'Extents the RestAPI with method for Paperless', 'description' => 'This extension adds additional routes to make it behave like a paperless server. Just use the regular paperless apps, .e.g paperless mobile to access SeedDMS.', 'disable' => false, 'version' => '1.0.0', 'releasedate' => '2023-01-05', 'author' => array('name'=>'Uwe Steinmann', 'email'=>'uwe@steinmann.cx', 'company'=>'MMK GmbH'), 'config' => array( 'rootfolder' => array( 'title'=>'Folder used as root folder', 'help'=>'This is the folder used as the base folder. Documens not below this folder will be not shown by the papeerless mobile app. Uploaded documents will be saved into this folder, unless the dedicated upload folder is set.', 'type'=>'select', 'internal'=>'folders', ), 'usehomefolder' => array( 'title'=>'Use the home folder as root folder', 'type'=>'checkbox', 'help'=>"Enable, if the user's home folder shall be used instead of the configured root folder.", ), 'uploadfolder' => array( 'title'=>'Folder where new documents are uploaded', 'help'=>'This is the folder where new documents will be uploaded by the paperless mobile app.', 'type'=>'select', 'internal'=>'folders', ), 'jwtsecret' => array( 'title'=>'Secret for JSON Web Token', 'help'=>'This is used for creating a token which is needed to authenticate by token', 'type'=>'password', ), 'tokenlivetime' => array( 'title'=>'Days before token expires', 'help'=>'If token based authentication is used, this is the time before the token expires. Once it has expired the user has to log in again.', 'type'=>'numeric', ), 'inboxtags' => array( 'title'=>'Categories treated as inbox tag', 'help'=>'These categories are marked as inbox tag when the list of tags is retrieved.', 'type'=>'select', 'multiple'=>true, 'internal'=>'categories', 'allow_empty'=>true, ), ), 'constraints' => array( 'depends' => array('php' => '7.4.0-', 'seeddms' => array('5.1.29-5.1.99', '6.0.22-6.0.99')), ), 'icon' => 'icon.svg', 'changelog' => 'changelog.md', 'class' => array( 'file' => 'class.paperless.php', 'name' => 'SeedDMS_ExtPaperless' ), 'language' => array( 'file' => 'lang.php', ), ); ?>