#!/bin/php -q * @brief ReasonableFramework CLI mode * @cvs http://github.com/gnh1201/reasonableframework */ define("_DEF_VSPF_", true); // compatible to VSPF define("_DEF_RSF_", true); // compatible to RSF define("APP_DEVELOPMENT", false); // set the status of development define("DOC_EOL", "\r\n"); // set the 'end of line' // development mode if(APP_DEVELOPMENT == true) { error_reporting(E_ALL); @ini_set("log_errors", 1); @ini_set("error_log", sprintf("%s/storage/sandbox/logs/error.log", getcwd())); } else { error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); } @ini_set("display_errors", 1); // set shared vars $shared_vars = array(); // define system modules $load_systems = array("base", "storage", "config", "security", "database", "uri", "logger"); // load system modules foreach($load_systems as $system_name) { $system_inc_file = "./system/" . $system_name . ".php"; if(file_exists($system_inc_file)) { if($system_name == "base") { include($system_inc_file); register_loaded("system", $system_inc_file); } else { loadModule($system_name); } } else { echo "ERROR: Dose not exists " . $system_inc_file; exit; } } // get config $config = get_config(); // set max_execution_time $max_execution_time = get_value_in_array("max_execution_time", $config, 0); @ini_set("max_execution_time", $max_execution_time); //@set_time_limit($max_execution_time); // set memory limit $memory_limit = get_value_in_array("memory_limit", $config, ""); if(!empty($memory_limit)) { @ini_set("memory_limit", $memory_limit); @ini_set("suhosin.memory_limit", $memory_limit); } // autoload module if(!array_key_empty("enable_autoload", $config)) { set_autoloader(); } // set timezone $default_timezone = get_value_in_array("timezone", $config, "UTC"); date_default_timezone_set($default_timezone); // set default route $route = "welcome"; // set arguments of command line $opts = setopt("r::h::", array("route::", "host::")); set_shared_var("route", $opts['route']); set_shared_var("host", $opts['host']); // load route if(empty($route)) { $route = get_value_in_array("default_route", $config, "welcome"); } else { $route_names = explode('/', $route); if(count($route_names) > 1) { $route = $route_names[0]; } } // load route file if(!loadRoute($route, $shared_vars)) { loadRoute("errors/404", $shared_vars); }