diff --git a/SeedDMS_Core/Core/inc.ClassDocument.php b/SeedDMS_Core/Core/inc.ClassDocument.php
index 72a9bb9a7..ffc181968 100644
--- a/SeedDMS_Core/Core/inc.ClassDocument.php
+++ b/SeedDMS_Core/Core/inc.ClassDocument.php
@@ -3944,6 +3944,35 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent extends SeedDMS_Core_Object { /* {{{ */
return M_NONE;
} /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * Return a list of all reviewers separated by individuals and groups
+ *
+ * @return array|bool|null
+ */
+ function getReviewers() { /* {{{ */
+ $dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
+ $db = $dms->getDB();
+ $queryStr=
+ "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentReviewers` WHERE `version`='".$this->_version
+ ."' AND `documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ";
+ $recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
+ if (is_bool($recs))
+ return false;
+ $reviewers = array('i'=>array(), 'g'=>array());
+ foreach($recs as $rec) {
+ if($rec['type'] == 0) {
+ if($u = $dms->getUser($rec['required']))
+ $reviewers['i'][] = $u;
+ } elseif($rec['type'] == 1) {
+ if($g = $dms->getGroup($rec['required']))
+ $reviewers['g'][] = $g;
+ }
+ }
+ return $reviewers;
+ } /* }}} */
* Get the current review status of the document content
* The review status is a list of reviews and its current status
@@ -4072,6 +4101,35 @@ class SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent extends SeedDMS_Core_Object { /* {{{ */
return true;
} /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * Return a list of all approvers separated by individuals and groups
+ *
+ * @return array|bool|null
+ */
+ function getApprovers() { /* {{{ */
+ $dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
+ $db = $dms->getDB();
+ $queryStr=
+ "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentApprovers` WHERE `version`='".$this->_version
+ ."' AND `documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ";
+ $recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
+ if (is_bool($recs))
+ return false;
+ $approvers = array('i'=>array(), 'g'=>array());
+ foreach($recs as $rec) {
+ if($rec['type'] == 0) {
+ if($u = $dms->getUser($rec['required']))
+ $approvers['i'][] = $u;
+ } elseif($rec['type'] == 1) {
+ if($g = $dms->getGroup($rec['required']))
+ $approvers['g'][] = $g;
+ }
+ }
+ return $approvers;
+ } /* }}} */
* Get the current approval status of the document content
* The approval status is a list of approvals and its current status
diff --git a/SeedDMS_Core/package.xml b/SeedDMS_Core/package.xml
index 3c65c7dde..053b1c7db 100644
--- a/SeedDMS_Core/package.xml
+++ b/SeedDMS_Core/package.xml
@@ -1902,6 +1902,7 @@ add method SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess::setLogFp()
GPL License
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getTimeline() uses status log instead of document content
+- add methods SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::getReviewers() and SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::getApprovers()
diff --git a/inc/inc.ClassNotificationService.php b/inc/inc.ClassNotificationService.php
index 971c32419..a6d495fe9 100644
--- a/inc/inc.ClassNotificationService.php
+++ b/inc/inc.ClassNotificationService.php
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ class SeedDMS_NotificationService {
protected $logger;
+ /*
+ * Configuration
+ */
+ protected $settings;
* Possible types of receivers
@@ -48,28 +53,29 @@ class SeedDMS_NotificationService {
const RECV_REVISOR = 6;
- public function __construct($logger = null) {
+ public function __construct($logger = null, $settings = null) { /* {{{ */
$this->services = array();
$this->errors = array();
$this->logger = $logger;
- }
+ $this->settings = $settings;
+ } /* }}} */
- public function addService($service, $name='') {
+ public function addService($service, $name='') { /* {{{ */
$name = md5(uniqid());
$this->services[$name] = $service;
$this->errors[$name] = true;
- }
+ } /* }}} */
- public function getServices() {
+ public function getServices() { /* {{{ */
return $this->services;
- }
+ } /* }}} */
- public function getErrors() {
+ public function getErrors() { /* {{{ */
return $this->errors;
- }
+ } /* }}} */
- public function toIndividual($sender, $recipient, $subject, $message, $params=array(), $recvtype=0) {
+ public function toIndividual($sender, $recipient, $subject, $message, $params=array(), $recvtype=0) { /* {{{ */
$error = true;
foreach($this->services as $name => $service) {
/* Set $to to email address of user or the string passed in $recipient
@@ -98,26 +104,23 @@ class SeedDMS_NotificationService {
return $error;
- }
+ } /* }}} */
* Send a notification to each user of a group
- public function toGroup($sender, $groupRecipient, $subject, $message, $params=array(), $recvtype=0) {
+ public function toGroup($sender, $groupRecipient, $subject, $message, $params=array(), $recvtype=0) { /* {{{ */
$error = true;
- foreach($this->services as $name => $service) {
- $ret = true;
- foreach ($groupRecipient->getUsers() as $recipient) {
- $ret &= $this->toIndividual($sender, $recipient, $subject, $message, $params, $recvtype);
- }
- $this->errors[$name] = $ret;
- if(!$ret) {
- $error = false;
- }
+ $ret = true;
+ foreach ($groupRecipient->getUsers() as $recipient) {
+ $ret &= $this->toIndividual($sender, $recipient, $subject, $message, $params, $recvtype);
+ }
+ if(!$ret) {
+ $error = false;
return $error;
- }
+ } /* }}} */
* Send a notification to a list of recipients
@@ -132,20 +135,526 @@ class SeedDMS_NotificationService {
* @param int $recvtype type of receiver
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
- public function toList($sender, $recipients, $subject, $message, $params=array(), $recvtype=0) {
+ public function toList($sender, $recipients, $subject, $message, $params=array(), $recvtype=0) { /* {{{ */
$error = true;
- foreach($this->services as $name => $service) {
- $ret = true;
- foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
- $ret &= $this->toIndividual($sender, $recipient, $subject, $message, $params, $recvtype);
- }
- $this->errors[$name] = $ret;
- if(!$ret) {
- $error = false;
- }
+ $ret = true;
+ foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
+ $ret &= $this->toIndividual($sender, $recipient, $subject, $message, $params, $recvtype);
+ }
+ if(!$ret) {
+ $error = false;
return $error;
- }
+ } /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * This notification is sent when a workflow action is needed.
+ */
+ public function sendRequestWorkflowActionMail($content, $user) { /* {{{ */
+ $document = $content->getDocument();
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ /* Send mail only if enabled in the configuration */
+ if($this->settings->_enableNotificationWorkflow && ($workflow = $content->getWorkflow())) {
+ $subject = "request_workflow_action_email_subject";
+ $message = "request_workflow_action_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['version'] = $content->getVersion();
+ $params['workflow'] = $workflow->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['current_state'] = $workflow->getInitState()->getName();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ foreach($workflow->getNextTransitions($workflow->getInitState()) as $ntransition) {
+ foreach($ntransition->getUsers() as $tuser) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $tuser->getUser(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
+ }
+ foreach($ntransition->getGroups() as $tuser) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $tuser->getGroup(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * This notification is sent when a review or approval is needed.
+ */
+ public function sendRequestRevAppActionMail($content, $user) { /* {{{ */
+ $document = $content->getDocument();
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ if($this->settings->_enableNotificationAppRev) {
+ /* Reviewers and approvers will be informed about the new document */
+ $reviewers = $content->getReviewers(); //$controller->getParam('reviewers');
+ $approvers = $content->getApprovers(); //$controller->getParam('approvers');
+ if($reviewers['i'] || $reviewers['g']) {
+ $subject = "review_request_email_subject";
+ $message = "review_request_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['version'] = $content->getVersion();
+ $params['comment'] = $document->getComment();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ foreach($reviewers['i'] as $reviewer) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $reviewer, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_REVIEWER);
+ }
+ foreach($reviewers['g'] as $reviewergrp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $reviewergrp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_REVIEWER);
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($approvers['i'] || $approvers['g']) {
+ $subject = "approval_request_email_subject";
+ $message = "approval_request_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['version'] = $content->getVersion();
+ $params['comment'] = $document->getComment();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ foreach($approvers['i'] as $approver) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $approver, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_APPROVER);
+ }
+ foreach($approvers['g'] as $approvergrp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $approvergrp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_APPROVER);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * This notification is sent when a new document is created.
+ */
+ public function sendNewDocumentMail($document, $user) { /* {{{ */
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $fnl = $folder->getNotifyList();
+ $dnl = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $nl = array(
+ 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['users'], $fnl['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
+ 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['groups'], $fnl['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
+ );
+ $lc = $document->getLatestContent();
+ $subject = "new_document_email_subject";
+ $message = "new_document_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_name'] = $folder->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['comment'] = $document->getComment();
+ $params['version_comment'] = $lc->getComment();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $this->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ $this->sendRequestWorkflowActionMail($lc, $user);
+ $this->sendRequestRevAppActionMail($lc, $user);
+ } /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * This notification is sent when a new document version is created.
+ */
+ public function sendNewDocumentVersionMail($document, $user) { /* {{{ */
+ $lc = $document->getLatestContent();
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $subject = "document_updated_email_subject";
+ $message = "document_updated_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['comment'] = $document->getComment();
+ $params['version_comment'] = $lc->getComment();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $this->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+// if user is not owner send notification to owner
+// if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID())
+// $this->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ $this->sendRequestWorkflowActionMail($lc, $user);
+ $this->sendRequestRevAppActionMail($lc, $user);
+ } /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * This notification is sent when a document is deleted.
+ * Keep in mind that $document refers to a document which has just been
+ * deleted from the database, but all the data needed is still in the
+ * object.
+ */
+ public function sendDeleteDocumentMail($document, $user) { /* {{{ */
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $dnl = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $fnl = $folder->getNotifyList();
+ $nl = array(
+ 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['users'], $fnl['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
+ 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['groups'], $fnl['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
+ );
+ $subject = "document_deleted_email_subject";
+ $message = "document_deleted_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$folder->getID();
+ $this->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * This notification is sent when a new folder is created.
+ */
+ public function sendNewFolderMail($folder, $user) { /* {{{ */
+ $parent = $folder->getParent();
+ $fnl = $parent->getNotifyList();
+ $snl = $folder->getNotifyList();
+ $nl = array(
+ 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($snl['users'], $fnl['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
+ 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($snl['groups'], $fnl['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
+ );
+ $subject = "new_subfolder_email_subject";
+ $message = "new_subfolder_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $folder->getName();
+ $params['folder_name'] = $parent->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $parent->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['comment'] = $folder->getComment();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$folder->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $this->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * This notification is sent when a folder is deleted.
+ * Keep in mind that $folder refers to a folder which has just been
+ * deleted from the database, but all the data needed is still in the
+ * object.
+ */
+ public function sendDeleteFolderMail($folder, $user) { /* {{{ */
+ $parent = $folder->getParent();
+ $fnl = $folder->getNotifyList();
+ $pnl = $parent->getNotifyList();
+ $nl = array(
+ 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($fnl['users'], $pnl['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
+ 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($fnl['groups'], $pnl['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
+ );
+ $subject = "folder_deleted_email_subject";
+ $message = "folder_deleted_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $folder->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $parent->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$parent->getID();
+ $this->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ /**
+ * This notification is sent when a new attachment is created.
+ */
+ public function sendNewFileMail($file, $user) { /* {{{ */
+ $document = $file->getDocument();
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $subject = "new_file_email_subject";
+ $message = "new_file_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $file->getName();
+ $params['document'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_name'] = $folder->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['comment'] = $file->getComment();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ // if user is not owner and owner not already in list of notifiers, then
+ // send notification to owner
+ if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
+ false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ }
+ $this->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ public function sendChangedExpiryMail($document, $user, $oldexpires) { /* {{{ */
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
+ if($oldexpires != $document->getExpires()) {
+ // Send notification to subscribers.
+ $subject = "expiry_changed_email_subject";
+ $message = "expiry_changed_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ // if user is not owner and owner not already in list of notifiers, then
+ // send notification to owner
+ if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
+ false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ }
+ $this->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ public function sendChangedAttributesMail($document, $user, $oldattributes) { /* {{{ */
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $newattributes = $document->getAttributes();
+ if($oldattributes) {
+ foreach($oldattributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) {
+ if(!isset($newattributes[$attrdefid]) || $newattributes[$attrdefid]->getValueAsArray() !== $oldattributes[$attrdefid]->getValueAsArray()) {
+ $subject = "document_attribute_changed_email_subject";
+ $message = "document_attribute_changed_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['attribute_name'] = $attribute->getAttributeDefinition()->getName();
+ $params['attribute_old_value'] = $oldattributes[$attrdefid]->getValue();
+ $params['attribute_new_value'] = isset($newattributes[$attrdefid]) ? $newattributes[$attrdefid]->getValue() : '';
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $this->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for new attributes which didn't have a value before */
+ if($newattributes) {
+ foreach($newattributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) {
+ if(!isset($oldattributes[$attrdefid]) && $attribute) {
+ $subject = "document_attribute_changed_email_subject";
+ $message = "document_attribute_changed_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['attribute_name'] = $dms->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid)->getName();
+ $params['attribute_old_value'] = '';
+ $params['attribute_new_value'] = $attribute->getValue();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $this->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ public function sendChangedCommentMail($document, $user, $oldcomment) { /* {{{ */
+ if($oldcomment != $document->getComment()) {
+ $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $subject = "document_comment_changed_email_subject";
+ $message = "document_comment_changed_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['old_comment'] = $oldcomment;
+ $params['new_comment'] = $document->getComment();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ // if user is not owner send notification to owner
+ if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
+ false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ }
+ $this->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ public function sendChangedVersionCommentMail($content, $user, $oldcomment) { /* {{{ */
+ // FIXME: use extra mail template which includes the version
+ if($oldcomment != $content->getComment()) {
+ $document = $content->getDocument();
+ $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $subject = "document_comment_changed_email_subject";
+ $message = "document_comment_changed_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['old_comment'] = $oldcomment;
+ $params['new_comment'] = $content->getComment();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ // if user is not owner send notification to owner
+ if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
+ false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ }
+ $this->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ public function sendChangedNameMail($document, $user, $oldname) { /* {{{ */
+ if($oldname != $document->getName()) {
+ $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ $subject = "document_renamed_email_subject";
+ $message = "document_renamed_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['old_name'] = $oldname;
+ $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ // if user is not owner send notification to owner
+ if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
+ false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ }
+ $this->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ public function sendMovedDocumentMail($document, $user, $oldfolder) { /* {{{ */
+ $targetfolder = $document->getFolder();
+ if($targetfolder->getId() == $oldfolder->getId())
+ return;
+ $nl1 = $oldfolder->getNotifyList();
+ $nl2 = $document->getNotifyList();
+ $nl3 = $targetfolder->getNotifyList();
+ $nl = array(
+ 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['users'], $nl2['users'], $nl3['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
+ 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['groups'], $nl2['groups'], $nl3['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
+ );
+ $subject = "document_moved_email_subject";
+ $message = "document_moved_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $document->getName();
+ $params['old_folder_path'] = $oldfolder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['new_folder_path'] = $targetfolder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $this->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ // if user is not owner send notification to owner
+ if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
+ false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ public function sendMovedFolderMail($folder, $user, $oldfolder) { /* {{{ */
+ $targetfolder = $folder->getParent();
+ if($targetfolder->getId() == $oldfolder->getId())
+ return;
+ $nl1 = $oldfolder->getNotifyList();
+ $nl2 = $folder->getNotifyList();
+ $nl3 = $targetfolder->getNotifyList();
+ $nl = array(
+ 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['users'], $nl2['users'], $nl3['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
+ 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['groups'], $nl2['groups'], $nl3['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
+ );
+ $subject = "folder_moved_email_subject";
+ $message = "folder_moved_email_body";
+ $params = array();
+ $params['name'] = $folder->getName();
+ $params['old_folder_path'] = $oldfolder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['new_folder_path'] = $targetfolder->getFolderPathPlain();
+ $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
+ $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$this->settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$folder->getID();
+ $params['sitename'] = $this->settings->_siteName;
+ $params['http_root'] = $this->settings->_httpRoot;
+ $this->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
+ $this->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ // if user is not owner send notification to owner
+ if ($user->getID() != $folder->getOwner()->getID() &&
+ false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($folder->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
+ $this->toIndividual($user, $folder->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
diff --git a/inc/inc.Language.php b/inc/inc.Language.php
index 5cf34a82d..78cfb3397 100644
--- a/inc/inc.Language.php
+++ b/inc/inc.Language.php
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ function getAttributeValidationError($error, $attrname='', $attrvalue='', $regex
case 10:
return array("attr_not_in_valueset", array('attrname'=>$attrname, 'value'=>$attrvalue));
- case 8:
+ case 9:
return array("attr_malformed_date", array('attrname'=>$attrname, 'value'=>$attrvalue));
case 8:
diff --git a/inc/inc.Notification.php b/inc/inc.Notification.php
index cfc3ab615..e02404a13 100644
--- a/inc/inc.Notification.php
+++ b/inc/inc.Notification.php
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
global $logger;
-$notifier = new SeedDMS_NotificationService($logger);
+$notifier = new SeedDMS_NotificationService($logger, $settings);
if(isset($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['notification'])) {
foreach($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['notification'] as $notificationObj) {
diff --git a/op/op.AddDocument.php b/op/op.AddDocument.php
index d509ede4c..96182d67f 100644
--- a/op/op.AddDocument.php
+++ b/op/op.AddDocument.php
@@ -455,105 +455,7 @@ for ($file_num=0;$file_numgetNotifyList();
- $dnl = $document->getNotifyList();
- $nl = array(
- 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['users'], $fnl['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
- 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['groups'], $fnl['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
- );
- $subject = "new_document_email_subject";
- $message = "new_document_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $name;
- $params['folder_name'] = $folder->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['comment'] = $comment;
- $params['version_comment'] = $version_comment;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- /* Get workflow from controller in case it was modified in a hook */
- $workflow = $controller->getParam('workflow');
- if($workflow && $settings->_enableNotificationWorkflow) {
- $subject = "request_workflow_action_email_subject";
- $message = "request_workflow_action_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['version'] = $reqversion;
- $params['workflow'] = $workflow->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['current_state'] = $workflow->getInitState()->getName();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- foreach($workflow->getNextTransitions($workflow->getInitState()) as $ntransition) {
- foreach($ntransition->getUsers() as $tuser) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $tuser->getUser(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
- }
- foreach($ntransition->getGroups() as $tuser) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $tuser->getGroup(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
- }
- }
- }
- if($settings->_enableNotificationAppRev) {
- /* Reviewers and approvers will be informed about the new document */
- /* Get reviewers and approvers from controller in case it was
- * modified in a hook
- */
- $reviewers = $controller->getParam('reviewers');
- $approvers = $controller->getParam('approvers');
- if($reviewers['i'] || $reviewers['g']) {
- $subject = "review_request_email_subject";
- $message = "review_request_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['version'] = $reqversion;
- $params['comment'] = $comment;
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- foreach($reviewers['i'] as $reviewerid) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $dms->getUser($reviewerid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_REVIEWER);
- }
- foreach($reviewers['g'] as $reviewergrpid) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $dms->getGroup($reviewergrpid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_REVIEWER);
- }
- }
- elseif($approvers['i'] || $approvers['g']) {
- $subject = "approval_request_email_subject";
- $message = "approval_request_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['version'] = $reqversion;
- $params['comment'] = $comment;
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- foreach($approvers['i'] as $approverid) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $dms->getUser($approverid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_APPROVER);
- }
- foreach($approvers['g'] as $approvergrpid) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $dms->getGroup($approvergrpid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_APPROVER);
- }
- }
- }
+ $notifier->sendNewDocumentMail($document, $user);
if($settings->_removeFromDropFolder) {
if(file_exists($userfiletmp)) {
diff --git a/op/op.AddFile.php b/op/op.AddFile.php
index 5f970afdd..305972af5 100644
--- a/op/op.AddFile.php
+++ b/op/op.AddFile.php
@@ -111,22 +111,7 @@ for ($file_num=0;$file_numgetNotifyList();
- $subject = "new_file_email_subject";
- $message = "new_file_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $name;
- $params['document'] = $document->getName();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['comment'] = $comment;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
+ $notifier->sendNewFileMail($res, $user);
@@ -135,5 +120,4 @@ add_log_line("?name=".$name."&documentid=".$documentid);
diff --git a/op/op.AddSubFolder.php b/op/op.AddSubFolder.php
index a98c9d7ac..efac68b40 100644
--- a/op/op.AddSubFolder.php
+++ b/op/op.AddSubFolder.php
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ if(!$subFolder = $controller->run()) {
} else {
// Send notification to subscribers.
if($notifier) {
+ $notifier->sendNewFolderMail($subFolder, $user);
+ /*
$fnl = $folder->getNotifyList();
$snl = $subFolder->getNotifyList();
$nl = array(
@@ -143,6 +145,7 @@ if(!$subFolder = $controller->run()) {
foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
$notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ */
diff --git a/op/op.Ajax.php b/op/op.Ajax.php
index f68bddfba..7a05bbd02 100644
--- a/op/op.Ajax.php
+++ b/op/op.Ajax.php
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if (isset($_COOKIE["mydms_session"])) {
$dms->noReadForStatus = $role->getNoAccess();
global $logger;
- $notifier = new SeedDMS_NotificationService($logger);
+ $notifier = new SeedDMS_NotificationService($logger, $settings);
if(isset($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['notification'])) {
foreach($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['notification'] as $notificationObj) {
if(method_exists($notificationObj, 'preAddService')) {
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ if (isset($_COOKIE["mydms_session"])) {
if($settings->_enableEmail) {
- $notifier->addService(new SeedDMS_EmailNotify($dms, $settings->_smtpSendFrom, $settings->_smtpServer, $settings->_smtpPort, $settings->_smtpUser, $settings->_smtpPassword));
+ $notifier->addService(new SeedDMS_EmailNotify($dms, $settings->_smtpSendFrom, $settings->_smtpServer, $settings->_smtpPort, $settings->_smtpUser, $settings->_smtpPassword), 'email');
if(isset($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['notification'])) {
@@ -322,7 +322,11 @@ switch($command) {
if ($mfolder->getAccessMode($user, 'moveFolder') >= M_READWRITE) {
if($folder = $dms->getFolder($_REQUEST['targetfolderid'])) {
if($folder->getAccessMode($user, 'moveFolder') >= M_READWRITE) {
+ $oldFolder = $mfolder->getParent();
if($mfolder->setParent($folder)) {
+ if($notifier) {
+ $notifier->sendMovedFolderMail($mfolder, $user, $oldFolder);
+ }
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array('success'=>true, 'message'=>getMLText('splash_move_folder'), 'data'=>''));
@@ -361,10 +365,14 @@ switch($command) {
if ($mdocument->getAccessMode($user, 'moveDocument') >= M_READWRITE) {
if($folder = $dms->getFolder($_REQUEST['targetfolderid'])) {
if($folder->getAccessMode($user, 'moveDocument') >= M_READWRITE) {
+ $oldFolder = $mdocument->getFolder();
if($mdocument->setFolder($folder)) {
if(isset($_REQUEST['sequence'])) {
$mdocument->setSequence((float) $_REQUEST['sequence']);
+ if($notifier) {
+ $notifier->sendMovedDocumentMail($mdocument, $user, $oldFolder);
+ }
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array('success'=>true, 'message'=>getMLText('splash_move_document'), 'data'=>''));
@@ -511,19 +519,7 @@ switch($command) {
if($folder->remove()) {
if ($notifier) {
- $subject = "folder_deleted_email_subject";
- $message = "folder_deleted_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $foldername;
- $params['folder_path'] = $parent->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$parent->getID();
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
+ $notifier->sendDeleteFolderMail($folder, $user);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array('success'=>true, 'message'=>'', 'data'=>''));
@@ -557,10 +553,6 @@ switch($command) {
/* Get the notify list before removing the document */
$dnl = $document->getNotifyList();
$fnl = $folder->getNotifyList();
- $nl = array(
- 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['users'], $fnl['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
- 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['groups'], $fnl['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
- );
$docname = $document->getName();
$controller = Controller::factory('RemoveDocument', array('dms'=>$dms, 'user'=>$user));
@@ -568,18 +560,10 @@ switch($command) {
$controller->setParam('fulltextservice', $fulltextservice);
if($controller->run()) {
if ($notifier){
- $subject = "document_deleted_email_subject";
- $message = "document_deleted_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $docname;
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
+ /* $document still has the data from the just deleted document,
+ * which is just enough to send the email.
+ */
+ $notifier->sendDeleteDocumentMail($document, $user);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
@@ -646,10 +630,14 @@ switch($command) {
$document = $dms->getDocument($_REQUEST['id']);
if($document) {
if ($document->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READWRITE) {
+ $oldname = $document->getName();
if (!$document->setName($_REQUEST['name'])) {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array('success'=>false, 'message'=>'Error setting name', 'data'=>''));
} else {
+ if($notifier) {
+ $notifier->sendChangedNameMail($document, $user, $oldname);
+ }
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array('success'=>true, 'message'=>getMLText('splash_document_name_changed'), 'data'=>''));
@@ -831,106 +819,7 @@ switch($command) {
} else {
// Send notification to subscribers of folder.
if($notifier) {
- $fnl = $folder->getNotifyList();
- $dnl = $document->getNotifyList();
- $nl = array(
- 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['users'], $fnl['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
- 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['groups'], $fnl['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
- );
- $subject = "new_document_email_subject";
- $message = "new_document_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $name;
- $params['folder_name'] = $folder->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['comment'] = '';
- $params['version_comment'] = '';
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- /* Get workflow from controller in case it was modified in a hook */
- $workflow = $controller->getParam('workflow');
- if($workflow && $settings->_enableNotificationWorkflow) {
- $subject = "request_workflow_action_email_subject";
- $message = "request_workflow_action_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['version'] = 1;
- $params['workflow'] = $workflow->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['current_state'] = $workflow->getInitState()->getName();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- foreach($workflow->getNextTransitions($workflow->getInitState()) as $ntransition) {
- foreach($ntransition->getUsers() as $tuser) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $tuser->getUser(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
- }
- foreach($ntransition->getGroups() as $tuser) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $tuser->getGroup(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
- }
- }
- }
- if($settings->_enableNotificationAppRev) {
- /* Reviewers and approvers will be informed about the new document */
- /* Get reviewers and approvers from controller in case it was
- * modified in a hook
- */
- $reviewers = $controller->getParam('reviewers');
- $approvers = $controller->getParam('approvers');
- if($reviewers['i'] || $reviewers['g']) {
- $subject = "review_request_email_subject";
- $message = "review_request_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['version'] = 1;
- $params['comment'] = '';
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- foreach($reviewers['i'] as $reviewerid) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $dms->getUser($reviewerid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_REVIEWER);
- }
- foreach($reviewers['g'] as $reviewergrpid) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $dms->getGroup($reviewergrpid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_REVIEWER);
- }
- }
- elseif($approvers['i'] || $approvers['g']) {
- $subject = "approval_request_email_subject";
- $message = "approval_request_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['version'] = 1;
- $params['comment'] = '';
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- foreach($approvers['i'] as $approverid) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $dms->getUser($approverid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_APPROVER);
- }
- foreach($approvers['g'] as $approvergrpid) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $dms->getGroup($approvergrpid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_APPROVER);
- }
- }
- }
+ $notifier->sendNewDocumentMail($document, $user);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
diff --git a/op/op.EditComment.php b/op/op.EditComment.php
index 9ed6ae091..381e1d97d 100644
--- a/op/op.EditComment.php
+++ b/op/op.EditComment.php
@@ -68,46 +68,7 @@ $comment = $_POST["comment"];
if (($oldcomment = $version->getComment()) != $comment) {
if($version->setComment($comment)) {
if($notifier) {
- $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
- $folder = $document->getFolder();
- $subject = "###SITENAME###: ".$document->getName().", v.".$version->getVersion()." - ".getMLText("document_comment_changed_email");
- $message = getMLText("document_comment_changed_email")."\r\n";
- $message .=
- getMLText("document").": ".$document->getName()."\r\n".
- getMLText("version").": ".$version->getVersion()."\r\n".
- getMLText("comment").": ".$comment."\r\n".
- getMLText("user").": ".$user->getFullName()." <". $user->getEmail() .">\r\n".
- "URL: ###URL_PREFIX###out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID()."&version=".$version->getVersion()."\r\n";
- if(isset($document->_notifyList["users"])) {
- $notifier->toList($user, $document->_notifyList["users"], $subject, $message);
- }
- if(isset($document->_notifyList["groups"])) {
- foreach ($document->_notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message);
- }
- }
- $subject = "document_comment_changed_email_subject";
- $message = "document_comment_changed_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['version'] = $version->getVersion();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['new_comment'] = $comment;
- $params['old_comment'] = $oldcomment;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID()."&version=".$version->getVersion();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
+ $notifier->sendChangedVersionCommentMail($version, $user, $oldcomment);
else {
diff --git a/op/op.EditDocument.php b/op/op.EditDocument.php
index 538d3a050..8e9f21518 100644
--- a/op/op.EditDocument.php
+++ b/op/op.EditDocument.php
@@ -148,146 +148,14 @@ if(!$controller->run()) {
UI::exitError(getMLText("document_title", array("documentname" => $document->getName())), $errmsg);
-if ($oldname != $name) {
- // Send notification to subscribers.
- if($notifier) {
- $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
- $folder = $document->getFolder();
- $subject = "document_renamed_email_subject";
- $message = "document_renamed_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['old_name'] = $oldname;
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
+if($notifier) {
+ $notifier->sendChangedNameMail($document, $user, $oldname);
- // if user is not owner send notification to owner
- if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
- false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
- }
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- }
+ $notifier->sendChangedCommentMail($document, $user, $oldcomment);
-if ($oldcomment != $comment) {
- // Send notification to subscribers.
- if($notifier) {
- $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
- $folder = $document->getFolder();
- $subject = "document_comment_changed_email_subject";
- $message = "document_comment_changed_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['old_comment'] = $oldcomment;
- $params['new_comment'] = $comment;
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
+ $notifier->sendChangedExpiryMail($document, $user, $oldexpires);
- // if user is not owner send notification to owner
- if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
- false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
- }
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- }
-if ($expires != $oldexpires) {
- if($notifier) {
- $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
- $folder = $document->getFolder();
- // Send notification to subscribers.
- $subject = "expiry_changed_email_subject";
- $message = "expiry_changed_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- // if user is not owner send notification to owner
- if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID() &&
- false === SeedDMS_Core_DMS::inList($document->getOwner(), $notifyList['users'])) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
- }
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- }
-if ($oldkeywords != $keywords) {
-$newattributes = $document->getAttributes();
-if($oldattributes) {
- foreach($oldattributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) {
- if(!isset($newattributes[$attrdefid]) || $newattributes[$attrdefid]->getValueAsArray() !== $oldattributes[$attrdefid]->getValueAsArray()) {
- if($notifier) {
- $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
- $subject = "document_attribute_changed_email_subject";
- $message = "document_attribute_changed_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['attribute_name'] = $attribute->getAttributeDefinition()->getName();
- $params['attribute_old_value'] = $oldattributes[$attrdefid]->getValue();
- $params['attribute_new_value'] = isset($newattributes[$attrdefid]) ? $newattributes[$attrdefid]->getValue() : '';
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/* Check for new attributes which didn't have a value before */
-if($newattributes) {
- foreach($newattributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) {
- if(!isset($oldattributes[$attrdefid]) && $attribute) {
- if($notifier) {
- $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
- $subject = "document_attribute_changed_email_subject";
- $message = "document_attribute_changed_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['attribute_name'] = $dms->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid)->getName();
- $params['attribute_old_value'] = '';
- $params['attribute_new_value'] = $attribute->getValue();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ $notifier->sendChangedAttributesMail($document, $user, $oldattributes);
$session->setSplashMsg(array('type'=>'success', 'msg'=>getMLText('splash_document_edited')));
diff --git a/op/op.MoveClipboard.php b/op/op.MoveClipboard.php
index 2e77ffca4..bff27c200 100644
--- a/op/op.MoveClipboard.php
+++ b/op/op.MoveClipboard.php
@@ -56,30 +56,7 @@ foreach($clipboard['docs'] as $documentid) {
if ($document->setFolder($targetFolder)) {
// Send notification to subscribers.
if($notifier) {
- $nl1 = $oldFolder->getNotifyList();
- $nl2 = $document->getNotifyList();
- $nl3 = $targetFolder->getNotifyList();
- $nl = array(
- 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['users'], $nl2['users'], $nl3['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
- 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['groups'], $nl2['groups'], $nl3['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
- );
- $subject = "document_moved_email_subject";
- $message = "document_moved_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['old_folder_path'] = $oldFolder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['new_folder_path'] = $targetFolder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- // if user is not owner send notification to owner
-// if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID())
-// $notifier->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ $notifier->sendMovedDocumentMail($document, $user, $oldFolder);
@@ -103,31 +80,7 @@ foreach($clipboard['folders'] as $folderid) {
if ($folder->setParent($targetFolder)) {
// Send notification to subscribers.
if($notifier) {
- $nl1 = $oldFolder->getNotifyList();
- $nl2 = $folder->getNotifyList();
- $nl3 = $targetFolder->getNotifyList();
- $nl = array(
- 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['users'], $nl2['users'], $nl3['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
- 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['groups'], $nl2['groups'], $nl3['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
- );
- $subject = "folder_moved_email_subject";
- $message = "folder_moved_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $folder->getName();
- $params['old_folder_path'] = $oldFolder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['new_folder_path'] = $targetFolder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$folder->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- // if user is not owner send notification to owner
-// if ($user->getID() != $folder->getOwner()->getID())
-// $notifier->toIndividual($user, $folder->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ $notifier->sendMovedFolderMail($folder, $user, $oldFolder);
} else {
diff --git a/op/op.MoveDocument.php b/op/op.MoveDocument.php
index 56c7a2515..e1ebc227a 100644
--- a/op/op.MoveDocument.php
+++ b/op/op.MoveDocument.php
@@ -82,30 +82,7 @@ if(!$settings->_enableDuplicateDocNames) {
if ($document->setFolder($targetFolder)) {
// Send notification to subscribers.
if($notifier) {
- $nl1 = $oldFolder->getNotifyList();
- $nl2 = $document->getNotifyList();
- $nl3 = $targetFolder->getNotifyList();
- $nl = array(
- 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['users'], $nl2['users'], $nl3['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
- 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['groups'], $nl2['groups'], $nl3['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
- );
- $subject = "document_moved_email_subject";
- $message = "document_moved_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['old_folder_path'] = $oldFolder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['new_folder_path'] = $targetFolder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- // if user is not owner send notification to owner
-// if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID())
-// $notifier->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ $notifier->sendMovedDocumentMail($document, $user, $oldFolder);
} else {
diff --git a/op/op.MoveFolder.php b/op/op.MoveFolder.php
index dbdad0f88..d0fc96886 100644
--- a/op/op.MoveFolder.php
+++ b/op/op.MoveFolder.php
@@ -81,31 +81,7 @@ if(!$settings->_enableDuplicateSubFolderNames) {
if ($folder->setParent($targetFolder)) {
// Send notification to subscribers.
if($notifier) {
- $nl1 = $oldFolder->getNotifyList();
- $nl2 = $folder->getNotifyList();
- $nl3 = $targetFolder->getNotifyList();
- $nl = array(
- 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['users'], $nl2['users'], $nl3['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
- 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($nl1['groups'], $nl2['groups'], $nl3['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
- );
- $subject = "folder_moved_email_subject";
- $message = "folder_moved_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $folder->getName();
- $params['old_folder_path'] = $oldFolder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['new_folder_path'] = $targetFolder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$folder->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- // if user is not owner send notification to owner
- //if ($user->getID() != $folder->getOwner()->getID())
- // $notifier->toIndividual($user, $folder->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
+ $notifier->sendMovedFolderMail($folder, $user, $oldFolder);
} else {
UI::exitError(getMLText("folder_title", array("foldername" => $folder->getName())),getMLText("error_occured"));
diff --git a/op/op.RemoveDocument.php b/op/op.RemoveDocument.php
index 9d554b335..f700b96ac 100644
--- a/op/op.RemoveDocument.php
+++ b/op/op.RemoveDocument.php
@@ -69,13 +69,11 @@ $previewer->deleteDocumentPreviews($document);
/* Get the notify list before removing the document
* Also inform the users/groups of the parent folder
+ * Getting the list now will keep them in the document object
+ * even after the document has been deleted.
$dnl = $document->getNotifyList();
$fnl = $folder->getNotifyList();
-$nl = array(
- 'users'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['users'], $fnl['users']), SORT_REGULAR),
- 'groups'=>array_unique(array_merge($dnl['groups'], $fnl['groups']), SORT_REGULAR)
$docname = $document->getName();
$controller->setParam('document', $document);
@@ -89,19 +87,10 @@ if(!$controller->run()) {
if ($notifier){
- $subject = "document_deleted_email_subject";
- $message = "document_deleted_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $docname;
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$folder->getID();
- $notifier->toList($user, $nl["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
+ /* $document still has the data from the just deleted document,
+ * which is just enough to send the email.
+ */
+ $notifier->sendDeleteDocumentMail($document, $user);
$session->setSplashMsg(array('type'=>'success', 'msg'=>getMLText('splash_rm_document')));
diff --git a/op/op.RemoveFolder.php b/op/op.RemoveFolder.php
index 0d0c948e3..a2a25da55 100644
--- a/op/op.RemoveFolder.php
+++ b/op/op.RemoveFolder.php
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ if(!$controller->run()) {
if ($notifier) {
+ $notifier->sendDeleteFolderMail($folder, $user);
+ /*
$subject = "folder_deleted_email_subject";
$message = "folder_deleted_email_body";
$params = array();
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ if ($notifier) {
foreach ($nl["groups"] as $grp) {
$notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
+ */
diff --git a/op/op.RemoveVersion.php b/op/op.RemoveVersion.php
index 764d44827..4857f3955 100644
--- a/op/op.RemoveVersion.php
+++ b/op/op.RemoveVersion.php
@@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ else {
$emailGroupListA = array();
$status = $version->getReviewStatus();
foreach ($status as $st) {
- if ($st["status"]==0 && !in_array($st["required"], $emailUserList)) {
- if($st['type'] == 0)
+ if ($st["status"]==0) {
+ if($st['type'] == 0 && !in_array($st["required"], $emailUserListR))
$emailUserListR[] = $st["required"];
- else
+ elseif(!in_array($st["required"], $emailGroupListR))
$emailGroupListR[] = $st["required"];
$status = $version->getApprovalStatus();
foreach ($status as $st) {
- if ($st["status"]==0 && !in_array($st["required"], $emailUserList)) {
- if($st['type'] == 0)
+ if ($st["status"]==0) {
+ if($st['type'] == 0 && !in_array($st["required"], $emailUserListA))
$emailUserListA[] = $st["required"];
- else
+ elseif(!in_array($st["required"], $emailGroupListA))
$emailGroupListA[] = $st["required"];
diff --git a/op/op.SetWorkflow.php b/op/op.SetWorkflow.php
index b679ab885..13a961c00 100644
--- a/op/op.SetWorkflow.php
+++ b/op/op.SetWorkflow.php
@@ -72,32 +72,7 @@ if (!$version->setWorkflow($workflow, $user)){
if ($notifier) {
- $nl = $document->getNotifyList();
- $folder = $document->getFolder();
- if($settings->_enableNotificationWorkflow) {
- $subject = "request_workflow_action_email_subject";
- $message = "request_workflow_action_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['version'] = $version->getVersion();
- $params['workflow'] = $workflow->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['current_state'] = $workflow->getInitState()->getName();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- foreach($workflow->getNextTransitions($workflow->getInitState()) as $ntransition) {
- foreach($ntransition->getUsers() as $tuser) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $tuser->getUser(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
- }
- foreach($ntransition->getGroups() as $tuser) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $tuser->getGroup(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
- }
- }
- }
+ $notifier->sendRequestWorkflowActionMail($version, $user);
diff --git a/op/op.UpdateDocument.php b/op/op.UpdateDocument.php
index 945f6530b..58cd26991 100644
--- a/op/op.UpdateDocument.php
+++ b/op/op.UpdateDocument.php
@@ -341,121 +341,10 @@ default:
UI::exitError(getMLText("document_title", array("documentname" => $document->getName())),getMLText($controller->getErrorMsg()));
} else {
// Send notification to subscribers.
- if ($notifier){
- $notifyList = $document->getNotifyList();
- $folder = $document->getFolder();
+ if($notifier) {
+ $notifier->sendNewDocumentVersionMail($document, $user);
- $subject = "document_updated_email_subject";
- $message = "document_updated_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['comment'] = $document->getComment();
- $params['version_comment'] = $content->getComment();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- // if user is not owner send notification to owner
-// if ($user->getID() != $document->getOwner()->getID())
-// $notifier->toIndividual($user, $document->getOwner(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_OWNER);
- /* Get workflow from controller in case it was modified in a hook */
- $workflow = $controller->getParam('workflow');
- if($workflow && $settings->_enableNotificationWorkflow) {
- $subject = "request_workflow_action_email_subject";
- $message = "request_workflow_action_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['version'] = $content->getVersion();
- $params['workflow'] = $workflow->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['current_state'] = $workflow->getInitState()->getName();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- foreach($workflow->getNextTransitions($workflow->getInitState()) as $ntransition) {
- foreach($ntransition->getUsers() as $tuser) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $tuser->getUser(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
- }
- foreach($ntransition->getGroups() as $tuser) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $tuser->getGroup(), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_WORKFLOW);
- }
- }
- }
- if($settings->_enableNotificationAppRev) {
- /* Reviewers and approvers will be informed about the new document */
- /* Get reviewers and approvers from controller in case it was
- * modified in a hook
- */
- $reviewers = $controller->getParam('reviewers');
- $approvers = $controller->getParam('approvers');
- if($reviewers['i'] || $reviewers['g']) {
- $subject = "review_request_email_subject";
- $message = "review_request_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['version'] = $content->getVersion();
- $params['comment'] = $content->getComment();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- foreach($reviewers['i'] as $reviewerid) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $dms->getUser($reviewerid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_REVIEWER);
- }
- foreach($reviewers['g'] as $reviewergrpid) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $dms->getGroup($reviewergrpid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_REVIEWER);
- }
- }
- elseif($approvers['i'] || $approvers['g']) {
- $subject = "approval_request_email_subject";
- $message = "approval_request_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['version'] = $content->getVersion();
- $params['comment'] = $content->getComment();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- foreach($approvers['i'] as $approverid) {
- $notifier->toIndividual($user, $dms->getUser($approverid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_APPROVER);
- }
- foreach($approvers['g'] as $approvergrpid) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $dms->getGroup($approvergrpid), $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_APPROVER);
- }
- }
- }
- if($oldexpires != $document->getExpires()) {
- // Send notification to subscribers.
- $subject = "expiry_changed_email_subject";
- $message = "expiry_changed_email_body";
- $params = array();
- $params['name'] = $document->getName();
- $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain();
- $params['username'] = $user->getFullName();
- $params['url'] = getBaseUrl().$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID();
- $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName;
- $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot;
- $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) {
- $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params, SeedDMS_NotificationService::RECV_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- }
+ $notifier->sendChangedExpiryMail($document, $user, $oldexpires);
if($settings->_removeFromDropFolder) {
diff --git a/views/bootstrap/class.Bootstrap.php b/views/bootstrap/class.Bootstrap.php
index adaa9e3c0..03c46f58c 100644
--- a/views/bootstrap/class.Bootstrap.php
+++ b/views/bootstrap/class.Bootstrap.php
@@ -2870,8 +2870,12 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
/* catch click on a document row in the list folders and documents */
$('body').on('click', '[id^=\"table-row-document\"] td:nth-child(2)', function(ev) {
- attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
- window.location = '../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=' + attr_id;
+ if(ev.shiftKey) {
+ $(ev.currentTarget).parent().toggleClass('selected');
+ } else {
+ attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
+ window.location = '../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=' + attr_id;
+ }
/* catch click on a document row in the list folders and documents */
$('body').on('click', '[id^=\"table-row-folder\"] td:nth-child(2)', function(ev) {
- attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().data('target-id');
- if(typeof attr_id == 'undefined')
- attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
- window.location = '../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=' + attr_id;
+ if(ev.shiftKey) {
+ $(ev.currentTarget).parent().toggleClass('selected');
+ } else {
+ attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().data('target-id');
+ if(typeof attr_id == 'undefined')
+ attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
+ window.location = '../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=' + attr_id;
+ }
diff --git a/views/bootstrap4/class.Bootstrap4.php b/views/bootstrap4/class.Bootstrap4.php
index 621051e70..4eb199eca 100644
--- a/views/bootstrap4/class.Bootstrap4.php
+++ b/views/bootstrap4/class.Bootstrap4.php
@@ -2841,8 +2841,12 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
/* catch click on a document row in the list folders and documents */
$('body').on('click', '[id^=\"table-row-document\"] td:nth-child(2)', function(ev) {
- attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
- window.location = '../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=' + attr_id;
+ if(ev.shiftKey) {
+ $(ev.currentTarget).parent().toggleClass('selected');
+ } else {
+ attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
+ window.location = '../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=' + attr_id;
+ }
/* catch click on a document row in the list folders and documents */
$('body').on('click', '[id^=\"table-row-folder\"] td:nth-child(2)', function(ev) {
- attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().data('target-id');
- if(typeof attr_id == 'undefined')
- attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
- window.location = '../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=' + attr_id;
+ if(ev.shiftKey) {
+ $(ev.currentTarget).parent().toggleClass('selected');
+ } else {
+ attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().data('target-id');
+ if(typeof attr_id == 'undefined')
+ attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
+ window.location = '../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=' + attr_id;
+ }
return "getName(), ENT_QUOTES)."\">";
} /* }}} */
diff --git a/webdav/index.php b/webdav/index.php
index d035c2d42..89d89245d 100644
--- a/webdav/index.php
+++ b/webdav/index.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ require_once("../inc/inc.ClassEmailNotify.php");
-$notifier = new SeedDMS_NotificationService($logger);
+$notifier = new SeedDMS_NotificationService($logger, $settings);
if(isset($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['notification'])) {
foreach($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['notification'] as $notificationObj) {