<?php // MyDMS. Document Management System // Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal // Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe // Copyright (C) 2010 Matteo Lucarelli // Copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Steinmann // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. include("../inc/inc.Settings.php"); include("../inc/inc.LogInit.php"); include("../inc/inc.Utils.php"); include("../inc/inc.ClassEmail.php"); include("../inc/inc.DBInit.php"); include("../inc/inc.Language.php"); include("../inc/inc.Authentication.php"); $file_param_name = 'file'; $file_name = $_FILES[ $file_param_name ][ 'name' ]; $source_file_path = $_FILES[ $file_param_name ][ 'tmp_name' ]; $target_file_path =$settings->_stagingDir.$_POST['fileId']."-".$_POST['partitionIndex']; if( move_uploaded_file( $source_file_path, $target_file_path ) ) { if($_POST['partitionIndex']+1 == $_POST['partitionCount']) { $fpnew = fopen($settings->_stagingDir.$_POST['fileId'], 'w+'); for($i=0; $i<$_POST['partitionCount']; $i++) { $content = file_get_contents($settings->_stagingDir.$_POST['fileId']."-".$i, 'r'); fwrite($fpnew, $content); unlink($settings->_stagingDir.$_POST['fileId']."-".$i); } fclose($fpnew); if (!isset($_REQUEST["folderid"]) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST["folderid"]) || intval($_REQUEST["folderid"])<1) { echo getMLText("invalid_folder_id"); } $folderid = $_REQUEST["folderid"]; $folder = $dms->getFolder($folderid); if (!is_object($folder)) { echo getMLText("invalid_folder_id"); } $folderPathHTML = getFolderPathHTML($folder, true); if ($folder->getAccessMode($user) < M_READWRITE) { echo getMLText("access_denied"); } if(isset($_POST["comment"])) $comment = $_POST["comment"]; else $comment = ''; if(isset($_POST['version_comment'])) $version_comment = $_POST["version_comment"]; else $version_comment = ''; if(isset($_POST["keywords"])) $keywords = $_POST["keywords"]; else $keywords = ''; $reqversion = (int)$_POST["reqversion"]; if ($reqversion<1) $reqversion=1; $sequence = $_POST["sequence"]; if (!is_numeric($sequence)) { $sequence = 1; } $expires = ($_POST["expires"] == "true") ? mktime(0,0,0, intval($_POST["expmonth"]), intval($_POST["expday"]), intval($_POST["expyear"])) : false; // Get the list of reviewers and approvers for this document. $reviewers = array(); $approvers = array(); $reviewers["i"] = array(); $reviewers["g"] = array(); $approvers["i"] = array(); $approvers["g"] = array(); // Retrieve the list of individual reviewers from the form. if (isset($_POST["indReviewers"])) { foreach ($_POST["indReviewers"] as $ind) { $reviewers["i"][] = $ind; } } // Retrieve the list of reviewer groups from the form. if (isset($_POST["grpReviewers"])) { foreach ($_POST["grpReviewers"] as $grp) { $reviewers["g"][] = $grp; } } // Retrieve the list of individual approvers from the form. if (isset($_POST["indApprovers"])) { foreach ($_POST["indApprovers"] as $ind) { $approvers["i"][] = $ind; } } // Retrieve the list of approver groups from the form. if (isset($_POST["grpApprovers"])) { foreach ($_POST["grpApprovers"] as $grp) { $approvers["g"][] = $grp; } } // add mandatory reviewers/approvers $docAccess = $folder->getReadAccessList(); $res=$user->getMandatoryReviewers(); foreach ($res as $r){ if ($r['reviewerUserID']!=0){ foreach ($docAccess["users"] as $usr) if ($usr->getID()==$r['reviewerUserID']){ $reviewers["i"][] = $r['reviewerUserID']; break; } } else if ($r['reviewerGroupID']!=0){ foreach ($docAccess["groups"] as $grp) if ($grp->getID()==$r['reviewerGroupID']){ $reviewers["g"][] = $r['reviewerGroupID']; break; } } } $res=$user->getMandatoryApprovers(); foreach ($res as $r){ if ($r['approverUserID']!=0){ foreach ($docAccess["users"] as $usr) if ($usr->getID()==$r['approverUserID']){ $approvers["i"][] = $r['approverUserID']; break; } } else if ($r['approverGroupID']!=0){ foreach ($docAccess["groups"] as $grp) if ($grp->getID()==$r['approverGroupID']){ $approvers["g"][] = $r['approverGroupID']; break; } } } $userfiletmp = $settings->_stagingDir.$_POST['fileId'];; $userfiletype = $_FILES[ $file_param_name ]["type"]; $userfilename = $_FILES[ $file_param_name ]["name"]; $lastDotIndex = strrpos(basename($userfilename), "."); if (is_bool($lastDotIndex) && !$lastDotIndex) $fileType = "."; else $fileType = substr($userfilename, $lastDotIndex); if($_POST["name"] != "") $name = $_POST["name"]; else $name = basename($userfilename); $categories = preg_replace('/[^0-9,]+/', '', $_POST["categoryids"]); $cats = array(); if($categories) { $catids = explode(',', $categories); foreach($catids as $catid) { $cats[] = $dms->getDocumentCategory($catid); } } $res = $folder->addDocument($name, $comment, $expires, $user, $keywords, $cats, $userfiletmp, basename($userfilename), $fileType, $userfiletype, $sequence, $reviewers, $approvers, $reqversion,$version_comment); unlink($userfiletmp); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) { echo getMLText("error_occured"); } else { $document = $res[0]; if(isset($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['postAddDocument'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['postAddDocument'] as $hookObj) { if (method_exists($hookObj, 'postAddDocument')) { $hookObj->postAddDocument($document); } } } // Send notification to subscribers. if($notifier) { $notifyList = $folder->getNotifyList(); /* $subject = "###SITENAME###: ".$folder->getName()." - ".getMLText("new_document_email"); $message = getMLText("new_document_email")."\r\n"; $message .= getMLText("name").": ".$name."\r\n". getMLText("folder").": ".$folder->getFolderPathPlain()."\r\n". getMLText("comment").": ".$comment."\r\n". getMLText("comment_for_current_version").": ".$version_comment."\r\n". "URL: ###URL_PREFIX###out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID()."\r\n"; $subject=$subject; $message=$message; $notifier->toList($user, $folder->_notifyList["users"], $subject, $message); foreach ($folder->_notifyList["groups"] as $grp) { $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message); } */ $subject = "new_document_email_subject"; $message = "new_document_email_body"; $params = array(); $params['name'] = $name; $params['folder_name'] = $folder->getName(); $params['folder_path'] = $folder->getFolderPathPlain(); $params['username'] = $user->getFullName(); $params['comment'] = $comment; $params['version_comment'] = $version_comment; $params['url'] = "http".((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (strcmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'],'off')!=0)) ? "s" : "")."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$settings->_httpRoot."out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getID(); $params['sitename'] = $settings->_siteName; $params['http_root'] = $settings->_httpRoot; $notifier->toList($user, $notifyList["users"], $subject, $message, $params); foreach ($notifyList["groups"] as $grp) { $notifier->toGroup($user, $grp, $subject, $message, $params); } } } add_log_line("?name=".$name."&folderid=".$folderid); } } ?>