mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 00:45:34 +00:00
- added new language Catalan
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
// MyDMS. Document Management System
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
$text = array();
$text["accept"] = "Acceptar";
$text["access_denied"] = "Accés denegat";
$text["access_inheritance"] = "Accés heretat";
$text["access_mode"] = "Mode d'accés";
$text["access_mode_all"] = "Tots els permisos";
$text["access_mode_none"] = "No hi ha accés";
$text["access_mode_read"] = "Llegir";
$text["access_mode_readwrite"] = "Lectura-escriptura";
$text["access_permission_changed_email"] = "Permisos canviats";
$text["actions"] = "Accions";
$text["add"] = "Afegir";
$text["add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning"] = "Els documents N.B. es marquen automàticament com a publicats si no hi ha revisors o aprovadors assignats";
$text["add_document"] = "Afegir document";
$text["add_document_link"] = "Afegir vincle";
$text["add_event"] = "Afegir esdeveniment";
$text["add_group"] = "Afegir nou grup";
$text["add_member"] = "Afegir membre";
$text["add_multiple_documents"] = "Add multiple documents";
$text["add_multiple_files"] = "Afegir múltiples fitxers (s'utilitzarà el nom de fitxer com a nom del document)";
$text["add_subfolder"] = "Afegir subdirectori";
$text["add_user"] = "Afegir nou usuari";
$text["admin"] = "Administrador";
$text["admin_tools"] = "Eines d'administració";
$text["all_categories"] = "All categories";
$text["all_documents"] = "Tots els documents";
$text["all_pages"] = "Tot";
$text["all_users"] = "Tots els usuaris";
$text["already_subscribed"] = "Ja està subscrit";
$text["and"] = "i";
$text["apply"] = "Apply";
$text["approval_deletion_email"] = "Demanda d'aprovació esborrada";
$text["approval_group"] = "Grup aprovador";
$text["approval_request_email"] = "Petició d'aprovació";
$text["approval_status"] = "Estat d'aprovació";
$text["approval_submit_email"] = "Aprovació enviada";
$text["approval_summary"] = "Resum d'aprovació";
$text["approval_update_failed"] = "Error actualitzant l'estat d'aprovació. Actualització fallada.";
$text["approvers"] = "Aprovadors";
$text["april"] = "Abril";
$text["archive_creation"] = "Creació d'arxiu";
$text["archive_creation_warning"] = "Amb aquesta operació pot crear un arxiu que contingui els fitxers de les carpetes del DMS complet. Després de crear-lo, l'arxiu es guardarà a la carpeta de dades del servidor. <br>ATENCIÓ: un fitxer creat com llegible per humans no es podrà usar com a còpia de seguretat del servidor.";
$text["assign_approvers"] = "Assignar aprovadors";
$text["assign_reviewers"] = "Assignar revisors";
$text["assign_user_property_to"] = "Assignar propietats d'usuari a";
$text["assumed_released"] = "Se suposa com a publicat";
$text["august"] = "Agost";
$text["automatic_status_update"] = "Canvi automátic d'estat";
$text["back"] = "Endarrere";
$text["backup_list"] = "Llista de còpies de seguretat existents";
$text["backup_remove"] = "Eliminar fitxer de còpia de seguretat";
$text["backup_tools"] = "Eines de còpia de seguretat";
$text["between"] = "entre";
$text["calendar"] = "Calendari";
$text["cancel"] = "Cancel.lar";
$text["cannot_assign_invalid_state"] = "No es poden assignar nous revisors a un document que no està pendent de revisió o d'aprovació.";
$text["cannot_change_final_states"] = "Atenció: No es pot canviar l'estat de documents que han estat rebutjats, marcats com a obsolets o expirats.";
$text["cannot_delete_yourself"] = "No és possible eliminar-se un mateix";
$text["cannot_move_root"] = "Error: No és possible moure la carpeta root.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot"] = "No és possible recuperar la instantànea de l'estat d'aprovació per a aquesta versió de document.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot"] = "No és possible recuperar la instantània de revisió per a aquesta versió de document.";
$text["cannot_rm_root"] = "Error: No és possible eliminar la carpeta root.";
$text["category"] = "Category";
$text["category_filter"] = "Only categories";
$text["category_in_use"] = "This category is currently used by documents.";
$text["categories"] = "Categories";
$text["change_assignments"] = "Canviar assignacions";
$text["change_status"] = "Canviar estat";
$text["choose_category"] = "--Elegir categoria--";
$text["choose_group"] = "--Seleccionar grup--";
$text["choose_target_category"] = "Choose category";
$text["choose_target_document"] = "Escollir document";
$text["choose_target_folder"] = "Escollir directori de destinació";
$text["choose_user"] = "--Seleccionar usuari--";
$text["comment_changed_email"] = "Comentari modificat";
$text["comment"] = "Comentaris";
$text["comment_for_current_version"] = "Comentari de la versió actual";
$text["confirm_create_fulltext_index"] = "Yes, I would like to recreate the fulltext index!";
$text["confirm_pwd"] = "Confirmar contrasenya";
$text["confirm_rm_backup"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar el fitxer \"[arkname]\"?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_document"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar el document \"[documentname]\"?<br/>Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_dump"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar el fitxer \"[dumpname]\"?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_event"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar l'event \"[name]\"?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_file"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar el fitxer \"[name]\" del document \"[documentname]\"?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar el directori \"[foldername]\" i tot el seu contingut?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder_files"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar tots els fitxers de la carpeta \"[foldername]\" i de les seves subcarpetes?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_group"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar el grup \"[groupname]\"?<br />atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_log"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar el fitxer de registre \"[logname]\"?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_user"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar l'usuari \"[username]\"?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["confirm_rm_version"] = "¿Vol realment eliminar la versió [version] del document \"[documentname]\"?<br />Atenció: aquesta acció no es pot desfer.";
$text["content"] = "Contingut";
$text["continue"] = "Continuar";
$text["create_fulltext_index"] = "Create fulltext index";
$text["create_fulltext_index_warning"] = "You are to recreate the fulltext index. This can take a considerable amount of time and reduce your overall system performance. If you really want to recreate the index, please confirm your operation.";
$text["creation_date"] = "Creació";
$text["current_version"] = "Versió actual";
$text["daily"] = "Daily";
$text["databasesearch"] = "Database search";
$text["december"] = "Desembre";
$text["default_access"] = "Mode d'accés predeterminat";
$text["default_keyword_category"] = "Categories predeterminades";
$text["delete"] = "Eliminar";
$text["details"] = "Detalls";
$text["details_version"] = "Detalls de la versió: [version]";
$text["disclaimer"] = "Aquesta és una àrea restringida. Només es permet l'accés a usuaris autoritzats. Qualsevol intrusió es perseguirà d'acord amb les lleis internacionals.";
$text["document_already_locked"] = "Aquest document ja està bloquejat";
$text["document_deleted"] = "Document eliminat";
$text["document_deleted_email"] = "Document eliminat";
$text["document"] = "Document";
$text["document_infos"] = "Informacions";
$text["document_is_not_locked"] = "Aquest document no està bloquejat";
$text["document_link_by"] = "Vinculat per";
$text["document_link_public"] = "Públic";
$text["document_moved_email"] = "Document reubicat";
$text["document_renamed_email"] = "Document reanomenat";
$text["documents"] = "Documents";
$text["documents_in_process"] = "Documents en procés";
$text["documents_locked_by_you"] = "Documents bloquejats per vostè";
$text["document_status_changed_email"] = "Estat del document modificat";
$text["documents_to_approve"] = "Documents en espera d'aprovació d'usuaris";
$text["documents_to_review"] = "Documents en espera de revisió d'usuaris";
$text["documents_user_requiring_attention"] = "Documents de la seva propietat que requereixen atenció";
$text["document_title"] = "Document '[documentname]'";
$text["document_updated_email"] = "Document actualizat";
$text["does_not_expire"] = "No caduca";
$text["does_not_inherit_access_msg"] = "<a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[inheriturl]\">heretar l'accés</a>";
$text["download"] = "Descarregar";
$text["draft_pending_approval"] = "Esborrany - pendent d'aprovació";
$text["draft_pending_review"] = "Esborrany - pendent de revisió";
$text["dump_creation"] = "Creació de bolcat de BDD";
$text["dump_creation_warning"] = "Amb aquesta operació es crearà un bolcat a fitxer del contingut de la base de dades. Després de la creació del bolcat, el fitxer es guardarà a la carpeta de dades del seu servidor.";
$text["dump_list"] = "Fitxers de bolcat existents";
$text["dump_remove"] = "Eliminar fitxer de bolcat";
$text["edit_comment"] = "Editar comentari";
$text["edit_default_keywords"] = "Editar mots clau";
$text["edit_document_access"] = "Editar accés";
$text["edit_document_notify"] = "Llista de notificació";
$text["edit_document_props"] = "Editar document";
$text["edit"] = "editar";
$text["edit_event"] = "Editar event";
$text["edit_existing_access"] = "Editar llista d'accés";
$text["edit_existing_notify"] = "Editar llista de notificació";
$text["edit_folder_access"] = "Editar accés";
$text["edit_folder_notify"] = "Llista de notificació";
$text["edit_folder_props"] = "Editar directori";
$text["edit_group"] = "Editar grup...";
$text["edit_user_details"] = "Editar detalls d'usuari";
$text["edit_user"] = "Editar usuari...";
$text["email"] = "Email";
$text["email_footer"] = "Sempre es pot canviar la configuració de correu electrònic utilitzant les funcions de «El meu compte»";
$text["email_header"] = "Aquest es un missatge automàtic del servidor de DMS.";
$text["empty_notify_list"] = "No hi ha entrades";
$text["error_no_document_selected"] = "No document selected";
$text["error_no_folder_selected"] = "No folder selected";
$text["error_occured"] = "Ha succeït un error";
$text["event_details"] = "Detalls de l'event";
$text["expired"] = "Caducat";
$text["expires"] = "Caduca";
$text["expiry_changed_email"] = "Data de caducitat modificada";
$text["february"] = "Febrer";
$text["file"] = "Fitxer";
$text["files_deletion"] = "Eliminació de fitxers";
$text["files_deletion_warning"] = "Amb aquesta opció es poden eliminar tots els fitxers del DMS complet. La informació de versionat romandrà visible.";
$text["files"] = "Fitxers";
$text["file_size"] = "Mida";
$text["folder_contents"] = "Carpetes";
$text["folder_deleted_email"] = "Carpeta eliminada";
$text["folder"] = "Carpeta";
$text["folder_infos"] = "Informacions";
$text["folder_moved_email"] = "Carpeta reubicada";
$text["folder_renamed_email"] = "Carpeta reanomenada";
$text["folders_and_documents_statistic"] = "Vista general de continguts";
$text["folders"] = "Carpetes";
$text["folder_title"] = "Carpeta '[foldername]'";
$text["friday"] = "Divendres";
$text["from"] = "Des de";
$text["fullsearch"] = "Full text search";
$text["fullsearch_hint"] = "Use fulltext index";
$text["fulltext_info"] = "Fulltext index info";
$text["global_default_keywords"] = "Mots clau globals";
$text["global_document_categories"] = "Categories";
$text["group_approval_summary"] = "Resum del grup aprovador";
$text["group_exists"] = "El grup ja existeix";
$text["group"] = "Grup";
$text["group_management"] = "Grups";
$text["group_members"] = "Membres del grup";
$text["group_review_summary"] = "Resum del grup revisor";
$text["groups"] = "Grups";
$text["guest_login_disabled"] = "El compte d'invitat està deshabilitat.";
$text["guest_login"] = "Accés com a invitat";
$text["help"] = "Ajuda";
$text["hourly"] = "Hourly";
$text["human_readable"] = "Arxiu llegible per humans";
$text["include_documents"] = "Incloure documents";
$text["include_subdirectories"] = "Incloure subdirectoris";
$text["individuals"] = "Individuals";
$text["inherits_access_msg"] = "Accés heretat.<p><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[copyurl]\">Copiar llista d'accés heretat</a><br /><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[emptyurl]\">Començar amb una llista d'accés buida</a>";
$text["internal_error_exit"] = "Error intern. No és possible acabar la sol.licitud. Acabat.";
$text["internal_error"] = "Error intern";
$text["invalid_access_mode"] = "No és valid el mode d'accés";
$text["invalid_action"] = "L'acció no és vàlida";
$text["invalid_approval_status"] = "L'estat d'aprovació no és válid";
$text["invalid_create_date_end"] = "La data de final no és vàlida per a la creació de rangs de dates.";
$text["invalid_create_date_start"] = "La data d'inici no és vàlida per a la creació de rangs de dates.";
$text["invalid_doc_id"] = "ID de document no vàlid";
$text["invalid_file_id"] = "ID de fitxer no vàlid";
$text["invalid_folder_id"] = "ID de carpeta no vàlid";
$text["invalid_group_id"] = "ID de grup no vàlid";
$text["invalid_link_id"] = "L'identificador d'enllaç no és válid";
$text["invalid_review_status"] = "L'estat de revisió no és válid";
$text["invalid_sequence"] = "El valor de seqüència no és válid";
$text["invalid_status"] = "L'estat del document no és vàlid";
$text["invalid_target_doc_id"] = "ID de document destinació no válid";
$text["invalid_target_folder"] = "ID de carpeta destinació no válid";
$text["invalid_user_id"] = "ID d'usuari no vàlid";
$text["invalid_version"] = "La versión de documento no és vàlida";
$text["is_hidden"] = "Amagar de la llista d'usuaris";
$text["january"] = "Gener";
$text["js_no_approval_group"] = "Si us plau, seleccioneu grup d'aprovació";
$text["js_no_approval_status"] = "Si us plau, seleccioneu l'estat d'aprovació";
$text["js_no_comment"] = "No hi ha comentaris";
$text["js_no_email"] = "Si us plau, escriviu la vostra adreça de correu electrònic";
$text["js_no_file"] = "Si us plau, seleccioneu un arxiu";
$text["js_no_keywords"] = "Si us plau, especifiqueu mots clau";
$text["js_no_login"] = "Si us plau, escriviu un nom d'usuari";
$text["js_no_name"] = "Si us plau, escriviu un nom";
$text["js_no_override_status"] = "Si us plau, seleccioneu el nou [override] estat";
$text["js_no_pwd"] = "Si us plau, escriviu la vostra contrasenya";
$text["js_no_query"] = "Si us plau, escriviu una cerca";
$text["js_no_review_group"] = "Si us plau, seleccioneu un grup de revisió";
$text["js_no_review_status"] = "Si us plau, seleccioneu l'estat de revisió";
$text["js_pwd_not_conf"] = "La contrasenya i la confirmació de la contrasenya no coincideixen";
$text["js_select_user_or_group"] = "Seleccioneu, si més no, un usuari o un grup";
$text["js_select_user"] = "Si us plau, seleccioneu un usuari";
$text["july"] = "Juliol";
$text["june"] = "Juny";
$text["keyword_exists"] = "El mot clau ja existeix";
$text["keywords"] = "Mots clau";
$text["language"] = "Llenguatge";
$text["last_update"] = "Última modificació";
$text["link_alt_updatedocument"] = "If you would like to upload files bigger than the current maximum upload size, please use the alternative <a href=\"%s\">upload page</a>.";
$text["linked_documents"] = "Documents relacionats";
$text["linked_files"] = "Adjunts";
$text["local_file"] = "Arxiu local";
$text["locked_by"] = "Locked by";
$text["lock_document"] = "Bloquejar";
$text["lock_message"] = "Aquest document ha estat bloquejat per <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>.<br />Només els usuaris autoritzats poden desbloquejar aquest document (vegeu al final de la pàgina).";
$text["lock_status"] = "Estat";
$text["login_error_text"] = "Error d'accés. ID d'usuari o contrasenya incorrectes.";
$text["login_error_title"] = "Error d'accés";
$text["login_not_given"] = "Nom d'usuari no facilitat.";
$text["login_ok"] = "Accés amb èxit";
$text["log_management"] = "Gestió de fitxers de registre";
$text["logout"] = "Desconnectar";
$text["manager"] = "Manager";
$text["march"] = "Març";
$text["max_upload_size"] = "Mida màxima de pujada de cada fitxer";
$text["may"] = "Maig";
$text["monday"] = "Dilluns";
$text["month_view"] = "Vista de mes";
$text["monthly"] = "Monthly";
$text["move_document"] = "Moure document";
$text["move_folder"] = "Moure directori";
$text["move"] = "Moure";
$text["my_account"] = "El meu compte";
$text["my_documents"] = "Els meus documents";
$text["name"] = "Nom";
$text["new_default_keyword_category"] = "Nova categoria";
$text["new_default_keywords"] = "Afegir mots clau";
$text["new_document_category"] = "Add category";
$text["new_document_email"] = "Nou document";
$text["new_file_email"] = "Nou adjunt";
$text["new_folder"] = "Nova carpeta";
$text["new"] = "Nou";
$text["new_subfolder_email"] = "Nova subcarpeta";
$text["new_user_image"] = "Nova imatge";
$text["no_action"] = "No és necessària cap acció";
$text["no_approval_needed"] = "No hi ha aprovacions pendents.";
$text["no_attached_files"] = "No hi ha fitxers adjunts";
$text["no_default_keywords"] = "No hi ha mots clau disponibles";
$text["no_docs_locked"] = "No hi ha documents bloquejats.";
$text["no_docs_to_approve"] = "Actualmente no hi ha documents que necessitin aprovació.";
$text["no_docs_to_look_at"] = "No hi ha documents que necessitin atenció.";
$text["no_docs_to_review"] = "Actualmente no hi ha documents que necessitin revisió.";
$text["no_group_members"] = "Aquest grup no té membres";
$text["no_groups"] = "No hi ha grups";
$text["no"] = "No";
$text["no_linked_files"] = "No hi ha fitxers enllaçats";
$text["no_previous_versions"] = "No s'han trobat altres versions";
$text["no_review_needed"] = "No hi ha revisions pendents.";
$text["notify_added_email"] = "Se us ha afegit a la llista de notificació";
$text["notify_deleted_email"] = "Se us ha eliminat de la llista de notificació";
$text["no_update_cause_locked"] = "Aquest document no es pot actualitzar. Si us plau, contacteu amb l'usuari que l'ha bloquejat.";
$text["no_user_image"] = "No es troba la imatge";
$text["november"] = "Novembre";
$text["obsolete"] = "Obsolet";
$text["october"] = "Octubre";
$text["old"] = "Vell";
$text["only_jpg_user_images"] = "Només pot utilitzar imatges .jpg com imatges d'usuari";
$text["owner"] = "Propietari/a";
$text["ownership_changed_email"] = "Propietari/a canviat";
$text["password"] = "Contrasenya";
$text["personal_default_keywords"] = "Mots clau personals";
$text["previous_versions"] = "Versions anteriors";
$text["refresh"] = "Refresh";
$text["rejected"] = "Rebutjat";
$text["released"] = "Publicat";
$text["removed_approver"] = "Ha estat eliminat de la llista d'aprovadors.";
$text["removed_file_email"] = "Adjunts eliminats";
$text["removed_reviewer"] = "Ha estat eliminat de la llista de revisors";
$text["results_page"] = "Pàgina de resultats";
$text["review_deletion_email"] = "Petició de revisió eliminada";
$text["reviewer_already_assigned"] = "Ja està asignat com revisor";
$text["reviewer_already_removed"] = "Ja ha estat eliminat del procés de revisió o ja ha enviat una revisió";
$text["reviewers"] = "Revisors";
$text["review_group"] = "Grup de revisió";
$text["review_request_email"] = "Petició de revisió";
$text["review_status"] = "Estat de revisió";
$text["review_submit_email"] = "Revisió enviada";
$text["review_summary"] = "Resum de revisió";
$text["review_update_failed"] = "Error actualitzant l'estat de la revisió. L'actualizació ha fallat.";
$text["rm_default_keyword_category"] = "Eliminar categoria";
$text["rm_document"] = "Eliminar document";
$text["rm_document_category"] = "Delete category";
$text["rm_file"] = "Eliminar fitxer";
$text["rm_folder"] = "Eliminar carpeta";
$text["rm_group"] = "Eliminar aquest grup";
$text["rm_user"] = "Eliminar aquest usuari";
$text["rm_version"] = "Eliminar versió";
$text["role_admin"] = "Administrador";
$text["role_guest"] = "Invitat";
$text["role_user"] = "User";
$text["role"] = "Rol";
$text["saturday"] = "Dissabte";
$text["save"] = "Guardar";
$text["search_fulltext"] = "Search in fulltext";
$text["search_in"] = "Buscar a";
$text["search_mode_and"] = "tots els mots";
$text["search_mode_or"] = "si més no, un mot";
$text["search_no_results"] = "No hi ha documents que coincideixn amb la seva cerca";
$text["search_query"] = "Cercar";
$text["search_report"] = "Trobats [count] documents";
$text["search_results_access_filtered"] = "Els resultats de la cerca podrien incloure continguts amb l'accés denegat.";
$text["search_results"] = "Resultats de la cerca";
$text["search"] = "Cercar";
$text["search_time"] = "Temps transcorregut: [time] seg.";
$text["selection"] = "Selecció";
$text["select_one"] = "Seleccionar un";
$text["september"] = "Setembre";
$text["seq_after"] = "Després \"[prevname]\"";
$text["seq_end"] = "Al final";
$text["seq_keep"] = "Mantenir posició";
$text["seq_start"] = "Primera posició";
$text["sequence"] = "Seqüència";
$text["set_expiry"] = "Establir caducitad";
$text["set_owner_error"] = "Error a l'establir el propietari/a";
$text["set_owner"] = "Establir propietari/a";
$text["settings_activate_module"] = "Activate module";
$text["settings_activate_php_extension"] = "Activate PHP extension";
$text["settings_adminIP"] = "Admin IP";
$text["settings_adminIP_desc"] = "If enabled admin can login only by specified IP addres, leave empty to avoid the control. NOTE: works only with local autentication (no LDAP)";
$text["settings_ADOdbPath"] = "ADOdb Path";
$text["settings_ADOdbPath_desc"] = "Path to adodb. This is the directory containing the adodb directory";
$text["settings_Advanced"] = "Advanced";
$text["settings_apache_mod_rewrite"] = "Apache - Module Rewrite";
$text["settings_Authentication"] = "Authentication settings";
$text["settings_Calendar"] = "Calendar settings";
$text["settings_calendarDefaultView"] = "Calendar Default View";
$text["settings_calendarDefaultView_desc"] = "Calendar default view";
$text["settings_contentDir"] = "Content directory";
$text["settings_contentDir_desc"] = "Where the uploaded files are stored (best to choose a directory that is not accessible through your web-server)";
$text["settings_contentOffsetDir"] = "Content Offset Directory";
$text["settings_contentOffsetDir_desc"] = "To work around limitations in the underlying file system, a new directory structure has been devised that exists within the content directory (Content Directory). This requires a base directory from which to begin. Usually leave this to the default setting, 1048576, but can be any number or string that does not already exist within (Content Directory)";
$text["settings_coreDir"] = "Core letoDMS directory";
$text["settings_coreDir_desc"] = "Path to LetoDMS_Core (optional)";
$text["settings_luceneClassDir"] = "Lucene LetoDMS directory";
$text["settings_luceneClassDir_desc"] = "Path to LetoDMS_Lucene (optional)";
$text["settings_luceneDir"] = "Lucene letoDMS directory";
$text["settings_luceneDir_desc"] = "Path to LetoDMS_Lucene (optional)";
$text["settings_createdatabase"] = "Create database";
$text["settings_createdirectory"] = "Create directory";
$text["settings_currentvalue"] = "Current value";
$text["settings_Database"] = "Database settings";
$text["settings_dbDatabase"] = "Database";
$text["settings_dbDatabase_desc"] = "The name for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.";
$text["settings_dbDriver"] = "Database Type";
$text["settings_dbDriver_desc"] = "The type of database in use entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless you are having to migrate to a different type of database perhaps due to changing hosts. Type of DB-Driver used by adodb (see adodb-readme)";
$text["settings_dbHostname_desc"] = "The hostname for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.";
$text["settings_dbHostname"] = "Server name";
$text["settings_dbPass_desc"] = "The password for access to your database entered during the installation process.";
$text["settings_dbPass"] = "Password";
$text["settings_dbUser_desc"] = "The username for access to your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.";
$text["settings_dbUser"] = "Username";
$text["settings_delete_install_folder"] = "To use LetoDMS, you must delete the install directory";
$text["settings_disableSelfEdit_desc"] = "If checked user cannot edit his own profile";
$text["settings_disableSelfEdit"] = "Disable Self Edit";
$text["settings_Display"] = "Display settings";
$text["settings_Edition"] = "Edition settings";
$text["settings_enableAdminRevApp_desc"] = "Uncheck to don't list administrator as reviewer/approver";
$text["settings_enableAdminRevApp"] = "Enable Admin Rev App";
$text["settings_enableCalendar_desc"] = "Enable/disable calendar";
$text["settings_enableCalendar"] = "Enable Calendar";
$text["settings_enableConverting_desc"] = "Enable/disable converting of files";
$text["settings_enableConverting"] = "Enable Converting";
$text["settings_enableEmail_desc"] = "Enable/disable automatic email notification";
$text["settings_enableEmail"] = "Enable E-mail";
$text["settings_enableFolderTree_desc"] = "False to don't show the folder tree";
$text["settings_enableFolderTree"] = "Enable Folder Tree";
$text["settings_enableFullSearch"] = "Enable Full text search";
$text["settings_enableGuestLogin_desc"] = "If you want anybody to login as guest, check this option. Note: guest login should be used only in a trusted environment";
$text["settings_enableGuestLogin"] = "Enable Guest Login";
$text["settings_enableUserImage_desc"] = "Enable users images";
$text["settings_enableUserImage"] = "Enable User Image";
$text["settings_enableUsersView_desc"] = "Enable/disable group and user view for all users";
$text["settings_enableUsersView"] = "Enable Users View";
$text["settings_error"] = "Error";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_desc"] = "Expand Folder Tree";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree"] = "Expand Folder Tree";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val0"] = "start with tree hidden";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val1"] = "start with tree shown and first level expanded";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val2"] = "start with tree shown fully expanded";
$text["settings_firstDayOfWeek_desc"] = "First day of the week";
$text["settings_firstDayOfWeek"] = "First day of the week";
$text["settings_footNote_desc"] = "Message to display at the bottom of every page";
$text["settings_footNote"] = "Foot Note";
$text["settings_guestID_desc"] = "ID of guest-user used when logged in as guest (mostly no need to change)";
$text["settings_guestID"] = "Guest ID";
$text["settings_httpRoot_desc"] = "The relative path in the URL, after the domain part. Do not include the http:// prefix or the web host name. e.g. If the full URL is http://www.example.com/letodms/, set '/letodms/'. If the URL is http://www.example.com/, set '/'";
$text["settings_httpRoot"] = "Http Root";
$text["settings_installADOdb"] = "Install ADOdb";
$text["settings_install_success"] = "The installation is completed successfully";
$text["settings_language"] = "Default language";
$text["settings_language_desc"] = "Default language (name of a subfolder in folder \"languages\")";
$text["settings_logFileEnable_desc"] = "Enable/disable log file";
$text["settings_logFileEnable"] = "Log File Enable";
$text["settings_logFileRotation_desc"] = "The log file rotation";
$text["settings_logFileRotation"] = "Log File Rotation";
$text["settings_luceneDir"] = "Directory for full text index";
$text["settings_maxDirID_desc"] = "Maximum number of sub-directories per parent directory. Default: 32700.";
$text["settings_maxDirID"] = "Max Directory ID";
$text["settings_maxExecutionTime_desc"] = "This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parse";
$text["settings_maxExecutionTime"] = "Max Execution Time (s)";
$text["settings_more_settings"] = "Configure more settings. Default login: admin/admin";
$text["settings_notfound"] = "Not found";
$text["settings_partitionSize"] = "Size of partial files uploaded by jumploader";
$text["settings_php_dbDriver"] = "PHP extension : php_'see current value'";
$text["settings_php_gd2"] = "PHP extension : php_gd2";
$text["settings_php_mbstring"] = "PHP extension : php_mbstring";
$text["settings_printDisclaimer_desc"] = "If true the disclaimer message the lang.inc files will be print on the bottom of the page";
$text["settings_printDisclaimer"] = "Print Disclaimer";
$text["settings_restricted_desc"] = "Only allow users to log in if they have an entry in the local database (irrespective of successful authentication with LDAP)";
$text["settings_restricted"] = "Restricted access";
$text["settings_rootDir_desc"] = "Path to where letoDMS is located";
$text["settings_rootDir"] = "Root directory";
$text["settings_rootFolderID_desc"] = "ID of root-folder (mostly no need to change)";
$text["settings_rootFolderID"] = "Root Folder ID";
$text["settings_SaveError"] = "Configuration file save error";
$text["settings_Server"] = "Server settings";
$text["settings"] = "Settings";
$text["settings_siteDefaultPage_desc"] = "Default page on login. If empty defaults to out/out.ViewFolder.php";
$text["settings_siteDefaultPage"] = "Site Default Page";
$text["settings_siteName_desc"] = "Name of site used in the page titles. Default: letoDMS";
$text["settings_siteName"] = "Site Name";
$text["settings_Site"] = "Site";
$text["settings_smtpPort_desc"] = "SMTP Server port, default 25";
$text["settings_smtpPort"] = "SMTP Server port";
$text["settings_smtpSendFrom_desc"] = "Send from";
$text["settings_smtpSendFrom"] = "Send from";
$text["settings_smtpServer_desc"] = "SMTP Server hostname";
$text["settings_smtpServer"] = "SMTP Server hostname";
$text["settings_SMTP"] = "SMTP Server settings";
$text["settings_stagingDir"] = "Directory for partial uploads";
$text["settings_strictFormCheck_desc"] = "Strict form checking. If set to true, then all fields in the form will be checked for a value. If set to false, then (most) comments and keyword fields become optional. Comments are always required when submitting a review or overriding document status";
$text["settings_strictFormCheck"] = "Strict Form Check";
$text["settings_suggestionvalue"] = "Suggestion value";
$text["settings_System"] = "System";
$text["settings_theme"] = "Default theme";
$text["settings_theme_desc"] = "Default style (name of a subfolder in folder \"styles\")";
$text["settings_titleDisplayHack_desc"] = "Workaround for page titles that go over more than 2 lines.";
$text["settings_titleDisplayHack"] = "Title Display Hack";
$text["settings_updateNotifyTime_desc"] = "Users are notified about document-changes that took place within the last 'Update Notify Time' seconds";
$text["settings_updateNotifyTime"] = "Update Notify Time";
$text["settings_versioningFileName_desc"] = "The name of the versioning info file created by the backup tool";
$text["settings_versioningFileName"] = "Versioning FileName";
$text["settings_viewOnlineFileTypes_desc"] = "Files with one of the following endings can be viewed online (USE ONLY LOWER CASE CHARACTERS)";
$text["settings_viewOnlineFileTypes"] = "View Online File Types";
$text["signed_in_as"] = "Connectat com";
$text["sign_in"] = "sign in";
$text["sign_out"] = "desconnectar";
$text["space_used_on_data_folder"] = "Espai utilitzat a la carpeta de dades";
$text["status_approval_rejected"] = "Esborrany rebutjat";
$text["status_approved"] = "Aprovat";
$text["status_approver_removed"] = "Aprovador eliminat del procés";
$text["status_not_approved"] = "Sense aprovar";
$text["status_not_reviewed"] = "Sense revisar";
$text["status_reviewed"] = "Revisat";
$text["status_reviewer_rejected"] = "Esborrany rebutjat";
$text["status_reviewer_removed"] = "Revisor eliminat del procés";
$text["status"] = "Estat";
$text["status_unknown"] = "Desconegut";
$text["storage_size"] = "Storage size";
$text["submit_approval"] = "Enviar aprovació";
$text["submit_login"] = "Connectat";
$text["submit_review"] = "Enviar revisiót";
$text["sunday"] = "Diumenge";
$text["theme"] = "Tema gràfic";
$text["thursday"] = "Dijous";
$text["toggle_manager"] = "Intercanviar manager";
$text["to"] = "Fins";
$text["tuesday"] = "Dimarts";
$text["under_folder"] = "A carpeta";
$text["unknown_command"] = "Ordre no reconeguda.";
$text["unknown_document_category"] = "Unknown category";
$text["unknown_group"] = "Id de grup desconegut";
$text["unknown_id"] = "Id desconegut";
$text["unknown_keyword_category"] = "Categoria desconeguda";
$text["unknown_owner"] = "Id de propietari/a desconegut";
$text["unknown_user"] = "ID d'usuari desconegut";
$text["unlock_cause_access_mode_all"] = "Pot actualitzar-lo perquè té mode d'accés \"all\". El bloqueig s¡eliminarà automàticament.";
$text["unlock_cause_locking_user"] = "Pot actualitzar-lo perquè és qui el va bloquejar. El bloqueig s'eliminarà automàticament.";
$text["unlock_document"] = "Desbloquejar";
$text["update_approvers"] = "Actualitzar llista d'aprovadors";
$text["update_document"] = "Actualitzar";
$text["update_fulltext_index"] = "Update fulltext index";
$text["update_info"] = "Actualitzar informació";
$text["update_locked_msg"] = "Aquest document està bloquejat.";
$text["update_reviewers"] = "Actualitzar llista de revisors";
$text["update"] = "Actualitzar";
$text["uploaded_by"] = "Enviat per";
$text["uploading_failed"] = "Enviament (Upload) fallat. Si us plau, contacteu amb l'administrador.";
$text["use_default_categories"] = "Use predefined categories";
$text["use_default_keywords"] = "Utilitzar els mots clau per omisió";
$text["user_exists"] = "L'usuari ja existeix.";
$text["user_image"] = "Imatge";
$text["user_info"] = "Informació d'usuari";
$text["user_list"] = "Llista d'usuaris";
$text["user_login"] = "Nom d'usuari";
$text["user_management"] = "Usuaris";
$text["user_name"] = "Nom complet";
$text["users"] = "Usuaris";
$text["user"] = "Usuari";
$text["version_deleted_email"] = "Versió eliminada";
$text["version_info"] = "Informació de versió";
$text["versioning_file_creation"] = "Creació de fitxer de versions";
$text["versioning_file_creation_warning"] = "Amb aquesta operació podeu crear un fitxer que contingui la informació de versions d'una carpeta del DMS completa. Després de la creació, tots els fitxers es guardaran a la carpeta de documents.";
$text["versioning_info"] = "Informació de versions";
$text["version"] = "Versió";
$text["view_online"] = "Veure online";
$text["warning"] = "Advertència";
$text["wednesday"] = "Dimecres";
$text["week_view"] = "Vista de setmana";
$text["year_view"] = "Vista d'any";
$text["yes"] = "Sí";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user