
413 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
// MyDMS. Document Management System
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text = array();
$text["accept"] = "Aceptar";
$text["access_denied"] = "Access denied.";
$text["access_inheritance"] = "Access Inheritance";
$text["access_mode"] = "Modo de acceso";
$text["access_mode_all"] = "All permissions";
$text["access_mode_none"] = "No hay acceso";
$text["access_mode_read"] = "Leer";
$text["access_mode_readwrite"] = "Lectura-Escritura";
$text["access_permission_changed_email"] = "Permission changed";
$text["actions"] = "Actions";
$text["add"] = "Add";
$text["add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning"] = "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no reviewer or approver is assigned.";
$text["add_document"] = "Añadir documento";
$text["add_document_link"] = "Añadir vinculo";
$text["add_event"] = "Add event";
$text["add_group"] = "Añadir nuevo grupo";
$text["add_member"] = "Añadir miembro";
$text["add_subfolder"] = "Añadir subdirectorio";
$text["add_user"] = "Añadir nuevo usuario";
$text["admin"] = "Administrator";
$text["admin_tools"] = "Admin-Tools";
$text["all_documents"] = "All Documents";
$text["all_pages"] = "All";
$text["all_users"] = "Todos los usuarios";
$text["already_subscribed"] = "Already subscribed";
$text["and"] = "y";
//$text["approval_deletion_email"] = "Approval request deleted";
$text["approval_group"] = "Approval Group";
//$text["approval_request_email"] = "Approval request";
$text["approval_status"] = "Approval Status";
//$text["approval_submit_email"] = "Submitted approval";
$text["approval_summary"] = "Approval Summary";
$text["approval_update_failed"] = "Error updating approval status. Update failed.";
$text["approvers"] = "Approvers";
$text["april"] = "April";
$text["archive_creation"] = "Archive creation";
$text["archive_creation_warning"] = "With this operation you can create achive containing the files of entire DMS folders. After the creation the archive will be saved in the data folder of your server.<br>WARNING: an archive created as human readable will be unusable as server backup.";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["assign_approvers"] = "Assign Approvers";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["assign_reviewers"] = "Assign Reviewers";
$text["assign_user_property_to"] = "Assign user's properties to";
$text["assumed_released"] = "Assumed released";
$text["august"] = "August";
$text["automatic_status_update"] = "Automatic status change";
$text["back"] = "Atras";
$text["backup_list"] = "Existings backup list";
$text["backup_remove"] = "Remove backup file";
$text["backup_tools"] = "Backup tools";
$text["between"] = "entre";
$text["calendar"] = "Calendar";
$text["cancel"] = "Cancelar";
$text["cannot_assign_invalid_state"] = "Cannot assign new reviewers to a document that is not pending review or pending approval.";
$text["cannot_change_final_states"] = "Warning: Unable to alter document status for documents that have been rejected, marked obsolete or expired.";
$text["cannot_delete_yourself"] = "Cannot delete yourself";
$text["cannot_move_root"] = "Error: Cannot move root folder.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot"] = "Unable to retrieve approval status snapshot for this document version.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot"] = "Unable to retrieve review status snapshot for this document version.";
$text["cannot_rm_root"] = "Error: Cannot delete root folder.";
$text["change_assignments"] = "Change Assignments";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["change_status"] = "Change Status";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["choose_category"] = "--Elegir categoría--";
$text["choose_group"] = "--Seleccionar grupo--";
$text["choose_target_document"] = "Escoger documento";
$text["choose_target_folder"] = "Escoger directorio destino";
$text["choose_user"] = "--Seleccionar usuario--";
$text["comment_changed_email"] = "Comment changed";
$text["comment"] = "Comentarios";
$text["comment_for_current_version"] = "Comentario de la version actual";
$text["confirm_pwd"] = "Confirmar password";
$text["confirm_rm_backup"] = "Do you really want to remove the file \"[arkname]\"?<br />Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_document"] = "Desea realmente eliminar el documento \"[documentname]\"?<br />Atencion: Esta accion no se puede deshacer.";
$text["confirm_rm_dump"] = "Do you really want to remove the file \"[dumpname]\"?<br />Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_event"] = "Do you really want to remove event \"[name]\"?<br />Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_file"] = "Do you really want to remove file \"[name]\" of document \"[documentname]\"?<br />Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder"] = "Realmente desea eliminar el directorio \"[foldername]\" y su contenido?<br />Atencion: Esta accion no se puede deshacer.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder_files"] = "Do you really want to remove all the files of the folder \"[foldername]\" and of its subfolders?<br />Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_group"] = "Do you really want to remove the group \"[groupname]\"?<br />Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_log"] = "Do you really want to remove log file \"[logname]\"?<br />Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_user"] = "Do you really want to remove the user \"[username]\"?<br />Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_version"] = "¿Realmente quiere eliminar la versión [version] del documento \"[documentname]\"?<br />Tenga cuidado: esta acción no se puede deshacer.";
$text["content"] = "Contenido";
$text["continue"] = "Continue";
$text["creation_date"] = "Creacion";
$text["current_version"] = "Version actual";
$text["december"] = "December";
$text["default_access"] = "Modo de acceso predefinido";
$text["default_keyword_category"] = "Categorías";
$text["delete"] = "Eliminado";
$text["details"] = "Details";
$text["details_version"] = "Details for version: [version]";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["disclaimer"] = "This is a classified area. Access is permitted only to authorized personnel. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the english and international laws.";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["document_already_locked"] = "Este documento ya esta bloqueado";
$text["document_deleted"] = "Document deleted";
$text["document_deleted_email"] = "Document deleted";
$text["document"] = "Document";
$text["document_infos"] = "Informaciones";
$text["document_is_not_locked"] = "Este documento no esta bloqueado";
$text["document_link_by"] = "Vinculado por";
$text["document_link_public"] = "Publico";
$text["document_moved_email"] = "Document moved";
$text["document_renamed_email"] = "Document renamed";
$text["documents"] = "Documents";
$text["documents_in_process"] = "Documents In Process";
$text["documents_locked_by_you"] = "Documents locked by you";
$text["document_status_changed_email"] = "Document status changed";
$text["documents_to_approve"] = "Documents Awaiting User's Approval";
$text["documents_to_review"] = "Documents Awaiting User's Review";
$text["documents_user_requiring_attention"] = "Documents Owned by User That Require Attention";
$text["document_title"] = "Documento '[documentname]'";
$text["document_updated_email"] = "Document updated";
$text["does_not_expire"] = "No caduca";
$text["does_not_inherit_access_msg"] = "<a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[inheriturl]\">Inherit access</a>";
$text["download"] = "Download";
$text["draft_pending_approval"] = "Draft - pending approval";
$text["draft_pending_review"] = "Draft - pending review";
$text["dump_creation"] = "DB dump creation";
$text["dump_creation_warning"] = "With this operation you can create a dump file of your database content. After the creation the dump file will be saved in the data folder of your server.";
$text["dump_list"] = "Existings dump files";
$text["dump_remove"] = "Remove dump file";
$text["edit_comment"] = "Edit comment";
$text["edit_default_keywords"] = "Edit keywords";
$text["edit_document_access"] = "Editar acceso";
$text["edit_document_notify"] = "Lista de notificacion";
$text["edit_document_props_again"] = "Editar documento otra vez";
$text["edit"] = "edit";
$text["edit_event"] = "Edit event";
$text["edit_existing_access"] = "Editar lista de acceso";
$text["edit_existing_notify"] = "Editar lista de notificacion";
$text["edit_folder_access"] = "Editar acceso";
$text["edit_folder_notify"] = "Lista de notificacion";
$text["edit_folder_props"] = "Editar directorio";
$text["edit_group"] = "Editar grupo...";
$text["edit_user_details"] = "Edit User Details";
$text["edit_user"] = "Editar usuario...";
$text["email"] = "Email";
$text["email_footer"] = "You can always change your e-mail settings using 'My Account' functions";
$text["email_header"] = "This is an automatic message from the DMS server.";
$text["empty_notify_list"] = "No hay entradas";
$text["error_occured"] = "Un error ha ocurrido";
$text["event_details"] = "Event details";
$text["expired"] = "Expired";
$text["expires"] = "Caduca";
$text["expiry_changed_email"] = "Expiry date changed";
$text["february"] = "February";
$text["file"] = "File";
$text["files_deletion"] = "Files deletion";
$text["files_deletion_warning"] = "With this option you can delete all files of entire DMS folders. The versioning information will remain visible.";
$text["files"] = "Files";
$text["file_size"] = "Tamaño";
$text["folder_contents"] = "Folders";
$text["folder_deleted_email"] = "Folder deleted";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["folder"] = "Folder";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["folder_infos"] = "Informaciones";
$text["folder_moved_email"] = "Folder moved";
$text["folder_renamed_email"] = "Folder renamed";
$text["folders_and_documents_statistic"] = "Contents overview";
$text["folders"] = "Folders";
$text["folder_title"] = "Directorio '[foldername]'";
$text["friday"] = "Friday";
$text["from"] = "From";
$text["global_default_keywords"] = "Palabras claves globales";
$text["group_approval_summary"] = "Group approval summary";
$text["group_exists"] = "Group already exists.";
$text["group"] = "Grupo";
$text["group_management"] = "Grupos";
$text["group_members"] = "Miembros del grupo";
$text["group_review_summary"] = "Group review summary";
$text["groups"] = "Grupos";
$text["guest_login_disabled"] = "Guest login is disabled.";
$text["guest_login"] = "Acceso como invitado";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["help"] = "Help";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["human_readable"] = "Human readable archive";
$text["include_documents"] = "Include documents";
$text["include_subdirectories"] = "Include subdirectories";
$text["individuals"] = "Individuals";
$text["inherits_access_msg"] = "Acceso esta siendo heredado.<p><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[copyurl]\">Copiar lista de acceso heredado</a><br /><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[emptyurl]\">Empezar con una lista de acceso vacia</a>";
$text["internal_error_exit"] = "Internal error. Unable to complete request. Exiting.";
$text["internal_error"] = "Internal error";
$text["invalid_access_mode"] = "Invalid Access Mode";
$text["invalid_action"] = "Invalid Action";
$text["invalid_approval_status"] = "Invalid Approval Status";
$text["invalid_create_date_end"] = "Invalid end date for creation date range.";
$text["invalid_create_date_start"] = "Invalid start date for creation date range.";
$text["invalid_doc_id"] = "Invalid Document ID";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["invalid_file_id"] = "Invalid file ID";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["invalid_folder_id"] = "Invalid Folder ID";
$text["invalid_group_id"] = "Invalid Group ID";
$text["invalid_link_id"] = "Invalid link identifier";
$text["invalid_review_status"] = "Invalid Review Status";
$text["invalid_sequence"] = "Invalid sequence value";
$text["invalid_status"] = "Invalid Document Status";
$text["invalid_target_doc_id"] = "Invalid Target Document ID";
$text["invalid_target_folder"] = "Invalid Target Folder ID";
$text["invalid_user_id"] = "Invalid User ID";
$text["invalid_version"] = "Invalid Document Version";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["is_hidden"] = "Hide from users list";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["january"] = "January";
$text["js_no_approval_group"] = "Please select a approval group";
$text["js_no_approval_status"] = "Please select the approval status";
$text["js_no_comment"] = "No hay comentarios";
$text["js_no_email"] = "Escriba su direccion Email";
$text["js_no_file"] = "Por favor, seleccione un archivo";
$text["js_no_keywords"] = "Especifique palabras clave";
$text["js_no_login"] = "Por favor, escriba un nombre de usuario";
$text["js_no_name"] = "Por favor, escriba un nombre";
$text["js_no_override_status"] = "Please select the new [override] status";
$text["js_no_pwd"] = "Necesita escribir su password";
$text["js_no_query"] = "Escriba una busqueda";
$text["js_no_review_group"] = "Please select a review group";
$text["js_no_review_status"] = "Please select the review status";
$text["js_pwd_not_conf"] = "Password y la confirmacion del password no coinciden";
$text["js_select_user_or_group"] = "Seleccione al menos un usuario o un grupo";
$text["js_select_user"] = "Por favor, seleccione un usuario";
$text["july"] = "July";
$text["june"] = "June";
$text["keyword_exists"] = "Keyword already exists";
$text["keywords"] = "Palabras clave";
$text["language"] = "Lenguaje";
$text["last_update"] = "Ultima modificacion";
$text["linked_documents"] = "Documentos relacionados";
$text["linked_files"] = "Attachments";
$text["local_file"] = "Archivo local";
$text["lock_document"] = "Bloquear";
$text["lock_message"] = "Este documento ha sido bloqueado por <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>.<br />Solo usuarios autorizados pueden desbloquear este documento (vea el final de la pagina).";
$text["lock_status"] = "Estado";
$text["login_error_text"] = "Error signing in. User ID or password incorrect.";
$text["login_error_title"] = "Sign in error";
$text["login_not_given"] = "Nombre de usuario no facilitado.";
$text["login_ok"] = "Sign in successful";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["log_management"] = "Log files management";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["logout"] = "Desconectar";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["manager"] = "Manager";
$text["march"] = "March";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["max_upload_size"] = "Maximum upload size for each file";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["may"] = "May";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["monday"] = "Monday";
$text["month_view"] = "Month view";
$text["move_document"] = "Mover documento";
$text["move_folder"] = "Mover directorio";
$text["move"] = "Move";
$text["my_account"] = "Mi cuenta";
$text["my_documents"] = "My Documents";
$text["name"] = "Nombre";
$text["new_default_keyword_category"] = "Nueva categoría";
$text["new_default_keywords"] = "Agregar palabras claves";
$text["new_document_email"] = "New document";
$text["new_file_email"] = "New attachment";
$text["new_folder"] = "New folder";
$text["new"] = "New";
$text["new_subfolder_email"] = "New folder";
$text["new_user_image"] = "Nueva imagen";
$text["no_action"] = "No action required";
$text["no_approval_needed"] = "No approval pending.";
$text["no_attached_files"] = "No attached files";
$text["no_default_keywords"] = "No keywords available";
$text["no_docs_locked"] = "No documents locked.";
$text["no_docs_to_approve"] = "There are currently no documents that require approval.";
$text["no_docs_to_look_at"] = "No documents that need attention.";
$text["no_docs_to_review"] = "There are currently no documents that require review.";
$text["no_group_members"] = "Este grupo no tiene miembros";
$text["no_groups"] = "No hay grupos";
$text["no_linked_files"] = "No linked files";
$text["no"] = "No";
$text["no_previous_versions"] = "No other versions found";
$text["no_review_needed"] = "No review pending.";
$text["notify_added_email"] = "You've been added to notify list";
$text["notify_deleted_email"] = "You've been removed from notify list";
$text["no_update_cause_locked"] = "No puede actualizar este documento. Contacte con el usuario que lo bloqueo.";
$text["no_user_image"] = "No se encontro imagen";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["november"] = "November";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["obsolete"] = "Obsolete";
$text["october"] = "October";
$text["old"] = "Old";
$text["only_jpg_user_images"] = "Solo puede usar imagenes .jpg como imagenes de usuario";
$text["owner"] = "Propietario";
$text["ownership_changed_email"] = "Owner changed";
$text["password"] = "Password";
$text["personal_default_keywords"] = "Palabras claves personales";
$text["previous_versions"] = "Previous Versions";
$text["rejected"] = "Rejected";
$text["released"] = "Released";
$text["removed_approver"] = "has been removed from the list of approvers.";
$text["removed_file_email"] = "Removed attachment";
$text["removed_reviewer"] = "has been removed from the list of reviewers.";
$text["results_page"] = "Results Page";
$text["review_deletion_email"] = "Review request deleted";
$text["reviewer_already_assigned"] = "is already assigned as a reviewer";
$text["reviewer_already_removed"] = "has already been removed from review process or has already submitted a review";
$text["reviewers"] = "Reviewers";
$text["review_group"] = "Review Group";
$text["review_request_email"] = "Review request";
$text["review_status"] = "Review Status";
$text["review_submit_email"] = "Submitted review";
$text["review_summary"] = "Review Summary";
$text["review_update_failed"] = "Error updating review status. Update failed.";
$text["rm_default_keyword_category"] = "Eliminar categoría";
$text["rm_document"] = "Eliminar documento";
$text["rm_file"] = "Remove file";
$text["rm_folder"] = "Eliminar directorio";
$text["rm_group"] = "Eliminar este grupo";
$text["rm_user"] = "Eliminar este usuario";
$text["rm_version"] = "Eliminar versión";
$text["role_admin"] = "Administrator";
$text["role_guest"] = "Guest";
$text["role"] = "Role";
$text["saturday"] = "Saturday";
$text["save"] = "Grabar";
$text["search_in"] = "Buscar en";
$text["search_mode_and"] = "todas las palabras";
$text["search_mode_or"] = "al menos una palabra";
$text["search_no_results"] = "No hay documentos que coinciden con su busqueda";
$text["search_query"] = "Buscar";
$text["search_report"] = "Found [count] documents";
$text["search_results_access_filtered"] = "Search results may contain content to which access has been denied.";
$text["search_results"] = "Resultados de la busqueda";
$text["search"] = "Search";
$text["search_time"] = "Tiempo transcurrido: [time] seg.";
$text["selection"] = "Selection";
$text["select_one"] = "Seleccionar uno";
$text["september"] = "September";
$text["seq_after"] = "Despues \"[prevname]\"";
$text["seq_end"] = "Al final";
$text["seq_keep"] = "Mantener posicion";
$text["seq_start"] = "Primera posicion";
$text["sequence"] = "Secuencia";
$text["set_default_access"] = "Set Default Access Mode";
$text["set_expiry"] = "Set Expiry";
$text["set_owner_error"] = "Error setting owner";
$text["set_owner"] = "Establecer propietario";
$text["signed_in_as"] = "Signed in as";
$text["sign_out"] = "sign out";
$text["space_used_on_data_folder"] = "Space used on data folder";
$text["status_approval_rejected"] = "Draft rejected";
$text["status_approved"] = "Approved";
$text["status_approver_removed"] = "Approver removed from process";
$text["status_not_approved"] = "Not approved";
$text["status_not_reviewed"] = "Not reviewed";
$text["status_reviewed"] = "Reviewed";
$text["status_reviewer_rejected"] = "Draft rejected";
$text["status_reviewer_removed"] = "Reviewer removed from process";
$text["status"] = "Status";
$text["status_unknown"] = "Unknown";
$text["subfolder_list"] = "Subdirectorio";
$text["submit_approval"] = "Submit approval";
$text["submit_login"] = "Sign in";
$text["submit_review"] = "Submit review";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["sunday"] = "Sunday";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["theme"] = "Tema gráfico";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["thursday"] = "Thursday";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["toggle_manager"] = "Toggle manager";
2010-10-29 13:19:51 +00:00
$text["to"] = "To";
2010-12-15 16:23:56 +00:00
$text["tuesday"] = "Tuesday";
$text["under_folder"] = "En directorio";
$text["unknown_command"] = "Command not recognized.";
$text["unknown_group"] = "Unknown group id";
$text["unknown_id"] = "unknown id";
$text["unknown_keyword_category"] = "Unknown category";
$text["unknown_owner"] = "Unknown owner id";
$text["unknown_user"] = "Unknown user id";
$text["unlock_cause_access_mode_all"] = "Puede actualizarlo porque tiene modo de acceso \"all\". El bloqueo sera automaticamente eliminado.";
$text["unlock_cause_locking_user"] = "Puede actualizarlo porque fue quien lo bloqueo. El bloqueo sera automaticamente eliminado.";
$text["unlock_document"] = "Desbloquear";
$text["update_approvers"] = "Update List of Approvers";
$text["update_document"] = "Actualizar";
$text["update_info"] = "Update Information";
$text["update_locked_msg"] = "Este documento esta bloqueado.";
$text["update_reviewers"] = "Update List of Reviewers";
$text["update"] = "Update";
$text["uploaded_by"] = "Enviado por";
$text["uploading_failed"] = "Envio (Upload) fallido. Por favor contacte con el Administrador.";
$text["use_default_keywords"] = "Utilizar palabras claves por defecto";
$text["user_exists"] = "User already exists.";
$text["user_image"] = "Imagen";
$text["user_info"] = "User Information";
$text["user_list"] = "Lista de usuarios";
$text["user_login"] = "Nombre de usuario";
$text["user_management"] = "Usuarios";
$text["user_name"] = "Nombre completo";
$text["users"] = "Usuarios";
$text["user"] = "Usuario";
$text["version_deleted_email"] = "Version deleted";
$text["version_info"] = "Version Information";
$text["versioning_file_creation"] = "Versioning file creation";
$text["versioning_file_creation_warning"] = "With this operation you can create a file containing the versioning information of an entire DMS folder. After the creation every file will be saved inside the document folder.";
$text["versioning_info"] = "Versioning info";
$text["version"] = "Version";
$text["view_online"] = "Ver online";
$text["warning"] = "Warning";
$text["wednesday"] = "Wednesday";
$text["week_view"] = "Week view";
$text["year_view"] = "Year View";
$text["yes"] = "Si";