2018-05-14 20:50:28 +09:00

576 lines
14 KiB

* @file security.php
* @date 2018-01-18
* @author Go Namhyeon <>
* @brief Security module for VSPF
if(!function_exists("check_token_abuse")) {
function check_token_abuse($_p_token, $_n_token) {
$abuse = false;
$_c_token = $_p_token . $_n_token;
if(empty($_c_token) || $_p_token != $_n_token || strlen($_c_token) != (strlen($_p_token) + strlen($_n_token)) || !ctype_alnum($_c_token)) {
$abuse = true;
return $abuse;
if(!function_exists("make_random_id")) {
function make_random_id($length = 10) {
$characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
$charactersLength = strlen($characters);
$randomString = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)];
return $randomString;
if(!function_exists("set_session")) {
function set_session($session_name, $value) {
if(PHP_VERSION < '5.3.0') {
$$session_name = $_SESSION["$session_name"] = $value;
if(!function_exists("get_session")) {
function get_session($session_name) {
$session_value = "";
if(!array_key_empty($session_name, $_SESSION)) {
$session_value = $_SESSION[$session_name];
return $session_value;
if(!function_exists("set_session_token")) {
function set_session_token() {
$_token = make_random_id(10);
set_session("_token", $_token);
return $_token;
if(!function_exists("get_session_token")) {
function get_session_token() {
return get_session("_token");
if(!function_exists("check_token_abuse_by_requests")) {
function check_token_abuse_by_requests($name, $method="_POST") {
$requests = get_requests();
$flag = false;
if(array_key_empty($name, $requests[$method])) {
$flag = true;
} else {
$flag = check_token_abuse($requests[$method][$name], get_session($name));
return $flag;
if(!function_exists("check_login_session")) {
function check_login_session($ss_key, $config) {
$flag = false;
$session_name = get_password($ss_key);
$session_file = $config['session_dir'] . '/' . protect_dir_path($session_name);
$session_stored_key = "";
if(file_exists($session_file)) {
$fh = fopen($session_file, 'r');
if($session_stored_key = fread($fh, filesize($session_file))) {
if(!check_token_abuse($session_stored_key, $session_name)) {
$flag = true;
return $flag;
if(!function_exists("store_login_session")) {
function store_login_session($ss_key, $config) {
$flag = false;
$session_name = get_password($ss_key);
$session_file = $config['session_dir'] . '/' . protect_dir_path($session_name);
$fh = fopen($session_file, 'w');
if($fh !== false) {
if(fwrite($fh, $session_name)) {
$flag = check_login_session($ss_key, $config);
@chmod($session_file, 0777);
return $flag;
if(!function_exists("process_safe_login")) {
function process_safe_login($user_name, $user_password, $user_profile=array(), $escape_safe=false) {
$config = get_config();
$flag = false;
$ss_key = get_session("ss_key");
$user_id = 0;
$stored_password = "";
if(!array_key_empty("user_id", $user_profile)) {
$user_id = $user_profile['user_id'];
if(!array_key_empty("user_password", $user_profile)) {
$stored_password = $user_profile['user_password'];
if(!empty($ss_key) && check_login_session($ss_key, $config)) {
$flag = true;
} else {
$ss_key = make_random_id(10);
if(check_match_password($stored_password, $user_password) || $escape_safe == true) {
set_session("ss_user_id", $user_id);
set_session("ss_user_name", $user_name);
set_session("ss_key", $ss_key);
$flag = store_login_session($ss_key, $config);
return $flag;
if(!function_exists("check_empty_requests")) {
function check_empty_requests($no_empty_fields, $method_get=true) {
$requests = get_requests();
$errors = array();
$check_data = $method_get ? $requests['_GET'] : $requests['_POST'];
foreach($no_empty_fields as $fieldname) {
if(array_key_empty($fieldname, $check_data)) {
$errors[] = array(
"fieldname" => $fieldname,
"message" => "{$fieldname} 항목은 공백일 수 없습니다."
return $errors;
if(!function_exists("get_hashed_text")) {
function get_hashed_text($text, $algo="sha1") {
$hashed_text = "";
switch($algo) {
case "sha1":
$hashed_text = sha1($text);
case "md5":
$hashed_text = md5($text);
case "crypt":
$hashed_text = crypt($text);
$hashed_text = "";
return $hashed_text;
if(!function_exists("get_salt")) {
function get_salt() {
$config = get_config();
$salt = "";
if(!array_key_empty("salt", $config)) {
$salt = $config['salt'];
} else {
$salt = make_random_id(16);
return $salt;
if(!function_exists("get_password")) {
function get_password($text, $algo="sha1") {
$config = get_config();
$salt = get_salt();
$is_not_supported = false;
$plain_text = $text;
$hashed_text = "";
if(!empty($salt)) {
$plain_text .= $salt;
$hashed_text = get_hashed_text($plain_text, $algo);
if(empty($hashed_text)) {
$is_not_supported = true;
if($is_not_supported) {
$hashed_text = $plain_text;
return $hashed_text;
if(!function_exists("check_match_password")) {
function check_match_password($p, $n, $algo="sha1") {
$flag = false;
$salt = get_salt();
$n_plain_text = $n . $salt;
$n_hashed_text = "";
switch($algo) {
case "sha1":
$n_hashed_text = get_hashed_text($n_plain_text, $algo);
$flag = ($n_hashed_text == $p);
case "md5":
$n_hashed_text = get_hashed_text($n_plain_text, $algo);
$flag = ($n_hashed_text == $p);
case "crypt":
$flag = (crypt($n_plain_text, $p) == $p);
$flag = false;
return $flag;
if(!function_exists("protect_dir_path")) {
function protect_dir_path($path) {
$path = str_replace('/', '_', $path);
return $path;
if(!function_exists("session_logout")) {
function session_logout() {
$config = get_config();
$flag = false;
$ss_user_name = get_session("ss_user_name");
$ss_key = get_session("ss_key");
if(!empty($ss_key)) {
set_session("ss_user_name", "");
set_session("ss_key", "");
// delete session file
@unlink($config['session_dir'] . '/' . protect_dir_path($ss_key));
// permanently destory
// check ereased token
$abuse = check_token_abuse($ss_user_name, get_session("ss_user_name"));
$abuse = ($abuse && check_token_abuse($ss_key, get_session("ss_key")));
// apply result
$flag = $abuse;
return $flag;
if(!function_exists("get_current_user_id")) {
function get_current_user_id() {
return get_current_session_data("ss_user_id");
if(!function_exists("get_current_user_name")) {
function get_current_user_name() {
return get_current_session_data("ss_user_name");
if(!function_exists("get_current_session_data")) {
function get_current_session_data($name) {
$current_data = "";
$ss_data = get_session($name);
$ss_key = get_session("ss_key");
$abuse = check_token_abuse($ss_data, $ss_data); // self check
$abuse = ($abuse && check_token_abuse($ss_key, $ss_key)); // self check
if(!$abuse) {
$current_data = $ss_data;
return $current_data;
if(!function_exists("get_user_profile")) {
function get_user_profile() {
$user_profile = array(
"user_id" => get_current_user_id(),
"user_name" => get_current_user_name()
return $user_profile;
if(!function_exists("get_fixed_id")) {
function get_fixed_id($str, $len=0, $salt="") {
$config = get_config();
$init_salt = empty($salt) ? $config['salt'] : $salt;
$init_len = ($len < 1) ? $config['autolen'] : $len;
return substr(get_hashed_text(get_hashed_text($str, "sha1") . $init_salt, "sha1"), 0, $init_len);
if(!function_exists("get_clean_xss")) {
function get_clean_xss($data, $notags=0) {
if(is_string($data)) {
// if no tags (equals to strip_tags)
if($notags > 0) {
return strip_tags($data);
// Fix &entity\n;
$data = str_replace(array('&amp;','&lt;','&gt;'), array('&amp;amp;','&amp;lt;','&amp;gt;'), $data);
$data = preg_replace('/(&#*\w+)[\x00-\x20]+;/u', '$1;', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/(&#x*[0-9A-F]+);*/iu', '$1;', $data);
$data = html_entity_decode($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
// Remove any attribute starting with "on" or xmlns
$data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?[\x00-\x20"\'])(?:on|xmlns)[^>]*+>#iu', '$1>', $data);
// Remove javascript: and vbscript: protocols
$data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*([`\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*j[\x00-\x20]*a[\x00-\x20]*v[\x00-\x20]*a[\x00-\x20]*s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:#iu', '$1=$2nojavascript...', $data);
$data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=([\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*v[\x00-\x20]*b[\x00-\x20]*s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:#iu', '$1=$2novbscript...', $data);
$data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=([\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*-moz-binding[\x00-\x20]*:#u', '$1=$2nomozbinding...', $data);
// Only works in IE: <span style="width: expression(alert('Ping!'));"></span>
$data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?expression[\x00-\x20]*\([^>]*+>#i', '$1>', $data);
$data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?behaviour[\x00-\x20]*\([^>]*+>#i', '$1>', $data);
$data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:*[^>]*+>#iu', '$1>', $data);
// Remove namespaced elements (we do not need them)
$data = preg_replace('#</*\w+:\w[^>]*+>#i', '', $data);
// Remove really unwanted tags
$old_data = $data;
$data = preg_replace('#</*(?:applet|b(?:ase|gsound|link)|embed|frame(?:set)?|i(?:frame|layer)|l(?:ayer|ink)|meta|object|s(?:cript|tyle)|title|xml)[^>]*+>#i', '', $data);
while ($old_data !== $data);
// we are done...
return $data;
if(!function_exists("get_clean_newlines")) {
function get_clean_newlines($data) {
return is_string($data) ? trim(preg_replace('~[\r\n]+~', ' ', $data)) : $data;
if(!function_exists("get_clean_text")) {
function get_clean_text($data) {
return is_string($data) ? get_clean_newlines(get_clean_xss($data, 1)) : $data;
// support curl or jsonp(callback)
if(!function_exists("get_callable_token")) {
function get_callable_token($token, $callback="", $charset="utf-8") {
$callback = get_clean_xss($callback);
$retdata = "";
if(empty($callback)) {
$retdata = $token;
} else {
$retdata = "function $callback() { return '$token'; }";
return $retdata;
if(!function_exists("encapsulate_text")) {
function encapsulate_text($text, $algo="aes-128-cbc", $key="", $iv="", $hash="", $hash_algo="sha1") {
$config = get_config();
$encapsulated_text = "";
$encrypted_text = "";
// when fail hash test
if(!empty($hash)) {
if($hash != get_hashed_text($text, $hash_algo)) {
return $encapsulated_text;
// initialize text
$init_text = base64_encode($text);
if($algo == "base64") {
$encapsulated_text = $init_text;
} else {
$init_key = empty($key) ? $config['masterkey'] : $key;
$init_iv = empty($iv) ? $config['masteriv'] : $iv;
if(function_exists("openssl_encrypt")) {
$encrypted_text = @openssl_encrypt($init_text, $algo, $init_key, true, $init_iv);
} else {
$encrypted_text = xor_this($init_key, $init_text);
if(!empty($encrypted_text)) {
$encapsulated_text = base64_encode($encrypted_text);
return $encapsulated_text;
if(!function_exists("decapsulate_text")) {
function decapsulate_text($text, $algo="aes-128-cbc", $key="", $iv="", $hash="", $hash_algo="sha1") {
$config = get_config();
$decapsulate_text = "";
$decrypted_text = "";
// initialize text
$init_text = base64_decode($text);
if($algo = "base64") {
$decapsulate_text = $init_text;
} else {
$init_key = empty($key) ? $config['masterkey'] : $key;
$init_iv = empty($iv) ? $config['masteriv'] : $iv;
if(function_exists("openssl_decrypt")) {
$decrypted_text = @openssl_decrypt($init_text, $algo, $init_key, true, $init_iv);
} else {
$decrypted_text = xor_this($init_key, $init_text);
if(!empty($encrypted_text)) {
$decapsulate_text = base64_decode($decrypted_text);
// when fail hash test
if(!empty($hash)) {
if($hash != get_hashed_text($decapsulate_text, $hash_algo)) {
$decapsulate_text = "";
return $decapsulate_text;
if(!function_exists("make_safe_argument")) {
function make_safe_argument($str) {
return addslashes($str);
if(!function_exists("xor_this")) {
function xor_this($key, $string, $debug=false) {
$text = $string;
$outText = "";
for($i = 0; $i<strlen($text); ) {
for($j = 0; ($j < strlen($key) && $i < strlen($text)); $j++, $i++) {
$outText .= $text{$i} ^ $key{$j};
if($debug) {
echo 'i=' . $i . ', ' . 'j=' . $j . ', ' . $outText{$i} . '<br />';
return $outText;
if(!function_exists("get_generated_name")) {
function get_generated_name() {
$config = get_config();
$generated_name = "";
$adjectives = explode(',', $config['adjectives']);
$animals = explode(',', $config['animals']);
$c_adjective = ucfirst($adjectives[rand(0, count($adjectives) - 1)]);
$c_animal = ucfirst($animals[rand(0, count($animals) - 1)]);
$generated_name = $c_adjective . " " . $c_animal;
return $generated_name;
if(!function_exists("get_formatted_number")) {
function get_formatted_number($value) {
return number_format(floatval($value));
if(!function_exists("get_cutted_string")) {
function get_cutted_string($str, $start, $len=0, $charset="utf-8") {
$out_str = "";
if(function_exists("iconv_substr")) {
$out_str = iconv_substr($str, $start, $len, $charset);
} elseif(function_exists("mb_substr")) {
$out_str = mb_substr($str, $start, $len, $charset);
} else {
$out_str = substr($str, $start, $len);
return $out_str;
// start session (enable $_SESSION)