
688 lines
25 KiB

* @file webpagetool.php
* @created_on 2018-06-01
* @updated_on 2020-01-16
* @author Go Namhyeon <>
* @brief WebPageTool helper
/****** START EXAMPLES *****/
/* // REQUEST GET: $response = get_web_page($url, "get", $data); */
/* // REQUEST POST: $response = get_web_page($url, "post", $data); */
/* // REQUEST GET with CACHE: $response = get_web_page($url, "get.cache", $data); */
/* // REQUEST POST with CACHE: $response = get_web_page($url, "post.cache", $data); */
/* // REQUEST GET by CMD with CACHE: $response = get_web_page($url, "get.cmd.cache"); */
/* // REQUEST GET by SOCK with CACHE: $response = get_web_page($url, "get.sock.cache"); */
/* // REQUEST GET by FGC: $response = get_web_page($url, "get.fgc"); */
/* // REQUEST GET by WGET: $response = get_web_page($url, "get.wget"); */
/* // PRINT CONTENT: echo $response['content']; */
/****** END EXAMPLES *****/
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_fgc")) {
function get_web_fgc($url) {
return (ini_get("allow_url_fopen") ? file_get_contents($url) : false);
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_build_qs")) {
function get_web_build_qs($url="", $data) {
$qs = "";
if(empty($url)) {
$qs = http_build_query($data);
} else {
$pos = strpos($url, '?');
if ($pos === false) {
$qs = $url . '?' . http_build_query($data);
} else {
$qs = $url . '&' . http_build_query($data);
return $qs;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_binded_url")) {
function get_web_binded_url($url="", $bind) {
if(is_array($bind) && check_array_length($bind, 0) > 0) {
$bind_keys = array_keys($bind);
usort($bind_keys, "compare_db_key_length");
foreach($bind_keys as $k) {
$url = str_replace(":" . $k, $bind[$k], $url);
return $url;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_cmd")) {
function get_web_cmd($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45, $headers=array()) {
$output = "";
$args = array("curl");
$cmd = "";
if(!loadHelper("exectool")) {
set_error("Helper exectool is required");
if($method == "get") {
$args[] = sprintf("-A '%s'", get_web_user_agent($ua)); // set agent
$args[] = "-k"; // allow self-signed certificate (the same as --insecure)
foreach($headers as $k=>$v) {
// the same as --header
if(is_array($v)) {
if($k == "Authentication") {
if($v[0] == "Basic" && check_array_length($v, 3) == 0) {
$args[] = sprintf("-u '%s:%s'", make_safe_argument($v[1]), make_safe_argument($v[2]));
} else {
$args[] = sprintf("-H '%s: %s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument(implode(" ", $v)));
} else {
$args[] = sprintf("-H '%s: %s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument($v));
$args[] = get_web_build_qs($url, $data);
if($method == "post") {
$args[] = "-X POST"; // set post request (the same as --request)
$args[] = sprintf("-A '%s'", get_web_user_agent($ua)); // set agent
$args[] = "-k"; // allow self-signed certificate (the same as --insecure)
foreach($headers as $k=>$v) {
// the same as --header
if(is_array($v)) {
if($k == "Authentication") {
if($v[0] == "Basic" && check_array_length($v, 3) == 0) {
$args[] = sprintf("-u '%s:%s'", make_safe_argument($v[1]), make_safe_argument($v[2]));
} else {
$args[] = sprintf("-H '%s: %s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument(implode(" ", $v)));
} else {
$args[] = sprintf("-H '%s: %s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument($v));
foreach($data as $k=>$v) {
if(substr($v, 0, 1) == "@") { // if this is a file
// the same as --form
$args[] = sprintf("-F %s='%s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument($v));
} else {
if(array_key_equals("Content-Type", $headers, "multipart/form-data")) {
$args[] = sprintf("-F %s='%s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument($v));
} elseif(array_key_equals("Content-Type", $headers, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
$args[] = sprintf("--data-urlencode %s='%s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument($v));
} else { // the same as --data
$args[] = sprintf("-d %s='%s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument($v));
$args[] = $url;
if($method == "jsondata") {
$_data = json_encode($data);
$args[] = "-X POST"; // set post request (the same as -X)
$args[] = sprintf("-A '%s'", get_web_user_agent($ua)); // set agent
$args[] = "-k"; // allow self-signed certificate (the same as --insecure)
$headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
$headers['Accept'] = "application/json, text/plain, */*";
$headers['Content-Length'] = strlen($_data);
foreach($headers as $k=>$v) {
// the same as --header
if(is_array($v)) {
if($k == "Authentication") {
if($v[0] == "Basic" && check_array_length($v, 3) == 0) {
$args[] = sprintf("-u '%s:%s'", make_safe_argument($v[1]), make_safe_argument($v[2]));
} else {
$args[] = sprintf("-H '%s: %s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument(implode(" ", $v)));
} else {
$args[] = sprintf("-H '%s: %s'", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument($v));
$args[] = sprintf("--data '%s'", $_data);
$args[] = $url;
// complete and run command
$cmd = trim(implode(" ", $args));
// run command
if(!empty($cmd)) {
$output = exec_command($cmd);
return $output;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_sock")) {
function get_web_sock($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45) {
$output = "";
$info = parse_url($url);
$req = '';
$line = '';
$agent = $ua;
$linebreak = "\r\n";
$headPassed = false;
if(!array_key_empty("scheme", $info)) {
switch($info['scheme'] = strtolower($info['scheme'])) {
case "http":
$info['port'] = 80;
case "https":
$info['ssl'] = "ssl://";
$info['port'] = 443;
set_error("ambiguous protocol, HTTP or HTTPS");
return false;
} else {
set_error("ambiguous protocol, HTTP or HTTPS");
return false;
// Setting Path
if(array_key_empty("path", $info)) {
$info['path'] = "/";
// Setting Request Header
switch($method) {
case 'get':
if(array_key_empty("query", $info)) {
$info['path'] .= '?' . $info['query'];
$req .= 'GET ' . $info['path'] . ' HTTP/1.1' . $linebreak;
$req .= 'Host: ' . $info['host'] . $linebreak;
$req .= 'User-Agent: ' . $agent . $linebreak;
$req .= 'Referer: ' . $url . $linebreak;
$req .= 'Connection: Close' . $linebreak . $linebreak;
case 'post':
$req .= 'POST ' . $info['path'] . ' HTTP/1.1' . $linebreak;
$req .= 'Host: ' . $info['host'] . $linebreak;
$req .= 'User-Agent: ' . $agent . $linebreak;
$req .= 'Referer: ' . $url . $linebreak;
$req .= 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.$linebreak;
$req .= 'Content-Length: '. strlen($info['query']) . $linebreak;
$req .= 'Connection: Close' . $linebreak . $linebreak;
$req .= $info['query'];
// Socket Open
$fsock = @fsockopen($info['ssl'] . $info['host'], $info['port']);
if ($fsock)
fwrite($fsock, $req);
$line = fgets($fsock, 128);
if($line == "\r\n" && !$headPassed)
$headPassed = true;
$output .= $line;
return $output;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_wget")) {
function get_web_wget($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45) {
$content = false;
$filename = make_random_id(32);
$filepath = write_storage_file("", array(
"filename" => $filename,
"mode" => "fake",
$cmd = sprintf("wget '%s' -O %s", $url, $filepath);
if(loadHelper("exectool")) {
exec_command($cmd, "shell_exec");
$content = read_storage_file($filename);
return $content;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_curl")) {
function get_web_curl($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45, $headers=array()) {
$content = false;
$_headers = array();
if(!in_array("curl", get_loaded_extensions())) {
$error_msg = "cURL extension needs to be installed.";
$options = array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url, // set remote url
CURLOPT_PROXY => $proxy, // set proxy server
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page
CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // don't return headers
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, // follow redirects
CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, // stop after 10 redirects
CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // handle compressed
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $ua, // name of client
CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, // set referrer on redirect
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => $ct_out, // time-out on connect
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $t_out, // time-out on response
CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => true, // get error code
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false, // ignore ssl host verification
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, // ignore ssl peer verification
if(empty($options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT])) {
$ua = get_web_user_agent($ua);
$options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = $ua;
if(count($data) > 0) {
if($method == "post") {
foreach($data as $k=>$v) {
if(substr($v, 0, 1) == "@") { // if this is a file
if(check_function_exists("curl_file_create")) { // php 5.5+
$data[$k] = curl_file_create(substr($v, 1));
} else {
$data[$k] = "@" . realpath(substr($v, 1));
$options[CURLOPT_POST] = 1;
if(is_array($data)) {
$options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = http_build_query($data);
} else {
$options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $data;
if($method == "get") {
$options[CURLOPT_URL] = get_web_build_qs($url, $data);
if($method == "jsondata") {
$_data = json_encode($data);
$options[CURLOPT_POST] = 1;
$options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $_data;
$headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
$headers['Accept'] = "application/json, text/plain, */*";
$headers['Content-Length'] = strlen($_data);
if(count($headers) > 0) {
foreach($headers as $k=>$v) {
if(is_array($v)) {
if($k == "Authentication") {
if($v[0] == "Basic" && check_array_length($v, 3) == 0) {
$options[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = sprintf("%s:%s", make_safe_argument($v[1]), make_safe_argument($v[2]));
} else {
$_headers[] = sprintf("%s: %s", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument(implode(" ", $v)));
} else {
$_headers[] = sprintf("%s: %s", make_safe_argument($k), make_safe_argument($v));
$options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $_headers;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
$content = curl_exec($ch);
$result = array(
"content" => $content,
"status" => curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE),
"resno" => curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE),
"errno" => curl_errno($ch)
return $result;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_page")) {
function get_web_page($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45) {
$status = false;
$resno = false;
$errno = false;
$content = false;
$_method = $method;
// set user agent
$ua = get_web_user_agent($ua);
// set method
$method = strtolower($method);
$req_methods = explode(".", $method);
// redefine data
$headers = array();
if(array_key_is_array("headers", $data)) {
$headers = $data['headers'];
$data = $data['data'];
// redefine data (JSON-RPC 1.1)
if(in_array("jsonrpc", $req_methods)) {
$req_methods[] = "jsondata";
$headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json-rpc";
$data = array_merge(array(
"jsonrpc" => "1.1"
), $data);
// redefine data (JSON-RPC 2.0)
if(in_array("jsonrpc2", $req_methods)) {
$req_methods[] = "jsondata";
$headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json-rpc";
$data = array_merge(array(
"jsonrpc" => "2.0"
), $data);
// do request
if(in_array("cache", $req_methods)) {
$content = get_web_cache($url, $method, $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out, $headers);
} elseif(in_array("cmd", $req_methods)) {
$content = get_web_cmd($url, $req_methods[0], $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out, $headers);
} elseif(in_array("fgc", $req_methods)) {
$content = get_web_fgc($url);
} elseif(in_array("sock", $req_methods)) {
$content = get_web_sock($url, $req_methods[0], $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
} elseif(in_array("wget", $req_methods)) {
$content = get_web_wget($url, $req_methods[0], $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
} elseif(in_array("jsondata", $req_methods)) {
$response = get_web_curl($url, "jsondata", $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out, $headers);
$content = $response['content'];
$status = $response['status'];
$resno = $response['resno'];
$errno = $response['errno'];
if(!($content !== false)) {
$content = get_web_cmd($url, "jsondata", $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out, $headers);
} else {
$_result = get_web_curl($url, $method, $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out, $headers);
$content = $_result['content'];
$status = $_result['status'];
$resno = $_result['resno'];
$errno = $_result['errno'];
if(!($content !== false)) {
$res = get_web_page($url, $method . ".cmd", $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
$content = $res['content'];
$_method = $res['method'];
$content_size = strlen($content);
$gz_content = gzdeflate($content);
$gz_content_size = strlen($gz_content);
$gz_ratio = ($content_size > 0) ? (floatval($gz_content_size) / floatval($content_size)) : 1.0;
$response = array(
"content" => $content,
"size" => $content_size,
"status" => $status,
"resno" => $resno,
"errno" => $errno,
"id" => get_web_identifier($url, $method, $data, $headers),
"md5" => get_hashed_text($content, "md5"),
"sha1" => get_hashed_text($content, "sha1"),
"gz_content" => get_hashed_text($gz_content, "base64"),
"gz_size" => $gz_content_size,
"gz_md5" => get_hashed_text($gz_content, "md5"),
"gz_sha1" => get_hashed_text($gz_content, "sha1"),
"gz_ratio" => $gz_ratio,
"method" => $_method,
"params" => $data,
return $response;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_identifier")) {
function get_web_identifier($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $headers=array()) {
$checksum_data = (count($data) > 0) ? get_hashed_text(serialize($data)) : "*";
$checksum_header = (count($headers) > 0) ? get_hashed_text(serialize($data)) : "*";
$checksum_method = get_hashed_text($method);
$checksum_url = get_hashed_text($url);
$checksums = array($checksum_method, $checksum_url, $checksum_data);
if($checksum_header != "*") { // compatible below 1.6
$checksums[] = $checksum_header;
//write_common_log(json_encode($checksums), "get_web_identifier");
return get_hashed_text(implode(".", $checksums));
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_cache")) {
function get_web_cache($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45, $headers=array()) {
$content = false;
$config = get_config();
$cache_enabled = array_key_equals("cache_enabled", $config, 1);
// max_age(seconds), the value 0 is forever
$cache_max_age = intval(get_value_in_array("cache_max_age", $config, 0));
$cache_hits = 0;
$gz_content = false;
if($cache_enabled) {
$identifier = get_web_identifier($url, $method, $data);
$gz_content = read_storage_file($identifier, array(
"storage_type" => "cache",
"max_age" => $cache_max_age
write_common_log("cache_max_age: " . $cache_max_age, "helper/webpagetool");
if($gz_content !== false) {
$content = gzinflate($gz_content);
write_common_log(sprintf("Cache hit. %s, %s, %s", $identifier, strlen($content), strlen($gz_content)), "helper/webpagetool");
} else {
write_common_log(sprintf("Cache no hit. %s", $identifier), "helper/webpagetool");
if($cache_hits == 0) {
$_old_methods = explode(".", $method);
$_new_methods = array();
foreach($_old_methods as $v) {
if($v != "cache") {
$_new_methods[] = $v;
$_method = implode(".", $_new_methods);
$response = get_web_page($url, $_method, $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
$content = $response['content'];
if($cache_enabled) {
$gz_content = gzdeflate($content);
$fw = write_storage_file($gz_content, array(
"storage_type" => "cache",
"filename" => $identifier
if(!$fw) {
write_common_log("Failed to write cache file", "helper/webpagetool");
return $content;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_json")) {
function get_web_json($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45) {
$result = false;
$response = get_web_page($url, $method, $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
if($response['size'] > 0) {
$result = get_parsed_json($response['content'], array("stdClass" => true));
return $result;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_dom")) {
function get_web_dom($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45) {
$result = false;
$response = get_web_page($url, $method, $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
// load simple_html_dom
if($response['size'] > 0) {
$result = get_parsed_dom($response['content']);
return $result;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_meta")) {
function get_web_meta($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45) {
$result = false;
$response = get_web_page($url, $method, $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
// load PHP-Metaparser
if($response['size'] > 0) {
if(loadHelper("metaparser.lnk")) {
$parser = new MetaParser($response['content'], $url);
$result = $parser->getDetails();
return $result;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_xml")) {
function get_web_xml($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45) {
$result = false;
$response = get_web_page($url, $method, $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
if($response['size'] > 0) {
$result = get_parsed_xml($response['content']);
return $result;
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_cspt")) {
function get_web_cspt($url, $method="get", $data=array(), $proxy="", $ua="", $ct_out=45, $t_out=45) {
$result = false;
$response = get_web_page($url, $method, $data, $proxy, $ua, $ct_out, $t_out);
if($response['size'] > 0) {
if(loadHelper("casplit.format")) {
$result = catsplit_decode($response['content']);
return $result;
if(!check_function_exists("get_parsed_json")) {
function get_parsed_json($raw, $options=array()) {
$result = false;
if(!array_key_equals("stdClass", $options, false)) {
$result = json_decode($raw);
} else {
$result = json_decode($raw, true);
return $result;
if(!check_function_exists("get_parsed_xml")) {
function get_parsed_xml($raw, $options=array()) {
$result = false;
if(check_function_exists("simplexml_load_string")) {
$result = simplexml_load_string($response['content'], null, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
return $result;
if(!check_function_exists("get_parsed_dom")) {
function get_parsed_dom($raw, $options=array()) {
$result = false;
if(loadHelper("simple_html_dom")) {
$result = check_function_exists("str_get_html") ? str_get_html($response['content']) : $raw;
return $result;
// 2018-06-01: Adaptive JSON is always quotes without escape non-ascii characters
if(!check_function_exists("get_adaptive_json")) {
function get_adaptive_json($data) {
if(loadHelper("json.format")) {
return json_encode_ex($data, array("adaptive" => true));
// 2018-09-10: support webproxy
if(!check_function_exists("get_webproxy_url")) {
function get_webproxy_url($url, $route="webproxy") {
return get_route_link($route, array(
"url" => $url
if(!check_function_exists("get_web_user_agent")) {
function get_web_user_agent($ua="") {
if(empty($ua)) {
$ua = "ReasonableFramework/1.6-dev (";
} else {
$ua = make_safe_argument($ua);
return $ua;