]\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Description:\n"; echo " This program imports an xml dump into the dms.\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Options:\n"; echo " -h, --help: print usage information and exit.\n"; echo " -v, --version: print version and exit.\n"; echo " --config : set alternative config file.\n"; echo " --folder : set import folder.\n"; echo " --file : file containing the dump.\n"; echo " --sections : comma seperated list of sections to read from dump.\n"; echo " can be: users, groups, documents, folders, keywordcategories, or\n"; echo " documentcategories\n"; echo " --contentdir : directory where all document versions are stored\n"; echo " which are not included in the xml file.\n"; echo " --default-user : use this user if user could not be found.\n"; echo " --export-mapping : write object mapping into file\n"; echo " --debug: turn debug output on\n"; } /* }}} */ function dateToTimestamp($date) { /* {{{ */ return time(); } /* }}} */ function insert_user($user) { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $debug, $sections, $defaultUser, $objmap; if($debug) print_r($user); if ($newUser = $dms->getUserByLogin($user['attributes']['login'])) { echo "User '".$user['attributes']['login']."' already exists\n"; } else { if(in_array('users', $sections)) { $newUser = $dms->addUser( $user['attributes']['login'], $user['attributes']['pwd'], $user['attributes']['fullname'], $user['attributes']['email'], $user['attributes']['language'], $user['attributes']['theme'], $user['attributes']['comment'], $user['attributes']['role'], $user['attributes']['hidden'], $user['attributes']['disabled'], $user['attributes']['pwdexpiration']); if(!$newUser) { echo "Error: could not add user\n"; return false; } } else { $newUser = $defaultUser; } } if($newUser) $objmap['users'][$user['id']] = $newUser->getID(); return $newUser; } /* }}} */ function insert_group($group) { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $debug, $objmap, $sections, $users; if($debug) print_r($group); if ($newGroup = $dms->getGroupByName($group['attributes']['name'])) { echo "Group already exists\n"; } else { if(in_array('groups', $sections)) { $newGroup = $dms->addGroup($group['attributes']['name'], $group['attributes']['comment']); if($newGroup) { foreach($group['users'] as $guser) { /* Check if user is in array of users which has been previously filled * by the users in the xml file. Alternative, we could check if the * id is a key of $objmap['users'] and use the new id in that array. */ if(isset($users[$guser])) { $user = $users[$guser]; if($newMember = $dms->getUserByLogin($user['attributes']['login'])) { $newGroup->addUser($newMember); } else { echo "Error: could not find member of group\n"; return false; } } else { echo "Error: group member is not contained in xml file\n"; return false; } } } else { echo "Error: could not add group\n"; return false; } } else { $newGroup = null; } } if($newGroup) $objmap['groups'][$group['id']] = $newGroup->getID(); return $newGroup; } /* }}} */ function insert_attributedefinition($attrdef) { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $debug, $objmap, $sections; if($debug) print_r($attrdef); if($newAttrdef = $dms->getAttributeDefinitionByName($attrdef['attributes']['name'])) { echo "Attribute definition already exists\n"; } else { if(in_array('attributedefinitions', $sections)) { if(!$newAttrdef = $dms->addAttributeDefinition($attrdef['attributes']['name'], $attrdef['objecttype'], $attrdef['attributes']['type'], $attrdef['attributes']['multiple'], $attrdef['attributes']['minvalues'], $attrdef['attributes']['maxvalues'], $attrdef['attributes']['valueset'], $attrdef['attributes']['regex'])) { echo "Error: could not add attribute definition\n"; return false; } } else { $newAttrdef = null; } } if($newAttrdef) $objmap['attributedefs'][$attrdef['id']] = $newAttrdef->getID(); return $newAttrdef; } /* }}} */ function insert_documentcategory($documentcat) { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $debug, $objmap, $sections; if($debug) print_r($documentcat); if($newCategory = $dms->getDocumentCategoryByName($documentcat['attributes']['name'])) { echo "Document category already exists\n"; } else { if(in_array('documentcategories', $sections)) { if(!$newCategory = $dms->addDocumentCategory($documentcat['attributes']['name'])) { echo "Error: could not add document category\n"; return false; } } else { $newCategory = null; } } if($newCategory) $objmap['documentcategories'][$documentcat['id']] = $newCategory->getID(); return $newCategory; } /* }}} */ function insert_keywordcategory($keywordcat) { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $debug, $objmap, $sections; if($debug) print_r($keywordcat); if(!array_key_exists((int) $keywordcat['attributes']['owner'], $objmap['users'])) { echo "Error: owner of keyword category cannot be found\n"; return false; } $owner = $objmap['users'][(int) $keywordcat['attributes']['owner']]; if($newCategory = $dms->getKeywordCategoryByName($keywordcat['attributes']['name'], $owner)) { echo "Document category already exists\n"; } else { if(in_array('keywordcategories', $sections)) { if(!$newCategory = $dms->addKeywordCategory($owner, $keywordcat['attributes']['name'])) { echo "Error: could not add keyword category\n"; return false; } foreach($keywordcat['keywords'] as $keyword) { if(!$newCategory->addKeywordList($keyword['attributes']['name'])) { echo "Error: could not add keyword to keyword category\n"; return false; } } } else { $newCategory = null; } } if($newCategory) $objmap['keywordcategories'][$keywordcat['id']] = $newCategory->getID(); return $newCategory; } /* }}} */ function insert_document($document) { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $debug, $defaultUser, $objmap, $sections, $rootfolder; if($debug) print_r($document); if(!array_key_exists((int) $document['attributes']['owner'], $objmap['users'])) { echo "Warning: owner of document cannot be mapped using default user\n"; $owner = $defaultUser; } else { $owner = $dms->getUser($objmap['users'][(int) $document['attributes']['owner']]); } $attributes = array(); if(isset($document['user_attributes'])) { foreach($document['user_attributes'] as $orgid=>$value) { if(array_key_exists((int) $orgid, $objmap['attributedefs'])) { $attributes[$objmap['attributedefs'][$orgid]] = $value; } else { echo "Warning: User attribute ".$orgid." cannot be mapped\n"; } } } $categories = array(); if(isset($document['categories'])) { foreach($document['categories'] as $catid) { if(array_key_exists((int) $catid, $objmap['documentcategories'])) { $categories[$objmap['documentcategories'][$catid]] = $dms->getDocumentCategory($objmap['documentcategories'][$catid]); } else { echo "Warning: Category ".$catid." cannot be mapped\n"; } } } if(isset($document['folder']) && $document['folder']) { if(array_key_exists($document['folder'], $objmap['folders'])) { $folder = $dms->getFolder($objmap['folders'][$document['folder']]); } else { echo "Error: folder ".$document['folder']." cannot be mapped\n"; return false; } } else $folder = $rootfolder; if(in_array('documents', $sections)) { $error = false; $initversion = array_shift($document['versions']); if(!empty($initversion['fileref'])) { $filename = tempnam('/tmp', 'FOO'); copy($initversion['fileref'], $filename); } else { $filecontents = base64_decode($initversion['data']); if(strlen($filecontents) != $initversion['data_length']) { echo "Warning: file length (".strlen($filecontents).") doesn't match expected length (".$initversion['data_length'].").\n"; $newDocument = null; $error = true; } $filename = tempnam('/tmp', 'FOO'); file_put_contents($filename, $filecontents); } if(!$error) { $reviews = array('i'=>array(), 'g'=>array()); if($initversion['reviews']) { foreach($initversion['reviews'] as $review) { if($review['attributes']['type'] == 1) { if(isset($objmap['groups'][(int) $review['attributes']['required']])) $reviews['g'][] = $objmap['groups'][(int) $review['attributes']['required']]; } else { if(isset($objmap['users'][(int) $review['attributes']['required']])) $reviews['i'][] = $objmap['users'][(int) $review['attributes']['required']]; } } } $approvals = array('i'=>array(), 'g'=>array()); if($initversion['approvals']) { foreach($initversion['approvals'] as $approval) { if($approval['attributes']['type'] == 1) { if(isset($objmap['groups'][(int) $approval['attributes']['required']])) $approvals['g'][] = $objmap['groups'][(int) $approval['attributes']['required']]; } else { if(isset($objmap['users'][(int) $approval['attributes']['required']])) $approvals['i'][] = $objmap['users'][(int) $approval['attributes']['required']]; } } } $version_attributes = array(); if(isset($initversion['user_attributes'])) { foreach($initversion['user_attributes'] as $orgid=>$value) { if(array_key_exists((int) $orgid, $objmap['attributedefs'])) { $version_attributes[$objmap['attributedefs'][$orgid]] = $value; } else { echo "Warning: User attribute ".$orgid." cannot be mapped\n"; } } } if(!$result = $folder->addDocument( $document['attributes']['name'], $document['attributes']['comment'], isset($document['attributes']['expires']) ? dateToTimestamp($document['attributes']['expires']) : 0, $owner, isset($document['attributes']['keywords']) ? $document['attributes']['keywords'] : 0, $categories, $filename, $initversion['attributes']['orgfilename'], $initversion['attributes']['filetype'], $initversion['attributes']['mimetype'], $document['attributes']['sequence'], $reviews, //reviewers $approvals, //approvers $initversion['version'], isset($initversion['attributes']['comment']) ? $initversion['attributes']['comment'] : '', $attributes, $version_attributes, null //workflow ) ) { unlink($filename); echo "Error: could not add document\n"; return false; } else { $newDocument = $result[0]; unlink($filename); $newDocument->setDefaultAccess($document['attributes']['defaultaccess']); foreach($document['versions'] as $version) { if(!array_key_exists((int) $version['attributes']['owner'], $objmap['users'])) { echo "Error: owner of document cannot be mapped\n"; return false; } $owner = $dms->getUser($objmap['users'][(int) $version['attributes']['owner']]); $reviews = array('i'=>array(), 'g'=>array()); if($version['reviews']) { foreach($version['reviews'] as $review) { if($review['attributes']['type'] == 1) { if(isset($objmap['groups'][(int) $review['attributes']['required']])) $reviews['g'][] = $objmap['groups'][(int) $review['attributes']['required']]; } else { if(isset($objmap['users'][(int) $review['attributes']['required']])) $reviews['i'][] = $objmap['users'][(int) $review['attributes']['required']]; } } } $approvals = array('i'=>array(), 'g'=>array()); if($version['approvals']) { foreach($version['approvals'] as $approval) { if($approval['attributes']['type'] == 1) { if(isset($objmap['groups'][(int) $approval['attributes']['required']])) $approvals['g'][] = $objmap['groups'][(int) $approval['attributes']['required']]; } else { if(isset($objmap['users'][(int) $approval['attributes']['required']])) $approvals['i'][] = $objmap['users'][(int) $approval['attributes']['required']]; } } } $version_attributes = array(); if(isset($version['user_attributes'])) { foreach($version['user_attributes'] as $orgid=>$value) { if(array_key_exists((int) $orgid, $objmap['attributedefs'])) { $version_attributes[$objmap['attributedefs'][$orgid]] = $value; } else { echo "Warning: User attribute ".$orgid." cannot be mapped\n"; } } } if(!empty($version['fileref'])) { $filename = tempnam('/tmp', 'FOO'); copy($version['fileref'], $filename); } else { $filecontents = base64_decode($version['data']); if(strlen($filecontents) != $version['data_length']) { echo "Warning: file length (".strlen($filecontents).") doesn't match expected length (".$version['data_length'].").\n"; } $filename = tempnam('/tmp', 'FOO'); file_put_contents($filename, $filecontents); } if(!$newDocument->addContent( $version['attributes']['comment'], $owner, $filename, $version['attributes']['orgfilename'], $version['attributes']['filetype'], $version['attributes']['mimetype'], $reviews, //reviewers $approvals, //approvers $version['version'], $version_attributes, null //workflow )) { } unlink($filename); } } if(isset($document['notifications']['users']) && $document['notifications']['users']) { foreach($document['notifications']['users'] as $userid) { if(!array_key_exists($userid, $objmap['users'])) { echo "Warning: user for notification cannot be mapped\n"; } else { $newDocument->addNotify($objmap['users'][$userid], 1); } } } if(isset($document['notifications']['groups']) && $document['notifications']['groups']) { foreach($document['notifications']['groups'] as $groupid) { if(!array_key_exists($groupid, $objmap['groups'])) { echo "Warning: user for notification cannot be mapped\n"; } else { $newDocument->addNotify($objmap['groups'][$groupid], 0); } } } if(isset($document['acls']) && $document['acls']) { $newDocument->setInheritAccess(false); foreach($document['acls'] as $acl) { if($acl['type'] == 'user') { if(!array_key_exists($acl['user'], $objmap['users'])) { echo "Warning: user for notification cannot be mapped\n"; } else { $newDocument->addAccess($acl['mode'], $objmap['users'][$acl['user']], 1); } } elseif($acl['type'] == 'group') { if(!array_key_exists($acl['group'], $objmap['groups'])) { echo "Warning: group for notification cannot be mapped\n"; } else { $newDocument->addAccess($acl['mode'], $objmap['groups'][$acl['group']], 0); } } } } if(isset($document['files']) && $document['files']) { foreach($document['files'] as $file) { if(!array_key_exists($file['attributes']['owner'], $objmap['users'])) { echo "Warning: user for file cannot be mapped\n"; $owner = $defaultUser; } else { $owner = $dms->getUser($objmap['users'][$file['attributes']['owner']]); } if(!empty($file['fileref'])) { $filename = tempnam('/tmp', 'FOO'); copy($file['fileref'], $filename); } else { $filecontents = base64_decode($file['data']); if(strlen($filecontents) != $file['data_length']) { echo "Warning: file length (".strlen($filecontents).") doesn't match expected length (".$file['data_length'].").\n"; } $filename = tempnam('/tmp', 'FOO'); file_put_contents($filename, $filecontents); } $newDocument->addDocumentFile( $file['attributes']['name'], $file['attributes']['comment'], $owner, $filename, $file['attributes']['orgfilename'], $file['attributes']['filetype'], $file['attributes']['mimetype'] ); unlink($filename); } } } } else { $newDocument = null; } if($newDocument) $objmap['documents'][$document['id']] = $newDocument->getID(); return $newDocument; } /* }}} */ function insert_folder($folder) { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $debug, $objmap, $defaultUser, $sections, $rootfolder; if($debug) print_r($folder); if(in_array('folders', $sections)) { if(!array_key_exists($folder['attributes']['owner'], $objmap['users'])) { echo "Warning: owner of folder cannot be mapped using default user\n"; $owner = $defaultuser; } else { $owner = $dms->getUser($objmap['users'][(int) $folder['attributes']['owner']]); } $attributes = array(); if(isset($folder['user_attributes'])) { foreach($folder['user_attributes'] as $orgid=>$value) { if(array_key_exists((int) $orgid, $objmap['attributedefs'])) { $attributes[$objmap['attributedefs'][$orgid]] = $value; } else { echo "Warning: User attribute ".$orgid." cannot be mapped\n"; } } } if(isset($folder['folder']) && $folder['folder']) { if(array_key_exists($folder['folder'], $objmap['folders'])) { $parent = $dms->getFolder($objmap['folders'][$folder['folder']]); } else { echo "Error: Folder ".$folder['folder']." cannot be mapped\n"; exit; } } else $parent = $rootfolder; if(!$newFolder = $parent->addSubFolder($folder['attributes']['name'], $folder['attributes']['comment'], $owner, $folder['attributes']['sequence'], $attributes)) { echo "Error: could not add folder\n"; return false; } $newFolder->setDefaultAccess($folder['attributes']['defaultaccess']); if(isset($folder['notifications']['users']) && $folder['notifications']['users']) { foreach($folder['notifications']['users'] as $userid) { if(!array_key_exists($userid, $objmap['users'])) { echo "Warning: user for notification cannot be mapped\n"; } else { $newFolder->addNotify($objmap['users'][$userid], 1); } } } if(isset($folder['notifications']['groups']) && $folder['notifications']['groups']) { foreach($folder['notifications']['groups'] as $groupid) { if(!array_key_exists($groupid, $objmap['groups'])) { echo "Warning: user for notification cannot be mapped\n"; } else { $newFolder->addNotify($objmap['groups'][$groupid], 0); } } } if(isset($folder['acls']) && $folder['acls']) { $newFolder->setInheritAccess(false); foreach($folder['acls'] as $acl) { if($acl['type'] == 'user') { if(!array_key_exists($acl['user'], $objmap['users'])) { echo "Warning: user for notification cannot be mapped\n"; } else { $newFolder->addAccess($acl['mode'], $objmap['users'][$acl['user']], 1); } } elseif($acl['type'] == 'group') { if(!array_key_exists($acl['group'], $objmap['groups'])) { echo "Warning: group for notification cannot be mapped\n"; } else { $newFolder->addAccess($acl['mode'], $objmap['groups'][$acl['group']], 0); } } } } } else { $newFolder = null; } if($newFolder) $objmap['folders'][$folder['id']] = $newFolder->getID(); return $newFolder; } /* }}} */ function resolve_links() { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $debug, $defaultUser, $links, $objmap; if($debug) print_r($links); foreach($links as $documentid=>$doclinks) { if(array_key_exists($documentid, $objmap['documents'])) { if($doc = $dms->getDocument($objmap['documents'][$documentid])) { foreach($doclinks as $doclink) { if(array_key_exists($doclink['attributes']['target'], $objmap['documents'])) { if($target = $dms->getDocument($objmap['documents'][$doclink['attributes']['target']])) { if(!array_key_exists($doclink['attributes']['owner'], $objmap['users'])) { echo "Warning: user for link cannot be mapped using default user\n"; $owner = $defaultUser; } else { $owner = $dms->getUser($objmap['users'][$doclink['attributes']['owner']]); } if(!$doc->addDocumentLink($target->getID(), $owner->getID(), $doclink['attributes']['public'])) { echo "Error: could not add document link from ".$doc->getID()." to ".$target->getID()."\n"; } } else { echo "Warning: target document not found in database\n"; } } else { echo "Warning: target document not found in object mapping\n"; } } } else { echo "Warning: document not found in database\n"; } } else { echo "Warning: document not found in object mapping\n"; } } } /* }}} */ function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { /* {{{ */ global $elementstack, $objmap, $cur_user, $cur_group, $cur_folder, $cur_document, $cur_version, $cur_approval, $cur_approvallog, $cur_review, $cur_reviewlog, $cur_attrdef, $cur_documentcat, $cur_keyword, $cur_keywordcat, $cur_file, $cur_link; $parent = end($elementstack); array_push($elementstack, array('name'=>$name, 'attributes'=>$attrs)); switch($name) { case "USER": /* users can be the users data, the member of a group, a mandatory * reviewer or approver */ $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'USERS') { if($parent['name'] == 'MANDATORY_REVIEWERS') { $cur_user['individual']['reviewers'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'MANDATORY_APPROVERS') { $cur_user['individual']['approvers'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } else { $cur_user = array(); $cur_user['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; $cur_user['attributes'] = array(); $cur_user['individual']['reviewers'] = array(); $cur_user['individual']['approvers'] = array(); } } elseif($first['name'] == 'GROUPS') { $cur_group['users'][] = (int) $attrs['USER']; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'NOTIFICATIONS') { if($first['name'] == 'FOLDER') { $cur_folder['notifications']['users'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } elseif($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['notifications']['users'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } } break; case "GROUP": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'GROUPS') { $cur_group = array(); $cur_group['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; $cur_group['attributes'] = array(); $cur_group['users'] = array(); } elseif($first['name'] == 'USERS') { if($parent['name'] == 'MANDATORY_REVIEWERS') { $cur_user['group']['reviewers'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'MANDATORY_APPROVERS') { $cur_user['group']['approvers'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } } elseif($parent['name'] == 'NOTIFICATIONS') { if($first['name'] == 'FOLDER') { $cur_folder['notifications']['groups'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } elseif($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['notifications']['groups'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } } break; case "DOCUMENT": $cur_document = array(); $cur_document['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; $cur_document['folder'] = (int) $attrs['FOLDER']; $cur_document['attributes'] = array(); $cur_document['versions'] = array(); break; case "FOLDER": $cur_folder = array(); $cur_folder['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; if(isset($attrs['PARENT'])) $cur_folder['folder'] = (int) $attrs['PARENT']; $cur_folder['attributes'] = array(); break; case "VERSION": $cur_version = array(); $cur_version['version'] = (int) $attrs['VERSION']; $cur_version['attributes'] = array(); $cur_version['approvals'] = array(); $cur_version['reviews'] = array(); break; case "APPROVAL": $cur_approval = array(); $cur_approval['attributes'] = array(); $cur_approval['logs'] = array(); break; case "APPROVALLOG": $cur_approvallog = array(); $cur_approvallog['attributes'] = array(); break; case "REVIEW": $cur_review = array(); $cur_review['attributes'] = array(); $cur_review['logs'] = array(); break; case "REVIEWLOG": $cur_reviewlog = array(); $cur_reviewlog['attributes'] = array(); break; case 'ATTRIBUTEDEFINITION': $cur_attrdef = array(); $cur_attrdef['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; $cur_attrdef['attributes'] = array(); $cur_attrdef['objecttype'] = $attrs['OBJTYPE']; break; case "ATTR": if($parent['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { if(isset($attrs['TYPE']) && $attrs['TYPE'] == 'user') { $cur_document['user_attributes'][$attrs['ATTRDEF']] = ''; } else { $cur_document['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } } elseif($parent['name'] == 'VERSION') { if(isset($attrs['TYPE']) && $attrs['TYPE'] == 'user') { $cur_version['user_attributes'][$attrs['ATTRDEF']] = ''; } else { $cur_version['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } } elseif($parent['name'] == 'APPROVAL') { $cur_approval['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'APPROVALLOG') { $cur_approvallog['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'REVIEW') { $cur_review['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'REVIEWLOG') { $cur_reviewlog['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'FOLDER') { if(isset($attrs['TYPE']) && $attrs['TYPE'] == 'user') { $cur_folder['user_attributes'][$attrs['ATTRDEF']] = ''; } else { $cur_folder['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } } elseif($parent['name'] == 'USER') { $cur_user['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'GROUP') { $cur_group['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'KEYWORD') { $cur_keyword['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'ATTRIBUTEDEFINITION') { $cur_attrdef['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'FILE') { $cur_file['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'LINK') { $cur_link['attributes'][$attrs['NAME']] = ''; } break; case "CATEGORIES": if($parent['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['categories'] = array(); } break; case "CATEGORY": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['categories'][] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } break; case "ACLS": if($parent['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['acls'] = array(); } elseif($parent['name'] == 'FOLDER') { $cur_folder['acls'] = array(); } break; case "ACL": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'FOLDER') { $acl = array('type'=>$attrs['TYPE'], 'mode'=>$attrs['MODE']); if($attrs['TYPE'] == 'user') { $acl['user'] = $attrs['USER']; } elseif($attrs['TYPE'] == 'group') { $acl['group'] = $attrs['GROUP']; } $cur_folder['acls'][] = $acl; } elseif($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $acl = array('type'=>$attrs['TYPE'], 'mode'=>$attrs['MODE']); if($attrs['TYPE'] == 'user') { $acl['user'] = $attrs['USER']; } elseif($attrs['TYPE'] == 'group') { $acl['group'] = $attrs['GROUP']; } $cur_document['acls'][] = $acl; } break; case "DATA": if($parent['name'] == 'IMAGE') { $cur_user['image']['id'] = $parent['attributes']['ID']; $cur_user['image']['data'] = ""; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'VERSION') { $cur_version['data_length'] = (int) $attrs['LENGTH']; if(isset($attrs['FILEREF'])) $cur_version['fileref'] = $attrs['FILEREF']; else $cur_version['data'] = ""; } elseif($parent['name'] == 'FILE') { $cur_file['data_length'] = (int) $attrs['LENGTH']; if(isset($attrs['FILEREF'])) $cur_file['fileref'] = $attrs['FILEREF']; else $cur_file['data'] = ""; } break; case "KEYWORD": $cur_keyword = array(); $cur_keyword['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; $cur_keyword['attributes'] = array(); break; case "KEYWORDCATEGORY": $cur_keywordcat = array(); $cur_keywordcat['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; $cur_keywordcat['attributes'] = array(); $cur_keywordcat['keywords'] = array(); break; case "DOCUMENTCATEGORY": $cur_documentcat = array(); $cur_documentcat['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; $cur_documentcat['attributes'] = array(); break; case "NOTIFICATIONS": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'FOLDER') { $cur_folder['notifications'] = array('users'=>array(), 'groups'=>array()); } elseif($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['notifications'] = array('users'=>array(), 'groups'=>array()); } break; case "FILES": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['files'] = array(); } break; case "FILE": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_file = array(); $cur_file['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } break; case "LINKS": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['links'] = array(); } break; case "LINK": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_link = array(); $cur_link['id'] = (int) $attrs['ID']; } break; } } /* }}} */ function endElement($parser, $name) { /* {{{ */ global $dms, $sections, $rootfolder, $objmap, $elementstack, $users, $groups, $links,$cur_user, $cur_group, $cur_folder, $cur_document, $cur_version, $cur_approval, $cur_approvallog, $cur_review, $cur_reviewlog, $cur_attrdef, $cur_documentcat, $cur_keyword, $cur_keywordcat, $cur_file, $cur_link; array_pop($elementstack); $parent = end($elementstack); switch($name) { case "DOCUMENT": insert_document($cur_document); if(!empty($cur_document['links'])) $links[$cur_document['id']] = $cur_document['links']; break; case "FOLDER": insert_folder($cur_folder); break; case "VERSION": $cur_document['versions'][] = $cur_version; break; case "APPROVAL": $cur_version['approvals'][] = $cur_approval; break; case "APPROVALLOG": $cur_approval['logs'][] = $cur_approvallog; break; case "REVIEW": $cur_version['reviews'][] = $cur_review; break; case "REVIEWLOG": $cur_review['logs'][] = $cur_reviewlog; break; case "USER": /* users can be the users data or the member of a group */ $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'USERS') { $users[$cur_user['id']] = $cur_user; insert_user($cur_user); } break; case "GROUP": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'GROUPS') { $groups[$cur_group['id']] = $cur_group; insert_group($cur_group); } break; case 'ATTRIBUTEDEFINITION': insert_attributedefinition($cur_attrdef); break; case 'KEYWORD': $cur_keywordcat['keywords'][] = $cur_keyword; break; case 'KEYWORDCATEGORY': insert_keywordcategory($cur_keywordcat); break; case 'DOCUMENTCATEGORY': insert_documentcategory($cur_documentcat); break; case "FILE": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['files'][] = $cur_file; } break; case "LINK": $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'DOCUMENT') { $cur_document['links'][] = $cur_link; } break; } } /* }}} */ function characterData($parser, $data) { /* {{{ */ global $elementstack, $objmap, $cur_user, $cur_group, $cur_folder, $cur_document, $cur_version, $cur_approval, $cur_approvallog, $cur_review, $cur_reviewlog, $cur_attrdef, $cur_documentcat, $cur_keyword, $cur_keywordcat, $cur_file, $cur_link; $current = end($elementstack); $parent = prev($elementstack); switch($current['name']) { case 'ATTR': switch($parent['name']) { case 'DOCUMENT': if(isset($current['attributes']['TYPE']) && $current['attributes']['TYPE'] == 'user') { $cur_document['user_attributes'][$current['attributes']['ATTRDEF']] = $data; } else { $cur_document['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; } break; case 'FOLDER': if(isset($current['attributes']['TYPE']) && $current['attributes']['TYPE'] == 'user') { $cur_folder['user_attributes'][$current['attributes']['ATTRDEF']] = $data; } else { $cur_folder['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; } break; case 'VERSION': if(isset($current['attributes']['TYPE']) && $current['attributes']['TYPE'] == 'user') { $cur_version['user_attributes'][$current['attributes']['ATTRDEF']] = $data; } else { $cur_version['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; } break; case 'APPROVAL': $cur_approval['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'APPROVALLOG': $cur_approvallog['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'REVIEW': $cur_review['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'REVIEWLOG': $cur_reviewlog['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'USER': if(isset($cur_user['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']])) $cur_user['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] .= $data; else $cur_user['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'GROUP': if(isset($cur_group['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']])) $cur_group['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] .= $data; else $cur_group['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'ATTRIBUTEDEFINITION': if(isset($cur_attrdef['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']])) $cur_attrdef['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] .= $data; else $cur_attrdef['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'DOCUMENTCATEGORY': if(isset($cur_documentcat['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']])) $cur_documentcat['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] .= $data; else $cur_documentcat['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'KEYWORDCATEGORY': if(isset($cur_keywordcat['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']])) $cur_keywordcat['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] .= $data; else $cur_keywordcat['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'KEYWORD': if(isset($cur_keyword['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']])) $cur_keyword['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] .= $data; else $cur_keyword['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'IMAGE': $cur_user['image']['mimetype'] = $data; break; case 'FILE': $cur_file['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; case 'LINK': $cur_link['attributes'][$current['attributes']['NAME']] = $data; break; } break; case 'DATA': switch($parent['name']) { case 'IMAGE': $cur_user['image']['data'] .= $data; break; case 'VERSION': $cur_version['data'] .= $data; break; case 'FILE': $cur_file['data'] .= $data; break; } break; case 'USER': $first = $elementstack[1]; if($first['name'] == 'GROUPS') { $cur_group['users'][] = $data; } break; } } /* }}} */ $version = "0.0.1"; $shortoptions = "hv"; $longoptions = array('help', 'version', 'debug', 'config:', 'sections:', 'folder:', 'file:', 'contentdir:', 'default-user:', 'export-mapping:'); if(false === ($options = getopt($shortoptions, $longoptions))) { usage(); exit(0); } /* Print help and exit */ if(isset($options['h']) || isset($options['help'])) { usage(); exit(0); } /* Print version and exit */ if(isset($options['v']) || isset($options['verŅ•ion'])) { echo $version."\n"; exit(0); } /* Check for debug mode */ $debug = false; if(isset($options['debug'])) { $debug = true; } /* Set alternative config file */ if(isset($options['config'])) { $settings = new Settings($options['config']); } else { $settings = new Settings(); } if(isset($options['folder'])) { $folderid = intval($options['folder']); } else { $folderid = $settings->_rootFolderID; } if(isset($options['contentdir'])) { if(file_exists($options['contentdir'])) { $contentdir = $options['contentdir']; if(substr($contentdir, -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $contentdir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } else { echo "Directory ".$options['contentdir']." does not exists\n"; exit(1); } } else { $contentdir = ''; } if(isset($options['default-user'])) { $defaultuserid = intval($options['default-user']); } else { $defaultuserid = 0; } $filename = ''; if(isset($options['file'])) { $filename = $options['file']; } else { usage(); exit(1); } $exportmapping = ''; if(isset($options['export-mapping'])) { $exportmapping = $options['export-mapping']; } $sections = array('documents', 'folders', 'groups', 'users', 'keywordcategories', 'documentcategories', 'attributedefinitions'); if(isset($options['sections'])) { $sections = explode(',', $options['sections']); } if(isset($settings->_extraPath)) ini_set('include_path', $settings->_extraPath. PATH_SEPARATOR .ini_get('include_path')); require_once("SeedDMS/Core.php"); $db = new SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess($settings->_dbDriver, $settings->_dbHostname, $settings->_dbUser, $settings->_dbPass, $settings->_dbDatabase); $db->connect() or die ("Could not connect to db-server \"" . $settings->_dbHostname . "\""); $dms = new SeedDMS_Core_DMS($db, $settings->_contentDir.$settings->_contentOffsetDir); if(!$settings->_doNotCheckDBVersion && !$dms->checkVersion()) { echo "Database update needed."; exit; } $dms->setRootFolderID($settings->_rootFolderID); $rootfolder = $dms->getFolder($folderid); if(!$rootfolder) { exit(1); } if($defaultuserid) { if(!$defaultUser = $dms->getUser($defaultuserid)) { echo "Error: Could not find default user with id ".$defaultuserid."\n"; exit(1); } } else { $defaultUser = null; } $elementstack = array(); $objmap = array( 'attributedefs' => array(), 'keywordcategories' => array(), 'documentcategories' => array(), 'users' => array(), 'groups' => array(), 'folders' => array(), 'documents' => array(), ); $xml_parser = xml_parser_create("UTF-8"); xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, true); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData"); if (!($fp = fopen($filename, "r"))) { die("could not open XML input"); } while ($data = fread($fp, 65535)) { if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } } resolve_links(); if($exportmapping) { if($fp = fopen($exportmapping, 'w')) { fputcsv($fp, array('object type', 'old id', 'new id')); foreach($objmap as $section=>$map) { foreach($map as $old=>$new) { fputcsv($fp, array($section, $old, $new)); } } fclose($fp); } else { echo "Error: could not open mapping file '".$exportmapping."'\n"; } } ?>