies! Caterpillar Proxy supports the implementation of extensions for Connectors, Filters, and RPC methods to bring your imagination to life. ## Use cases * [Build a network tunnel using Python and the LAMP(PHP) stack.](https://qiita.com/gnh1201/items/40f9350ca6d308def6d4) * [K-Anonymity for Spam Filtering: Case with Mastodon, and Misskey](https://qiita.com/gnh1201/items/09f4081f84610db3a9d3) * [[YouTube Video] File Upload Vulnerability Attack Test (Caterpillar Proxy)](https://youtu.be/sPZOCgYtLRw) ## How it works ### Basic structure ``` * You <-> Proxy client (Python) <-> Parasitized proxy server (Optional, PHP/LAMP) <-> On the Web * You <-> Proxy client (Python) <-> Connector extensions (Optional, Python) <-> On the Web ``` For example, build a simple web debugging proxy on the shared servers. ### Stateful mode This project supports two modes of connection. The default is stateless. You can use the stateful mode to avoid being constrained by transfer capacity limits. See the [Stateful mode (github.com/gnh1201/caterpillar wiki)](https://github.com/gnh1201/caterpillar/wiki/Stateful-mode). ### Connector extensions This project supports the implementation of Connector extensions. The provided basic examples include implementations of web archives (caches) and serial communication as Connector extensions. ## (Optional) Before to use If you have a server that ***will be parasitized*** and you want to proxy it, you should upload the `index.php` file to a shared server. The index.php file is located in the `assets/php` directory within this repository. ## How to use 1. Write a file `.env`(Linux) or `settings.ini`(Windows). Like this: ``` [settings] PORT=5555 SERVER_URL=localhost SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE= CA_KEY=ca.key CA_CERT=ca.crt CERT_KEY=cert.key CERT_DIR=certs/ OPENSSL_BINPATH=openssl CLIENT_ENCODING=utf-8 USE_EXTENSIONS=wayback.Wayback,bio.PyBio ``` ***Note***: If using Caterpillar Proxy (Python) alone, set `SERVER_URL=localhost`. Otherwise, use the endpoint URL of the Worker script (PHP or Java), e.g., `SERVER_URL=http://example.org`. - (Optional) Create a certificate for SSL decryption ```bash chmod +x configure_certs.sh ./configure_certs.sh sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates sudo cp ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/caterpillar-ca.crt sudo update-ca-certificates ``` 2. Run `python3 server.py` and set HTTP(S) proxy in your web browser (e.g. Firefox, Chromium) 3. Test [100MB](http://speed.hetzner.de/100MB.bin)/[SSL](https://speed.hetzner.de/100MB.bin), [1GB](http://speed.hetzner.de/1GB.bin)/[SSL](https://speed.hetzner.de/1GB.bin), [10GB](http://speed.hetzner.de/10GB.bin)/[SSL](http://speed.hetzner.de/10GB.bin) download and check the speed. 3. Enjoy it 4. (Optional) With [Cloudflare](https://cloudflare.com), we can expect to accelerate the 4x speed and reduce the network stuck. ## Extensions * [Web Console Available](https://pub-1a7a176eea68479cb5423e44273657ad.r2.dev/console.html) * Fediverse (e.g., Mastodon): See the [Fediverse (github.com/gnh1201/caterpillar wiki)](https://github.com/gnh1201/caterpillar/wiki/Fediverse). * Wayback (Private browsing with Google or Wayback cache): See the [Wayback (github.com/gnh1201/caterpillar wiki)](https://github.com/gnh1201/caterpillar/wiki/Wayback). ## Thanks to * Pan Art by [@yeohangdang@i.peacht.art](#): [Image File](assets/img/logo.png) * [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/gnh1201) ## Contributors Contributors ## Our roadmap ![Roadmap image](assets/img/roadmap.png) ## Report abuse * ActivityPub [@gnh1201@catswords.social](https://catswords.social/@gnh1201) * abuse@catswords.net * [Join Catswords on Microsoft Teams](https://teams.live.com/l/community/FEACHncAhq8ldnojAI) ## License [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fgnh1201%2Fcaterpillar.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fgnh1201%2Fcaterpillar?ref=badge_large)