2012-01-23 20:14:02 +00:00
< ? php
// MyDMS. Document Management System
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe
// Copyright (C) 2010 Matteo Lucarelli
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
$text = array ();
$text [ " accept " ] = " 接受 " ; // "Accept";
$text [ " access_denied " ] = " 拒绝访问 " ; // "Access denied.";
$text [ " access_inheritance " ] = " 继承访问权限 " ; // "Access Inheritance";
$text [ " access_mode " ] = " 访问模式 " ; // "Access mode";
$text [ " access_mode_all " ] = " 所有权限 " ; // "All permissions";
$text [ " access_mode_none " ] = " 不能访问 " ; // "No access";
$text [ " access_mode_read " ] = " 只读权限 " ; // "Read permissions";
$text [ " access_mode_readwrite " ] = " 读写权限 " ; // "Read-Write permissions";
$text [ " access_permission_changed_email " ] = " 权限已改变 " ; // "Permission changed";
$text [ " actions " ] = " 动作 " ; // "Actions";
$text [ " add " ] = " 添加 " ; // "Add";
$text [ " add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning " ] = " 备注:如果没有指派校对人或审核人那么文档将被自动标注为发布 " ; // "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no reviewer or approver is assigned.";
$text [ " add_document " ] = " 添加文档 " ; // "Add document";
$text [ " add_document_link " ] = " 添加链接 " ; // "Add link";
$text [ " add_event " ] = " 添加事件 " ; // "Add event";
$text [ " add_group " ] = " 增加新组 " ; // "Add new group";
$text [ " add_member " ] = " 添加成员 " ; // "Add a member";
$text [ " add_multiple_files " ] = " 批量添加文档(文档名无法手动修改) " ; // "Add multiple files (will use filename as document name)";
$text [ " add_subfolder " ] = " 添加子文件夹 " ; // "Add subfolder";
$text [ " add_user " ] = " 添加新用户 " ; // "Add new user";
$text [ " admin " ] = " 管理员 " ; // "Administrator";
$text [ " admin_tools " ] = " 管理员工具 " ; // "Admin-Tools";
$text [ " all_documents " ] = " 所有文档 " ; // "All Documents";
$text [ " all_pages " ] = " 所有页面 " ; // "All";
$text [ " all_users " ] = " 所有用户 " ; // "All users";
$text [ " already_subscribed " ] = " 已经订阅 " ; // "Already subscribed";
$text [ " and " ] = " and " ;
$text [ " approval_deletion_email " ] = " 审核请求已被删除 " ; // "Approval request deleted";
$text [ " approval_group " ] = " 审核组 " ; // "Approval Group";
$text [ " approval_request_email " ] = " 审核请求 " ; // "Approval request";
$text [ " approval_status " ] = " 审核状态 " ; // "Approval Status";
$text [ " approval_submit_email " ] = " 提交审核 " ; // "Submitted approval";
$text [ " approval_summary " ] = " 审核汇总 " ; // "Approval Summary";
$text [ " approval_update_failed " ] = " 错误:更新审核状态.更新失败. " ; // "Error updating approval status. Update failed.";
$text [ " approvers " ] = " 审核人 " ; // "Approvers";
$text [ " april " ] = " 四 月 " ; // "April";
$text [ " archive_creation " ] = " 创建存档 " ; // "Archive creation";
$text [ " archive_creation_warning " ] = " 通过此操作您可以创建一个包含这个DMS(文档管理系统)的数据文件夹。之后,所有文档都将保存到您服务器的数据文件夹中.<br>警告:如果所创建文档名为非数字的,那么将在服务器备份中不可用 " ; // "With this operation you can create achive containing the files of entire DMS folders. After the creation the archive will be saved in the data folder of your server.<br>WARNING: an archive created as human readable will be unusable as server backup.";@@@@@@@@@@
$text [ " assign_approvers " ] = " 指派审核人 " ; // "Assign Approvers";
$text [ " assign_reviewers " ] = " 指派校对人 " ; // "Assign Reviewers";
$text [ " assign_user_property_to " ] = " 分配用户属性给 " ; // "Assign user's properties to";
$text [ " assumed_released " ] = " 假定发布 " ; // "Assumed released";
$text [ " august " ] = " 八 月 " ; // "August";
$text [ " automatic_status_update " ] = " 自动状态变化 " ; // "Automatic status change";*
$text [ " back " ] = " 返回 " ; // "Go back";
$text [ " backup_list " ] = " 备份列表 " ; // "Existings backup list";
$text [ " backup_remove " ] = " 删除备份 " ; // "Remove backup file";
$text [ " backup_tools " ] = " 备份工具 " ; // "Backup tools";
$text [ " between " ] = " between " ;
$text [ " calendar " ] = " 日历 " ; // "Calendar";
$text [ " cancel " ] = " 取消 " ; // "Cancel";
$text [ " cannot_assign_invalid_state " ] = " 不能修改文档的最终状态 " ; // "Cannot modify a document yet in final state";
$text [ " cannot_change_final_states " ] = " 警告:您不能更改文档的拒绝、过期、待校对、或是待审核等状态 " ; // "Warning: You cannot alter status for document rejected, expired or with pending review or approval";
$text [ " cannot_delete_yourself " ] = " 不能删除自己 " ; // "Cannot delete yourself";
$text [ " cannot_move_root " ] = " 错误:不能移动根目录 " ; // "Error: Cannot move root folder.";
$text [ " cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot " ] = " 无法检索到该文件版本的审核快照. " ; // "Unable to retrieve approval status snapshot for this document version.";
$text [ " cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot " ] = " 无法检索到该文件版本的校对快照. " ; // "Unable to retrieve review status snapshot for this document version.";
$text [ " cannot_rm_root " ] = " 错误:不能删除根目录. " ; // "Error: Cannot delete root folder.";
$text [ " change_assignments " ] = " 分配变更 " ; // "Change Assignments";
$text [ " change_status " ] = " 变更状态 " ; // "Change Status";
$text [ " choose_category " ] = " 请选择 " ; // "Please choose";
$text [ " choose_group " ] = " 选择组别 " ; // "Choose group";
$text [ " choose_target_document " ] = " 选择文档 " ; // "Choose document";
$text [ " choose_target_folder " ] = " 选择文件夹 " ; // "Choose folder";
$text [ " choose_user " ] = " 选择用户 " ; // "Choose user";
$text [ " comment_changed_email " ] = " 评论已更改 " ; // "Comment changed";
$text [ " comment " ] = " 说明 " ; // "Comment";
$text [ " comment_for_current_version " ] = " 版本说明 " ; // "Version comment";
$text [ " confirm_pwd " ] = " 确认密码 " ; // "Confirm Password";
$text [ " confirm_rm_backup " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [arkname] \" 备份文档?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove the file \"[arkname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_document " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [documentname] \" 文档?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove the document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_dump " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [dumpname] \" 转储文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove the file \"[dumpname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_event " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [name] \" 事件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove event \"[name]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_file " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [documentname] \" 文档中的 \" [name] \" 文件 ?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove file \"[name]\" of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_folder " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [foldername] \" 文件夹 及其内文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove the folder \"[foldername]\" and its content?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_folder_files " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [foldername] \" 中所有文件及其子文件夹?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove all the files of the folder \"[foldername]\" and of its subfolders?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_group " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [groupname] \" 组?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove the group \"[groupname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_log " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [logname] \" 日志文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove log file \"[logname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_user " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [username] \" 用户?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove the user \"[username]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " confirm_rm_version " ] = " 您确定要删除 \" [documentname] \ 文档的[version]版本文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销. " ; // "Do you really want to remove version [version] of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text [ " content " ] = " 内容 " ; // "Content";
$text [ " continue " ] = " 继续 " ; // "Continue";
$text [ " creation_date " ] = " 创建日期 " ; // "Created";
$text [ " current_version " ] = " 当前版本 " ; // "Current version";
$text [ " december " ] = " 十二月 " ; // "December";
$text [ " default_access " ] = " 缺省访问模式 " ; // "Default Access Mode";
$text [ " default_keywords " ] = " 可用关键字 " ; // "Available keywords";
$text [ " delete " ] = " 删除 " ; // "Delete";
$text [ " details " ] = " 详细情况 " ; // "Details";
$text [ " details_version " ] = " 版本详情:[version] " ; // "Details for version: [version]";
$text [ " disclaimer " ] = " 警告:这是机密区.只有授权用户才被允许访问.任何违反行为将受到法律制裁 " ; // "This is a classified area. Access is permitted only to authorized personnel. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the national and international laws.";
$text [ " document_already_locked " ] = " 该文档已被锁定 " ; // "This document is aleady locked";
$text [ " document_deleted " ] = " 删除文档 " ; // "Document deleted";
$text [ " document_deleted_email " ] = " 文档已被删除 " ; // "Document deleted";
$text [ " document " ] = " 文档 " ; // "Document";
$text [ " document_infos " ] = " 文档信息 " ; // "Document Information";
$text [ " document_is_not_locked " ] = " 该文档没有被锁定 " ; // "This document is not locked";
$text [ " document_link_by " ] = " 链接 " ; // "Linked by";
$text [ " document_link_public " ] = " 公开 " ; // "Public";
$text [ " document_moved_email " ] = " 文档已被移动 " ; // "Document moved";
$text [ " document_renamed_email " ] = " 文档已被重命名 " ; // "Document renamed";
$text [ " documents " ] = " 文档 " ; // "Documents";
$text [ " documents_in_process " ] = " 待处理文档 " ; // "Documents In Process";
$text [ " documents_locked_by_you " ] = " 被您锁定的文档 " ; // "Documents locked by you";
$text [ " document_status_changed_email " ] = " 文档状态已被更改 " ; // "Document status changed";
$text [ " documents_to_approve " ] = " 待您审核的文档 " ; // "Documents awaiting your approval";
$text [ " documents_to_review " ] = " 待您校对的文档 " ; // "Documents awaiting your Review";
$text [ " documents_user_requiring_attention " ] = " 需您关注的文档 " ; // "Documents owned by you that require attention";
$text [ " document_title " ] = " 文档名称 '[documentname]' " ; // "Document '[documentname]'";
$text [ " document_updated_email " ] = " 文档已被更新 " ; // "Document updated";
$text [ " does_not_expire " ] = " 永不过期 " ; // "Does not expire";
2012-08-31 07:44:25 +00:00
$text [ " does_not_inherit_access_msg " ] = " 继承访问权限 " ; // "<a class= "";//\"inheritAccess\" href= "";//\"[inheriturl]\">Inherit access</a>";
2012-01-23 20:14:02 +00:00
$text [ " download " ] = " 下载 " ; // "Download";
$text [ " draft_pending_approval " ] = " 待审核 " ; // "Draft - pending approval";
$text [ " draft_pending_review " ] = " 待校对 " ; // "Draft - pending review";
$text [ " dump_creation " ] = " 转储数据 " ; // "DB dump creation";
$text [ " dump_creation_warning " ] = " 通过此操作,您可以创建一个您数据库的转储文件,之后可以将转储数据保存到您服务器所在的数据文件夹中 " ; // "With this operation you can create a dump file of your database content. After the creation the dump file will be saved in the data folder of your server.";
$text [ " dump_list " ] = " 存在转储文件 " ; // "Existings dump files";
$text [ " dump_remove " ] = " 删除转储文件 " ; // "Remove dump file";转储文件:内存镜像
$text [ " edit_comment " ] = " 编辑说明 " ; // "Edit comment";
$text [ " edit_default_keywords " ] = " 编辑关键字 " ; // "Edit keywords";
$text [ " edit_document_access " ] = " 编辑访问权限 " ; // "Edit Access";
$text [ " edit_document_notify " ] = " 文档通知列表 " ; // "Document Notification List";
$text [ " edit_document_props " ] = " 编辑文档 " ; // "Edit document";
$text [ " edit " ] = " 编辑 " ; // "Edit";
$text [ " edit_event " ] = " 编辑事件 " ; // "Edit event";
$text [ " edit_existing_access " ] = " 编辑访问列表 " ; // "Edit Access List";
$text [ " edit_existing_notify " ] = " 编辑通知列表 " ; // "Edit notification list";
$text [ " edit_folder_access " ] = " 编辑访问权限 " ; // "Edit access";
$text [ " edit_folder_notify " ] = " 文件夹通知列表 " ; // "Folder Notification List";
$text [ " edit_folder_props " ] = " 编辑文件夹 " ; // "Edit folder";
$text [ " edit_group " ] = " 编辑组别 " ; // "Edit group";
$text [ " edit_user_details " ] = " 编辑用户详情 " ; // "Edit User Details";
$text [ " edit_user " ] = " 编辑用户 " ; // "Edit user";
$text [ " email " ] = " Email " ;
$text [ " email_footer " ] = " 您可以用‘ 我的账户’ 选项来改变您的e-mail设置 " ; // "You can always change your e-mail settings using 'My Account' functions";
$text [ " email_header " ] = " 这是来自于DMS(文档管理系统)的自动发送消息 " ; // "This is an automatic message from the DMS server.";
$text [ " empty_notify_list " ] = " 没有条目 " ; // "No entries";
$text [ " error_no_document_selected " ] = " 请选择文档 " ; // "No document selected";
$text [ " error_no_folder_selected " ] = " 请选择文件夹 " ; // "No folder selected";
$text [ " error_occured " ] = " 出错 " ; // "An error has occured";
$text [ " event_details " ] = " 错误详情 " ; // "Event details";
$text [ " expired " ] = " 过期 " ; // "Expired";
$text [ " expires " ] = " 有效限期 " ; // "Expires";@@@@@@
$text [ " expiry_changed_email " ] = " 到期日子已改变 " ; // "Expiry date changed";
$text [ " february " ] = " 二 月 " ; // "February";
$text [ " file " ] = " 文件 " ; // "File";
$text [ " files_deletion " ] = " 删除文件 " ; // "Files deletion";
$text [ " files_deletion_warning " ] = " 通过此操作, 您可以删除整个DMS(文档管理系统)文件夹里的所有文件.但版本信息将被保留 " ; // "With this option you can delete all files of entire DMS folders. The versioning information will remain visible.";
$text [ " files " ] = " 文件 " ; // "Files";
$text [ " file_size " ] = " 文件大小 " ; // "Filesize";
$text [ " folder_contents " ] = " 文件夹内容 " ; // "Folder Contents";
$text [ " folder_deleted_email " ] = " 文件夹已被删除 " ; // "Folder deleted";
$text [ " folder " ] = " 文件夹 " ; // "Folder";
$text [ " folder_infos " ] = " 文件夹信息 " ; // "Folder Information";
$text [ " folder_moved_email " ] = " 文件夹已被移动 " ; // "Folder moved";
$text [ " folder_renamed_email " ] = " 文件夹已被重命名 " ; // "Folder renamed";
$text [ " folders_and_documents_statistic " ] = " 内容概要 " ; // "Contents overview";
$text [ " folders " ] = " 文件夹 " ; // "Folders";
$text [ " folder_title " ] = " 文件夹 '[foldername]' " ; // "Folder '[foldername]'";
$text [ " friday " ] = " Friday " ;
$text [ " from " ] = " 从 " ; //"From";
$text [ " global_default_keywords " ] = " 全局关键字 " ; // "Global keywords";
$text [ " group_approval_summary " ] = " 审核组汇总 " ; // "Group approval summary";
$text [ " group_exists " ] = " 组已存在 " ; // "Group already exists.";
$text [ " group " ] = " 组别 " ; // "Group";
$text [ " group_management " ] = " 组管理 " ; // "Groups management";
$text [ " group_members " ] = " 组成员 " ; // "Group members";
$text [ " group_review_summary " ] = " 校对组汇总 " ; // "Group review summary";
$text [ " groups " ] = " 组别 " ; // "Groups";
$text [ " guest_login_disabled " ] = " 来宾登录被禁止 " ; // "Guest login is disabled.";
$text [ " guest_login " ] = " 来宾登录 " ; // "Login as guest";
$text [ " help " ] = " 帮助 " ; // "Help";
$text [ " human_readable " ] = " 可读存档 " ; // "Human readable archive";
$text [ " include_documents " ] = " 包含文档 " ; // "Include documents";
$text [ " include_subdirectories " ] = " 包含子目录 " ; // "Include subdirectories";
$text [ " individuals " ] = " 个人 " ; // "Individuals";
2012-08-31 07:44:25 +00:00
$text [ " inherits_access_msg " ] = " 继承访问权限 " ; //"Access is being inherited.<p><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[copyurl]\">Copy inherited access list</a><br><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[emptyurl]\">Start with empty access list</a>";
$text [ " inherits_access_copy_msg " ] = " 复制继承访问权限列表 " ;
$text [ " inherits_access_empty_msg " ] = " 从访问权限空列表开始 " ;
2012-01-23 20:14:02 +00:00
$text [ " internal_error_exit " ] = " 内部错误.无法完成请求.离开系统 " ; // "Internal error. Unable to complete request. Exiting.";
$text [ " internal_error " ] = " 内部错误 " ; // "Internal error";
$text [ " invalid_access_mode " ] = " 无效访问模式 " ; // "Invalid Access Mode";
$text [ " invalid_action " ] = " 无效动作 " ; // "Invalid Action";
$text [ " invalid_approval_status " ] = " 无效审核状态 " ; // "Invalid Approval Status";
$text [ " invalid_create_date_end " ] = " 无效截止日期,不在创建日期范围内 " ; // "Invalid end date for creation date range.";
$text [ " invalid_create_date_start " ] = " 无效开始日期,不在创建日期范围内 " ; // "Invalid start date for creation date range.";
$text [ " invalid_doc_id " ] = " 无效文档ID号 " ; // "Invalid Document ID";
$text [ " invalid_file_id " ] = " 无效文件ID号 " ; // "Invalid file ID";
$text [ " invalid_folder_id " ] = " 无效文件夹ID号 " ; // "Invalid Folder ID";
$text [ " invalid_group_id " ] = " 无效组别ID号 " ; // "Invalid Group ID";
$text [ " invalid_link_id " ] = " 无效链接标示 " ; // "Invalid link identifier";
2012-08-31 07:44:25 +00:00
$text [ " invalid_request_token " ] = " Invalid Request Token " ;
2012-01-23 20:14:02 +00:00
$text [ " invalid_review_status " ] = " 无效校对状态 " ; // "Invalid Review Status";
$text [ " invalid_sequence " ] = " 无效序列值 " ; // "Invalid sequence value";
$text [ " invalid_status " ] = " 无效文档状态 " ; // "Invalid Document Status";
$text [ " invalid_target_doc_id " ] = " 无效目标文档ID号 " ; // "Invalid Target Document ID";
$text [ " invalid_target_folder " ] = " 无效目标文件夹ID号 " ; // "Invalid Target Folder ID";
$text [ " invalid_user_id " ] = " 无效用户ID号 " ; // "Invalid User ID";
$text [ " invalid_version " ] = " 无效文档版本 " ; // "Invalid Document Version";
$text [ " is_hidden " ] = " 从用户列表中隐藏 " ; // "Hide from users list";
$text [ " january " ] = " 一 月 " ; // "January";
$text [ " js_no_approval_group " ] = " 请选择审核组 " ; // "Please select a approval group";
$text [ " js_no_approval_status " ] = " 请选择审核状态 " ; // "Please select the approval status";
$text [ " js_no_comment " ] = " 没有添加说明 " ; // "There is no comment";
$text [ " js_no_email " ] = " 输入您的e-mail " ; // "Type in your Email-address";
$text [ " js_no_file " ] = " 请选择一个文件 " ; // "Please select a file";
$text [ " js_no_keywords " ] = " 指定关键字 " ; // "Specify some keywords";
$text [ " js_no_login " ] = " 输入用户名 " ; // "Please type in a username";
$text [ " js_no_name " ] = " 请输入名称 " ; // "Please type in a name";
$text [ " js_no_override_status " ] = " 请选择一个新的[override]状态 " ; // "Please select the new [override] status";
$text [ " js_no_pwd " ] = " 您需要输入您的密码 " ; // "You need to type in your password";
$text [ " js_no_query " ] = " 输入查询 " ; // "Type in a query";
$text [ " js_no_review_group " ] = " 请选择一个校对组 " ; // "Please select a review group";
$text [ " js_no_review_status " ] = " 请选择校对状态 " ; // "Please select the review status";
$text [ " js_pwd_not_conf " ] = " 密码与确认密码不一致 " ; // "Password and passwords-confirmation are not equal";
$text [ " js_select_user_or_group " ] = " 选择至少一个用户或一个组 " ; // "Select at least a user or a group";
$text [ " js_select_user " ] = " 请选择一个用户 " ; // "Please select an user";
$text [ " july " ] = " 七 月 " ; // "July";
$text [ " june " ] = " 六 月 " ; // "June";
$text [ " keyword_exists " ] = " 关键字已存在 " ; // "Keyword already exists";
$text [ " keywords " ] = " 关键字 " ; // "Keywords";
$text [ " language " ] = " 语言 " ; // "Language";
$text [ " last_update " ] = " 上次更新 " ; // "Last Update";
$text [ " linked_documents " ] = " 相关文档 " ; // "Related Documents";
$text [ " linked_files " ] = " 附件 " ; // "Attachments";
$text [ " local_file " ] = " 本地文件 " ; // "Local file";
$text [ " lock_document " ] = " 锁定 " ; // "Lock";
$text [ " lock_message " ] = " 此文档已被 <a href= \" mailto:[email] \" >[username]</a>锁定. 只有授权用户才能解锁. " ; //"This document is locked by <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>. Only authorized users can unlock this document.";
$text [ " lock_status " ] = " 锁定状态 " ; // "Status";
$text [ " login_error_text " ] = " 登录错误.用户名或密码不正确 " ; // "Error signing in. User ID or password incorrect.";
$text [ " login_error_title " ] = " 登录错误 " ; // "Sign in error";
$text [ " login_not_given " ] = " 缺少用户名 " ; // "No username has been supplied";@@
$text [ " login_ok " ] = " 登录成功 " ; // "Sign in successful";
$text [ " log_management " ] = " 日志管理 " ; // "Log files management";
$text [ " logout " ] = " 登出 " ; // "Logout";
$text [ " manager " ] = " 管理员 " ; // "Manager";@@
$text [ " march " ] = " 三 月 " ; // "March";
$text [ " max_upload_size " ] = " 最大上传文件大小 " ; // "Maximum upload size";
$text [ " may " ] = " 五 月 " ; // "May";
$text [ " monday " ] = " Monday " ;
$text [ " month_view " ] = " 月视图 " ; // "Month view";
$text [ " move_document " ] = " 移动文档 " ; // "Move document";
$text [ " move_folder " ] = " 移动文件夹 " ; // "Move Folder";
$text [ " move " ] = " 移动 " ; // "Move";
$text [ " my_account " ] = " 我的账户 " ; // "My Account";
$text [ " my_documents " ] = " 我的文档 " ; // "My Documents";
$text [ " name " ] = " 名称 " ; // "Name";@@
$text [ " new_default_keyword_category " ] = " 添加类别 " ; // "Add category";
$text [ " new_default_keywords " ] = " 添加关键字 " ; // "Add keywords";
$text [ " new_document_email " ] = " 添加新文档 " ; // "New document";
$text [ " new_file_email " ] = " 添加新附件 " ; // "New attachment";
$text [ " new_folder " ] = " 新建文件夹 " ; // "New folder";
$text [ " new " ] = " New " ; @@@@
$text [ " new_subfolder_email " ] = " 创建新文件夹 " ; // "New folder";
$text [ " new_user_image " ] = " 新建图片 " ; // "New image";
$text [ " no_action " ] = " 无动作请求 " ; // "No action required";
$text [ " no_approval_needed " ] = " 无待审核的文件 " ; // "No approval pending.";
$text [ " no_attached_files " ] = " 无附件 " ; // "No attached files";
$text [ " no_default_keywords " ] = " 无关键字 " ; // "No keywords available";
$text [ " no_docs_locked " ] = " 无锁定的文档 " ; // "No documents locked.";
$text [ " no_docs_to_approve " ] = " 当前没有需要审核的文档 " ; // "There are currently no documents that require approval.";
$text [ " no_docs_to_look_at " ] = " 没有需要关注的文档 " ; // "No documents that need attention.";
$text [ " no_docs_to_review " ] = " 当前没有需要校对的文档 " ; // "There are currently no documents that require review.";
$text [ " no_group_members " ] = " 该组没有成员 " ; // "This group has no members";
$text [ " no_groups " ] = " 无组别 " ; // "No groups";
$text [ " no_linked_files " ] = " 无链接文件 " ; // "No linked files";
$text [ " no " ] = " 否 " ; //"No";
$text [ " no_previous_versions " ] = " 无其它版本 " ; // "No other versions found";
$text [ " no_review_needed " ] = " 无待校对的文件 " ; // "No review pending.";
$text [ " notify_added_email " ] = " 您已被添加到了通知名单中 " ; // "You've been added to notify list";
$text [ " notify_deleted_email " ] = " 您已经从通知名单中删除 " ; // "You've been removed from notify list";
$text [ " no_update_cause_locked " ] = " 您不能更新此文档,请联系该文档锁定人 " ; // "You can therefore not update this document. Please contanct the locking user.";
$text [ " no_user_image " ] = " 无图片 " ; // "No image found";
$text [ " november " ] = " 十一月 " ; // "November";
$text [ " obsolete " ] = " Obsolete " ; @@
$text [ " october " ] = " 十 月 " ; // "October";
$text [ " old " ] = " Old " ; //@@
$text [ " only_jpg_user_images " ] = " 只用jpg格式的图片才可以作为用户身份图片 " ; // "Only .jpg-images may be used as user-images";
$text [ " owner " ] = " 所有者 " ; // "Owner";
$text [ " ownership_changed_email " ] = " 所有者已变更 " ; // "Owner changed";
$text [ " password " ] = " 密码 " ; // "Password";
$text [ " personal_default_keywords " ] = " 用户关键字 " ; // "Personal keywords";@@
$text [ " previous_versions " ] = " 先前版本 " ; // "Previous Versions";
$text [ " rejected " ] = " 拒绝 " ; // "Rejected";
$text [ " released " ] = " 发布 " ; // "Released";
$text [ " removed_approver " ] = " 已经从审核人名单中删除 " ; // "has been removed from the list of approvers.";
$text [ " removed_file_email " ] = " 删除附件 " ; // "Removed attachment";
$text [ " removed_reviewer " ] = " 已经从校对人名单中删除 " ; // "has been removed from the list of reviewers.";
$text [ " results_page " ] = " 结果页面 " ; // "Results Page";
$text [ " review_deletion_email " ] = " 校对请求被删除 " ; // "Review request deleted";
$text [ " reviewer_already_assigned " ] = " 已经被指派为校对人 " ; // "is already assigned as a reviewer";
$text [ " reviewer_already_removed " ] = " 已经从校对队列中删除或者已经提交校对 " ; // "has already been removed from review process or has already submitted a review";
$text [ " reviewers " ] = " 校对人 " ; // "Reviewers";
$text [ " review_group " ] = " 校对组 " ; // "Review Group";
$text [ " review_request_email " ] = " 校对请求 " ; // "Review request";
$text [ " review_status " ] = " 校对状态 " ; // "Review Status";
$text [ " review_submit_email " ] = " 提交校对 " ; // "Submitted review";
$text [ " review_summary " ] = " 校对汇总 " ; // "Review Summary";
$text [ " review_update_failed " ] = " 错误 更新校对状态.更新失败 " ; // "Error updating review status. Update failed.";
$text [ " rm_default_keyword_category " ] = " 删除类别 " ; // "Delete category";
$text [ " rm_document " ] = " 删除文档 " ; // "Remove document";
$text [ " rm_file " ] = " 删除文件 " ; // "Remove file";
$text [ " rm_folder " ] = " 删除文件夹 " ; // "Remove folder";
$text [ " rm_group " ] = " 删除该组 " ; // "Remove this group";
$text [ " rm_user " ] = " 删除该用户 " ; // "Remove this user";
$text [ " rm_version " ] = " 删除该版本 " ; // "Remove version";
$text [ " role_admin " ] = " 管理员 " ; // "Administrator";
$text [ " role_guest " ] = " 来宾 " ; // "Guest";
$text [ " role_user " ] = " 用户 " ; // "User";
$text [ " role " ] = " 角色 " ; // "Role";
$text [ " saturday " ] = " Saturday " ;
$text [ " save " ] = " 保存 " ; // "Save";
$text [ " search_in " ] = " 搜索于 " ; // "Search in";
$text [ " search_mode_and " ] = " 与模式 " ; // "all words";
$text [ " search_mode_or " ] = " 或模式 " ; // "at least one word";
$text [ " search_no_results " ] = " 没有找到与您搜索添加相匹配的文件 " ; // "There are no documents that match your search";
$text [ " search_query " ] = " 搜索 " ; // "Search for";
$text [ " search_report " ] = " 找到 [count] 个文档 " ; // "Found [count] documents";
$text [ " search_results_access_filtered " ] = " 搜索到得结果中可能包含受限访问的文档 " ; // "Search results may contain content to which access has been denied.";
$text [ " search_results " ] = " 搜索结果 " ; // "Search results";
$text [ " search " ] = " 搜索 " ; // "Search";
$text [ " search_time " ] = " 耗时:[time]秒 " ; // "Elapsed time: [time] sec.";
$text [ " selection " ] = " 选择 " ; // "Selection";
$text [ " select_one " ] = " 选择一个 " ; // "Select one";
$text [ " september " ] = " 九 月 " ; // "September";
$text [ " seq_after " ] = " 在 \" [prevname] \" 之后 " ; // "After \"[prevname]\"";
$text [ " seq_end " ] = " 末尾 " ; // "At the end";
$text [ " seq_keep " ] = " 当前 " ; // "Keep Position";@@@@
$text [ " seq_start " ] = " 首位 " ; // "First position";
$text [ " sequence " ] = " 次序 " ; // "Sequence";
$text [ " set_expiry " ] = " 设置截止日期 " ; // "Set Expiry";
$text [ " set_owner_error " ] = " 错误 设置所有者 " ; // "Error setting owner";
$text [ " set_owner " ] = " 设置所有者 " ; // "Set Owner";
$text [ " signed_in_as " ] = " 登录为 " ; // "Signed in as";
$text [ " sign_out " ] = " 登出 " ; // "sign out";
$text [ " space_used_on_data_folder " ] = " 数据文件夹使用空间 " ; // "Space used on data folder";@@
$text [ " status_approval_rejected " ] = " 拟拒绝 " ; // "Draft rejected";
$text [ " status_approved " ] = " 批准 " ; // "Approved";
$text [ " status_approver_removed " ] = " 从审核队列中删除 " ; // "Approver removed from process";
$text [ " status_not_approved " ] = " 未批准 " ; // "Not approved";
$text [ " status_not_reviewed " ] = " 未校对 " ; // "Not reviewed";
$text [ " status_reviewed " ] = " 通过 " ; // "Reviewed";
$text [ " status_reviewer_rejected " ] = " 拟拒绝 " ; // "Draft rejected";
$text [ " status_reviewer_removed " ] = " 从校对队列中删除 " ; // "Reviewer removed from process";
$text [ " status " ] = " 状态 " ; // "Status";
$text [ " status_unknown " ] = " 未知 " ; // "Unknown";
$text [ " storage_size " ] = " 存储大小 " ; // "Storage size";
$text [ " submit_approval " ] = " 提交审核 " ; // "Submit approval";
$text [ " submit_login " ] = " 登录 " ; // "Sign in";
$text [ " submit_review " ] = " 提交校对 " ; // "Submit review";
$text [ " sunday " ] = " Sunday " ;
$text [ " theme " ] = " 主题 " ; // "Theme";
$text [ " thursday " ] = " Thursday " ;
$text [ " toggle_manager " ] = " 角色切换 " ; // "Toggle manager";@@
$text [ " to " ] = " 到 " ; //"To";
$text [ " tuesday " ] = " Tuesday " ;
$text [ " under_folder " ] = " 文件夹内 " ; // "In folder";
$text [ " unknown_command " ] = " 未知命令 " ; // "Command not recognized.";
$text [ " unknown_group " ] = " 未知组ID号 " ; // "Unknown group id";
$text [ " unknown_id " ] = " 未知ID号 " ; // "unknown id";
$text [ " unknown_keyword_category " ] = " 未知类别 " ; // "Unknown category";
$text [ " unknown_owner " ] = " 未知所有者ID号 " ; // "Unknown owner id";
$text [ " unknown_user " ] = " 未知用户ID号 " ; // "Unknown user id";
$text [ " unlock_cause_access_mode_all " ] = " 您仍然可以更新,因为您有拥有所有权限 \" all \" . 锁定状态被自动解除. " ; // "You can still update it because you have access-mode \"all\". Locking will automatically be removed.";
$text [ " unlock_cause_locking_user " ] = " 您仍然可以更新,因为是您锁定了该文件. 锁定状态被自动解除. " ; // "You can still update it because you are also the one that locked it. Locking will automatically be removed.";@@
$text [ " unlock_document " ] = " 解锁 " ; // "Unlock";
$text [ " update_approvers " ] = " 更新审核人名单 " ; // "Update List of Approvers";
$text [ " update_document " ] = " 更新 " ; // "Update";
$text [ " update_info " ] = " 更新信息 " ; // "Update Information";
$text [ " update_locked_msg " ] = " 该文档被锁定 " ; // "This document is locked.";
$text [ " update_reviewers " ] = " 更新校对人名单 " ; // "Update List of Reviewers";
$text [ " update " ] = " 更新 " ; // "Update";
$text [ " uploaded_by " ] = " 上传者 " ; // "Uploaded by";@@
$text [ " uploading_failed " ] = " 上传失败.请联系管理员 " ; // "Upload failed. Please contact the administrator.";
$text [ " use_default_keywords " ] = " 使用预定义关键字 " ; // "Use predefined keywords";
$text [ " user_exists " ] = " 用户已存在 " ; // "User already exists.";
$text [ " user_image " ] = " 用户图片 " ; // "Image";@@
$text [ " user_info " ] = " 用户信息 " ; // "User Information";
$text [ " user_list " ] = " 用户列表 " ; // "List of Users";
$text [ " user_login " ] = " 用户ID " ; // "User ID";
$text [ " user_management " ] = " 用户管理 " ; // "Users management";
$text [ " user_name " ] = " 全名 " ; // "Full name";
$text [ " users " ] = " 用户 " ; // "Users";
$text [ " user " ] = " 用户 " ; // "User";
$text [ " version_deleted_email " ] = " 版本已被删除 " ; // "Version deleted";
$text [ " version_info " ] = " 版本信息 " ; // "Version Information";
$text [ " versioning_file_creation " ] = " 创建版本文件 " ; // "Versioning file creation";@@
$text [ " versioning_file_creation_warning " ] = " 通过此操作, 您可以一个包含整个DMS文件夹的版本信息文件. 版本文件一经创建,每个文件都将保存到文件夹中. " ; // "With this operation you can create a file containing the versioning information of an entire DMS folder. After the creation every file will be saved inside the document folder.";@@
$text [ " versioning_info " ] = " 版本信息 " ; // "Versioning info";
$text [ " version " ] = " 版本 " ; // "Version";
$text [ " view_online " ] = " 在线浏览 " ; // "View online";
$text [ " warning " ] = " 警告 " ; // "Warning";
$text [ " wednesday " ] = " Wednesday " ;
$text [ " week_view " ] = " 周视图 " ; // "Week view";
$text [ " year_view " ] = " 年视图 " ; // "Year View";
$text [ " yes " ] = " 是 " ; // "Yes";