mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 16:35:38 +00:00
many chinese taiwan translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -637,6 +637,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'استيراد إضافات',
'import_fs' => 'نسخ من ملف النظام',
'import_fs_warning' => 'تحذير النسخ من ملف النظام',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'إضافة المحتوى',
'include_documents' => 'اشمل مستندات',
'include_subdirectories' => 'اشمل مجلدات فرعية',
@ -1797,6 +1799,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'تحميل ملف فارغ. عملية التحميل الغيت',
'used_discspace' => 'المساحة المستخدمة',
'user' => 'مستخدم',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'هوية المجموعة',
'users' => 'مستخدمين',
'users_and_groups' => 'مستخدمين ومجموعات',
@ -566,6 +566,8 @@ $text = array(
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'добави от файловата система',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => 'Включи документи',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Включи под-папки',
@ -1651,6 +1653,7 @@ $text = array(
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Качване на празен файл/размер=0. Качването прекратено.',
'used_discspace' => 'Използвано дисково пространство',
'user' => 'Потребител',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => '',
'users' => 'Потребители',
'users_and_groups' => '',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (752)
// Translators: Admin (758)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '',
@ -472,14 +472,14 @@ URL: [url]',
'expired_at_date' => '',
'expired_documents' => '',
'expires' => 'Caduca',
'expire_by_date' => '',
'expire_by_date' => 'Expiració segons data',
'expire_in_1d' => '',
'expire_in_1h' => '',
'expire_in_1m' => '',
'expire_in_1w' => '',
'expire_in_1y' => '',
'expire_in_1m' => 'Expira en un mes',
'expire_in_1w' => 'Expira en una setmana',
'expire_in_1y' => 'Expira en un any',
'expire_in_2h' => '',
'expire_in_2y' => '',
'expire_in_2y' => 'Expira en dos anys',
'expire_today' => '',
'expire_tomorrow' => '',
'expiry_changed_email' => 'Data de caducitat modificada',
@ -571,6 +571,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Importa del sistema d\'arxius',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Només funciona arrastrant carpetes.La operació importarà recursivament totes les carpetes i arxius.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => 'Incloure documents',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Incloure subdirectoris',
@ -645,7 +647,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'keep' => '',
'keep_doc_status' => '',
'keywords' => 'Mots clau',
'keywords_loading' => '',
'keywords_loading' => 'Espera fins que la llista de paraules clau s\'hagi carregat...',
'keyword_exists' => 'El mot clau ja existeix',
'ko_KR' => 'Coreà',
'language' => 'Llenguatge',
@ -1656,6 +1658,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => '',
'used_discspace' => 'Espai utilitzat',
'user' => 'Usuari',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => '',
'users' => 'Usuaris',
'users_and_groups' => '',
@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Importovat rozšíření',
'import_fs' => 'Nahrát ze souborového systému',
'import_fs_warning' => 'To bude fungovat pouze pro složky ve vhazovací složce. Operace rekurzivně importuje všechny složky a soubory. Soubory budou okamžitě uvolněny.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Včetně obsahu',
'include_documents' => 'Včetně dokumentů',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Včetně podadresářů',
@ -1869,6 +1871,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Nahrávání prázdného souboru. Nahrání zrušeno.',
'used_discspace' => 'Použité místo na disku',
'user' => 'Uživatel',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'ID uživatel/ID skupiny',
'users' => 'Uživatel',
'users_and_groups' => 'Uživatelé / Skupiny',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (2770), dgrutsch (22)
// Translators: Admin (2773), dgrutsch (22)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '2-Faktor Authentifizierung',
@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Erweiterung importieren',
'import_fs' => 'Aus Dateisystem importieren',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Der Import kann nur für Ordner im Ablageordner erfolgen. Alle Ordner und Dateien werden rekursiv importiert. Dateien werden sofort freigegeben.',
'import_users' => 'Importiere Benutzer',
'import_users_update' => 'Aktualisiere bestehende Benutzer',
'include_content' => 'Inhalte mit exportieren',
'include_documents' => 'Dokumente miteinbeziehen',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Unterverzeichnisse miteinbeziehen',
@ -1880,6 +1882,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Versuch eine leere Datei hochzuladen. Vorgang wird abgebrochen.',
'used_discspace' => 'Verbrauchter Speicherplatz',
'user' => 'Benutzer',
'userdata_file' => 'Benutzerdaten',
'userid_groupid' => 'Benutzer-ID/Gruppen-ID',
'users' => 'Benutzer',
'users_and_groups' => 'Benutzer/Gruppen',
@ -566,6 +566,8 @@ $text = array(
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Εισαγωγή από το σύστημα',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => '',
'include_subdirectories' => '',
@ -1662,6 +1664,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => '',
'used_discspace' => 'Χώρος',
'user' => 'Χρήστης',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => '',
'users' => 'Χρήστες',
'users_and_groups' => 'Χρήστες/Ομάδες',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (1876), archonwang (3), dgrutsch (9), netixw (14)
// Translators: Admin (1879), archonwang (3), dgrutsch (9), netixw (14)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '2-factor authentication',
@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Import extension',
'import_fs' => 'Import from filesystem',
'import_fs_warning' => 'This will only work for folders in the drop folder. The operation recursively imports all folders and files. Files will be released immediately.',
'import_users' => 'Import users',
'import_users_update' => 'Update existing users',
'include_content' => 'Include content',
'include_documents' => 'Include documents',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Include subdirectories',
@ -1874,6 +1876,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Uploading an empty file. Upload is canceled.',
'used_discspace' => 'Used disk space',
'user' => 'User',
'userdata_file' => 'User data file',
'userid_groupid' => 'User id/Group id',
'users' => 'Users',
'users_and_groups' => 'Users/Groups',
@ -644,6 +644,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Importar desde sistema de archivos',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Esto funciona únicamente con carpetas dentro de la carpeta destino. La operación importa recursivamente todos los archivos y carpetas. Los archivos serán liberados inmediatamente.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => 'Incluir documentos',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Incluir subcarpetas',
@ -1812,6 +1814,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Subiendo un fichero vacío. -Subida cancelada.',
'used_discspace' => 'Espacio de disco utilizado',
'user' => 'Usuario',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'ID Usuario/ID Grupo',
'users' => 'Usuarios',
'users_and_groups' => 'Usuarios/Grupos',
@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Importer l’extension',
'import_fs' => 'Importer depuis le système de fichiers',
'import_fs_warning' => 'L’importation peut se faire à partir du dossier de dépôt personnel uniquement. Tous les sous-dossiers et fichiers seront importés. Les fichiers seront immédiatement publiés.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Inclure le contenu',
'include_documents' => 'Inclure les documents',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Inclure les sous-dossiers',
@ -1872,6 +1874,7 @@ URL : [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Chargement d\'un fichier vide. Chargement annulé.',
'used_discspace' => 'Espace disque utilisé',
'user' => 'Utilisateur',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'ID utilisateur/ID groupe',
'users' => 'Utilisateurs',
'users_and_groups' => 'Utilisateurs/groupes',
@ -649,6 +649,8 @@ Internet poveznica: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Importaj iz FS-a',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Uključi sadržaj',
'include_documents' => 'Sadrži dokumente',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Sadrži podmape',
@ -1833,6 +1835,7 @@ Internet poveznica: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Datoteka koja se učitava je prazna. Učitavanje je otkazano.',
'used_discspace' => 'Iskorišteni prostor na disku',
'user' => 'Korisnik',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'ID Korisnika/ID Grupe',
'users' => 'Korisnici',
'users_and_groups' => 'Korisnici/Grupe',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (639), Kalpy (110), ribaz (1036)
// Translators: Admin (639), Kalpy (113), ribaz (1036)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => 'Kétfaktoros azonosítás',
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'already_subscribed' => 'Már feliratkozott',
'and' => '-',
'apply' => 'Elfogad',
'approvals_accepted' => '',
'approvals_accepted' => '[no_approvals] már elfogadott jóváhagyások',
'approvals_accepted_latest' => '',
'approvals_and_reviews_accepted' => '',
'approvals_and_reviews_not_touched' => '',
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'approvals_without_user' => '',
'approval_deletion_email' => 'Jóváhagyási kérelem törölve',
'approval_deletion_email_body' => '',
'approval_deletion_email_subject' => '',
'approval_deletion_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Jóváhagyási kérelem törölve',
'approval_file' => 'Fájl',
'approval_group' => 'Jóváhagyó csoport',
'approval_log' => 'Jóváhagyási napló',
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'approval_summary' => 'Jóváhagyási összesítő',
'approval_update_failed' => 'Hiba történt a jóváhagyási állapot frissítése során. Frissítés sikertelen.',
'approvers' => 'Jóváhagyók',
'approver_already_assigned' => '',
'approver_already_assigned' => 'A felhasználót már jóváhagyóként megjelölték.',
'approver_already_removed' => '',
'april' => 'Április',
'archive' => 'Archívum',
@ -644,6 +644,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Kiterjesztés import',
'import_fs' => 'Importálás fájlrendszerből',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => 'Tartalmazó dokumentumok',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Tartalmazó alkönyvtárak',
@ -1811,6 +1813,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Üres állomány feltöltése. Feltöltés megszakítva.',
'used_discspace' => 'Felhasznált lemezterület',
'user' => 'Felhasználó',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'Felhasználó ID/Csoport ID',
'users' => 'Felhasználók',
'users_and_groups' => 'Felhasználók/Csoportok',
@ -654,6 +654,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Importa estensione',
'import_fs' => 'Importa dalla cartella di sistema',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Questo funziona solo per le cartelle nella cartella per lasciare. L\'operazione importa in modo ricorsivo tutte le cartelle e file. I file saranno pubblicati immediatamente.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Includi contenuto',
'include_documents' => 'Includi documenti',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Includi sottocartelle',
@ -1860,6 +1862,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Si sta caricando un file vuoto. Operazione abortita.',
'used_discspace' => 'Spazio su disco occupato',
'user' => 'Utente',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'id Utente/id Gruppo',
'users' => 'Utenti',
'users_and_groups' => 'Utenti/Gruppi',
@ -650,6 +650,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => '파일시스템으로부터 가져오기',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '내용을 포함',
'include_documents' => '문서 포함',
'include_subdirectories' => '하위 디렉터리 포함',
@ -1827,6 +1829,7 @@ URL : [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => '빈 파일을 업로드 합니다. 업로드가 취소 됩니다.',
'used_discspace' => '사용된 디스크 공간',
'user' => '사용자',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'User id/Group id',
'users' => '사용자',
'users_and_groups' => '사용자 / 그룹',
@ -647,6 +647,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'ນຳເຂົ້າຈາກຟາຍລະບົບ',
'import_fs_warning' => 'ຊື່ງຈະໄຊ້ໄດ້ສະເພາະກັບໂຟລເດີໃນໂຟລເດີແບບເລືອນລົງເທົ່ານັ້ນ ການດຳເນີນການນີ້ຈະນຳເຂົ້າໄຟລແລະໂຟລເດີທັງຫມົດໄຟລຈະໄດ້ຮັບການເຜີຍແຜ່ທັນທີ',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'ລວມເນື້ອຫາ',
'include_documents' => 'ລວມເອກະສານ',
'include_subdirectories' => 'ລວມໄດເລັກທໍລີຍ່ອຍ',
@ -1853,6 +1855,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'ການອັບໂຫລດໄຟລເປົ່າ, ການອັບໂຫຼດຖຶກຍົກເລີກ',
'used_discspace' => 'ໄຊ້ເນື້ອທີດິສ',
'user' => 'ຜູ້ໄຊ້ງານ',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'ລະຫັດຜູ້ໄຊ້ / ລະຫັດກຸ່ມ',
'users' => 'ຜູ້ໄຊ້',
'users_and_groups' => 'ຜູ້ໄຊ້ / ກຸ່ມ',
@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Importer utvidelse',
'import_fs' => 'Import fra filsystem',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Dette fungerer bare for mapper i slippmappen. Operasjonen importerer rekursivt alle mapper og filer. Filer vil bli gitt ut umiddelbart.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Inkludere innhold',
'include_documents' => 'Inkludere dokument',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Inkludere undermapper',
@ -1866,6 +1868,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Laster opp en tom fil. Opplastingen er kansellert.',
'used_discspace' => 'Brukt diskplass',
'user' => 'Bruker',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'Brukernavn/gruppenavn',
'users' => 'Brukere',
'users_and_groups' => 'Brukere/grupper',
@ -642,6 +642,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Importeer van bestandssysteem',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Dit werkt alleen in de dropfolder. Mappen en bestanden worden recursief geïmporteerd. Bestanden worden direct ter beschikking gesteld.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'inclusief inhoud',
'include_documents' => 'Inclusief documenten',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Inclusief submappen',
@ -1850,6 +1852,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Uploaden van een leeg bestand. Upload wordt geannuleerd.',
'used_discspace' => 'Gebruike schijf ruimte',
'user' => 'Gebruiker',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'GebruikerID / Groep ID',
'users' => 'Gebruikers',
'users_and_groups' => 'Gebruikers / Groepen',
@ -637,6 +637,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Import z systemu plików',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => 'Uwzględnij dokumenty',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Uwzględnij podkatalogi',
@ -1791,6 +1793,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Próba przesłania pustego pliku. Przesłanie zostało przerwane.',
'used_discspace' => 'Użyta przestrzeń dyskowa',
'user' => 'Użytkownik',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'Id Użytkownika/Id Grupy',
'users' => 'Użytkownicy',
'users_and_groups' => 'Użytkownicy/Grupy',
@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Importar extensão',
'import_fs' => 'Importar do sistema de arquivos',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Isso só funcionará para pastas na pasta-alvo. A operação importa recursivamente todas as pastas e arquivos. Os arquivos serão liberados imediatamente.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Incluir conteúdo',
'include_documents' => 'Include documents',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Include subdirectories',
@ -1872,6 +1874,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Envio de um arquivo vazio. Envio cancelado.',
'used_discspace' => 'Espaço em disco usado',
'user' => 'Usuário',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'Id do Usuário/Id do Grupo',
'users' => 'Usuários',
'users_and_groups' => 'Usuários/Grupos',
@ -649,6 +649,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Import din filesystem',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => 'Include documente',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Include subfoldere',
@ -1834,6 +1836,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Se încarcă un fișier gol. Încărcarea este anulată.',
'used_discspace' => 'Spatiu pe disc folosit',
'user' => 'Utilizator',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => '',
'users' => 'Utilizatori',
'users_and_groups' => 'Utilizatori/Grupuri',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (1681)
// Translators: Admin (1682)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => 'Двухфакторная аутентификация',
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'dump_creation_warning' => 'Эта операция создаст дамп базы данных. После создания, файл будет сохранен в каталоге данных сервера.',
'dump_list' => 'Существующие дампы',
'dump_remove' => 'Удалить дамп',
'duplicates' => '',
'duplicates' => 'Дубликаты',
'duplicate_content' => 'Дублированное содержимое',
'edit' => 'Изменить',
'edit_attributes' => 'Изменить атрибуты',
@ -649,6 +649,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Импорт из файловой системы',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Предупреждение импорта из ФС',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Включая содержимое',
'include_documents' => 'Включая документы',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Включая подкаталоги',
@ -1841,6 +1843,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Отменена загрузка пустого файла.',
'used_discspace' => 'Занятое дисковое пространство',
'user' => 'Пользователь',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => '',
'users' => 'Пользователи',
'users_and_groups' => 'Пользователи / группы',
@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => 'Import extension',
'import_fs' => 'Importovanie zo súborového systému',
'import_fs_warning' => 'This will only work for folders in the drop folder. The operation recursively imports all folders and files. Files will be released immediately.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Zahrnúť obsah',
'include_documents' => 'Vrátane súborov',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Vrátane podzložiek',
@ -1874,6 +1876,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Nahrávate prázdny súbor. Nahrávanie je zrušené.',
'used_discspace' => 'Využitý priestor na disku',
'user' => 'Používateľ',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'Používateľ id/Skupina id',
'users' => 'Používateľ',
'users_and_groups' => 'Používatelia/Skupiny',
@ -655,6 +655,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Import från filsystem',
'import_fs_warning' => 'Detta fungerar endast för kataloger i mellanlagringsmappen. Filer och mappar får godkänd status direkt efter importen.',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Inkudera innehåll',
'include_documents' => 'Inkludera dokument',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Inkludera underkataloger',
@ -1847,6 +1849,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Uppladdning av tom fil. Uppladdningen avbryts.',
'used_discspace' => 'Använt lagringsutrymme',
'user' => 'Användare',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'Användar-ID/Grupp-ID',
'users' => 'Användare',
'users_and_groups' => 'Användare/Grupper',
@ -643,6 +643,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'dosya sisteminden getir',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => 'Dokümanları kapsa',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Alt klasörleri kapsa',
@ -1813,6 +1815,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Boş bir dosya yükleniyor. Yükleme iptal edildi.',
'used_discspace' => 'Kullanılan disk alanı',
'user' => 'Kullanıcı',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => '',
'users' => 'Kullanıcı',
'users_and_groups' => 'Kullanıcılar/Gruplar',
@ -649,6 +649,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => 'Імпортувати з файлової системи',
'import_fs_warning' => '',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Включно з вмістом',
'include_documents' => 'Включно з документами',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Включно з підкаталогами',
@ -1834,6 +1836,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Відміна завантаження порожнього файлу.',
'used_discspace' => 'Зайнятий дисковий простір',
'user' => 'Користувач',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => '',
'users' => 'Користувачі',
'users_and_groups' => 'Користувачі / групи',
@ -639,6 +639,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'import_extension' => '',
'import_fs' => '从文件系统导入',
'import_fs_warning' => '这将只适用于拖动文件夹。该操作将递归导入所有文件夹和文件。文件将立即释放。',
'import_users' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => '',
'include_documents' => '包含文档',
'include_subdirectories' => '包含子目录',
@ -1800,6 +1802,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'uploading_zerosize' => '上传失败!请检查是否没有选择上传的文件。',
'used_discspace' => '使用磁盘空间',
'user' => '用户',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => '用户ID/组ID',
'users' => '用户',
'users_and_groups' => '用户/组',
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user