mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 00:45:34 +00:00
add method getDocumentList(), limit number of duplicate contents to 1000
This commit is contained in:
@ -633,6 +633,345 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DMS {
return $version;
} /* }}} */
* Returns all documents with a predefined search criteria
* The records return have the following elements
* From Table tblDocuments
* [id] => id of document
* [name] => name of document
* [comment] => comment of document
* [date] => timestamp of creation date of document
* [expires] => timestamp of expiration date of document
* [owner] => user id of owner
* [folder] => id of parent folder
* [folderList] => column separated list of folder ids, e.g. :1:41:
* [inheritAccess] => 1 if access is inherited
* [defaultAccess] => default access mode
* [locked] => always -1 (TODO: is this field still used?)
* [keywords] => keywords of document
* [sequence] => sequence of document
* From Table tblDocumentLocks
* [lockUser] => id of user locking the document
* From Table tblDocumentStatusLog
* [version] => latest version of document
* [statusID] => id of latest status log
* [documentID] => id of document
* [status] => current status of document
* [statusComment] => comment of current status
* [statusDate] => datetime when the status was entered, e.g. 2014-04-17 21:35:51
* [userID] => id of user who has initiated the status change
* From Table tblUsers
* [ownerName] => name of owner of document
* [statusName] => name of user who has initiated the status change
* @param string $listtype type of document list, can be 'AppRevByMe',
* 'AppRevOwner', 'ReceiptByMe', 'ReviseByMe', 'LockedByMe', 'MyDocs'
* @param object $param1 user
* @param string $param2 set to true
* if 'AppRevByMe', 'ReviseByMe', 'ReceiptByMe' shall return even documents
* І have already taken care of.
* @param string $param3 sort list by this field
* @param string $param4 order direction
* @return array list of documents records
function getDocumentList($listtype, $param1=null, $param2=false, $param3='', $param4='') { /* {{{ */
/* The following query will get all documents and lots of additional
* information. It requires the two temporary tables ttcontentid and
* ttstatid.
if (!$this->db->createTemporaryTable("ttstatid") || !$this->db->createTemporaryTable("ttcontentid")) {
return false;
/* The following statement retrieves the status of the last version of all
* documents. It must be restricted by further where clauses.
$queryStr = "SELECT `tblDocuments`.*, `tblDocumentLocks`.`userID` as `lockUser`, ".
"`tblDocumentContent`.`version`, `tblDocumentStatus`.*, `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status`, ".
"`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`comment` AS `statusComment`, `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`date` as `statusDate`, ".
"`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`userID`, `oTbl`.`fullName` AS `ownerName`, `sTbl`.`fullName` AS `statusName` ".
"FROM `tblDocumentContent` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocuments` ON `tblDocuments`.`id` = `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentStatus` ON `tblDocumentStatus`.`documentID` = `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentStatusLog` ON `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` = `tblDocumentStatus`.`statusID` ".
"LEFT JOIN `ttstatid` ON `ttstatid`.`maxLogID` = `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID` ".
"LEFT JOIN `ttcontentid` ON `ttcontentid`.`maxVersion` = `tblDocumentStatus`.`version` AND `ttcontentid`.`document` = `tblDocumentStatus`.`documentID` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentLocks` ON `tblDocuments`.`id`=`tblDocumentLocks`.`document` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblUsers` AS `oTbl` on `oTbl`.`id` = `tblDocuments`.`owner` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblUsers` AS `sTbl` on `sTbl`.`id` = `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`userID` ".
"WHERE `ttstatid`.`maxLogID`=`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID` ".
"AND `ttcontentid`.`maxVersion` = `tblDocumentContent`.`version` ";
switch($listtype) {
case 'AppRevByMe': // Documents I have to review/approve {{{
$user = $param1;
// Get document list for the current user.
$reviewStatus = $user->getReviewStatus();
$approvalStatus = $user->getApprovalStatus();
// Create a comma separated list of all the documentIDs whose information is
// required.
// Take only those documents into account which hasn't be touched by the user
$dList = array();
foreach ($reviewStatus["indstatus"] as $st) {
if (($st["status"]==0 || $param2) && !in_array($st["documentID"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["documentID"];
foreach ($reviewStatus["grpstatus"] as $st) {
if (($st["status"]==0 || $param2) && !in_array($st["documentID"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["documentID"];
foreach ($approvalStatus["indstatus"] as $st) {
if (($st["status"]==0 || $param2) && !in_array($st["documentID"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["documentID"];
foreach ($approvalStatus["grpstatus"] as $st) {
if (($st["status"]==0 || $param2) && !in_array($st["documentID"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["documentID"];
$docCSV = "";
foreach ($dList as $d) {
$docCSV .= (strlen($docCSV)==0 ? "" : ", ")."'".$d."'";
if (strlen($docCSV)>0) {
$queryStr .= "AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".S_DRAFT_REV.", ".S_DRAFT_APP.", ".S_EXPIRED.") ".
"AND `tblDocuments`.`id` IN (" . $docCSV . ") ".
"ORDER BY `statusDate` DESC";
} else {
$queryStr = '';
break; // }}}
case 'ReviewByMe': // Documents I have to review {{{
$user = $param1;
$orderby = $param3;
if($param4 == 'desc')
$orderdir = 'DESC';
$orderdir = 'ASC';
// Get document list for the current user.
$reviewStatus = $user->getReviewStatus();
// Create a comma separated list of all the documentIDs whose information is
// required.
// Take only those documents into account which hasn't be touched by the user
// ($st["status"]==0)
$dList = array();
foreach ($reviewStatus["indstatus"] as $st) {
if (($st["status"]==0 || $param2) && !in_array($st["documentID"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["documentID"];
foreach ($reviewStatus["grpstatus"] as $st) {
if (($st["status"]==0 || $param2) && !in_array($st["documentID"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["documentID"];
$docCSV = "";
foreach ($dList as $d) {
$docCSV .= (strlen($docCSV)==0 ? "" : ", ")."'".$d."'";
if (strlen($docCSV)>0) {
$queryStr .= "AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".S_DRAFT_REV.", ".S_EXPIRED.") ".
"AND `tblDocuments`.`id` IN (" . $docCSV . ") ";
//$queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate` DESC";
if ($orderby=='e') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `expires`";
else if ($orderby=='u') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate`";
else if ($orderby=='s') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `status`";
else $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `name`";
$queryStr .= " ".$orderdir;
} else {
$queryStr = '';
break; // }}}
case 'ApproveByMe': // Documents I have to approve {{{
$user = $param1;
$orderby = $param3;
if($param4 == 'desc')
$orderdir = 'DESC';
$orderdir = 'ASC';
// Get document list for the current user.
$approvalStatus = $user->getApprovalStatus();
// Create a comma separated list of all the documentIDs whose information is
// required.
// Take only those documents into account which hasn't be touched by the user
// ($st["status"]==0)
$dList = array();
foreach ($approvalStatus["indstatus"] as $st) {
if (($st["status"]==0 || $param2) && !in_array($st["documentID"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["documentID"];
foreach ($approvalStatus["grpstatus"] as $st) {
if (($st["status"]==0 || $param2) && !in_array($st["documentID"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["documentID"];
$docCSV = "";
foreach ($dList as $d) {
$docCSV .= (strlen($docCSV)==0 ? "" : ", ")."'".$d."'";
if (strlen($docCSV)>0) {
$queryStr .= "AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".S_DRAFT_APP.", ".S_EXPIRED.") ".
"AND `tblDocuments`.`id` IN (" . $docCSV . ") ";
//$queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate` DESC";
if ($orderby=='e') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `expires`";
else if ($orderby=='u') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate`";
else if ($orderby=='s') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `status`";
else $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `name`";
$queryStr .= " ".$orderdir;
} else {
$queryStr = '';
break; // }}}
case 'WorkflowByMe': // Documents I to trigger in Worklflow {{{
$user = $param1;
// Get document list for the current user.
$workflowStatus = $user->getWorkflowStatus();
// Create a comma separated list of all the documentIDs whose information is
// required.
$dList = array();
foreach ($workflowStatus["u"] as $st) {
if (!in_array($st["document"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["document"];
foreach ($workflowStatus["g"] as $st) {
if (!in_array($st["document"], $dList)) {
$dList[] = $st["document"];
$docCSV = "";
foreach ($dList as $d) {
$docCSV .= (strlen($docCSV)==0 ? "" : ", ")."'".$d."'";
if (strlen($docCSV)>0) {
$queryStr .=
//"AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".S_IN_WORKFLOW.", ".S_EXPIRED.") ".
"AND `tblDocuments`.`id` IN (" . $docCSV . ") ".
"ORDER BY `statusDate` DESC";
} else {
$queryStr = '';
break; // }}}
case 'AppRevOwner': // Documents waiting for review/approval/revision I'm owning {{{
$user = $param1;
$orderby = $param3;
if($param4 == 'desc')
$orderdir = 'DESC';
$orderdir = 'ASC';
$queryStr .= "AND `tblDocuments`.`owner` = '".$user->getID()."' ".
"AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".S_DRAFT_REV.", ".S_DRAFT_APP.", ".S_IN_REVISION.") ";
if ($orderby=='e') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `expires`";
else if ($orderby=='u') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate`";
else if ($orderby=='s') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `status`";
else $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `name`";
$queryStr .= " ".$orderdir;
// $queryStr .= "AND `tblDocuments`.`owner` = '".$user->getID()."' ".
// "AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".S_DRAFT_REV.", ".S_DRAFT_APP.") ".
// "ORDER BY `statusDate` DESC";
break; // }}}
case 'RejectOwner': // Documents that has been rejected and I'm owning {{{
$user = $param1;
$orderby = $param3;
if($param4 == 'desc')
$orderdir = 'DESC';
$orderdir = 'ASC';
$queryStr .= "AND `tblDocuments`.`owner` = '".$user->getID()."' ".
"AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".S_REJECTED.") ";
//$queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate` DESC";
if ($orderby=='e') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `expires`";
else if ($orderby=='u') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate`";
else if ($orderby=='s') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `status`";
else $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `name`";
$queryStr .= " ".$orderdir;
break; // }}}
case 'LockedByMe': // Documents locked by me {{{
$user = $param1;
$orderby = $param3;
if($param4 == 'desc')
$orderdir = 'DESC';
$orderdir = 'ASC';
$qs = 'SELECT `document` FROM `tblDocumentLocks` WHERE `userID`='.$user->getID();
$ra = $this->db->getResultArray($qs);
if (is_bool($ra) && !$ra) {
return false;
$docs = array();
foreach($ra as $d) {
$docs[] = $d['document'];
if ($docs) {
$queryStr .= "AND `tblDocuments`.`id` IN (" . implode(',', $docs) . ") ";
if ($orderby=='e') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `expires`";
else if ($orderby=='u') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate`";
else if ($orderby=='s') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `status`";
else $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `name`";
$queryStr .= " ".$orderdir;
} else {
$queryStr = '';
break; // }}}
case 'WorkflowOwner': // Documents waiting for workflow trigger I'm owning {{{
$user = $param1;
$queryStr .= "AND `tblDocuments`.`owner` = '".$user->getID()."' ".
"AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".S_IN_WORKFLOW.") ".
"ORDER BY `statusDate` DESC";
break; // }}}
case 'MyDocs': // Documents owned by me {{{
$user = $param1;
$orderby = $param3;
if($param4 == 'desc')
$orderdir = 'DESC';
$orderdir = 'ASC';
$queryStr .= "AND `tblDocuments`.`owner` = '".$user->getID()."' ";
if ($orderby=='e') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `expires`";
else if ($orderby=='u') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `statusDate`";
else if ($orderby=='s') $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `status`";
else $queryStr .= "ORDER BY `name`";
$queryStr .= " ".$orderdir;
break; // }}}
if($queryStr) {
$resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) {
return false;
$documents = array();
foreach($resArr as $row)
$documents[] = $this->getDocument($row["id"]);
} else {
return array();
return $resArr;
} /* }}} */
function makeTimeStamp($hour, $min, $sec, $year, $month, $day) { /* {{{ */
$thirtyone = array (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12);
$thirty = array (4, 6, 9, 11);
@ -2071,7 +2410,7 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DMS {
$versions[] = $version;
return $versions;
} /* }}} */
@ -2095,7 +2434,7 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DMS {
$versions[] = $version;
return $versions;
} /* }}} */
@ -2119,7 +2458,7 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DMS {
$versions[] = $version;
return $versions;
} /* }}} */
@ -2130,7 +2469,7 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DMS {
* in version 4.0.0 of SeedDMS for finding duplicates.
function getDuplicateDocumentContent() { /* {{{ */
$queryStr = "SELECT a.*, b.`id` as dupid FROM `tblDocumentContent` a LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentContent` b ON a.`checksum`=b.`checksum` where a.`id`!=b.`id` ORDER by a.`id`";
$queryStr = "SELECT a.*, b.`id` as dupid FROM `tblDocumentContent` a LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentContent` b ON a.`checksum`=b.`checksum` where a.`id`!=b.`id` ORDER by a.`id` LIMIT 1000";
$resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (!$resArr)
return false;
@ -2146,7 +2485,7 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DMS {
$versions[$row['dupid']]['duplicates'][] = $version;
return $versions;
} /* }}} */
@ -2302,11 +2641,11 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DMS {
foreach ($record as $column) {
if (is_numeric($column)) $values .= $column;
else $values .= $this->db->qstr($column);
if ($i<(count($record))) $values .= ",";
fwrite($h, "INSERT INTO `".$table."` VALUES (".$values.");\n");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user