2024-05-11 22:56:46 +09:00

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A web service for converting audio/video/image files using FFMPEG.
Based on:
* https://github.com/samisalkosuo/ffmpeg-api
* https://github.com/surebert/docker-ffmpeg-service
* https://github.com/jrottenberg/ffmpeg
* https://github.com/fluent-ffmpeg/node-fluent-ffmpeg
FFMPEG API is provided as Docker image for easy consumption.
== Endpoints
* `GET /` - API Readme.
* `GET /endpoints` - Service endpoints as JSON.
* `POST /convert/audio/to/mp3` - Convert audio file in request body to mp3. Returns mp3-file.
* `POST /convert/audio/to/wav` - Convert audio file in request body to wav. Returns wav-file.
* `POST /convert/video/to/mp4` - Convert video file in request body to mp4. Returns mp4-file.
* `POST /convert/image/to/jpg` - Convert image file to jpg. Returns jpg-file.
* `POST /video/extract/audio` - Extract audio track from POSTed video file. Returns audio track as 1-channel wav-file.
** Query param: `mono=no` - Returns audio track, all channels.
* `POST /video/extract/images` - Extract images from POSTed video file as PNG. Default FPS is 1. Returns JSON that includes download links to extracted images.
** Query param: `compress=zip|gzip` - Returns extracted images as _zip_ or _tar.gz_ (gzip).
** Query param: `fps=2` - Extract images using specified FPS.
** Query param: `download=yes` - Downloads extracted image file and deletes it from server, immediately.
* `GET /video/extract/download/:filename` - Downloads extracted image file and deletes it from server.
** Query param: `delete=no` - does not delete file.
* `POST /probe` - Probe media file, return JSON metadata.
== Docker image
=== Build your own
* Clone this repository.
* Build Docker image:
** `docker build -t ffmpeg-api .`
* Run image in foreground:
** `docker run -it --rm --name ffmpeg-api -p 3000:3000 ffmpeg-api`
* Run image in background:
** `docker run -d -name ffmpeg-api -p 3000:3000 ffmpeg-api`
=== Use existing
* Run image in foreground:
** `docker run -it --rm --name ffmpeg-api -p 3000:3000 gnh1201/ffmpeg-api`
* Run image in background:
** `docker run -d --name ffmpeg-api -p 3000:3000 gnh1201/ffmpeg-api`
=== Environment variables
* Default log level is _info_. Set log level using environment variable, _LOG_LEVEL_.
** Set log level to debug:
** `docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -e LOG_LEVEL=debug gnh1201/ffmpeg-api`
* Default maximum file size of uploaded files is 512MB. Use environment variable _FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES_ to change it:
** Set max file size to 1MB:
** `docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -e FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES=1048576 gnh1201/ffmpeg-api`
* All uploaded and converted files are deleted when they've been downloaded. Use environment variable _KEEP_ALL_FILES_ to keep all files inside the container /tmp-directory:
** `docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -e KEEP_ALL_FILES=true gnh1201/ffmpeg-api`
* When running on Docker/Kubernetes, port binding can be different than default 3000. Use _EXTERNAL_PORT_ to set up external port in returned URLs in extracted images JSON:
** `docker run -it --rm -p 3001:3000 -e EXTERNAL_PORT=3001 gnh1201/ffmpeg-api`
== Usage
Input file to FFMPEG API can be anything that ffmpeg supports. See https://www.ffmpeg.org/general.html#Supported-File-Formats_002c-Codecs-or-Features[ffmpeg docs for supported formats].
=== Convert
Convert audio/video/image files using the API.
* `curl -F "file=@input.wav" > output.mp3`
* `curl -F "file=@input.m4a" > output.wav`
* `curl -F "file=@input.mov" > output.mp4`
* `curl -F "file=@input.mp4" > output.mp4`
* `curl -F "file=@input.tiff" > output.jpg`
* `curl -F "file=@input.png" > output.jpg`
=== Extract images
Extract images from video using the API.
* `curl -F "file=@input.mov"`
** Returns JSON that lists image download URLs for each extracted image.
** Default FPS is 1.
** Images are in PNG-format.
** See sample: link:./samples/extracted_images.json[extracted_images.json].
* `curl`
** Downloads exracted image and deletes it from server.
* `curl`
** Downloads exracted image but does not deletes it from server.
* `curl -F "file=@input.mov" > images.zip`
** Returns ZIP package of all extracted images.
* `curl -F "file=@input.mov" > images.tar.gz`
** Returns GZIP (tar.gz) package of all extracted images.
* `curl -F "file=@input.mov"`
** Sets FPS to extract images. FPS=0.5 is every two seconds, FPS=4 is four images per seconds, etc.
=== Extract audio
Extract audio track from video using the API.
* `curl -F "file=@input.mov"`
** Returns 1-channel WAV-file of video's audio track.
* `curl -F "file=@input.mov"`
** Returns WAV-file of video's audio track, with all the channels as in input video.
=== Probe
Probe audio/video/image files using the API.
* `curl -F "file=@input.mov"`
** Returns JSON metadata of media file.
** The same JSON metadata as in ffprobe command: `ffprobe -of json -show_streams -show_format input.mov`.
** See sample of MOV-video metadata: link:./samples/probe_metadata.json[probe_metadata.json].
== Background
Originally developed by https://github.com/surebert[Paul Visco].
Changes include new functionality, updated Node.js version, Docker image based on Alpine, logging and other major refactoring.
== Use case
=== Example of creating a container
cd /usr/local/src
git clone https://github.com/gnh1201/ffmpeg-api
cd ffmpeg-api
docker build -t gnh1201/ffmpeg-api .
sudo mkdir /var/cache/ffmpeg-api
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/cache/ffmpeg-api
sudo docker run -itd --rm -p -v /var/cache/ffmpeg-api:/tmp -e KEEP_ALL_FILES=false -e LOG_LEVEL=debug gnh1201/ffmpeg-api # OR `-p`
=== Example of applications
* https://github.com/gnh1201/topic-activitypub
* https://gist.github.com/gnh1201/1ba49e0e80a11237038900bf8abfa434
=== Techinical notes
* link:./technical-notes.md[Techinical notes for ffmpeg-api]
== Report abuse
* ActivityPub https://catswords.social/@gnh1201[@gnh1201@catswords.social]
* abuse@catswords.net