2019-04-15 15:08:35 +09:00

569 lines
13 KiB

* @file database.php
* @date 2018-04-13
* @author Go Namhyeon <>
* @brief Database module
if(!check_function_exists("get_db_driver")) {
function get_db_driver() {
$config = get_config();
return get_value_in_array("db_driver", $config, false);
if(!check_function_exists("check_db_driver")) {
function check_db_driver($db_driver) {
return (get_db_driver() == $db_driver);
if(!check_function_exists("get_db_connect")) {
function get_db_connect($a=3, $b=0) {
$conn = false;
$config = get_config();
$db_driver = get_db_driver();
if(in_array($db_driver, array("mysql", "mysql.pdo"))) {
try {
$conn = new PDO(
//$conn->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
} catch(Exception $e) {
if($b > $a) {
} else {
$conn = get_db_connect($a, $b);
} elseif(loadHelper("database.alt")) {
$conn = call_user_func("get_db_alt_connect", $db_driver);
return $conn;
if(!check_function_exists("exec_stmt_query")) {
function exec_stmt_query($sql, $bind=array()) {
$stmt = get_db_stmt($sql, $bind);
return $stmt;
if(!check_function_exists("get_dbc_object")) {
function get_dbc_object($renew=false) {
$dbc = get_scope("dbc");
if($renew) {
set_scope("dbc", get_db_connect());
return get_scope("dbc");
// 2018-08-19: support lower php version (not supported anonymous function)
if(!function_exists("compare_db_key_length")) {
function compare_db_key_length($a, $b) {
return strlen($b) - strlen($a);
if(!function_exists("get_db_binded_sql")) {
function get_db_binded_sql($sql, $bind) {
if(count($bind) > 0) {
$bind_keys = array_keys($bind);
// 2018-08-19: support lower php version (not supported anonymous function)
usort($bind_keys, "compare_db_key_length");
foreach($bind_keys as $k) {
$sql = str_replace(":" . $k, "'" . addslashes($bind[$k]) . "'", $sql);
return $sql;
// todo: the new parameter binding method
if(!check_function_exists("get_db_binded_param")) {
function get_db_binded_param($exp, $bind) {
foreach($bind as $k=>$v) {
if($exp == sprintf(":%s", $k)) {
$exp = make_safe_argument($v);
return $exp;
if(!check_function_exists("get_db_binded_sql")) {
function get_db_binded_sql($sql, $bind) {
$binded_sql = false;
if(loadHelper("string.utils")) {
$exps = multi_str_split($sql, array(" ", "=", ">", "<", "(", ")", "\r", "\n", "\t"));
foreach($exps as $k=>$v) {
$exps[$k] = get_db_binded_param($v, $bind);
$binded_sql = implode("", $exps);
return $binded_sql;
if(!check_function_exists("get_db_stmt")) {
function get_db_stmt($sql, $bind=array(), $bind_pdo=false, $show_sql=false) {
$sql = !$bind_pdo ? get_db_binded_sql($sql, $bind) : $sql;
$stmt = get_dbc_object()->prepare($sql);
if($show_sql) {
set_error($sql, "DATABASE-SQL");
// bind parameter by PDO statement
if($bind_pdo) {
if(count($bind) > 0) {
foreach($bind as $k=>$v) {
$stmt->bindParam(':' . $k, $v);
return $stmt;
if(!check_function_exists("get_db_last_id")) {
function get_db_last_id() {
$last_id = false;
$dbc = get_dbc_object();
$config = get_config();
$db_driver = get_db_driver();
if(in_array($db_driver, array("mysql", "mysql.pdo"))) {
$last_id = $dbc->lastInsertId();
} elseif(loadHelper("database.dbt")) {
$last_id = call_user_func("get_db_alt_last_id", $db_driver);
return $last_id;
if(!check_function_exists("exec_db_query")) {
function exec_db_query($sql, $bind=array(), $options=array()) {
$dbc = get_dbc_object();
$validOptions = array();
$optionAvailables = array("is_check_count", "is_commit", "display_error", "show_debug", "show_sql");
foreach($optionAvailables as $opt) {
if(!array_key_empty($opt, $options)) {
$validOptions[$opt] = $options[$opt];
} else {
$validOptions[$opt] = false;
$flag = false;
$is_insert_with_bind = false;
$sql_terms = explode(" ", $sql);
if($sql_terms[0] == "insert") {
$stmt = get_db_stmt($sql);
if(count($bind) > 0) {
$is_insert_with_bind = true;
} else {
if($show_sql) {
$stmt = get_db_stmt($sql, $bind, false, true);
} else {
$stmt = get_db_stmt($sql, $bind);
if($is_commit) {
// execute statement (insert->execute(bind) or if not, sql->bind->execute)
$stmt_executed = $is_insert_with_bind ? $stmt->execute($bind) : $stmt->execute();
if($show_debug) {
if($display_error) {
$error_info = $stmt->errorInfo();
if(count($error_info) > 0) {
set_error(implode(" ", $error_info), "DATABASE-ERROR");
if($is_check_count == true) {
if($stmt_executed && $stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
$flag = true;
} else {
$flag = $stmt_executed;
if($is_commit) {
if($flag === false) {
set_error(get_hashed_text($sql), "DATABASE-QUERY-FAILURE");
return $flag;
if(!check_function_exists("exec_db_fetch_all")) {
function exec_db_fetch_all($sql, $bind=array(), $options=array()) {
$response = array();
$length = 0;
$is_not_countable = false;
$rows = array();
$stmt = get_db_stmt($sql, $bind);
if($stmt->execute() && $stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if(array_key_equals("do_count", $options, true)) {
$count_sql = sprintf("select count(*) as cnt from (%s) a", get_db_binded_sql($sql, $bind));
$count_data = exec_db_fetch($count_sql);
$length = get_value_in_array("cnt", $count_data, $length);
} elseif(array_key_equals("do_count", $options, "fn_count")) {
$length = count($rows);
} else {
$response = $rows;
$is_not_countable = true;
if(!$is_not_countable) {
$response = array(
"length" => $length,
"data" => $rows,
return $response;
if(!check_function_exists("exec_db_fetch")) {
function exec_db_fetch($sql, $bind=array(), $start=0, $bind_limit=false) {
$fetched = NULL;
$rows = array();
if($bind_limit == true) {
$sql = $sql . " limit 1";
$rows = exec_db_fetch_all($sql, $bind);
if(count($rows) > $start) {
$idx = 0;
foreach($rows as $row) {
if($idx >= $start) {
$fetched = $row;
return $fetched;
if(!check_function_exists("get_page_range")) {
function get_page_range($page=1, $limit=16) {
$append_sql = "";
if($page < 1) {
$page = 1;
if($limit > 0) {
$record_start = ($page - 1) * $limit;
$number_of_records = $limit;
$append_sql .= sprintf(" limit %s, %s", $record_start, $number_of_records);
return $append_sql;
if(!check_function_exists("get_bind_to_sql_insert")) {
function get_bind_to_sql_insert($tablename, $bind) {
$bind_keys = array_keys($bind);
$sql = "insert into %s (%s) values (:%s)";
$s1 = $tablename;
$s2 = implode(", ", $bind_keys);
$s3 = implode(", :", $bind_keys);
$sql = sprintf($sql, $s1, $s2, $s3);
return $sql;
if(!check_function_exists("get_bind_to_sql_where")) {
// warning: variable k is not protected. do not use variable k and external variable without filter
function get_bind_to_sql_where($bind, $excludes=array()) {
$sql_where = "";
foreach($bind as $k=>$v) {
if(!in_array($k, $excludes)) {
$sql_where .= sprintf(" and %s = :%s", $k, $k);
return $sql_where;
if(!check_function_exists("get_bind_to_sql_update_set")) {
// warning: variable k is not protected. do not use variable k and external variable without filter
function get_bind_to_sql_update_set($bind, $excludes=array()) {
$sql_update_set = "";
$set_items = "";
foreach($bind as $k=>$v) {
if(!in_array($k, $excludes)) {
$set_items[] = sprintf("%s = :%s", $k, $k);
$sql_update_set = implode(", ", $set_items);
return $sql_update_set;
if(!check_function_exists("get_bind_to_sql_select")) {
// warning: variable k is not protected. do not use variable k and external variable without filter
function get_bind_to_sql_select($tablename, $bind=array(), $options=array()) {
$sql = "select %s from %s where 1 %s %s %s";
// s1: select fields
$s1 = "";
if(!array_key_empty("fieldnames", $options)) {
$s1 .= (count($options['fieldnames']) > 0) ? implode(", ", $options['fieldnames']) : "*";
} elseif(array_key_equals("getcnt", $options, true)) {
$s1 .= "count(*) as cnt";
} elseif(!array_key_empty("getsum", $options)) {
$s1 .= sprintf("sum(%s) as sum", $options['getsum']);
// s2: set table name
$s2 = "";
if(!empty($tablename)) {
$s2 .= $tablename;
} else {
set_error("tablename can not empty");
// s3: fields of where clause
$s3 = get_bind_to_sql_where($bind);
if(!array_keys_empty(array("settimefield", "setminutes"), $options)) {
$s3 .= get_bind_to_sql_past_minutes($options['settimefield'], $options['setminutes']);
if(!array_key_empty("setwheres", $options)) {
if(is_array($options['setwheres'])) {
foreach($options['setwheres'] as $opts) {
if(check_is_string_not_array($opts)) {
$s3 .= sprintf(" and (%s)", $opts);
} elseif(count($opts) == 3 && is_array($opts[2])) {
$s3 .= sprintf(" %s (%s)", $opts[0], get_db_binded_sql($opts[1], $opts[2]));
} elseif(count($opts) == 2) {
$s3 .= sprintf(" %s (%s)", $opts[0], $opts[1]);
// s4: set orders
$s4 = "";
$s4a = array();
if(!array_key_empty("setorders", $options)) {
if(is_array($options['setorders'])) {
$s4 .= "order by ";
foreach($options['setorders'] as $opts) {
if(check_is_string_not_array($opts)) {
$s4a[] = $opts;
} elseif(check_array_length($opts, 2) == 0)) {
// example: array("desc", "datetime")
$s4a[] = sprintf("%s %s", $opts[1], $opts[0]);
$s4 .= implode(", ", $s4a);
// s5: set page and limit
$s5 = "";
if(!array_keys_empty(array("setpage", "setlimit"), $options)) {
$s5 .= get_page_range($options['setpage'], $options['setlimit']);
// sql: make completed sql
$sql = sprintf($sql, $s1, $s2, $s3, $s4, $s5);
return $sql;
if(!check_function_exists("get_bind_to_sql_update")) {
function get_bind_to_sql_update($tablename, $bind, $filters=array(), $options=array()) {
// process filters
$excludes = array();
$bind_wheres = array();
foreach($bind as $k=>$v) {
if(!array_key_empty($k, $filters)) {
if($filters[$k] === true) {
$bind_wheres[$k] = $v;
$excludes[] = $k;
} else {
$bind_wheres[$k] = $filters[$k];
// make sql 'where' clause
$sql_where = get_db_binded_sql(get_bind_to_sql_where($bind_wheres), $bind_wheres);
if(!array_key_empty("sql_where", $options)) {
$sql_where .= $options['sql_where'];
// make sql 'update set' clause
$sql_update_set = get_bind_to_sql_update_set($bind, $excludes);
// make completed sql statement
$sql = sprintf("update %s set %s where 1 %s", $tablename, $sql_update_set, $sql_where);
return $sql;
if(!check_function_exists("get_bind_to_sql_delete")) {
function get_bind_to_sql_delete($tablename, $bind, $options=array()) {
$sql = "delete from %s where 1" . get_bind_to_sql_where($bind);
return $sql;
if(!check_function_exists("get_bind_to_sql_past_minutes")) {
function get_bind_to_sql_past_minutes($fieldname, $minutes=5) {
$sql_past_minutes = "";
if($minutes > 0) {
$sql_past_minutes = sprintf(" and %s > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL %d MINUTE)", $fieldname, $minutes);
return $sql_past_minutes;
// SQL eXtensible
if(!check_function_exists("get_bind_to_sqlx")) {
function get_bind_to_sqlx($filename, $bind, $options=array()) {
$result = false;
$sql = read_storage_file(get_file_name($filename, "sqlx"), array(
"storage_type" => "sqlx"
if(!empty($sql)) {
$result = get_db_binded_sql($sql, $bind);
return $result;
// alias sql_query from exec_db_query
if(!check_function_exists("sql_query")) {
function sql_query($sql, $bind=array(), $options=array()) {
return exec_db_query($sql, $bind, $options);
// get timediff
if(!check_function_exists("get_timediff_on_query")) {
function get_timediff_on_query($a, $b) {
$dt = 0;
$sql = "select timediff(:a, :b) as dt";
$bind = array(
"a" => $a,
"b" => $b
$row = exec_db_fetch($sql, $bind);
$dt = get_value_in_array("dt", $row, $dt);
return $dt;
// get assoc from json raw data
if(!check_function_exists("json_decode_to_assoc")) {
function json_decode_to_assoc($data) {
$result = array();
$invalid_fn = array(
"NO_FUNCTION_JSON_DECODE" => "json_decode",
"NO_FUNCTION_JSON_LAST_ERROR" => "json_last_error",
$error = check_invaild_function($invalid_fn);
if($error < 0) {
$obj = @json_decode($data, true);
$result = (@json_last_error() === 0) ? $obj : $result;
return $result;
// close db connection
if(!check_function_exists("close_db_connect")) {
function close_db_connect() {
$dbc = get_scope("dbc");
set_scope("dbc", null);
// set scope dbc
set_scope("dbc", get_db_connect());