<?php /** * Implementation of EditDocument controller * * @category DMS * @package SeedDMS * @license GPL 2 * @version @version@ * @author Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ /** * Class which does the busines logic for editing a document * * @category DMS * @package SeedDMS * @author Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class SeedDMS_Controller_EditDocument extends SeedDMS_Controller_Common { public function run() { $dms = $this->params['dms']; $user = $this->params['user']; $settings = $this->params['settings']; $document = $this->params['document']; $name = $this->params['name']; if(false === $this->callHook('preEditDocument')) { if(empty($this->errormsg)) $this->errormsg = 'hook_preEditDocument_failed'; return null; } $result = $this->callHook('editDocument', $document); if($result === null) { $name = $this->params['name']; $oldname = $document->getName(); if($oldname != $name) if(!$document->setName($name)) return false; $comment = $this->params['comment']; if(($oldcomment = $document->getComment()) != $comment) if(!$document->setComment($comment)) return false; $expires = $this->params['expires']; $oldexpires = $document->getExpires(); if ($expires != $oldexpires) { if(!$this->callHook('preSetExpires', $document, $expires)) { } if(!$document->setExpires($expires)) { return false; } $document->verifyLastestContentExpriry(); if(!$this->callHook('postSetExpires', $document, $expires)) { } } $keywords = $this->params['keywords']; $oldkeywords = $document->getKeywords(); if ($oldkeywords != $keywords) { if(!$this->callHook('preSetKeywords', $document, $keywords, $oldkeywords)) { } if(!$document->setKeywords($keywords)) { return false; } if(!$this->callHook('postSetKeywords', $document, $keywords, $oldkeywords)) { } } $categories = $this->params['categories']; $oldcategories = $document->getCategories(); if($categories) { $categoriesarr = array(); foreach($categories as $catid) { if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory($catid)) { $categoriesarr[] = $cat; } } $oldcatsids = array(); foreach($oldcategories as $oldcategory) $oldcatsids[] = $oldcategory->getID(); if (count($categoriesarr) != count($oldcategories) || array_diff($categories, $oldcatsids)) { if(!$this->callHook('preSetCategories', $document, $categoriesarr, $oldcategories)) { } if(!$document->setCategories($categoriesarr)) { return false; } if(!$this->callHook('postSetCategories', $document, $categoriesarr, $oldcategories)) { } } } elseif($oldcategories) { if(!$this->callHook('preSetCategories', $document, array(), $oldcategories)) { } if(!$document->setCategories(array())) { return false; } if(!$this->callHook('postSetCategories', $document, array(), $oldcategories)) { } } $attributes = $this->params['attributes']; $oldattributes = $document->getAttributes(); if($attributes) { foreach($attributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) { if($attrdef = $dms->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid)) { if(null === ($ret = $this->callHook('validateAttribute', $attrdef, $attribute))) { if($attribute) { if(!$attrdef->validate($attribute)) { $this->errormsg = getAttributeValidationError($attrdef->getValidationError(), $attrdef->getName(), $attribute); return false; } if(!isset($oldattributes[$attrdefid]) || $attribute != $oldattributes[$attrdefid]->getValue()) { if(!$document->setAttributeValue($dms->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid), $attribute)) return false; } } elseif($attrdef->getMinValues() > 0) { $this->errormsg = array("attr_min_values", array("attrname"=>$attrdef->getName())); } elseif(isset($oldattributes[$attrdefid])) { if(!$document->removeAttribute($dms->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid))) return false; } } else { if($ret === false) return false; } } } } foreach($oldattributes as $attrdefid=>$oldattribute) { if(!isset($attributes[$attrdefid])) { if(!$document->removeAttribute($dms->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid))) return false; } } $sequence = $this->params['sequence']; if(strcasecmp($sequence, "keep")) { if($document->setSequence($sequence)) { } else { return false; } } if(!$this->callHook('postEditDocument')) { } } else return $result; return true; } }