VERSION=$(shell php -r 'include("inc/inc.Version.php"); $$v=new SeedDMS_Version(); echo $$v->version();') SRC=CHANGELOG inc conf utils index.php .htaccess languages op out controllers doc TODO LICENSE webdav install restapi pdfviewer VIEWS ?= bootstrap bootstrap4 NODISTFILES=utils/importmail.php utils/seedddms-importmail utils/remote-email-upload utils/remote-upload utils/da-bv-reminder.php utils/seeddms-da-bv-reminder utils/relodge.php utils/seeddms-relodge .svn .gitignore PHPDOC=~/Downloads/phpDocumentor.phar dist: mkdir -p tmp/seeddms-$(VERSION) cp -a $(SRC) tmp/seeddms-$(VERSION) mkdir -p tmp/seeddms-$(VERSION)/views mkdir -p tmp/seeddms-$(VERSION)/styles for view in $(VIEWS) ; do \ if [ -d "views/$$view" ] ; then \ cp -a views/$$view tmp/seeddms-$(VERSION)/views ; \ fi ; \ if [ -d "styles/$$view" ] ; then \ cp -a styles/$$view tmp/seeddms-$(VERSION)/styles ; \ fi ; \ done (cd tmp/seeddms-$(VERSION); rm -rf $(NODISTFILES); mv conf conf.template) (cd tmp; tar --exclude=.svn --exclude=.gitignore -czvf ../seeddms-$(VERSION).tar.gz seeddms-$(VERSION)) rm -rf tmp quickstart: vendor/bin/phing -Dversion=$(VERSION) package unittest: vendor/bin/phing -Dversion=$(VERSION) phpunitfast pear: (cd SeedDMS_Core/; pear package) (cd SeedDMS_Lucene/; pear package) (cd SeedDMS_Preview/; pear package) (cd SeedDMS_SQLiteFTS/; pear package) webdav: mkdir -p tmp/seeddms-webdav-$(VERSION) cp webdav/* tmp/seeddms-webdav-$(VERSION) (cd tmp; tar --exclude=.svn -czvf ../seeddms-webdav-$(VERSION).tar.gz seeddms-webdav-$(VERSION)) rm -rf tmp webapp: mkdir -p tmp/seeddms-webapp-$(VERSION) cp -a restapi webapp tmp/seeddms-webapp-$(VERSION) (cd tmp; tar --exclude=.svn -czvf ../seeddms-webapp-$(VERSION).tar.gz seeddms-webapp-$(VERSION)) rm -rf tmp repository: mkdir -p tmp/seeddms-repository-$(VERSION) cp -a repository/www repository/utils repository/doc tmp/seeddms-repository-$(VERSION) rm -f tmp/seeddms-repository/utils/update-repository.log mkdir -p tmp/seeddms-repository-$(VERSION)/files mkdir -p tmp/seeddms-repository-$(VERSION)/accounts cp -a repository/files/.htaccess tmp/seeddms-repository-$(VERSION)/files cp -a repository/accounts/.htaccess tmp/seeddms-repository-$(VERSION)/accounts cp inc/inc.ClassExtensionMgr.php tmp/seeddms-repository-$(VERSION)/utils (cd tmp; tar --exclude=.svn -czvf ../seeddms-repository-$(VERSION).tar.gz seeddms-repository-$(VERSION)) rm -rf tmp doc: $(PHPDOC) -d SeedDMS_Core --ignore 'getusers.php,getfoldertree.php,config.php,reverselookup.php' --force -t html # Download apigen with # composer create-project --no-dev apigen/apigen:^7.0@alpha tools/apigen apidoc: tools/apigen/bin/apigen SeedDMS_Core/Core --exclude "tests/*" --output html # Turn the package.xml file into # # The idea is to form blocks of lines separated by an empty line. # Echo block consists of the version number, release date und notes. # This blocks are turned into single lines which are than sorted. # Afterwards the single lines are turned back into blocks. # # It first uses sgrep to extract the version, date und notes. This is # feed to sed to isolated the date and version and put them on separate # lines. Each version # forms a block of n lines with the first two being the version and date. # All remaining lines are notes. Blocks are separated by an empty line. # It's important to form blocks without ane empty lines because the following # awk will create a single line from each block which can then be sorted # (or simply reversed in order). # Because the blocks are listed in the wrong order (last version first and # previous version last, e.g. 5.1.29, 3.3.0, 3.3.1, ...., 5.1.27, 5.1.28) they # need to be reversed in order. This is done by turning each block into line # with the former new lines replaced by a '|'. So it's basically a '|' separated # csv file which is then reversed in order by 'sort -r'. In order to separate # blocks by a newline, each line of that output is appended by another # line break. Result is put back # into the original format by replacing all '|' by newline. # PKGFILE=SeedDMS_Core/package.xml changelog: @sgrep 'stag("DATE") .. etag("DATE") or ((stag("RELEASE") .. etag("RELEASE")) in (stag("VERSION") .. etag("VERSION"))) or inner(stag("NOTES") __ etag("NOTES"))' ${PKGFILE} | sed -e 's#^ *\([-0-9]*\)\([0-9.preRC]*\)#\n\n\2 (\1)\n---------------------#' | awk -F'\n' -vRS='' -vOFS='|' '{$$1=$$1}1' | sort -V -r | sed 's/$$/\n/' | tr '|' '\n' .PHONY: doc webdav webapp repository changelog