* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ /** * Class to check certain access restrictions * * @category DMS * @package SeedDMS * @author Uwe Steinmann * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class SeedDMS_AccessOperation { /** * @var object $dms reference to dms * @access protected */ private $dms; /** * @var object $obj object being accessed * @access protected */ private $obj; /** * @var object $user user requesting the access * @access protected */ private $user; /** * @var object $settings SeedDMS Settings * @access protected */ private $settings; function __construct($dms, $obj, $user, $settings) { /* {{{ */ $this->dms = $dms; $this->obj = $obj; $this->user = $user; $this->settings = $settings; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if editing of version is allowed * * This check can only be done for documents. Removal of versions is * only allowed if this is turned on in the settings and there are * at least 2 versions avaiable. Everybody with write access on the * document may delete versions. The admin may even delete a version * even if is disallowed in the settings. */ function mayEditVersion($vno=0) { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { if($vno) $version = $this->obj->getContentByVersion($vno); else $version = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); if (!isset($this->settings->_editOnlineFileTypes) || !is_array($this->settings->_editOnlineFileTypes) || (!in_array(strtolower($version->getFileType()), $this->settings->_editOnlineFileTypes) && !in_array(strtolower($version->getMimeType()), $this->settings->_editOnlineFileTypes))) return false; if ($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) == M_ALL || $this->user->isAdmin()) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if removal of version is allowed * * This check can only be done for documents. Removal of versions is * only allowed if this is turned on in the settings and there are * at least 2 versions avaiable. Everybody with write access on the * document may delete versions. The admin may even delete a version * even if is disallowed in the settings. */ function mayRemoveVersion() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { $versions = $this->obj->getContent(); if ((($this->settings->_enableVersionDeletion && ($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) == M_ALL)) || $this->user->isAdmin() ) && (count($versions) > 1)) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if document status may be overwritten * * This check can only be done for documents. Overwriting the document * status is * only allowed if this is turned on in the settings and the current * status is either 'releaѕed' or 'obsoleted'. * The admin may even modify the status * even if is disallowed in the settings. */ function mayOverwriteStatus() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { $latestContent = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); $status = $latestContent->getStatus(); if ((($this->settings->_enableVersionModification && ($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) == M_ALL)) || $this->user->isAdmin()) && ($status["status"]==S_RELEASED || $status["status"]==S_OBSOLETE )) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if reviewers/approvers may be edited * * This check can only be done for documents. Overwriting the document * reviewers/approvers is only allowed if version modification is turned on * in the settings and the document has not been reviewed/approved by any * user/group already. * The admin may even set reviewers/approvers if is disallowed in the * settings. */ function maySetReviewersApprovers() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { $latestContent = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); $status = $latestContent->getStatus(); $reviewstatus = $latestContent->getReviewStatus(); $hasreview = false; foreach($reviewstatus as $r) { if($r['status'] == 1 || $r['status'] == -1) $hasreview = true; } $approvalstatus = $latestContent->getApprovalStatus(); $hasapproval = false; foreach($approvalstatus as $r) { if($r['status'] == 1 || $r['status'] == -1) $hasapproval = true; } if ((($this->settings->_enableVersionModification && ($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) == M_ALL)) || $this->user->isAdmin()) && (($status["status"]==S_DRAFT_REV && !$hasreview) || ($status["status"]==S_DRAFT_APP && !$hasreview && !$hasapproval))) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if workflow may be edited * * This check can only be done for documents. Overwriting the document * workflow is only allowed if version modification is turned on * in the settings and the document is in it's initial status. The * admin may even set the workflow if is disallowed in the * settings. */ function maySetWorkflow() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { $latestContent = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); $workflow = $latestContent->getWorkflow(); $workflowstate = $latestContent->getWorkflowState(); if ((($this->settings->_enableVersionModification && ($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) == M_ALL)) || $this->user->isAdmin()) && (!$workflow || ($workflowstate && ($workflow->getInitState()->getID() == $workflowstate->getID())))) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if expiration date may be set * * This check can only be done for documents. Setting the documents * expiration date is only allowed if the document has not been obsoleted. */ function maySetExpires() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { $latestContent = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); $status = $latestContent->getStatus(); if ((($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) == M_ALL) || $this->user->isAdmin()) && ($status["status"]!=S_OBSOLETE)) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if comment may be edited * * This check can only be done for documents. Setting the documents * comment date is only allowed if version modification is turned on in * the settings and the document has not been obsoleted. * The admin may set the comment even if is * disallowed in the settings. */ function mayEditComment() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { if($this->obj->isLocked()) { $lockingUser = $this->obj->getLockingUser(); if (($lockingUser->getID() != $this->user->getID()) && ($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) != M_ALL)) { return false; } } $latestContent = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); $status = $latestContent->getStatus(); if ((($this->settings->_enableVersionModification && ($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) >= M_READWRITE)) || $this->user->isAdmin()) && ($status["status"]!=S_OBSOLETE)) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if attributes may be edited * * Setting the object attributes * is only allowed if version modification is turned on in * the settings and the document has not been obsoleted. * The admin may set the comment even if is * disallowed in the settings. */ function mayEditAttributes() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { $latestContent = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); $status = $latestContent->getStatus(); $workflow = $latestContent->getWorkflow(); $workflowstate = $latestContent->getWorkflowState(); if ((($this->settings->_enableVersionModification && ($this->obj->getAccessMode($this->user) >= M_READWRITE)) || $this->user->isAdmin()) && (in_array($status["status"], array(S_DRAFT_REV, S_DRAFT_APP)) || ($workflow && $workflowstate && $workflow->getInitState()->getID() == $workflowstate->getID()))) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if document content may be reviewed * * Reviewing a document content is only allowed if the document is in * review. There are other requirements which are not taken into * account here. */ function mayReview() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { $latestContent = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); $status = $latestContent->getStatus(); if ($status["status"]==S_DRAFT_REV) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if a review maybe edited * * A review may only be updated by the user who originaly addedd the * review and if it is allowed in the settings */ function mayUpdateReview($updateUser) { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { if($this->settings->_enableUpdateRevApp && ($updateUser == $this->user) && !$this->obj->hasExpired()) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if document content may be approved * * Approving a document content is only allowed if the document is either * in approval status or released. In the second case the approval can be * edited. * There are other requirements which are not taken into * account here. */ function mayApprove() { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { $latestContent = $this->obj->getLatestContent(); $status = $latestContent->getStatus(); if ($status["status"]==S_DRAFT_APP) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if a approval maybe edited * * An approval may only be updated by the user who originaly addedd the * approval and if it is allowed in the settings */ function mayUpdateApproval($updateUser) { /* {{{ */ if($this->obj->isType('document')) { if($this->settings->_enableUpdateRevApp && ($updateUser == $this->user) && !$this->obj->hasExpired()) { return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ protected function check_view_legacy_access($view, $get=array()) { /* {{{ */ if($this->user->isAdmin()) return true; if(is_string($view)) { $scripts = array($view); } elseif(is_array($view)) { $scripts = $view; } elseif(is_subclass_of($view, 'SeedDMS_View_Common')) { $scripts = array($view->getParam('class')); } else { return false; } if($this->user->isGuest()) { $user_allowed = array( 'Calendar', 'ErrorDlg', 'Help', 'Login', 'Search', 'ViewDocument', 'ViewFolder', ); } else { $user_allowed = array( 'AddDocument', 'AddDocumentLink', 'AddEvent', 'AddFile', 'AddSubFolder', 'AddToTransmittal', 'ApprovalSummary', 'ApproveDocument', 'Calendar', 'CategoryChooser', 'ChangePassword', 'CheckInDocument', 'Clipboard', 'DocumentAccess', 'DocumentChooser', 'DocumentNotify', 'DocumentVersionDetail', 'DropFolderChooser', 'EditAttributes', 'EditComment', 'EditDocumentFile', 'EditDocument', 'EditEvent', 'EditFolder', 'EditOnline', 'EditUserData', 'ErrorDlg', 'FolderAccess', 'FolderChooser', 'FolderNotify', 'ForcePasswordChange', 'GroupView', 'Help', 'KeywordChooser', 'Login', 'ManageNotify', 'MoveDocument', 'MoveFolder', 'MyAccount', 'MyDocuments', 'OpensearchDesc', 'OverrideContentStatus', 'PasswordForgotten', 'PasswordSend', 'ReceiptDocument', 'ReceiptSummary', 'RemoveDocumentFile', 'RemoveDocument', 'RemoveEvent', 'RemoveFolderFiles', 'RemoveFolder', 'RemoveTransmittal', 'RemoveVersion', 'RemoveWorkflowFromDocument', 'ReturnFromSubWorkflow', 'ReviewDocument', 'ReviewSummary', 'ReviseDocument', 'RevisionSummary', 'RewindWorkflow', 'RunSubWorkflow', 'Search', 'Session', 'SetExpires', 'SetRecipients', 'SetReviewersApprovers', 'SetRevisors', 'SetWorkflow', 'SubstituteUser', 'Tasks', 'TransmittalMgr', 'TriggerWorkflow', 'UpdateDocument', 'UserDefaultKeywords', 'UserImage', 'UsrView', 'ViewDocument', 'ViewEvent', 'ViewFolder', 'WorkflowGraph', 'WorkflowSummary'); } if(array_intersect($scripts, $user_allowed)) return true; return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Check for access permission on view * * This function will always return true because it was added to smooth * migration from 5.1.x to 6.0.x * * @param mixed $view Instanz of view, name of view or array of view names * @param string $get query parameters possible containing the element 'action' * @return boolean true if access is allowed, false if access is disallowed * no specific access right is set, otherwise false */ function check_view_access($view, $get=array()) { /* {{{ */ return $this->check_view_legacy_access($view, $get); } /* }}} */ /** * Check for access permission on controller * * This function will always return true because it was added to smooth * migration from 5.1.x to 6.0.x * * @param mixed $controller Instanz of controller, name of controller or array of controller names * @param string $get query parameters * @return boolean true if access is allowed otherwise false */ function check_controller_access($controller, $get=array()) { /* {{{ */ return true; } /* }}} */ }