# ReasonableFramework ![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/359930650330923008.svg) ![View Licence](https://img.shields.io/github/license/gnh1201/reasonableframework.svg) ![Librapay](http://img.shields.io/liberapay/receives/catswords.svg?logo=liberapay) - ReasonableFramework is `RVHM` structured PHP Web Framework, Securely, Compatibility. - Prefix code: `RSF` (ReasonableFramework) - Old prefix code `VSPF` (Very Simple PHP Framework) ## Donate us (or if you need technical support) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/25380536 ## Specification - Database connection (via PDO, MySQLi (MySQL Improved), MySQL Tranditional, MySQL CLI, Oracle(OCI)) - RVHM Structure: `R` is Route (like as `controller`), `V` is View, `H` is Helper (like as `import` on Python/Go/NodeJS), `M` is Model and implemented with `KV bind`(like as `Map` data structure), Model is not required. - AppJail(Experimental): Load a legacy PHP applications on the jailed area without modifying the source code. ## Compatible - Tested in PHP 5.3.3 - Tested in PHP 7.x ## How to use - Extract or clone this project to your (restrictive) shared web hosting. - You can intergrate all of PHP projects (linear, modular (ex. `autoloader`), or others) without complicated extensions. - You can write your code and rewrite by `route` parameter without heavy framework. (like as `controller`) - You can add your custom `ini.php` configuration file in `config` directory. - Enjoy it! ## Map of structure ![Map of structure](https://github.com/gnh1201/reasonableframework/raw/master/assets/img/reasonableframework.jpg) ## Roadmap: Support legacy - Support critical legacy web server (old: PHP 4.x ~ modern: 7.x) - Support critical old browser (old: IE 6 ~ modern: IE 11) - Do Clean & Modern PHP without hard studies. ## Contact me - Go Namhyeon - Website: https://exts.kr/go/home ## Quick Start 1. git clone https://github.com/gnh1201/reasonableframework.git 2. set up database configuration: `/storage/config/database.ini.php` 3. touch(make new file): `/route/example.php` 4. go to `http://[base_url]/?route=example` or `http://[base_url]/example/`(if set `.htaccess`) in your web browser. 5. enjoy it. ## Examples - [REST API Integration (Naver Papago Translation REST API)](https://gist.github.com/gnh1201/081484e6f5e10bd3be819093ba5f49c8) - [Payment Gateway Integration (KCP)](https://github.com/gnh1201/reasonableframework/blob/master/route/orderpay.pgkcp.php) - [Gnuboard CMS Integration (version 4, version 5)](https://github.com/gnh1201/reasonableframework/blob/master/route/api.gnuboard.php) ## [NEW] Advanced security (only for sponsors) - CORS, CSRF, XSS, SQL-injection protection is common security, it is free and open-source for everyone. - Firewall, DDoS protection, and more tools are available only for sponsors. [see details](https://github.com/gnh1201/reasonableframework/blob/master/SECURITY.md) ## How to use CLI ``` $ php cli.php --route [route name] ``` ## 한국어(Korean) - Resonable PHP Framework(이유있는 PHP 프레임워크)는 한국의 웹 개발 환경에 적합한 PHP 프레임워크입니다. - 일부 북미, 유럽권 무료 웹 호스팅에서도 안정적인 운영이 가능합니다. - Composer를 포함한 별도의 개발 보조 도구, PHP 플러그인, PHP 프레임워크가 사용 불가능한 환경에 적합합니다. - 개발 팀원을 대상으로 객체지향(OOP) 교육이 이루어지지 않아도, 그에 준하는 생존주기(Life cycle)를 보장합니다. - Resonable PHP Framework는 CSRF, XSS, SQL Injection 보안 조치를 기본적으로 가지고 있습니다. - 한국에서 사용되는 각종 CMS와 API와 연동되어 한국 환경에서 사용 빈도가 높은 구현 유형을 작성하는데 적합합니다. - RVHM 구조는 MVC 구조와 함께 사용하실 수 있으며, 기존 개발 스킬로도 사용할 수 있도록 더 유연한 구조를 가집니다. - 공식 카카오톡 오픈채팅방: 캐스플릿&리즈너블 사용자 모임 https://open.kakao.com/o/g9spGfrb ## English - It is stable in free web hosting, or other restrictive shared web hosting. - Ideal for environments where separate development aids, including Composer, PHP extensions, and the famous PHP framework are not available. - Ensures a life-cycle similar to that of an object-oriented programming (OOP) level without trained developers. - The Reasonable PHP Framework has CSRF, XSS, and SQL Injection security protection as defaults. - Compatible with various CMS and API used with REST API, it is suitable to create implementation type that is frequently used in various environment. - RVHM structure can be used with MVC structure, and has more flexible structure to use as existing development skill.