Simple web API for extracting images/audio from video and converting audio/video/image files with ffmpeg.
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= FFMPEG API An web service for converting audio/video files using FFMPEG. Based on: * * FFMPEG API is provided as Docker image for easy consumption. == Endpoints * `POST /mp3` - Convert audio file in request body to mp3 * `POST /mp4` - Convert video file in request body to mp4 * `POST /jpg` - Convert image file to jpg * `GET /' - API Readme == Usage Convert audio/video/image files using the API. * `curl -F "file=@input.wav" > output.mp3` * `curl -F "file=@input.m4a" > output.mp3` * `curl -F "" > output.mp4` * `curl -F "file=@input.mp4" > output.mp4` * `curl -F "file=@input.tiff" > output.jpg` * `curl -F "file=@input.png" > output.jpg` == Configuration and New Endpoints You can change the ffmpeg conversion settings or add new endpoints by editing the link:src/endpoints.js[src/endpoints.js] file. == Docker image === Build your own * Clone this repository. * Build Docker image: ** `docker build -t ffmpeg-api .` * Run image in foreground: ** `docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 ffmpeg-api` * Run image in background: ** `docker run -d -name ffmpeg-api -p 3000:3000 ffmpeg-api` === Use existing * Run image in foreground: ** `docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 kazhar/ffmpeg-api` * Run image in background: ** `docker run -d --name ffmpeg-api -p 3000:3000 kazhar/ffmpeg-api` === Logging Default log level is INFO. Set log level using environment variable. - Set log level to debug: - `docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -e LOG_LEVEL=debug kazhar/ffmpeg-api` == Background Originally developed by[Paul Visco]. Changes include updated Node.js version, Docker image based on Alpine, logging and others.