Claire 4c0e44ebbe
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Fix recently-broken admin interface buttons (#32240)
2024-10-03 16:12:15 +00:00

83 lines
3.6 KiB

- content_for :page_title do
= t('disputes.strikes.title', action: t(@strike.action, scope: 'disputes.strikes.title_actions'), date: l(@strike.created_at.to_date))
- content_for :heading_actions do
- if @appeal.persisted?
= link_to t('disputes.strikes.approve_appeal'), approve_admin_disputes_appeal_path(@appeal), method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:approve, @appeal)
= link_to t('disputes.strikes.reject_appeal'), reject_admin_disputes_appeal_path(@appeal), method: :post, class: 'button button--destructive' if can?(:reject, @appeal)
- if @strike.overruled?
= material_symbol 'check'
= t 'disputes.strikes.appeal_approved'
- elsif @appeal.persisted? && @appeal.rejected?
= material_symbol 'close'
= t 'disputes.strikes.appeal_rejected'
= render 'disputes/strikes/card', strike: @strike
%strong= t('disputes.strikes.created_at')
%time.formatted{ datetime: @strike.created_at.iso8601, title: l(@strike.created_at) }= l(@strike.created_at)
%strong= t('disputes.strikes.recipient')
= link_to @strike.target_account.username, can?(:show, @strike.target_account) ? admin_account_path(@strike.target_account_id) : ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.url_for(@strike.target_account), class: 'table-action-link'
%strong= t('disputes.strikes.action_taken')
- if @strike.overruled?
%del= t(@strike.action, scope: 'user_mailer.warning.title')
- else
= t(@strike.action, scope: 'user_mailer.warning.title')
- if && can?(:show,
%strong= t('disputes.strikes.associated_report')
= link_to t('', id:, admin_report_path(, class: 'table-action-link'
- if @appeal.persisted?
%strong= t('disputes.strikes.appeal_submitted_at')
%time.formatted{ datetime: @appeal.created_at.iso8601, title: l(@appeal.created_at) }= l(@appeal.created_at)
- if @appeal.persisted?
%h3= t('disputes.strikes.appeal')
= image_tag @appeal.account.avatar.url, class: 'report-notes__item__avatar'
= link_to @appeal.account.username, can?(:show, @appeal.account) ? admin_account_path(@appeal.account_id) : short_account_url(@appeal.account)
%time.relative-formatted{ datetime: @appeal.created_at.iso8601 }
= l @appeal.created_at.to_date
= simple_format(h(@appeal.text))
- elsif can?(:appeal, @strike)
%h3= t('disputes.strikes.appeals.submit')
= simple_form_for(@appeal, url: disputes_strike_appeal_path(@strike)) do |f|
= f.input :text, wrapper: :with_label, input_html: { maxlength: Appeal::TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT }
= f.button :button, t('disputes.strikes.appeals.submit'), type: :submit