
288 lines
4.1 KiB

JavaScript loader. Load a sequence of JavaScript files using individual
SCRIPT elements, or concatenated, with or without a wrapper function (to keep
variables out of the global scope) and with or without a SCRIPT element wrapper
(with for an internal script, without for external).
Copyright © 2012 Jesse McCarthy <>
This software may be used under the MIT (aka X11) license or
Simplified BSD (aka FreeBSD) license. See LICENSE.
* JavaScript loader.
* @version 0.5.0
class JSLoader {
* @property array $cfg Config parameters.
* bool concat Concatenate scripts.
* bool function_wrapper Wrap in function to keep out of global scope.
protected $cfg = array();
/// array Scripts to be processed.
protected $scripts = array();
/// string Generated output.
protected $output;
* Constructor.
* @param array $cfg Configuration parameters.
* @return void
public function __construct( $cfg = array() ) {
$this->cfg = array_merge( $this->get_default_cfg(), $cfg );
// __construct
protected function get_default_cfg() {
$default_cfg = array(
'file_system_path' => "./",
'concat' => false,
'function_wrapper' => false,
'indent_string' => " ",
// False for an external script or for concatenating output from multiple
// instances.
'script_wrapper' => true,
'with_header' => true
return $default_cfg;
// get_default_cfg
public function parse_scripts( $scripts ) {
$scripts = explode( "\n", $scripts );
foreach ( $scripts as $script_i => &$script ) {
if (
! strlen( $script = trim( $script ) ) ||
$script[0] === "#"
) {
unset( $scripts[ $script_i ] );
// foreach
return $scripts;
// parse_scripts
* Set $this->scripts, replacing previous value.
* @param string|array $scripts New scripts.
* @param array $cfg Configuration parameters.
* @return void.
public function set_scripts( $scripts, $cfg = array() ) {
$default_cfg = array(
'add' => false
$cfg = array_merge( $default_cfg, $cfg );
if ( ! is_array( $scripts ) ) {
$scripts = $this->parse_scripts( $scripts );
// if
if ( ! $cfg[ 'add' ] ) {
$this->scripts = array();
// if
$this->scripts = array_merge( $this->scripts, $scripts );
// set_scripts
* Add to $this->scripts.
* @param string|array $scripts New scripts.
* @return void
public function add_scripts( $scripts ) {
$this->set_scripts( $scripts, array( 'add' => true ) );
// add_scripts
public function get_output() {
$scripts = $this->scripts ?: array();
if ( $this->cfg[ 'concat' ] ) {
foreach ( $scripts as &$script ) {
$file = $script;
$file = rtrim( $this->cfg[ 'file_system_path' ], "/" ) . "/{$file}";
$script = file_get_contents( $file );
// foreach
$scripts = join( "\n\n", $scripts );
if ( $this->cfg[ 'function_wrapper' ] ) {
// Indent script content.
$scripts = explode( "\n", $scripts );
foreach ( $scripts as &$line ) {
if ( $line !== "" ) {
$line = "{$this->cfg[ 'indent_string' ]}{$line}";
// foreach
$scripts = join( "\n", $scripts );
$scripts = <<<DOCHERE
( function () {
} )();
// if
if ( $this->cfg[ 'script_wrapper' ] ) {
$scripts = <<<DOCHERE
// if
elseif ( $this->cfg[ 'with_header' ] ) {
header( "Content-Type: text/javascript" );
// elseif
$scripts = array( $scripts );
// if
else {
foreach ( $scripts as &$script ) {
$script = <<<DOCHERE
<script src="{$script}"></script>
// foreach
// else
$this->output = join( "\n\n\n", $scripts );
return $this->output;
// get_output
// JSLoader