jQuery.validator.setDefaults({ errorElement: "em", errorClass: 'help-block', errorPlacement: function ( error, element ) { // Add the `error` class to the control-group $(element).closest('.control-group').addClass('error'); if ( element.prop( "type" ) === "checkbox" ) { error.insertAfter( element.parent( "label" ) ); } else { error.insertAfter( element ); } // Add the span element, if doesn't exists, and apply the icon classes to it. if ( !element.next( "span" )[ 0 ] ) { $( "" ).insertAfter( element ); } }, invalidHandler: function(e, validator) { noty({ text: (validator.numberOfInvalids() == 1) ? trans.js_form_error.replace('#', validator.numberOfInvalids()) : trans.js_form_errors.replace('#', validator.numberOfInvalids()), type: 'error', dismissQueue: true, layout: 'topRight', theme: 'defaultTheme', timeout: 3500, }); }, highlight: function ( element, errorClass, validClass ) { $( element ).parents( ".control-group" ).addClass( "error" ).removeClass( "success" ); }, unhighlight: function ( element, errorClass, validClass ) { $( element ).parents( ".control-group" ).addClass( "success" ).removeClass( "error" ); } });