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synced 2025-03-12 08:55:22 +00:00

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72 lines
4.5 KiB
72 lines
4.5 KiB
= content_for :heading do
= render 'application/mailer/heading', heading_title: t('user_mailer.welcome.title', name: @resource.account.username), heading_subtitle: t('user_mailer.welcome.explanation')
%table.email-header-card-table{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
%td.email-header-card-banner-td{ background: full_asset_url(instance_presenter.thumbnail&.file&.url(:'@1x') || frontend_asset_path('images/preview.png')) }
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
%p.email-header-card-instance= @instance
- if instance_presenter.description.present?
%p.email-header-card-description= instance_presenter.description
= render 'application/mailer/button', text: t('user_mailer.welcome.sign_in_action'), url: new_user_session_url, has_arrow: false
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
%h2.email-h2= t('user_mailer.welcome.checklist_title')
%p.email-h-sub= t('user_mailer.welcome.checklist_subtitle')
= render 'application/mailer/checklist', key: 'edit_profile', checked: @has_account_fields, button_text: t('user_mailer.welcome.edit_profile_action'), button_url: web_url('start/profile')
= render 'application/mailer/checklist', key: 'follow', checked: @has_active_relationships, button_text: t('user_mailer.welcome.follow_action'), button_url: web_url('start/follows')
= render 'application/mailer/checklist', key: 'post', checked: @has_statuses, button_text: t('user_mailer.welcome.post_action'), button_url: web_url
= render 'application/mailer/checklist', key: 'share', checked: false, button_text: t('user_mailer.welcome.share_action'), button_url: web_url('start/share')
= render 'application/mailer/checklist', key: 'apps', checked: false, show_apps_buttons: true
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
/[if mso]
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="width:100%;" role="presentation"><tr><td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top;">
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
%h2.email-h2= t('user_mailer.welcome.follows_title')
%p.email-h-sub= t('user_mailer.welcome.follows_subtitle')
= render partial: 'application/mailer/follow', collection: @suggestions
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
= link_to '', href: web_url('explore/suggestions'), class: 'email-link-with-arrow' do
= t('user_mailer.welcome.follows_view_more')
%span= '❯'
/[if mso]
</td><td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top;">
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
%h2.email-h2= t('user_mailer.welcome.hashtags_title')
%p.email-h-sub= t('user_mailer.welcome.hashtags_subtitle')
= render partial: 'application/mailer/hashtag', collection: @tags
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
= link_to '', href: web_url('explore/tags'), class: 'email-link-with-arrow' do
= t('user_mailer.welcome.hashtags_view_more')
%span= '❯'
/[if mso]
%table.email-w-full{ cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, border: 0, role: 'presentation' }
= render partial: 'application/mailer/feature', collection: %w(control audience moderation creativity)