mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 16:35:37 +00:00
first commit
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
SeedDMS paperless extension
Paperless (and Paperless ngx) is another free document management system.
It has a different focus than SeedDMS and misses many of the features
of SeedDMS but there three Android apps for uploading and browsing.
All are available at google and/or f-droid.
This is the youngest but most feature complete app
This one is rather old and development and
This app is just to add a share button. Any shared document will
be uploaded to the server.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Changes in version 1.0.0
- Initial version
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2013 Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the SeedDMS project. The SeedDMS project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Paperless extension
* @author Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* @package SeedDMS
* @subpackage example
class SeedDMS_ExtPaperless extends SeedDMS_ExtBase { /* {{{ */
* Initialization
* Use this method to do some initialization like setting up the hooks
* You have access to the following global variables:
* $GLOBALS['settings'] : current global configuration
* $GLOBALS['settings']->_extensions['example'] : configuration of this extension
* $GLOBALS['LANG'] : the language array with translations for all languages
* $GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS'] : all hooks added so far
function init() { /* {{{ */
$GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['initRestAPI'][] = new SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI;
} /* }}} */
function main() { /* {{{ */
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
class SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller { /* {{{ */
protected $container;
protected function __getDocumentData($document) { /* {{{ */
$fulltextservice = $this->container->fulltextservice;
$content = '';
$index = $fulltextservice->Indexer();
if($index) {
$lucenesearch = $fulltextservice->Search();
if($searchhit = $lucenesearch->getDocument($document->getID())) {
$idoc = $searchhit->getDocument();
try {
$content = htmlspecialchars(mb_strimwidth($idoc->getFieldValue('content'), 0, 1000, '...'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$lc = $document->getLatestContent();
$cats = $document->getCategories();
$tags = array();
foreach($cats as $cat)
$tags[] = (int) $cat->getId();
$data = array(
'created'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+02:00', $document->getDate()),
'created_date'=>date('Y-m-d', $document->getDate()),
'modified'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+02:00', $document->getDate()),
'added'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+02:00', $document->getDate()),
return $data;
} /* }}} */
public function getContrastColor($hexcolor) {
$r = hexdec(substr($hexcolor, 1, 2));
$g = hexdec(substr($hexcolor, 3, 2));
$b = hexdec(substr($hexcolor, 5, 2));
$yiq = (($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) / 1000;
return ($yiq >= 128) ? '000000' : 'ffffff';
protected function __getCategoryData($category) { /* {{{ */
$color = substr(md5($category->getName()), 0, 6);
$data = [
'colour'=>'#'.$color, //'#50b02c',
'is_inbox_tag'=>$category->getName() == 'Computer',
return $data;
} /* }}} */
// constructor receives container instance
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container) { /* {{{ */
$this->container = $container;
} /* }}} */
function api($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
$data = array(
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
} /* }}} */
function token($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
$settings = $this->container->config;
$authenticator = $this->container->authenticator;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$logger->log(var_export($request->getParsedBody(), true), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
$data = $request->getParsedBody();
if(empty($data['username'])) {
$body = $request->getBody();
$data = json_decode($body, true);
if($data) {
$userobj = $authenticator->authenticate($data['username'], $data['password']);
return $response->withJson(array('token'=>''), 403);
else {
if(!empty($settings->_extensions['paperless']['jwtsecret'])) {
$token = new SeedDMS_JwtToken($settings->_extensions['paperless']['jwtsecret']);
if(!$tokenstr = $token->jwtEncode($userobj->getId().':'.(time()+84600))) {
return $response->withStatus(403);
return $response->withJson(array('token'=>$tokenstr), 200);
} else {
return $response->withJson(array('token'=>$settings->_apiKey), 200);
return $response->withStatus(403);
} /* }}} */
function tags($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$fulltextservice = $this->container->fulltextservice;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
if(false === ($categories = $dms->getDocumentCategories())) {
return $response->withJson(array('results'=>null), 500);
if(!empty($settings->_extensions['paperless']['usehomefolder'])) {
if(!($startfolder = $userobj->getHomeFolder()))
$startfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID);
} elseif(!isset($settings->_extensions['paperless']['rootfolder']) || !($startfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_extensions['paperless']['rootfolder'])))
$startfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID);
$index = $fulltextservice->Indexer();
if($index) {
$lucenesearch = $fulltextservice->Search();
$searchresult = $lucenesearch->search('', array('record_type'=>['document'], 'user'=>[$userobj->getLogin()], 'startFolder'=>$startfolder, 'rootFolder'=>$startfolder), array('limit'=>20), $order);
if($searchresult === false) {
return $response->withStatus(500);
} else {
$recs = array();
$facets = $searchresult['facets'];
$logger->log(var_export($facets, true), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
$data = [];
foreach($categories as $category) {
$tmp = $this->__getCategoryData($category);
$tmp['document_count'] = (int) $facets['category'][$category->getName()];
$data[] = $tmp;
return $response->withJson(array('count'=>count($data), 'next'=>null, 'previous'=>null, 'results'=>$data), 200);
} /* }}} */
function correspondents($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
//file_put_contents("php://stdout", var_dump($request, true));
$correspondents = array(
return $response->withJson(array('count'=>count($correspondents), 'next'=>null, 'previous'=>null, 'results'=>$correspondents), 200);
} /* }}} */
function document_types($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
//file_put_contents("php://stdout", var_dump($request, true));
$types = array(
return $response->withJson(array('count'=>count($types), 'next'=>null, 'previous'=>null, 'results'=>$types), 200);
} /* }}} */
function saved_views($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
//file_put_contents("php://stdout", var_dump($request, true));
$views = array(
return $response->withJson(array('count'=>count($views), 'next'=>null, 'previous'=>null, 'results'=>$views), 200);
} /* }}} */
function storage_paths($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
//file_put_contents("php://stdout", var_dump($request, true));
$paths = array(
return $response->withJson(array('count'=>count($paths), 'next'=>null, 'previous'=>null, 'results'=>$paths), 200);
} /* }}} */
function documents($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$fulltextservice = $this->container->fulltextservice;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$params = $request->getQueryParams();
$logger->log(var_export($params, true), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
if(!empty($settings->_extensions['paperless']['usehomefolder'])) {
if(!($startfolder = $userobj->getHomeFolder()))
$startfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID);
} elseif(!isset($settings->_extensions['paperless']['rootfolder']) || !($startfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_extensions['paperless']['rootfolder'])))
$startfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID);
$logger->log('Searching for documents in folder '.$startfolder->getId(), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$fullsearch = true;
if($fullsearch) {
if (isset($params["query"]) && is_string($params["query"])) {
$query = $params["query"];
else {
$query = "";
$order = [];
if (isset($params["ordering"]) && is_string($params["ordering"])) {
if($params["ordering"][0] == '-') {
$order['dir'] = 'asc';
$orderfield = substr($params["ordering"], 1);
} else {
$order['dir'] = 'desc';
$orderfield = $params["ordering"];
if(in_array($orderfield, ['created', 'title']))
$order['by'] = $orderfield;
elseif($orderfield == 'added')
$order['by'] = 'created';
// category
$categories = array();
$categorynames = array();
if(isset($params['tags__id'])) {
$catid = (int) $params['tags__id'];
if($catid) {
if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory($catid)) {
$categories[] = $cat;
$categorynames[] = $cat->getName();
/* tags__id__in is used when searching for documents by id */
if(isset($params['tags__id__all'])) {
$catids = explode(',', $params['tags__id__all']);
foreach($catids as $catid)
if($catid) {
if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory($catid)) {
$categories[] = $cat;
$categorynames[] = $cat->getName();
/* tags__id__in is used when getting the documents of the inbox */
if(isset($params['tags__id__in'])) {
$catid = (int) $params['tags__id__in'];
if($catid) {
if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory($catid)) {
$categories[] = $cat;
$categorynames[] = $cat->getName();
$astart = 0;
if(isset($params['added__date__gt'])) {
$astart = (int) makeTsFromDate($params['added__date__gt']);
$aend = 0;
if(isset($params['added__date__lt'])) {
$aend = (int) makeTsFromDate($params['added__date__lt']);
$index = $fulltextservice->Indexer();
if($index) {
$lucenesearch = $fulltextservice->Search();
$searchresult = $lucenesearch->search($query, array('record_type'=>['document'], 'user'=>[$userobj->getLogin()], 'category'=>$categorynames, 'created_start'=>$astart, 'created_end'=>$aend, 'startFolder'=>$startfolder, 'rootFolder'=>$startfolder), array('limit'=>20), $order);
if($searchresult === false) {
return $response->withStatus(500);
} else {
$recs = array();
$facets = $searchresult['facets'];
$dcount = 0;
$fcount = 0;
if($searchresult) {
foreach($searchresult['hits'] as $hit) {
if($hit['document_id'][0] == 'D') {
if($tmp = $dms->getDocument(substr($hit['document_id'], 1))) {
// if($tmp->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ) {
$recs[] = $this->__getDocumentData($tmp);
// }
return $response->withJson(array('count'=>count($recs), 'next'=>null, 'previous'=>null, 'results'=>$recs), 200);
} /* }}} */
function autocomplete($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$fulltextservice = $this->container->fulltextservice;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$params = $request->getQueryParams();
$query = $params['term'];
$logger->log(var_export($params, true), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
$list = [];
$index = $fulltextservice->Indexer();
if($index) {
if($terms = $index->terms($query, 'title')) {
foreach($terms as $term)
$list[] = $term->text;
return $response->withJson($list, 200);
} /* }}} */
function ui_settings($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$data = array(
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
} /* }}} */
function fetch_thumb($request, $response, $args) { /* {{{ */
return $response->withRedirect($request->getUri()->getBasePath().'/api/documents/'.$args['id'].'/thumb/', 302);
} /* }}} */
function documents_thumb($request, $response, $args) { /* {{{ */
require_once "SeedDMS/Preview.php";
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$conversionmgr = $this->container->conversionmgr;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
if (!isset($args['id']) || !$args['id'])
return $response->withStatus(404);
$document = $dms->getDocument($args['id']);
if($document) {
if($document->getAccessMode($userobj) >= M_READ) {
$object = $document->getLatestContent();
$width = 400;
$previewer = new SeedDMS_Preview_Previewer($settings->_cacheDir, $width);
$file = $previewer->getFileName($object, $width).".png";
if(!($fh = @fopen($file, 'rb'))) {
return $response->withJson(array('success'=>false, 'message'=>'', 'data'=>''), 500);
$stream = new \Slim\Http\Stream($fh); // create a stream instance for the response body
return $response->withHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png')
->withHeader('Content-Description', 'File Transfer')
->withHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'binary')
->withHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="preview-' . $document->getID() . "-" . $object->getVersion() . "-" . $width . ".png" . '"')
->withHeader('Content-Length', $previewer->getFilesize($object))
return $response->withStatus(403);
} /* }}} */
function fetch_doc($request, $response, $args) { /* {{{ */
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$logger->log('Fetch doc '.$args['id'], PEAR_LOG_INFO);
return $response->withRedirect($request->getUri()->getBasePath().'/api/documents/'.$args['id'].'/download/', 302);
} /* }}} */
function documents_download($request, $response, $args) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$conversionmgr = $this->container->conversionmgr;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
if (!isset($args['id']) || !$args['id'])
return $response->withStatus(404);
$logger->log('Download doc '.$args['id'], PEAR_LOG_INFO);
$document = $dms->getDocument($args['id']);
if($document) {
if($document->getAccessMode($userobj) >= M_READ) {
$lc = $document->getLatestContent();
if($lc) {
if (pathinfo($document->getName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == $lc->getFileType())
$filename = $document->getName();
$filename = $document->getName().$lc->getFileType();
$file = $dms->contentDir . $lc->getPath();
if(!($fh = @fopen($file, 'rb'))) {
return $response->withJson(array('success'=>false, 'message'=>'', 'data'=>''), 500);
$stream = new \Slim\Http\Stream($fh); // create a stream instance for the response body
return $response->withHeader('Content-Type', $lc->getMimeType())
->withHeader('Content-Description', 'File Transfer')
->withHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'binary')
->withHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"')
->withHeader('Content-Length', filesize($dms->contentDir . $lc->getPath()))
->withHeader('Expires', '0')
->withHeader('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0')
->withHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache')
} else {
return $response->withStatus(403);
} else
return $response->withStatus(404);
} else {
return $response->withStatus(500);
} /* }}} */
function documents_metadata($request, $response, $args) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$conversionmgr = $this->container->conversionmgr;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
if (!isset($args['id']) || !$args['id'])
return $response->withStatus(404);
$document = $dms->getDocument($args['id']);
if($document) {
if($document->getAccessMode($userobj) >= M_READ) {
$lc = $document->getLatestContent();
if($lc) {
return $response->withJson(array(
), 200);
} else {
return $response->withStatus(403);
} else
return $response->withStatus(404);
} else {
return $response->withStatus(500);
} /* }}} */
function post_document($request, $response) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$fulltextservice = $this->container->fulltextservice;
$notifier = $this->container->notifier;
if(!empty($settings->_extensions['paperless']['usehomefolder'])) {
if(!($mfolder = $userobj->getHomeFolder()))
$mfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID);
} elseif(!isset($settings->_extensions['paperless']['rootfolder']) || !($mfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_extensions['paperless']['rootfolder'])))
$mfolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID);
if($mfolder) {
if($mfolder->getAccessMode($userobj) < M_READWRITE)
return $response->withStatus(403);
$data = $request->getParsedBody();
$logger->log(var_export($data, true), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
$uploadedFiles = $request->getUploadedFiles();
if (count($uploadedFiles) == 0) {
return $response->withJson(getMLText("paperless_no_files_uploaded"), 400);
$origfilename = null;
$file_info = array_pop($uploadedFiles);
if ($origfilename == null)
$origfilename = $file_info->getClientFilename();
$docname = $data['title'];
$docname = $origfilename;
/* Check if name already exists in the folder */
if(!$settings->_enableDuplicateDocNames) {
if($mfolder->hasDocumentByName($docname)) {
return $response->withJson(getMLText("document_duplicate_name"), 409);
/* If several tags are set, they will all be saved individually in
* a parameter named 'tags'. This cannot be handled by php. It would
* require to use 'tags[]'. Hence, only the last tag will be taken into
* account.
$cats = [];
if(!empty($data['tags'])) {
if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory((int) $data['tags']))
$cats[] = $cat;
// $logger->log(var_export($cats, true), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
$userfiletmp = $file_info->file;
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$userfiletype = finfo_file($finfo, $userfiletmp);
$fileType = ".".pathinfo($origfilename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$reviewers = array();
$approvers = array();
$reviewers["i"] = array();
$reviewers["g"] = array();
$approvers["i"] = array();
$approvers["g"] = array();
$workflow = null;
$comment = '';
$expires = null;
$owner = null;
$keywords = '';
$sequence = 1;
$reqversion = null;
$version_comment = '';
$attributes = array();
$attributes_version = array();
$notusers = array();
$notgroups = array();
$controller = Controller::factory('AddDocument', array('dms'=>$dms, 'user'=>$userobj));
$controller->setParam('documentsource', 'paperless');
$controller->setParam('folder', $mfolder);
$controller->setParam('fulltextservice', $fulltextservice);
$controller->setParam('name', $docname);
$controller->setParam('comment', $comment);
$controller->setParam('expires', $expires);
$controller->setParam('keywords', $keywords);
$controller->setParam('categories', $cats);
$controller->setParam('owner', $userobj);
$controller->setParam('userfiletmp', $userfiletmp);
$controller->setParam('userfilename', $origfilename ? $origfilename : basename($userfiletmp));
$controller->setParam('filetype', $fileType);
$controller->setParam('userfiletype', $userfiletype);
$controller->setParam('sequence', $sequence);
$controller->setParam('reviewers', $reviewers);
$controller->setParam('approvers', $approvers);
$controller->setParam('reqversion', $reqversion);
$controller->setParam('versioncomment', $version_comment);
$controller->setParam('attributes', $attributes);
$controller->setParam('attributesversion', $attributes_version);
$controller->setParam('workflow', $workflow);
$controller->setParam('notificationgroups', $notgroups);
$controller->setParam('notificationusers', $notusers);
$controller->setParam('maxsizeforfulltext', $settings->_maxSizeForFullText);
$controller->setParam('defaultaccessdocs', $settings->_defaultAccessDocs);
if(!$document = $controller()) {
$err = $controller->getErrorMsg();
$errmsg = getMLText($err);
elseif(is_array($err)) {
$errmsg = getMLText($err[0], $err[1]);
} else {
$errmsg = $err;
$logger->log($errmsg, PEAR_LOG_NOTICE);
return $response->withJson(getMLText('paperless_upload_failed'), 500);
} else {
$logger->log(getMLText('paperless_upload_succeded'), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE);
/* Turn off for now, because file_info is not an array
if($controller->hasHook('cleanUpDocument')) {
$controller->callHook('cleanUpDocument', $document, $file_info);
// Send notification to subscribers of folder.
if($notifier) {
$notifier->sendNewDocumentMail($document, $userobj);
if($settings->_removeFromDropFolder) {
if(file_exists($userfiletmp)) {
return $response->withJson('OK', 200);
return $response->withJson(getMLText('paperless_missing_target_folder'), 400);
} /* }}} */
function patch_documents($request, $response, $args) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$conversionmgr = $this->container->conversionmgr;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$fulltextservice = $this->container->fulltextservice;
if (!isset($args['id']) || !$args['id'])
return $response->withStatus(404);
$document = $dms->getDocument($args['id']);
if($document) {
$body = $request->getBody();
if($data = json_decode($body, true)) {
if(isset($data['tags'])) {
$cats = [];
foreach($data['tags'] as $tagid) {
if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory($tagid)) {
$cats[] = $cat;
return $response->withStatus(500);
if($fulltextservice && ($index = $fulltextservice->Indexer())) {
$idoc = $fulltextservice->IndexedDocument($document);
// if(false !== $this->callHook('preIndexDocument', $document, $idoc)) {
$lucenesearch = $fulltextservice->Search();
if($hit = $lucenesearch->getDocument((int) $document->getId())) {
// }
return $response->withStatus(200);
} /* }}} */
function put_documents($request, $response, $args) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$conversionmgr = $this->container->conversionmgr;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$fulltextservice = $this->container->fulltextservice;
if (!isset($args['id']) || !$args['id'])
return $response->withStatus(404);
$document = $dms->getDocument($args['id']);
if($document) {
$body = $request->getBody();
if($data = json_decode($body, true)) {
if(isset($data['tags'])) {
$cats = [];
foreach($data['tags'] as $tagid) {
if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory($tagid)) {
$cats[] = $cat;
return $response->withStatus(500);
if($fulltextservice && ($index = $fulltextservice->Indexer())) {
$idoc = $fulltextservice->IndexedDocument($document);
// if(false !== $this->callHook('preIndexDocument', $document, $idoc)) {
$lucenesearch = $fulltextservice->Search();
if($hit = $lucenesearch->getDocument((int) $document->getId())) {
// }
return $response->withJson($this->__getDocumentData($document), 200);
} /* }}} */
function delete_documents($request, $response, $args) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$conversionmgr = $this->container->conversionmgr;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
$fulltextservice = $this->container->fulltextservice;
if (!isset($args['id']) || !$args['id'])
return $response->withStatus(404);
$document = $dms->getDocument($args['id']);
if($document) {
$controller = Controller::factory('RemoveDocument', array('dms'=>$dms, 'user'=>$userobj));
$controller->setParam('document', $document);
$controller->setParam('fulltextservice', $fulltextservice);
if(!$controller()) {
$logger->log($controller->getErrorMsg(), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE);
return $response->withStatus(500);
return $response->withStatus(200);
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */
class SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Auth { /* {{{ */
private $container;
public function __construct($container) {
$this->container = $container;
* Example middleware invokable class
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request PSR7 request
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response PSR7 response
* @param callable $next Next middleware
* @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
public function __invoke($request, $response, $next) { /* {{{ */
// $this->container has the DI
$dms = $this->container->dms;
$settings = $this->container->config;
$logger = $this->container->logger;
/* Skip this middleware if the authentication was already successful */
$userobj = null;
$userobj = $this->container->userobj;
if($userobj) {
$response = $next($request, $response);
return $response;
/* Pretent to be paperless ngx 1.10.0 with api version 2 */
$response = $response->withHeader('x-api-version', '2')->withHeader('x-version', '1.10.0');
$logger->log("Invoke paperless middleware for method ".$request->getMethod()." on '".$request->getUri()->getPath()."'", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
if(!in_array($request->getUri()->getPath(), array('api/token/', 'api/'))) {
$userobj = null;
if(!empty($this->container->environment['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) {
$tmp = explode(' ', $this->container->environment['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 2);
switch($tmp[0]) {
case 'Token':
/* if jwtsecret is set, the token is expected to be a jwt */
if(!empty($settings->_extensions['paperless']['jwtsecret'])) {
$token = new SeedDMS_JwtToken($settings->_extensions['paperless']['jwtsecret']);
if(!$tokenstr = $token->jwtDecode($tmp[1])) {
$logger->log("Could not decode jwt", PEAR_LOG_ERR);
return $response->withJson("Invalid token", 403);
$tmp = explode(':', json_decode($tokenstr, true));
if($tmp[1] < time()) {
$logger->log("Jwt has expired at ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $tmp[1]), PEAR_LOG_ERR);
return $response->withJson("Token has expired", 403);
} else {
$logger->log("Token is valid till ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $tmp[1]), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
if(!($userobj = $dms->getUser((int) $tmp[0]))) {
$logger->log("No such user ".$tmp[0], PEAR_LOG_ERR);
return $response->withJson("No such user", 403);
$this->container['userobj'] = $userobj;
$logger->log("Login with jwt as '".$userobj->getLogin()."' successful", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
} else {
if(!empty($settings->_apiKey) && !empty($settings->_apiUserId)) {
if($settings->_apiKey == $tmp[1]) {
if(!($userobj = $dms->getUser($settings->_apiUserId))) {
return $response->withStatus(403);
} else {
$logger->log("Login with apikey '".$tmp[1]."' failed", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
return $response->withStatus(403);
$this->container['userobj'] = $userobj;
$logger->log("Login with apikey as '".$userobj->getLogin()."' successful", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
case 'Basic':
$authenticator = $this->container->authenticator;
$kk = explode(':', base64_decode($tmp[1]));
$userobj = $authenticator->authenticate($kk[0], $kk[1]);
if(!$userobj) {
$logger->log("Login with basic authentication for '".$kk[0]."' failed", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
return $response->withStatus(403);
$this->container['userobj'] = $userobj;
$logger->log("Login with basic authentication as '".$userobj->getLogin()."' successful", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
} else {
/* Set userobj to keep other middlewares for authentication from running */
$this->container['userobj'] = true;
$response = $next($request, $response);
return $response;
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */
* Class containing methods which adds additional routes to the RestAPI
* @author Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* @package SeedDMS
* @subpackage paperless
class SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI { /* {{{ */
* Hook for adding additional routes to the RestAPI
* @param object $app instance of \Slim\App
* @return void
public function addMiddleware($app) { /* {{{ */
$container = $app->getContainer();
$app->add(new SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Auth($container));
} /* }}} */
* Hook for adding additional routes to the RestAPI
* @param object $app instance of \Slim\App
* @return void
public function addRoute($app) { /* {{{ */
$app->get('/api/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':api');
/* /api/token/ is actually a get, but paperless_app calls it to check for ngx */
$app->post('/api/token/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':token');
$app->get('/api/token/', function($request, $response) use ($app) {
return $response->withStatus(405);
$app->get('/api/tags/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':tags');
$app->get('/api/documents/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':documents');
$app->get('/api/correspondents/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':correspondents');
$app->get('/api/document_types/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':document_types');
$app->get('/api/saved_views/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':saved_views');
$app->get('/api/storage_paths/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':storage_paths');
$app->post('/api/documents/post_document/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':post_document');
$app->get('/api/documents/{id}/preview/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':documents_download');
$app->get('/api/documents/{id}/thumb/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':documents_thumb');
$app->get('/fetch/thumb/{id}', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':fetch_thumb');
$app->get('/api/documents/{id}/download/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':documents_download');
$app->get('/api/documents/{id}/metadata/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':documents_metadata');
$app->get('/fetch/doc/{id}', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':fetch_doc');
$app->patch('/api/documents/{id}/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':patch_documents');
$app->put('/api/documents/{id}/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':put_documents');
$app->delete('/api/documents/{id}/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':delete_documents');
$app->get('/api/search/autocomplete/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':autocomplete');
$app->get('/api/ui_settings/', \SeedDMS_ExtPaperless_RestAPI_Controller::class.':ui_settings');
return null;
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
$EXT_CONF['paperless'] = array(
'title' => 'Extents the RestAPI with method for Paperless',
'description' => 'This extension adds additional routes to make it behave like a paperless server',
'disable' => false,
'version' => '1.0.0',
'releasedate' => '2022-12-07',
'author' => array('name'=>'Uwe Steinmann', 'email'=>'uwe@steinmann.cx', 'company'=>'MMK GmbH'),
'config' => array(
'rootfolder' => array(
'title'=>'Folder used as root folder',
'help'=>'This is the folder used as the base folder. Uploaded documents will be saved in this folder and all documents listed will result in fulltext search below this folder.',
'usehomefolder' => array(
'title'=>'Use the home folder as root folder',
'help'=>"Enable, if the user's home folder shall be used instead of the configured root folder.",
'jwtsecret' => array(
'title'=>'Secret for JSON Web Token',
'help'=>'This is used for creating a token which is needed to authenticate by token',
'inboxtags' => array(
'title'=>'Categories treated as inbox tag',
'help'=>'These categories are marked as inbox tag when the list of tags is retrieved.',
'constraints' => array(
'depends' => array('php' => '5.6.40-', 'seeddms' => array('5.1.29-5.1.99', '6.0.22-6.0.99')),
'icon' => 'icon.svg',
'changelog' => 'changelog.md',
'class' => array(
'file' => 'class.paperless.php',
'name' => 'SeedDMS_ExtPaperless'
'language' => array(
'file' => 'lang.php',
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 22 22"><path d="m13.555 1043.83h-.927v-2.473c0-.68-.556-1.236-1.236-1.236h-2.472v-.927c0-.865-.68-1.545-1.545-1.545-.865 0-1.545.68-1.545 1.545v.927h-2.472c-.68 0-1.236.556-1.236 1.236v2.349h.927c.927 0 1.669.742 1.669 1.669 0 .927-.742 1.669-1.669 1.669h-.927v2.349c0 .68.556 1.236 1.236 1.236h2.349v-.927c0-.927.742-1.669 1.669-1.669.927 0 1.669.742 1.669 1.669v.927h2.349c.68 0 1.236-.556 1.236-1.236v-2.472h.927c.865 0 1.545-.68 1.545-1.545 0-.865-.68-1.545-1.545-1.545" fill="#4d4d4d" transform="matrix(1.23265 0 0 1.23264.397-1276.05)"/></svg>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 602 B |
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$__lang['en_GB'] = array(
'paperless_upload_succeded'=>'Upload succeded',
'paperless_upload_failed'=>'Upload failed',
'paperless_missing_target_folder'=>'Missing target folder',
$__lang['de_DE'] = array(
'paperless_upload_succeded'=>'Erfolgreich hochgeladen',
'paperless_upload_failed'=>'Hochladen fehlgeschlagen',
'paperless_missing_target_folder'=>'Zielordner nicht vorhanden',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user