* @copyright Copyright (C)2016 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ /** * Include parent class */ //require_once("class.Bootstrap.php"); require_once("vendor/autoload.php"); use \FeedWriter\RSS2; /** * Include class to preview documents */ require_once("SeedDMS/Preview.php"); /** * Class which outputs the html page for UserList view * * @category DMS * @package SeedDMS * @author Uwe Steinmann * @copyright Copyright (C)2016 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class SeedDMS_View_TimelineFeed extends SeedDMS_Theme_Style { function show() { /* {{{ */ $dms = $this->params['dms']; $user = $this->params['user']; $settings = $this->params['settings']; $httproot = $this->params['httproot']; $skip = $this->params['skip']; $fromdate = $this->params['fromdate']; $todate = $this->params['todate']; $cachedir = $this->params['cachedir']; $sitename = $this->params['sitename']; $previewwidthlist = $this->params['previewWidthList']; $previewwidthdetail = $this->params['previewWidthDetail']; $timeout = $this->params['timeout']; if($fromdate) { $from = makeTsFromLongDate($fromdate.' 00:00:00'); } else { $from = time()-7*86400; } if($todate) { $to = makeTsFromLongDate($todate.' 23:59:59'); } else { $to = time(); } $baseurl = "http".((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (strcmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'],'off')!=0)) ? "s" : "")."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$httproot; $feed = new RSS2; $feed->setTitle($sitename.': Recent Changes'); $feed->setLink($baseurl); $feed->setDescription('Show recent changes in SeedDMS.'); // Image title and link must match with the 'title' and 'link' channel elements for RSS 2.0, // which were set above. // $feed->setImage('Testing & Checking the Feed Writer project', 'https://github.com/mibe/FeedWriter', 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d9/Rss-feed.svg/256px-Rss-feed.svg.png'); // Use core setChannelElement() function for other optional channel elements. // See http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification#optionalChannelElements // for other optional channel elements. Here the language code for American English and $feed->setChannelElement('language', str_replace('_', '-', $user->getLanguage())); // The date when this feed was lastly updated. The publication date is also set. $feed->setDate(date(DATE_RSS, time())); $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(\DATE_RSS, time() /*strtotime('2013-04-06')*/)); // You can add additional link elements, e.g. to a PubSubHubbub server with custom relations. // It's recommended to provide a backlink to the feed URL. $feed->setSelfLink($baseurl.'out/out.TimelineFeed.php'); // $feed->setAtomLink('http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com', 'hub'); // You can add more XML namespaces for more custom channel elements which are not defined // in the RSS 2 specification. Here the 'creativeCommons' element is used. There are much more // available. Have a look at this list: http://feedvalidator.org/docs/howto/declare_namespaces.html // $feed->addNamespace('creativeCommons', 'http://backend.userland.com/creativeCommonsRssModule'); // $feed->setChannelElement('creativeCommons:license', 'http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/1.0'); // If you want you can also add a line to publicly announce that you used // this fine piece of software to generate the feed. ;-) // $feed->addGenerator(); if($data = $dms->getTimeline($from, $to)) { foreach($data as $i=>$item) { switch($item['type']) { case 'add_version': $msg = getMLText('timeline_'.$item['type'], array(), null, $user->getLanguage()); break; case 'add_file': $msg = getMLText('timeline_'.$item['type'], array(), null, $user->getLanguage()); break; case 'status_change': $msg = getMLText('timeline_'.$item['type'], array('version'=> $item['version'], 'status'=> getOverallStatusText($item['status'])), null, $user->getLanguage()); break; default: $msg = '???'; } $data[$i]['msg'] = $msg; } $previewer = new SeedDMS_Preview_Previewer($cachedir, $previewwidthdetail, $timeout); foreach($data as $item) { if($item['type'] == 'status_change') $classname = $item['type']."_".$item['status']; else $classname = $item['type']; if(!$skip || !in_array($classname, $skip)) { $doc = $item['document']; $owner = $doc->getOwner(); $d = makeTsFromLongDate($item['date']); $newItem = $feed->createNewItem(); $newItem->setTitle($doc->getName()." (".$item['msg'].")"); $newItem->setLink($baseurl.'out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid='.$doc->getID()); $newItem->setDescription("


". "

".getMLText('comment', array(), null, $user->getLanguage()).": ".$doc->getComment()."

". "

".getMLText('owner', array(), null, $user->getLanguage()).": getEmail())."\">".htmlspecialchars($owner->getFullName())."

". "

".getMLText("creation_date", array(), null, $user->getLanguage()).": ".getLongReadableDate($doc->getDate())."

" ); $newItem->setDate(date('c', $d)); $newItem->setAuthor($owner->getFullName(), preg_match('/.+@.+/', $owner->getEmail()) == 1 ? $owner->getEmail() : null); $newItem->setId($baseurl.'out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid='.$doc->getID()."&kkk=".$classname, true); if(!empty($item['version'])) { $version = $doc->getContentByVersion($item['version']); $previewer->createPreview($version); if($previewer->hasPreview($version)) { $token = new SeedDMS_JwtToken($settings->_encryptionKey); $data = array('d'=>$doc->getId(), 'v'=>$item['version'], 'u'=>$user->getId(), 'w'=>$previewwidthdetail,); $hash = $token->jwtEncode($data); $newItem->addElement('enclosure', null, array('url' => $baseurl.'op/op.TimelineFeedPreview.php?hash='.$hash, 'length'=>$previewer->getFileSize($version), 'type'=>'image/png')); } } $feed->addItem($newItem); } } } // OK. Everything is done. Now generate the feed. // If you want to send the feed directly to the browser, use the printFeed() method. $myFeed = $feed->generateFeed(); // Do anything you want with the feed in $myFeed. Why not send it to the browser? ;-) // You could also save it to a file if you don't want to invoke your script every time. header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml'); echo $myFeed; } /* }}} */ }