2020-12-26 03:14:02 +09:00

450 lines
12 KiB

* @file uri.php
* @created_on 2018-04-13
* @updated_on 2020-12-25
* @author Go Namhyeon <>
* @brief URI module
if(!is_fn("base_url")) {
function base_url() {
$base_url = "";
// 2020-12-25: #133 Add support 'X-Forwarded-Host' header
$forwarded_host = get_header_value("X-Forwarded-Host");
if(!empty($forwarded_host)) {
$base_url = sprintf("http://%s", $forwarded_host);
} else {
$base_url = get_config_value("base_url");
if(empty($base_url)) {
$base_url = sprintf("https://%s", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
return $base_url;
if(!is_fn("base_api_url")) {
function base_api_url() {
return get_config_value("base_api_url");
if(!is_fn("get_uri")) {
function get_uri() {
$requests = get_requests();
$uri = get_requested_value("_uri");
if(empty($uri)) {
$uri = $requests["_URI"];
return $uri;
if(!is_fn("read_route")) {
function read_route() {
$route = false;
$config = get_config();
$requests = get_requests();
// get base route
$base_route = get_value_in_array("base_route", $config, "/");
// get requested route
$route = get_requested_value("route");
// get route in URI
if(empty($route)) {
if(loadHelper("networktool")) {
$nevt = get_network_event();
$uri = $requests['_URI'];
if(strpos($uri, '?') !== false) {
$uri = substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, '?'));
if(strpos($uri, $base_route) == 0) {
$_routes = explode("/", substr($nevt['self'], strlen($base_route)));
foreach($_routes as $_route) {
if($_route != "index.php") {
$route = $_route;
// default route: welcome
if(empty($route)) {
$route = get_value_in_array("default_route", $config, "welcome");
return $route;
if(!is_fn("read_requests")) {
function read_requests($options=array()) {
$config = get_config();
// alternative to HTTPS
$https = strtolower(get_value_in_array("https", $config, ""));
if(strtoupper($https) == "JCRYPTION") {
if(loadHelper("jCryption.lnk")) {
// process requests
$requests = array(
"_ALL" => $_REQUEST,
"_POST" => $_POST,
"_GET" => $_GET,
"_URI" => get_value_in_array("REQUEST_URI", $_SERVER, false),
"_FILES" => get_array($_FILES),
"_RAW" => file_get_contents("php://input"),
"_JSON" => false,
"_SEAL" => false,
"_YAML" => false,
"_CSPT" => false,
"_SERVER" => array_map("make_safe_argument", get_array($_SERVER)),
"_HEADER" => getallheaders()
// check if json or serialized request
foreach(getallheaders() as $name=>$value) {
if($name == "Content-Type") {
$values = explode(";", $value);
if(in_array("application/json", $values)) {
$options['json'] = true;
} elseif(in_array("application/vnd.php.serialized", $values)) {
$options['serialized'] = true;
// check if `JSONData` request (referenced from `2018 NHBank-KISA-TheLoop API competition`)
$jsondata = false;
if(!array_key_empty("JSONData", $requests['_ALL'])) {
$options['json'] = true;
$jsondata = get_value_in_array("JSONData", $requests['_ALL'], false);
// check if json request
if(array_key_equals("json", $options, true)) {
$jsondata = ($jsondata !== false) ? $jsondata : $requests['_RAW'];
$requests['_JSON'] = json_decode($jsondata);
// check if seal(serialize) request
if(array_key_equals("serialized", $options, true)) {
$requests['_SEAL'] = unserialize($requests['_RAW']);
// check if yaml request
if(array_key_equals("yaml", $options, true)) {
if(is_fn("yaml_parse")) {
$requests['_YAML'] = yaml_parse($requests['_RAW']);
// check if cspt(catsplit) request
if(array_key_equals("catsplit", $options, true)) {
if(loadHelper("catsplit.format")) {
$requests['_CSPT'] = catsplit_decode($requests['_RAW']);
// with security module
$protect_methods = array("_ALL", "_GET", "_POST", "_JSON", "_SEAL", "_MIXED");
if(is_fn("get_clean_xss")) {
foreach($protect_methods as $method) {
$requested_data = get_array(get_value_in_array($method, $requests, false));
foreach($requested_data as $k=>$v) {
$requests[$method][$k] = is_string($v) ? get_clean_xss($v) : $v;
} else {
set_error("Disabled XSS Protection", "Security");
// set alias
$aliases = array(
"all" => "_ALL",
"post" => "_POST",
"get" => "_GET",
"uri" => "_URI",
"files" => "_FILES",
"raw" => "_RAW",
"json" => "_JSON",
"seal" => "_SEAL",
"cspt" => "_CSPT",
foreach($aliases as $k=>$v) {
$requests[$k] = $requests[$v];
return $requests;
if(!is_fn("get_requests")) {
function get_requests() {
$requests = get_shared_var("requests");
if(!is_array($requests)) {
set_shared_var("requests", read_requests());
return get_shared_var("requests");
if(!is_fn("get_final_link")) {
function get_final_link($url, $data=array(), $entity=true) {
$link = "";
$url = urldecode($url);
$params = array();
$base_url = "";
$query_str = "";
$strings = explode("?", $url);
$pos = (count($strings) > 1) ? strlen($strings[0]) : -1;
if($pos < 0) {
$base_url = $url;
} else {
$base_url = substr($url, 0, $pos);
$query_str = substr($url, ($pos + 1));
parse_str($query_str, $params);
foreach($data as $k=>$v) {
$params[$k] = $v;
if(count($params) > 0) {
$link = $base_url . "?" . http_build_query($params);
} else {
$link = $base_url;
if($entity == true) {
$link = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $link);
return $link;
if(!is_fn("get_route_link")) {
function get_route_link($route, $data=array(), $entity=true, $base_url="") {
$_data = array(
"route" => $route
foreach($data as $k=>$v) {
$_data[$k] = $v;
if(empty($base_url)) {
$base_url = base_url();
return get_final_link($base_url, $_data, $entity);
// only for static resources (html, css, jpg, png, gif, ...)
if(!is_fn("get_cdn_link")) {
function get_cdn_link($uri) {
$config = get_config();
$base_url = get_value_in_array("base_url", $config, "");
$base_cdn_url = get_value_in_array("base_cdn_url", $config, $base_url);
return sprintf("%s%s", $base_cdn_url, $uri);
// only for video resources (avi, mp4, mpeg, ...)
if(!is_fn("get_vod_link")) {
function get_vod_link($uri) {
$config = get_config();
$base_url = get_value_in_array("base_url", $config, "");
$base_vod_url = get_value_in_array("base_vod_url", $config, $base_url);
return sprintf("%s%s", $base_vod_url, $uri);
// URI: Uniform Resource Identifier
// URL: Uniform Resource Locator
if(!is_fn("redirect_uri")) {
function redirect_uri($uri, $permanent=false, $options=array()) {
if(array_key_equals("check_origin", $options, true)) {
if(!check_redirect_origin($uri)) {
set_error("Invalid redirect URL");
header("Location: " . $uri, true, $permanent ? 301 : 302);
if(!is_fn("redirect_with_params")) {
function redirect_with_params($uri, $data=array(), $permanent=false, $entity=false) {
redirect_uri(get_final_link($uri, $data, $entity), $permanent);
if(!is_fn("redirect_route")) {
function redirect_route($route, $data=array()) {
redirect_uri(get_route_link($route, $data, false));
if(!is_fn("get_requested_value")) {
function get_requested_value($name, $method="_ALL", $escape_quotes=true, $escape_tags=false) {
$value = false;
$requests = get_requests();
$req_methods = array();
if(is_array($method)) {
$req_methods = array_merge($req_methods, $method);
} else {
$req_methods[] = $method;
$req_methods = array_reverse($req_methods);
// set validated value
foreach($req_methods as $method) {
if(array_key_exists($method, $requests)) {
if(is_array($requests[$method])) {
$value = get_value_in_array($name, $requests[$method], $value);
} elseif(is_object($requests[$method])) {
$value = get_property_value($name, $requests[$method]);
if(is_string($value)) {
// security: set escape quotes
if($escape_quotes == true) {
$value = addslashes($value);
// security: set escape tags
if($escape_tags == true) {
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
return $value;
if(!is_fn("get_requested_values")) {
function get_requested_values($names, $method="_ALL", $escape_quotes=true, $escape_tags=false) {
$values = array();
if(is_array($names)) {
foreach($names as $name) {
$values[$name] = get_requested_value($name);
return $values;
if(!is_fn("empty_requested_value")) {
function empty_requested_value($name, $method="_ALL") {
$value = get_requested_value($name, $method);
return empty($value);
if(!is_fn("get_binded_requests")) {
function get_binded_requests($rules, $method="_ALL", $equals_kv=false) {
$data = array();
foreach($rules as $k=>$v) {
if(!$equals_kv) {
$data[$v] = get_requested_value($k); // if dictionary
} else {
$data[$v] = get_requested_value($v); // if non-dictionary
return $data;
if(!is_fn("get_array")) {
function get_array($arr) {
return is_array($arr) ? $arr : array();
if(!is_fn("get_int")) {
function get_int($str) {
return intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $str));
if(!is_fn("check_is_string_not_array")) {
function check_is_string_not_array($str) {
return (is_string($str) && !(is_array($str) || $str == "Array"));
if(!is_fn("set_header_content_type")) {
function set_header_content_type($type) {
$type = strtolower($type);
$rules = array(
"json" => "application/json",
"xml" => "text/xml",
"txt" => "text/plain",
"yaml" => "application/x-yaml",
"html" => "text/html",
"xhtml" => "application/xhtml+xml",
"cspt" => "application/catsplit",
if(array_key_exists($type, $rules)) {
header(sprintf("Content-type: %s", $rules[$type]));
} else {
header("Content-type: text/plain");
if(!is_fn("get_header_value")) {
function get_header_value($name) {
$value = false;
$requests = get_requests();
foreach ($requests['_HEADER'] as $k=>$v) {
if (strtolower($k) == strtolower($name)) {
$value = $v;
return $value;