getFolder((int)$coldata)) { $objdata['homefolder'] = $folder; } else { $objdata['homefolder'] = null; $objdata['__logs__'][] = array('type'=>'error', 'msg'=> "No such folder with id '".(int) $coldata."'"); } } else { $objdata['homefolder'] = null; } return $objdata; } /* }}} */ function renderFolderData($colname, $objdata) { /* {{{ */ return is_object($objdata[$colname]) ? $objdata[$colname]->getName() : ''; } /* }}} */ function getGroupData($colname, $coldata, $objdata) { /* {{{ */ global $dms; /* explode column name to extract index of group. Actually, the whole column * name could be used as well, as it is just a unique index in the array * of groups. */ $kk = explode('_', $colname); if(count($kk) == 2) $gn = $kk[1]; else $gn = '1'; if(!isset($objdata['groups'])) $objdata['groups'] = []; /* $coldata can be empty, if an imported users is assigned to less groups * than group columns exists. */ if($coldata) { if($group = $dms->getGroupByName($coldata)) { $objdata['groups'][$gn] = $group; } else { $objdata['__logs__'][] = array('type'=>'error', 'msg'=> "No such group with name '".$coldata."'"); } } return $objdata; } /* }}} */ function renderGroupData($colname, $objdata) { /* {{{ */ $html = ''; $kk = explode('_', $colname); if(count($kk) == 2) $gn = $kk[1]; else $gn = '1'; if(!empty($objdata['groups'][$gn])) $html .= $objdata['groups'][$gn]->getName(); return $html; } /* }}} */ function getRoleData($colname, $coldata, $objdata) { /* {{{ */ switch($coldata) { case 'admin': $role = 1; break; case 'guest': $role = 2; break; case 'user': $role = 0; break; default: $role = 0; $objdata['__logs__'][] = array('type'=>'error', 'msg'=> "No such role with name '".$coldata."'"); } $objdata['role'] = $role; return $objdata; } /* }}} */ function renderRoleData($colname, $objdata) { /* {{{ */ return ($objdata[$colname] == 1 ? 'admin' : ($objdata[$colname] == 2 ? 'guest' : 'user')); } /* }}} */ if (!$user->isAdmin()) { UI::exitError(getMLText("admin_tools"),getMLText("access_denied")); } $log = array(); $newusers = array(); $csvheader = array(); $colmap = array(); if (isset($_FILES['userdata']) && $_FILES['userdata']['error'] == 0) { if(!is_uploaded_file($_FILES["userdata"]["tmp_name"])) UI::exitError(getMLText("document_title", array("documentname" => $document->getName())),getMLText("error_occured")); if($_FILES["userdata"]["size"] == 0) UI::exitError(getMLText("document_title", array("documentname" => $document->getName())),getMLText("uploading_zerosize")); $csvdelim = ';'; $csvencl = '"'; if($fp = fopen($_FILES['userdata']['tmp_name'], 'r')) { /* First of all build up a column map, which contains for each columen * the column name * (taken from the first line of the csv file), a function for getting * interpreting the data from the csv file and a function to return the * interpreted data as a string. * The column map will only contain entries for known column (whose head * line is one of 'login', 'email', 'name', 'role', 'homefolder', etc.) * Unknown columns will be skipped and the index in the column map will * be left out. */ if($csvheader = fgetcsv($fp, 0, $csvdelim, $csvencl)) { foreach($csvheader as $i=>$colname) { $colname = trim($colname); if(substr($colname, 0, 5) == 'group') { $colmap[$i] = array("getGroupData", "renderGroupData", $colname); } elseif(in_array($colname, array('role'))) { $colmap[$i] = array("getRoleData", "renderRoleData", $colname); } elseif(in_array($colname, array('homefolder'))) { $colmap[$i] = array("getFolderData", "renderFolderData", $colname); } elseif(in_array($colname, array('quota'))) { $colmap[$i] = array("getQuotaData", "renderQuotaData", $colname); } elseif(in_array($colname, array('passenc'))) { $colmap[$i] = array("getBaseData", "renderPasswordHashedData", $colname); } elseif(in_array($colname, array('password'))) { /* getPasswordPlainData() will set 'passenc' */ $colmap[$i] = array("getPasswordPlainData", "renderPasswordPlainData", 'passenc'); } elseif(in_array($colname, array('login', 'name', 'passenc', 'email', 'comment', 'group'))) { $colmap[$i] = array("getBaseData", "renderBaseData", $colname); } elseif(in_array($colname, array('disabled', 'hidden'))) { $colmap[$i] = array("getBooleanData", "renderBooleanData", $colname); } elseif(substr($colname, 0, 5) == 'attr:') { $kk = explode(':', $colname, 2); if(($attrdef = $dms->getAttributeDefinitionByName($kk[1])) || ($attrdef = $dms->getAttributeDefinition((int) $kk[1]))) { $colmap[$i] = array("getAttributeData", "renderAttributeData", $attrdef); } } } } // echo "
";print_r($colmap);echo "
"; if(count($colmap) > 1) { $allusers = $dms->getAllUsers(); $userids = array(); foreach($allusers as $muser) $userids[$muser->getLogin()] = $muser; /* Run through all records in the csv file and fill $newusers. * $newusers will contain an associated array for each record, with * the key being the column name. The array may be shorter than * the number of columns, because $colmap may not contain a mapping * for each column. */ $newusers = array(); while(!feof($fp)) { if($data = fgetcsv($fp, 0, $csvdelim, $csvencl)) { $md = array(); foreach($data as $i=>$coldata) { /* First check if a column mapping exists. It could be missing * because the column has a not known header or it is missing. */ if(isset($colmap[$i])) { $md = call_user_func($colmap[$i][0], $colmap[$i][2], $coldata, $md); } } if($md && $md['login']) $newusers[$md['login']] = $md; } } // echo "
";print_r($newusers);echo "
";exit; $makeupdate = !empty($_POST['update']); foreach($newusers as $uhash=>$u) { $log[$uhash] = []; if($eu = $dms->getUserByLogin($u['login'])) { if(isset($u['name']) && $u['name'] != $eu->getFullName()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Name of user updated. '".$u['name']."' != '".$eu->getFullName()."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setFullName($u['name']); } if(isset($u['email']) && $u['email'] != $eu->getEmail()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Email of user updated. '".$u['email']."' != '".$eu->getEmail()."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setEmail($u['email']); } if(isset($u['passenc']) && !is_null($u['passenc']) && $u['passenc'] != $eu->getPwd()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Encrypted password of user updated. '".$u['passenc']."' != '".$eu->getPwd()."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setPwd($u['passenc']); } if(isset($u['comment']) && $u['comment'] != $eu->getComment()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Comment of user updated. '".$u['comment']."' != '".$eu->getComment()."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setComment($u['comment']); } if(isset($u['language']) && $u['language'] != $eu->getLanguage()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Language of user updated. '".$u['language']."' != '".$eu->getLanguage()."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setLanguage($u['language']); } if(isset($u['quota']) && $u['quota'] != $eu->getQuota()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Quota of user updated. '".$u['quota']."' != '".$eu->getQuota()."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setQuota($u['quota']); } if(isset($u['disabled']) && $u['disabled'] != $eu->isDisabled()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Disabled flag of user updated. '".$u['disabled']."' != '".$eu->isDisabled()."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setDisabled($u['disabled']); } if(isset($u['hidden']) && $u['hidden'] != $eu->isHidden()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Hidden flag of user updated. '".$u['hidden']."' != '".$eu->isHidden()."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setHidden($u['hidden']); } if(isset($u['homefolder']) && $u['homefolder']->getId() != $eu->getHomeFolder()) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Homefolder of user updated. '".(is_object($u['homefolder']) ? $u['homefolder']->getId() : '')."' != '".($eu->getHomeFolder() ? $eu->getHomeFolder() : '')."'"); if($makeupdate) $eu->setHomeFolder($u['homefolder']); } $func = function($o) {return $o->getID();}; if(isset($u['groups']) && implode(',',array_map($func, $u['groups'])) != implode(',',array_map($func, $eu->getGroups()))) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "Groups of user updated. '".implode(',',array_map($func, $u['groups']))."' != '".implode(',',array_map($func, $eu->getGroups()))."'"); if($makeupdate) { foreach($eu->getGroups() as $g) $eu->leaveGroup($g); foreach($u['groups'] as $g) $eu->joinGroup($g); } } // $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$eu->getLogin(), 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "User '".$eu->getLogin()."' updated."); } else { if(!empty($u['login']) && !empty($u['name']) && !empty($u['email'])) { if(!empty($_POST['addnew'])) { $ret = $dms->addUser($u['login'], !empty($u['passenc']) ? $u['passenc'] : '', $u['name'], $u['email'], !empty($u['language']) ? $u['language'] : 'en_GB', 'bootstrap', !empty($u['comment']) ? $u['comment'] : '', $u['role']); if($ret) { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$u['login'], 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "User '".$u['name']."' added."); foreach($u['groups'] as $g) { if($g) $ret->joinGroup($g); } } else $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$u['login'], 'type'=>'error', 'msg'=> "User '".$u['name']."' could not be added."); } else { // $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$u['login'], 'type'=>'success', 'msg'=> "User '".$u['name']."' can be added."); } } else { $log[$uhash][] = array('id'=>$u['login'], 'type'=>'error', 'msg'=> "Too much data missing"); } } } } } } $tmp = explode('.', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); $view = UI::factory($theme, $tmp[1], array('dms'=>$dms, 'user'=>$user)); $accessop = new SeedDMS_AccessOperation($dms, null, $user, $settings); if($view) { $view->setParam('log', $log); $view->setParam('newusers', $newusers); $view->setParam('colmap', $colmap); $view->setParam('accessobject', $accessop); $view($_GET); exit; }