Update wprest.php

This commit is contained in:
Namhyeon Go 2019-01-05 16:08:48 +09:00 committed by GitHub
parent f2392e8e86
commit 72070bf805
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -1,212 +1,354 @@
* @file wprest.php
* @date 2018-03-14
* @file storage.php
* @date 2018-05-27
* @author Go Namhyeon <gnh1201@gmail.com>
* @brief Wordpress Rest API helper
* @brief Stroage module for ReasonableFramework
if(!function_exists("get_wp_posts")) {
function get_wp_posts($wp_server_url) {
$results = array();
if(!function_exists("get_current_working_dir")) {
function get_current_working_dir($method="getcwd") {
$working_dir = "";
$posts = parse_wp_posts($wp_server_url);
$url_res = parse_url($wp_server_url);
$origin = $url_res['host'];
foreach($posts as $post) {
$title = $post['title'];
$content = $post['content'];
$link = $post['link'];
$object_id = $post['id'];
$new_message = get_wp_new_message($title, $content, $link);
$alt_message = get_wp_new_message($title, $content);
$results[] = array(
"origin" => $origin,
"title" => $title,
"content" => $content,
"link" => $link,
"message" => $new_message,
"alt_message" => $alt_message,
"object_id" => $object_id,
"hash_title" => get_hashed_text($title),
"hash_content" => get_hashed_text($content),
"hash_link" => get_hashed_text($link),
"hash_message" => get_hashed_text($new_message),
"hash_alt_message" => get_hashed_text($alt_message)
return $results;
if(!function_exists("parse_wp_posts")) {
function parse_wp_posts($wp_server_url) {
$rest_no_route = false;
$posts = array();
$results = array();
$response = get_web_json($wp_server_url, "get", array(
"rest_route" => "/wp/v2/posts/"
$code = get_value_in_object("code", $response);
if($code === "rest_no_route") {
$rest_no_route = true;
$response = get_web_xml($wp_server_url, "get", array(
"feed" => "rss2"
if($rest_no_route === false) {
$posts = $response;
foreach($posts as $post) {
$results[] = array(
"title" => get_clean_xss($post->title->rendered, 1),
"content" => get_clean_xss($post->content->rendered, 1),
"link" => get_clean_xss($post->guid->rendered, 1),
"id" => $post->id,
} else {
$posts = $response->channel->item;
foreach($posts as $post) {
$post_link = get_clean_xss($post->link);
$post_link_paths = array_filter(explode("/", $post_link), "strlen");
$results[] = array(
"title" => get_clean_xss($post->title),
"content" => get_clean_xss($post->description),
"link" => $post_link,
"id" => end($post_link_paths),
return $results;
if(!function_exists("get_wp_new_message")) {
function get_wp_new_message($title, $content, $link="") {
$new_message = "";
$clean_title = get_clean_text($title);
$clean_content = get_clean_text($content);
$clean_llnk = get_clean_text($link);
$message = $clean_title . " \n" . $clean_content;
$words = explode(' ', $message);
$words_choice = array_slice($words, 0, 30);
$new_message = trim(implode(' ', $words_choice));
if(!empty($clean_llnk)) {
$new_message .= " " . $clean_llnk;
return $new_message;
if(!function_exists("authenticate_wp")) {
function authenticate_wp($wp_server_url, $client_id, $client_secret, $route="", $code="", $scope="basic", $state="") {
$flag = false;
$wp_access_token = get_session("wp_access_token");
$result = array(
"redirect_uri" => false,
"response" => false
if(empty($wp_access_token)) {
if(empty($code)) {
// step 1
$redirect_uri = get_web_build_qs($wp_server_url . "/oauth/authorize", array(
"client_id" => $client_id,
"redirect_uri" => get_route_link($route),
"response_type" => "code",
"scope" => $scope,
"state" => $state
$result['redirect_uri'] = $redirect_uri;
} else {
// step 2
$response = get_web_json($wp_server_url . "/oauth/token/", "jsondata", array(
"headers" => array(
"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization" => sprintf("Basic %s", base64_encode($client_id . ":" . $client_secret))
"data" => array(
"grant_type" => "authorization_code",
"code" => $code,
"client_id" => $client_id,
"client_secret" => $client_secret,
"redirect_uri" => get_route_link($route),
"state" => $state
// store access token to session
set_session("wp_access_token", $response->access_token);
set_session("wp_expires_in", $response->expires_in);
set_session("wp_token_type", $response->token_type);
set_session("wp_scope", $response->scope);
set_session("refresh_token", $response->refresh_token);
// store respose to result
$result['redirect_uri'] = get_route_link($route);
$result['response'] = $response;
switch($method) {
case "getcwd":
$working_dir = getcwd();
case "dirname":
$working_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
case "basename":
$working_dir = basename(__DIR__);
case "unix":
if(loadHelper("exectool")) {
$working_dir = exec_command("pwd");
case "windows":
if(loadHelper("exectool")) {
$exec_contents = implode("\r\n", array("@echo off", "SET var=%cd%", "ECHO %var%"));
$exec_file = write_storage_file($exec_contents, array(
"filename" => "pwd.bat"
$working_dir = exec_command($exec_file);
if(!array_key_empty("redirect_uri", $result)) {
return $working_dir;
if(!function_exists("get_storage_dir")) {
function get_storage_dir() {
return "storage";
if(!function_exists("get_storage_path")) {
function get_storage_path($type="data") {
$dir_path = sprintf("./%s/%s", get_storage_dir(), $type);
if(!is_dir($dir_path)) {
if(!@mkdir($dir_path, 0777)) {
set_error("can not create directory. " . $dir_path);
return $dir_path;
if(!function_exists("get_storage_url")) {
function get_storage_url($type="data") {
return sprintf("%s%s/%s", base_url(), get_storage_dir(), $type);
if(!function_exists("move_uploaded_file_to_storage")) {
function move_uploaded_file_to_stroage($options=array()) {
$response = array(
"files" => array()
$requests = get_requests();
$files = $requests['_FILES'];
$storage_type = get_value_in_array("storage_type", $options, "data");
$upload_base_path = get_storage_path($storage_type);
$upload_base_url = get_storage_url($storage_type);
if(!array_key_empty("only_image", $options)) {
$upload_allow_ext = array(
"png", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif"
} elseif(!array_key_empty("only_docs", $options)) {
$upload_allow_ext = array(
"png", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif",
"xls", "ppt", "doc", "xlsx", "pptx",
"docx", "odt", "odp", "ods", "xlsm",
"tiff", "pdf", "xlsm"
} elseif(!array_key_empty("only_audio", $options)) {
$upload_allow_ext = array(
"mp3", "ogg", "m4a", "wma", "wav"
} else {
$upload_allow_ext = array();
foreach($files as $k=>$file) {
$upload_ext = get_file_extension($files[$k]['name']);
$upload_name = make_random_id(32) . (empty($upload_ext) ? "" : "." . $upload_ext);
$upload_file = $upload_base_path . "/" . $upload_name;
$upload_url = $upload_base_url . "/" . $upload_name;
if(count($upload_allow_ext) == 0 || in_array($upload_ext, $upload_allow_ext)) {
if(move_uploaded_file($files[$k]['tmp_name'], $upload_file)) {
$response['files'][$k] = array(
"storage_type" => $storage_type,
"upload_ext" => $upload_ext,
"upload_name" => $upload_name,
"upload_file" => $upload_file,
"upload_url" => $upload_url,
"upload_error" => ""
} else {
$response['files'][$k] = array(
"upload_error" => "File write error."
} else {
$flag = true;
$response['files'][$k] = array(
"upload_error" => "Not allowed file type."
return $result;
if(!function_exists("write_wp_post")) {
function write_wp_post($wp_server_url, $access_token, $data=array()) {
$default_data = array(
"title" => "Untitled",
"content" => "insert your content",
"author" => 2,
"status" => "publish",
"categories" => ""
foreach($data as $k=>$v) {
$default_data[$k] = $v;
$response = get_web_json(get_web_build_qs($wp_server_url, array(
"rest_route" => "/wp/v2/posts"
)), "jsondata", array(
"headers" => array(
"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization" => "Bearer " . $access_token
"data" => $default_data
return $response;
return $response['files'];
if(!function_exists("get_wp_categories")) {
function get_wp_categories($wp_server_url, $access_token) {
$response = get_web_json(get_web_build_qs($wp_server_url, array(
"rest_route" => "/wp/v2/categories"
)), "get");
if(!function_exists("read_storage_file")) {
function read_storage_file($filename, $options=array()) {
$result = false;
return $response;
$storage_type = get_value_in_array("storage_type", $options, "data");
$upload_base_path = get_storage_path($storage_type);
$upload_base_url = get_storage_url($storage_type);
$upload_filename = $upload_base_path . "/" . $filename;
if(file_exists($upload_filename)) {
$upload_filesize = filesize($upload_filename);
if($upload_filesize > 0) {
if($fhandle = fopen($upload_filename, "r")) {
$result = fread($fhandle, filesize($upload_filename));
if(!array_key_empty("encode_base64", $options)) {
$result = base64_encode($result);
if(!array_key_empty("format", $options)) {
if(loadHelper("webpagetool")) {
if($options['format'] == "json") {
$result = get_parsed_json($result, array("stdClass" => true));
} elseif($options['format'] == "xml") {
$result = get_parsed_xml($result);
} elseif($options['format'] == "dom") {
$result = get_parsed_dom($result);
} else {
$result = "";
return $result;
if(!function_exists("iterate_storage_files")) {
function iterate_storage_files($storage_type, $options=array()) {
$filenames = array();
$excludes = array(".", "..");
$storage_path = get_storage_path($type);
if(is_dir($storage_path)) {
if($handle = opendir($storage_path)) {
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if(!in_array($file, $excludes)) {
$filenames[] = $file;
return $filenames;
if(!function_exists("remove_storage_file")) {
function remove_storage_file($filename, $options=array()) {
$result = false;
$storage_type = get_value_in_array("storage_type", $options, "data");
$upload_base_path = get_storage_path($storage_type);
$upload_base_url = get_storage_url($storage_type);
$upload_filename = $upload_base_path . "/" . $filename;
// add option: encryption
$encryption = get_value_in_array("encryption", $options, "");
if(!empty($encryption)) {
if(!loadHelper("encryptiontool")) {
$encryption = "";
if(file_exists($upload_filename)) {
if(!array_key_empty("chmod", $options)) {
@chmod($upload_filename, $options['chmod']);
if(!array_key_empty("chown", $options)) {
@chown($upload_filename, $options['chown']);
if(!array_key_empty("shell", $options)) {
if(loadHelper("exectool")) {
$exec_cmd = ($options['shell'] == "windows") ? "del '%s'" : "rm -f '%s'";
exec_command(sprintf($exec_cmd, make_safe_argument($upload_filename)));
} else {
$result = !file_exists($upload_filename);
return $result;
if(!function_exists("write_storage_file")) {
function write_storage_file($data, $options=array()) {
$result = false;
$filename = get_value_in_array("filename", $options, make_random_id(32));
$storage_type = get_value_in_array("storage_type", $options, "data");
$mode = get_value_in_array("mode", $options, "w");
$upload_base_path = get_storage_path($storage_type);
$upload_base_url = get_storage_url($storage_type);
$upload_filename = $upload_base_path . "/" . $filename;
// add option: encryption
$encryption = get_value_in_array("encryption", $options, "");
if(!empty($encryption)) {
if(!loadHelper("encryptiontool")) {
$encryption = "";
if(file_exists($upload_filename) && in_array($mode, array("fake", "w"))) {
if(!array_key_empty("filename", $options)) {
$result = $upload_filename;
} else {
$result = write_storage_file($data, $options);
} else {
if($mode == "fake") {
$result = $upload_filename;
} elseif($fhandle = fopen($upload_filename, $mode)) {
if(fwrite($fhandle, $data)) {
$result = $upload_filename;
if(!array_key_empty("chmod", $options)) {
@chmod($result, $options['chmod']);
if(!array_key_empty("chown", $options)) {
@chown($result, $options['chown']);
} else {
set_error("maybe, your storage is write-protected. " . $upload_filename);
if(array_key_equals("basename", $options, true)) {
$result = basename($result);
return $result;
if(!function_exists("get_real_path")) {
function get_real_path($file) {
return file_exists($file) ? realpath($file) : false;
if(!function_exists("retrieve_storage_files")) {
function retrieve_storage_files($type, $recursive=false, $excludes=array(".", ".."), $files=array()) {
$storage_path = get_storage_path($type);
if(is_dir($storage_path)) {
if($handle = opendir($storage_path)) {
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if(!in_array($file, $excludes)) {
$file_path = $storage_path . "/" . $file;
if(is_file($file_path)) {
$files[] = $file_path;
} elseif($recursive) {
$files = retrieve_storage_dir($type . "/" . $file, $recursive, $excludes, $files);
return $files;
if(!function_exists("get_file_extension")) {
function get_file_extension($file, $options=array()) {
$result = false;
// option 'multiple': extension a.b.c.d.f...z
if(array_key_equals("multiple", $options, true)) {
$name = basename($file);
$pos = strpos($name, '.');
$result = substr($name, $pos + 1);
} else {
$result = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
return $result;
if(!function_exists("check_file_extension")) {
function check_file_extension($file, $extension, $options=array()) {
return (get_file_extension($file, $options) === $extension);
if(!function_exists("get_file_name")) {
function get_file_name($name, $extension="", $basepath="") {
$result = "";
$result .= empty($basepath) ? "" : ($name . "/");
$result .= $name;
$result .= empty($extension) ? "" : ("." . $extension);
return $result;