mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 09:35:00 +00:00
some new phrases
This commit is contained in:
@ -998,6 +998,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'قديم',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'فقط يمكنك استخدام ملفات من تنسيق jpg كصورة المستخدم',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1029,6 +1030,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'password_forgotten_email_body' => 'عزيزي مستخدم النظام,nnاستقبلنا طلبك لتغيير كلمة السر.nnيمكنك تغييرها عن طريق الرابط التالي:nn[url_prefix]out/out.ChangePassword.php?hash=[hash]nnIf you have still problems to login, then please contact your administrator.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: نسيان كلمة السر',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'تم ارسال التعليمات اللازمة لبريدك الالكتروني',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'قم بملء النموذج التالي واتبع التعليمات التى سيتم ارسالها اليك بالبريد الالكتروني',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'ارسال كلمة السر',
@ -903,6 +903,7 @@ $text = array(
'old' => 'Стар',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Разрешени са само .jpg-изображения',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -928,6 +929,8 @@ $text = array(
'password_forgotten_email_body' => 'Уважаемый потребителю,nnполучихме запитване за изменение на Вашата парола.nnЗа да стане, идете на адрес:nn[url_prefix]out/out.ChangePassword.php?hash=[hash]nnАко и след това не можете да влезете, свържете се с админа.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Забравена парола',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Инструкциите са изпратени на email',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Попълнете формата и следвайте инструкциите в писмото',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Парола изпратена',
@ -908,6 +908,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Vell',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Només pot utilitzar imatges .jpg com imatges d\'usuari',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -933,6 +934,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'password_forgotten_email_body' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_text' => '',
'password_forgotten_title' => '',
@ -1029,6 +1029,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Starý',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Pro obrázky uživatelů je možné použít pouze obrázky .jpg',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1064,6 +1065,8 @@ URL: [url]',
Pokud budete mít problém s přihlášením i po změně hesla, kontaktujte Administrátora.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Obnova zapomenutého hesla',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Instrukce byly poslány uživateli na emailovou adresu.',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Vyplňte následující formulář a následujte instrukce v emailu, který vám bude odeslán.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Heslo odesláno',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (3083), dgrutsch (22)
// Translators: Admin (3086), dgrutsch (22)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '2-Faktor Authentifizierung',
@ -1201,6 +1201,7 @@ URL: [url]</p>',
'old' => 'Alt',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Es sind nur JPG-Bilder erlaubt',
'operation_disallowed' => 'Operation nicht erlaubt',
'orderby' => 'Sortiert nach',
'orderby_date_asc' => 'Nach Datum (aufsteigend)',
'orderby_date_desc' => 'Nach Datum (absteigend)',
'orderby_id_asc' => 'Nach Id (aufsteigend)',
@ -1256,6 +1257,8 @@ Sollen Sie danach immer noch Probleme bei der Anmeldung haben, dann kontaktieren
<p>Sollen Sie danach immer noch Probleme bei der Anmeldung haben, dann kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Adminstrator.</p>',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Passwort vergessen',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => 'Ungültiger Hash-Wert',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => 'Ungültiger Hash-Wert',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Anweisungen zum weiteren Vorgehen wurden an die E-Mail Adresse des Benutzers versandt',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Füllen Sie bitte untenstehendes Formular aus. Weitere Anweisungen erhalten Sie dann in einer E-Mail die an Sie gesandt wird',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Passwort gesendet',
@ -914,6 +914,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Παλιό',
'only_jpg_user_images' => '',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -939,6 +940,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'password_forgotten_email_body' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_text' => '',
'password_forgotten_title' => '',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (2179), archonwang (3), dgrutsch (9), netixw (14)
// Translators: Admin (2182), archonwang (3), dgrutsch (9), netixw (14)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '2-factor authentication',
@ -1204,6 +1204,7 @@ URL: [url]</p>',
'old' => 'Old',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Only .jpg-images may be used as user-images',
'operation_disallowed' => 'Operation not permitted',
'orderby' => 'Order by',
'orderby_date_asc' => 'by date (ascending)',
'orderby_date_desc' => 'by date (descending)',
'orderby_id_asc' => 'by id (ascending)',
@ -1259,6 +1260,8 @@ If you still have problems to login, then please contact your administrator.',
<p>If you still have problems to login, then please contact your administrator.</p>',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Password forgotten',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => 'Invalid hash',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => 'Invalid hash',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Instructions on how to proceed has been send to the user\'s email address',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Fill out the form below and follow the instructions in the email, which will be sent to you.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Password sent',
@ -1005,6 +1005,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Viejo',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Sólo puede usar imágenes .jpg como imágenes de usuario',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1044,6 +1045,8 @@ Puede modificarla haciendo click en el siguiente enlace:
Si continua teniendo problemas de acceso, por favor contacte con el administrador del sistema.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Recordatorio de contraseña',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Las instrucciones para proceder al cambio se han enviado a la dirección de correo de usuario',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Rellene el siguiente formulario y siga las instrucciones del correo que se le enviará.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Envío de contraseña',
@ -1191,6 +1191,7 @@ URL : [url]</p>',
'old' => 'Ancien',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Images d\'utilisateur au format .jpg seulement',
'operation_disallowed' => 'Opération non autorisée',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1244,6 +1245,8 @@ En cas de problème persistant, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.',
<p>Si vous rencontrez toujours des problèmes pour vous connecter, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.</p>',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename] : Mot de passe oublié',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'La procédure à suivre a bien été envoyée à l\'adresse indiquée',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous et suivez les instructions dans le courrier électronique qui vous sera envoyé.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Mot de passe envoyé',
@ -1009,6 +1009,7 @@ Internet poveznica: [url]',
'old' => 'Staro',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Kao korisničke slike mogu se koristiti samo .jpg slike',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1048,6 +1049,8 @@ To se može izvršiti klikom na sljedeću poveznicu:
Ako i dalje imate problema s prijavom, molimo kontaktirajte Vašeg administratora.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Zaboravljena lozinka',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Upute kako postupiti su poslane na e-mail adresu korisnika',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Ispunite donji obrazac i slijedite upute iz e-maila koji će vam biti poslan.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Lozinka je poslana',
@ -1005,6 +1005,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Régi',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Felhasználói képként csak .jpg állományok adhatók meg',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1044,6 +1045,8 @@ Ezt az alábbi hivatkozásra kattintva teheti meg:
Amennyiben problémákba ütközik a bejelentkezés során, kérjük vegye fel a kapcsolatot az adminisztrátorral.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Jelszó emlékeztető',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Utasítások arról, hogyan kell eljárni a felhasználók email címének elküldéséhez',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Töltse ki a következő űrlapot és kövesse az Önnek küldött, elektronikus levélben szereplő utasításokat.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Jelszó küldés',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (2056), rickr (144), s.pnt (26)
// Translators: Admin (2057), rickr (144), s.pnt (26)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => 'Autorizzazione a due fattori',
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'hu_HU' => 'Ungherese',
'id' => 'ID',
'identical_version' => 'La nuova versione è identica a quella attuale.',
'id_ID' => '',
'id_ID' => 'Indonesiano',
'import' => 'Importa',
'importfs' => 'Importa da file system/disco',
'import_extension' => 'Importa estensione',
@ -1015,6 +1015,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Vecchio',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Possono essere utilizzate solo immagini di tipo jpeg',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1054,6 +1055,8 @@ Per farlo cliccare sul seguente link:
Dovessero esserci ancora problemi al login, prego contatta l\'amministratore di sistema.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Password dimenticata',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Le istruzioni su come procedere sono state inviate all\'indirizzo e-mail dell\'utente',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Compilare i campi seguenti e seguire le istruzioni nell\'e-mail che sarà inviata a breve.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Password inviata',
@ -1011,6 +1011,7 @@ URL : [url]',
'old' => '이전',
'only_jpg_user_images' => '.JPG - 이미지만 사용자가 이미지로 사용할 수 있습니다',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1042,6 +1043,8 @@ URL : [url]',
'password_forgotten_email_body' => '친애하는 SeedDMS사용자에게, n n 우리는 비밀번호를 변경하도록 요청을 받았습니다. n n이는 다음 링크를 클릭하여 수행 할 수 있습니다 :nn[url_prefix]out/out.ChangePassword.php?hash=[hash]nn만약 여전히 로그인에 문제가 생기면 관리자에게 문의하십시오.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: 비밀번호 분실',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => '사용자의 이메일 주소로 전송 진행 방법에 대한 지침',
'password_forgotten_text' => '아래의 양식을 작성하시고 당신에게 보낼 이메일에 있는 지시 사항을 따르십시오.',
'password_forgotten_title' => '비밀번호 전송',
@ -1008,6 +1008,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'ເກົ່າ',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'ອາດໄຊ້ພາບ ຈິພີເຈ ເປັນພາບຂອງຜູ້ນຳໄຊ້ເທົ່ານັ້ນ',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1047,6 +1048,8 @@ URL: [url]',
ຖ້າຫາກເຈົ້າຍັງມີບັນຫາໃນການເຊົ້າສູ້ລະບົບ, ກະລຸນາຕິດຕໍ່ຫາຜູ້ດູແລລະບົບຂອງທ່ານ.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: ລື່ມລະຫັດຜ່ານ',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'ຄຳແນະນຳໃນການດຳເນີນການຖືກສົ່ງໄປຫາອີເມວຂອງຜູ້ນຳໄຊ້',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'ກະລຸນາຂຽນແບບຟອມດ້ານລຸ່ມ ແລະເຮັດຕາມຄຳແນະນຳໃນອີເມວທີໄດ້ສົ່ງຫາເຈົ້າ',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'ສົ່ງລະຫັດຜ່ານ',
@ -1029,6 +1029,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Gammel',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Bare .jpg-bilder kan brukes som bruker-bilder',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1062,6 +1063,8 @@ Dette kan gjøres ved å klikke på følgende lenke: [url_prefix]out/out.ChangeP
Om du fortsatt har problemer med innloggingen, kontakt admin.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Glemt passord?',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Instruksjoner om hvordan du går frem er sendt til din oppgitte e-postadresse.',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Fyll ut skjemaet nedenfor og følg instruksjonene i e-posten, som vil bli sendt til deg.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Passord sendt',
@ -1021,6 +1021,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Oude',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'U mag alleen .jpg afbeeldingen gebruiken als gebruikersafbeeldingen.',
'operation_disallowed' => 'Bewerking niet toegestaan',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1060,6 +1061,8 @@ Dit kan uitgevoerd worden door op de volgende koppeling te drukken:
Als u nog steed problemen ondervind met het inloggen, neem aub contact op met uw beheerder.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Wachtwoord vergeten',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Verdere instructies zijn naar uw gebruikers email adres verstuurd.',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Vul het formulier hieronder in en volg de instructie in de email, welke naar u verzonden zal worden.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Wachtwoord verzonden',
@ -998,6 +998,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Stary',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Wyłącznie pliki typu .jpg mogą być użyte jako obrazy użytkowników',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1037,6 +1038,8 @@ Możesz tego dokonać poprzez kliknięcie następującego linku:
Jeśli nadal będą problemy z zalogowaniem, prosimy o kontakt z administratorem.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Zapomniane hasło',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Instrukcje dotyczące zmiany hasła zostały wysłane na adres e-mail użytkownika.',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Wypełnij pola poniżej i postępuj wg instrukcji z wiadomości e-mail, która zostanie do Ciebie wysłana.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Hasło wysłane',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (1853), flaviove (627), lfcristofoli (352)
// Translators: Admin (1854), flaviove (627), lfcristofoli (352)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => 'Autenticação de dois fatores',
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'hu_HU' => 'Húngaro',
'id' => 'ID',
'identical_version' => 'Nova versão é idêntica à versão atual.',
'id_ID' => '',
'id_ID' => 'Indonésio',
'import' => 'Importar',
'importfs' => 'Importar do sistema de arquivos',
'import_extension' => 'Importar extensão',
@ -1028,6 +1028,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Antigo',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Somente imagens jpg podem ser utilizadas como avatar',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1067,6 +1068,8 @@ Isso pode ser feito clicando no seguinte link:
Se você ainda tiver problemas para fazer o login, por favor, contate o administrador.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Esqueceu sua senha',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Instruções de como proceder para que seja enviada para o endereço de e-mail do usuário',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Preencha o formulário abaixo e siga as instruções do e-mail que será enviado para você.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Senha enviada',
@ -1010,6 +1010,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Vechi',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Doar imagini .jpg pot fi utilizate ca imagine-utilizator',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1049,6 +1050,8 @@ Acest lucru poate fi realizat prin click pe link-ul următor:
Dacă aveți în continuare probleme la autentificare, vă rugăm să contactați administratorul.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Am uitat parola',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Instrucțiuni privind modul cum trebuie procedat au fost trimise la adresa de email a utilizatorului',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Completați formularul de mai jos și urmați instrucțiunile ce vor fi trimise prin e-mail.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Parola a fost trimisă',
@ -1009,6 +1009,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Старый',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Разрешены только .jpg-изображения',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1046,6 +1047,8 @@ URL: [url]',
Если вы и после этого не сможете войти, свяжитесь с администратором.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Забытый пароль',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Инструкции высланы на e-mail',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Заполните форму и следуйте инструкциям в письме',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Пароль выслан',
@ -1029,6 +1029,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Staré',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Ako obrázky používateľov je možné použiť iba obrázky .jpg',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1068,6 +1069,8 @@ This can be done by clicking on the following link:
If you have still problems to login, then please contact your administrator.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Zabudnuté heslo',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Instructions on how to proceed has been send to the user\'s email address',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Fill out the form below and follow the instructions in the email, which will be sent to you.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Heslo bolo odoslané',
@ -1016,6 +1016,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'gammalt',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Bara .jpg-bilder kan användas som användarbild',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1052,6 +1053,8 @@ vi fick en förfrågan om att ändra ditt lösenord. Du kan göra det genom att
Om du fortfarande har problem med inloggningen, kontakta administratören.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Glömt lösenord',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'En beskrivning av vad du måste göra har nu skickats till din e-postadress.',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Fyll i formuläret nedan och följ instruktionerna som skickas till din e-postadress.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Glömt lösenord',
@ -1004,6 +1004,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Eski',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Kullanıcı resmi olarak sadece .jpg uzantı resimler kullanılabilir',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1045,6 +1046,8 @@ Böyle bir talebiniz olmadıysa bu mesajı görmezden gelebilirsiniz.
Giriş yaparken halen sorun yaşıyorsanız lütfen sistem yöneticinizle görüşünüz.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Şifre sıfırlama',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Yeni şifre alma talimatı kullanıcının e-posta adresine gönderilmiştir.',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Aşağıdaki formu doldurunuz ve e-posta adresinize gönderilecek olan talimatı uygulayınız.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Parola gönderildi',
@ -1009,6 +1009,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Старий',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Дозволені лише .jpg-зображення',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1046,6 +1047,8 @@ URL: [url]',
Якщо ви і після цього не зможете зайти, зв\'яжіться з адміністратором',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Втрачено пароль',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Інструкції вислано на e-mail',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Заповніть форму і виконайте інструкції в листі',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Пароль вислано',
@ -1012,6 +1012,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Old',
'only_jpg_user_images' => '只用jpg格式的图片才可以作为用户身份图片',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1051,6 +1052,8 @@ URL: [url]',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: 忘记密码',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => '有关如何进行的说明已发送至用户的电子邮件地址',
'password_forgotten_text' => '填写以下表格,并遵循邮件中的指示找回遗失密码。',
'password_forgotten_title' => '密码已发送',
@ -1029,6 +1029,7 @@ URL: [url]',
'old' => 'Old',
'only_jpg_user_images' => '只用jpg格式的圖片才可以作為使用者身份圖片',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
@ -1066,6 +1067,8 @@ URL: [url]',
[url_prefix] out / out.ChangePassword.php?hash = [hash]',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: 密碼忘記',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => '有關如何進行操作的說明已發送到使用者的電子郵件地址',
'password_forgotten_text' => '填寫以下表格,然後按照將發送給您的電子郵件中的說明進行操作。',
'password_forgotten_title' => '密碼已寄出',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user