mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 16:35:38 +00:00
minor translation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -694,6 +694,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'افراد',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'أفراد في المجموعات',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'رابط معلومات المستلمين لم يصدر بعد',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'موروث',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'نسخ قائمة صلاحيات موروثة.',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'ابدأ بقائمة صلاحيات فارغة',
@ -623,6 +623,7 @@ $text = array(
'individuals' => 'Личности',
'individuals_in_groups' => '',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'наследен',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Изкопирай наследения список',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Започни с празен списък за достъп',
@ -628,6 +628,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Individuals',
'individuals_in_groups' => '',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'Heredat',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Copiar llista d\'accés heretat',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Començar amb una llista d\'accés buida',
@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Jednotlivci',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Členové skupiny',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Potvrzení o příjmu této verze dokumentu není možné, protože verze není uvolněna.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'Zděděno',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Zkopírovat zděděný seznam řízení přístupu',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Založit nový seznam řízení přístupu',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (2881), dgrutsch (22)
// Translators: Admin (2886), dgrutsch (22)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '2-Faktor Authentifizierung',
@ -485,8 +485,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'do_object_setfiletype' => 'Setze Dateityp',
'do_object_unlink' => 'Lösche Dokumentenversion',
'draft' => 'Entwurf',
'draft_pending_approval' => 'Entwurf - bevorstehende Freigabe',
'draft_pending_review' => 'Entwurf - bevorstehende Prüfung',
'draft_pending_approval' => 'Freigabe erforderlich',
'draft_pending_review' => 'Prüfung erforderlich',
'drag_icon_here' => 'Icon eines Ordners oder Dokuments hier hin ziehen!',
'dropfolderdir_missing' => 'Ihr persönlicher Ablageordner auf dem Server existiert nicht! Kontaktieren Sie den Administrator, um in anlegen zu lassen.',
'dropfolder_file' => 'Datei aus Ablageordner',
@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Einzelpersonen',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Mitglieder einer Gruppe',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Die Bestätigung des Empfangs für diese Dokumentenversion ist nicht möglich, weil die Version nicht freigegeben ist.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => 'Nur die noch offenen Aufgaben können auf einen anderen Benutzer übertragen werden. Bei Aufgaben, die bereits bearbeitet wurden, wird der Benutzer aus der Bearbeitungshistorie gelöscht, als würde der Benutzer selbst gelöscht.',
'inherited' => 'geerbt',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Berechtigungen kopieren',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Leere Zugriffsliste',
@ -1812,7 +1813,7 @@ Name: [username]
'state_and_next_state' => 'Status/Nächster Status',
'statistic' => 'Statistik',
'status' => 'Status',
'status_approval_rejected' => 'Entwurf abgelehnt',
'status_approval_rejected' => 'abgelehnt',
'status_approved' => 'freigegeben',
'status_approver_removed' => 'Freigebender wurde vom Prozess ausgeschlossen',
'status_change' => 'Statusänderung',
@ -1825,7 +1826,7 @@ Name: [username]
'status_receipt_rejected' => 'Abgelehnt',
'status_recipient_removed' => 'Empfänger aus Liste entfernt',
'status_reviewed' => 'geprüft',
'status_reviewer_rejected' => 'Entwurf abgelehnt',
'status_reviewer_rejected' => 'abgelehnt',
'status_reviewer_removed' => 'Prüfer wurde vom Prozess ausgeschlossen',
'status_revised' => 'überprüft',
'status_revision_rejected' => 'Abgelehnt',
@ -623,6 +623,7 @@ $text = array(
'individuals' => 'Άτομα',
'individuals_in_groups' => '',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'Κληρονομημένο',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Αντιγραφή δικαιωμάτων πρόσβασης',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Έναρξη με κενή λίστα δικαιωμάτων πρόσβασης',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (1990), archonwang (3), dgrutsch (9), netixw (14)
// Translators: Admin (1996), archonwang (3), dgrutsch (9), netixw (14)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '2-factor authentication',
@ -485,8 +485,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'do_object_setfiletype' => 'Set file type',
'do_object_unlink' => 'Delete document version',
'draft' => 'Draft',
'draft_pending_approval' => 'Draft - pending approval',
'draft_pending_review' => 'Draft - pending review',
'draft_pending_approval' => 'pending approval',
'draft_pending_review' => 'pending review',
'drag_icon_here' => 'Drag icon of folder or document here!',
'dropfolderdir_missing' => 'Your personal drop folder does not exist on the server! Please ask your administrator to create it.',
'dropfolder_file' => 'File from drop folder',
@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Individuals',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Members of a group',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Acknowledgement of reception for this document version is not possible, because the version is not released.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => 'Only tasks not being touched can be transfered to another user. Task which has been taken care of, will just add an item in the history, as if the user was deleted.',
'inherited' => 'inherited',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Copy inherited access list',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Start with empty access list',
@ -1806,7 +1807,7 @@ Name: [username]
'state_and_next_state' => 'State/Next state',
'statistic' => 'Statistic',
'status' => 'Status',
'status_approval_rejected' => 'Draft rejected',
'status_approval_rejected' => 'rejected',
'status_approved' => 'Approved',
'status_approver_removed' => 'Approver removed from process',
'status_change' => 'Status change',
@ -1819,7 +1820,7 @@ Name: [username]
'status_receipt_rejected' => 'Rejected',
'status_recipient_removed' => 'Recipient removed from list',
'status_reviewed' => 'Reviewed',
'status_reviewer_rejected' => 'Draft rejected',
'status_reviewer_rejected' => 'rejected',
'status_reviewer_removed' => 'Reviewer removed from process',
'status_revised' => 'revised',
'status_revision_rejected' => 'Rejected',
@ -701,6 +701,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Individuales',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Miembros del grupo',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'heredado',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Copiar lista de acceso heredado',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Empezar con una lista de acceso vacía',
@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Individuels',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Membres d’un groupe',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'L’accusé de réception pour cette version du document n’est pas possible car la version n’est pas en état « publié ».',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'hérité',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Recopier la liste des accès hérités',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Commencer avec une liste d\'accès vide',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (1243), marbanas (16)
// Translators: Admin (1246), marbanas (16)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '',
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Internet poveznica: [url]',
'add_receipt' => 'Potvrdi prijem',
'add_review' => 'Dodaj osvrt',
'add_revision' => 'Dodaj reviziju',
'add_role' => '',
'add_role' => 'Dodaj novu rolu',
'add_subfolder' => 'Dodaj podmapu',
'add_task' => '',
'add_to_clipboard' => 'Dodaj u međuspremnik',
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Internet poveznica: [url]',
'attrdef_minvalues_help' => '',
'attrdef_min_greater_max' => 'Minimalni broj vrijednosti je veći od maksimalnog broja vrijednosti',
'attrdef_multiple' => 'Dozvoli više vrijednosti',
'attrdef_multiple_needs_valueset' => '',
'attrdef_multiple_needs_valueset' => 'Atribut s višestrukim vrijednostima mora imati set vrijednosti',
'attrdef_must_be_multiple' => 'Atribut mora imati više od jedne vrijednosti, ali nije postavljeno više vrijednosti',
'attrdef_name' => 'Naziv',
'attrdef_noname' => 'Nedostaje naziv za definiciju atributa',
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ Internet poveznica: [url]',
'choose_attrdefgroup' => '',
'choose_category' => 'Molim odaberite',
'choose_group' => 'Odaberite grupu',
'choose_role' => '',
'choose_role' => 'Izaberi rolu',
'choose_target_category' => 'Odaberite kategoriju',
'choose_target_document' => 'Odaberite dokument',
'choose_target_file' => 'Odaberite datoteku',
@ -706,6 +706,7 @@ Internet poveznica: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Pojedinci',
'individuals_in_groups' => '',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'naslijeđeno',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Kopiraj listu naslijeđenih prava pristupa',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Započnite s praznim popisom pristupa',
@ -701,6 +701,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Egyedek',
'individuals_in_groups' => '',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'örökölt',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Örökített hozzáférési lista másolása',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Indulás üres hozzáférési listával',
@ -711,6 +711,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Singoli',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'I membri de la gruppo',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Non è possibile confermare la ricezione di questa versione del documento, poiché la versione non è stata rilasciata.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'ereditato',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Copia la lista degli accessi ereditati',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Reimposta una lista di permessi vuota',
@ -707,6 +707,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => '개인',
'individuals_in_groups' => '개별 그룹',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => '상속',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => '상속 액세스 목록 복사',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => '빈 액세스 목록으로 시작',
@ -704,6 +704,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'ບຸກຄົນ',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'ສະມາຊິກຂອງກຸ່ມ',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'ຮັບການຖ່າຍທອດ',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'ຄັດລັອກລາຍການເຂົາເຖິງທີສືບທອດ',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'ເລີ້ມຕົ້ນດ້ວຍລາຍການທີ່ວ່າງເປົ່າ',
@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Personer',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Medlemmer i en gruppe',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Bekreftelse av mottak for denne dokumentversjonen er ikke mulig fordi versjonen ikke er utgitt.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'arvet',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Kopier arvet adgangsliste',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Start med tom adgangsliste',
@ -718,6 +718,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Individuen',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Individuen in groepen',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Ontvangstbevestiging van deze versie van het document is niet mogelijk omdat de versie nog niet is vrijgegeven.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'overgeërfd',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Lijst van overgeërfde toegang',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Begin met een lege toegangslijst',
@ -694,6 +694,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Indywidualni',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Członkowie grupy',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Potwierdzenie odbioru dla tej wersji dokumentu nie jest możliwe, ponieważ wersja nie została wydana.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'dziedziczony',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Kopiuj odziedziczoną listę dostępu',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Rozpocznij z pustą listą dostępu',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (1847), flaviove (627), lfcristofoli (352)
// Translators: Admin (1850), flaviove (627), lfcristofoli (352)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => 'Autenticação de dois fatores',
@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Indivíduos',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Members of a group',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Confirmação de recebimento para esta versão do documento não é possível, porque a versão não é liberada.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'herdado',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Copiar lista de acesso herdada',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Inicie com a lista de acesso vazia',
@ -1161,7 +1162,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'review_update_failed' => 'Erro ao atualizar o status da revisão. Atualização falhou.',
'revise_document' => 'Revisar documento',
'revise_document_on' => 'Próxima revisão da versão do documento em [date]',
'revision' => '',
'revision' => 'Revisão',
'revisions_accepted' => '[no_revisions] revisões já aceitas',
'revisions_accepted_latest' => 'revisões aceitas mais recentes',
'revisions_not_touched' => '[no_revisions] revisões não sendo tocadas',
@ -1807,7 +1808,7 @@ Nome: [username]
'status_approval_rejected' => 'Rascunho rejeitado',
'status_approved' => 'Aprovado',
'status_approver_removed' => 'Aprovador removido do processo',
'status_change' => '',
'status_change' => 'Mudança de status',
'status_needs_correction' => 'Precisa de correção',
'status_not_approved' => 'Não aprovado',
'status_not_receipted' => 'Ainda não recebido',
@ -2004,7 +2005,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'version_info' => 'Informações da versão',
'view' => 'Visualizar',
'view_document' => 'Ver detalhes do documento',
'view_folder' => '',
'view_folder' => 'Ver detalhes da pasta',
'view_online' => 'Ver online',
'warning' => 'Aviso',
'webauthn_auth' => '',
@ -706,6 +706,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Individuals',
'individuals_in_groups' => '',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'moștenit',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Copie lista de acces moștenită',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Începeți cu lista de acces goală',
@ -706,6 +706,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Пользователи',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Пользователи группы',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'унаследованный',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Скопировать наследованный список',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Начать с пустого списка доступа',
@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Jednotlivci',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Členovia skupiny',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Acknowledgement of reception for this document version is not possible, because the version is not released.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'zdedené',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Skopírovať zdedený zoznam riadenia prístupu',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Založiť nový zoznam riadenia prístupu',
@ -712,6 +712,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Personer',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Medlemmar i en grupp',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'ärvd',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Kopiera lista för behörighetsarv',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Börja med tom behörighetslista',
@ -700,6 +700,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Bireysel',
'individuals_in_groups' => '',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'devralındı',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Devralınan erişim listesini kopyala',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Boş erişim listesiyle başla',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (1340)
// Translators: Admin (1342)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '',
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'daily' => 'Щоденно',
'databasesearch' => 'Пошук по БД',
'database_schema_version' => '',
'data_loading' => '',
'data_loading' => 'Зачекайте, дані завантажуються...',
'date' => 'Дата',
'days' => 'дні',
'debug' => '',
@ -706,6 +706,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => 'Користувачі',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Користувачі групи',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'успадкований',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Скопіювати успадкований список',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Почати з порожнього списку доступу',
@ -1863,7 +1864,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'total' => '',
'to_before_from' => 'Кінцева дата не може бути меншою початкової дати',
'transfer_content' => '',
'transfer_document' => '',
'transfer_document' => 'Передача документа',
'transfer_no_read_access' => '',
'transfer_no_users' => '',
'transfer_no_write_access' => '',
@ -696,6 +696,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => '个人',
'individuals_in_groups' => '组成员',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => '继承',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => '复制继承访问权限列表',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => '从访问权限空列表开始',
@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'individuals' => '個人',
'individuals_in_groups' => '小組成員',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => '由於未發布該文檔版本,因此無法確認接收。',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => '繼承',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => '複製繼承存取權限列表',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => '從存取權限空列表開始',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user