* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010, Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ /** * Include some files */ require_once("inc.AccessUtils.php"); require_once("inc.FileUtils.php"); require_once("inc.ClassAccess.php"); require_once("inc.ClassObject.php"); require_once("inc.ClassFolder.php"); require_once("inc.ClassDocument.php"); require_once("inc.ClassGroup.php"); require_once("inc.ClassUser.php"); require_once("inc.ClassKeywords.php"); require_once("inc.ClassNotification.php"); require_once("inc.ClassAttribute.php"); /** * Class to represent the complete document management system. * This class is needed to do most of the dms operations. It needs * an instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess} to access the * underlying database. Many methods are factory functions which create * objects representing the entities in the dms, like folders, documents, * users, or groups. * * Each dms has its own database for meta data and a data store for document * content. Both must be specified when creating a new instance of this class. * All folders and documents are organized in a hierachy like * a regular file system starting with a {@link $rootFolderID} * * This class does not enforce any access rights on documents and folders * by design. It is up to the calling application to use the methods * {@link SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getAccessMode()} and * {@link SeedDMS_Core_Document::getAccessMode()} and interpret them as desired. * Though, there are two convinient functions to filter a list of * documents/folders for which users have access rights for. See * {@link SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess()} * and {@link SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterUsersByAccess()} * * Though, this class has two methods to set the currently logged in user * ({@link setUser} and {@link login}), none of them need to be called, because * there is currently no class within the SeedDMS core which needs the logged * in user. * * * connect() or die ("Could not connect to db-server"); * $dms = new SeedDMS_Core_DMS($db, $contentDir); * $dms->setRootFolderID(1); * ... * ?> * * * @category DMS * @package SeedDMS_Core * @version @version@ * @author Uwe Steinmann * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010, Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class SeedDMS_Core_DMS { /** * @var object $db reference to database object. This must be an instance * of {@link SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess}. * @access protected */ protected $db; /** * @var object $user reference to currently logged in user. This must be * an instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_User}. This variable is currently not * used. It is set by {@link setUser}. * @access private */ private $user; /** * @var string $contentDir location in the file system where all the * document data is located. This should be an absolute path. * @access public */ public $contentDir; /** * @var integer $rootFolderID ID of root folder * @access public */ public $rootFolderID; /** * @var boolean $enableConverting set to true if conversion of content * is desired * @access public */ public $enableConverting; /** * @var array $convertFileTypes list of files types that shall be converted * @access public */ public $convertFileTypes; /** * @var array $viewOnlineFileTypes list of files types that can be viewed * online * @access public */ public $viewOnlineFileTypes; /** * @var string $version version of pear package * @access public */ public $version; /** * @var array $callbacks list of methods called when certain operations, * like removing a document, are executed. Set a callback with * {@link SeedDMS_Core_DMS::setCallback()}. * The key of the array is the internal callback function name. Each * array element is an array with two elements: the function name * and the parameter passed to the function. * * Currently implemented callbacks are: * * onPreRemoveDocument($user_param, $document); * called before deleting a document. If this function returns false * the document will not be deleted. * * onPostRemoveDocument($user_param, $document_id); * called after the successful deletion of a document. * * @access public */ public $callbacks; /** * Checks if two objects are equal by comparing its ID * * The regular php check done by '==' compares all attributes of * two objects, which isn't required. The method will first check * if the objects are instances of the same class. * * @param object $object1 first object to be compared * @param object $object2 second object to be compared * @return boolean true if objects are equal, otherwise false */ static function checkIfEqual($object1, $object2) { /* {{{ */ if(get_class($object1) != get_class($object2)) return false; if($object1->getID() != $object2->getID()) return false; return true; } /* }}} */ /** * Checks if a list of objects contains a single object * * The regular php check done by '==' compares all attributes of * two objects, which isn't required. The method will first check * if the objects are instances of the same class. * * @param object $object1 object to look for (needle) * @param array $list list of objects (haystack) * @return boolean true if object was found, otherwise false */ static function inList($object, $list) { /* {{{ */ foreach($list as $item) { if(get_class($item) == get_class($object) && $item->getID() == $object->getID()) return true; } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Checks if date conforms to a given format * * @param string $date date to be checked * @return boolean true if date is in propper format, otherwise false */ static function checkDate($date, $format='Y-m-d H:i:s') { /* {{{ */ $d = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date); return $d && $d->format($format) == $date; } /* }}} */ /** * Filter objects out which are not accessible in a given mode by a user. * * @param array $objArr list of objects (either documents or folders) * @param object $user user for which access is checked * @param integer $minMode minimum access mode required * @return array filtered list of objects */ static function filterAccess($objArr, $user, $minMode) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_array($objArr)) { return array(); } $newArr = array(); foreach ($objArr as $obj) { if ($obj->getAccessMode($user) >= $minMode) array_push($newArr, $obj); } return $newArr; } /* }}} */ /** * Filter users out which cannot access an object in a given mode. * * @param object $obj object that shall be accessed * @param array $users list of users which are to check for sufficient * access rights * @param integer $minMode minimum access right on the object for each user * @return array filtered list of users */ static function filterUsersByAccess($obj, $users, $minMode) { /* {{{ */ $newArr = array(); foreach ($users as $currUser) { if ($obj->getAccessMode($currUser) >= $minMode) array_push($newArr, $currUser); } return $newArr; } /* }}} */ /** * Filter document links * * Returns a filtered list of links which are accessible by the * given user. * * @param array $links list of objects of type SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink * @param object $user user for which access is being checked * @return filtered list of links */ static function filterDocumentLinks($user, $links) { /* {{{ */ $tmp = array(); foreach ($links as $link) if ($link->isPublic() || ($link->getUser()->getID() == $user->getID()) || $user->isAdmin()) array_push($tmp, $link); return $tmp; } /* }}} */ /** * Create a new instance of the dms * * @param object $db object to access the underlying database * @param string $contentDir path in filesystem containing the data store * all document contents is stored * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_DMS} */ function __construct($db, $contentDir) { /* {{{ */ $this->db = $db; if(substr($contentDir, -1) == '/') $this->contentDir = $contentDir; else $this->contentDir = $contentDir.'/'; $this->rootFolderID = 1; $this->maxDirID = 0; //31998; $this->enableConverting = false; $this->convertFileTypes = array(); $this->version = '@package_version@'; if($this->version[0] == '@') $this->version = '4.3.20'; } /* }}} */ /** * Return database where meta data is stored * * This method returns the database object as it was set by the first * parameter of the constructor. * * @return object database */ function getDB() { /* {{{ */ return $this->db; } /* }}} */ /** * Return the database version * * @return array array with elements major, minor, subminor, date */ function getDBVersion() { /* {{{ */ $tbllist = $this->db->TableList(); $tbllist = explode(',',strtolower(join(',',$tbllist))); if(!array_search('tblversion', $tbllist)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblVersion order by major,minor,subminor limit 1"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; return $resArr; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if the version in the database is the same as of this package * Only the major and minor version number will be checked. * * @return boolean returns false if versions do not match, but returns * true if version matches or table tblVersion does not exists. */ function checkVersion() { /* {{{ */ $tbllist = $this->db->TableList(); $tbllist = explode(',',strtolower(join(',',$tbllist))); if(!array_search('tblversion', $tbllist)) return true; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblVersion order by major,minor,subminor limit 1"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $ver = explode('.', $this->version); if(($resArr['major'] != $ver[0]) || ($resArr['minor'] != $ver[1])) return false; return true; } /* }}} */ /** * Set id of root folder * This function must be called right after creating an instance of * {@link SeedDMS_Core_DMS} * * @param interger $id id of root folder */ function setRootFolderID($id) { /* {{{ */ $this->rootFolderID = $id; } /* }}} */ /** * Set maximum number of subdirectories per directory * * The value of maxDirID is quite crucial, because each document is * stored within a directory in the filesystem. Consequently, there can be * a maximum number of documents, because depending on the file system * the maximum number of subdirectories is limited. Since version 3.3.0 of * SeedDMS an additional directory level has been introduced, which * will be created when maxDirID is not 0. All documents * from 1 to maxDirID-1 will be saved in 1/, documents from maxDirID * to 2*maxDirID-1 are stored in 2/ and so on. * * Modern file systems like ext4 do not have any restrictions on the number * of subdirectories anymore. Therefore it is best if this parameter is * set to 0. Never change this parameter if documents has already been * created. * * This function must be called right after creating an instance of * {@link SeedDMS_Core_DMS} * * @param interger $id id of root folder */ function setMaxDirID($id) { /* {{{ */ $this->maxDirID = $id; } /* }}} */ /** * Get root folder * * @return object/boolean return the object of the root folder or false if * the root folder id was not set before with {@link setRootFolderID}. */ function getRootFolder() { /* {{{ */ if(!$this->rootFolderID) return false; return $this->getFolder($this->rootFolderID); } /* }}} */ function setEnableConverting($enable) { /* {{{ */ $this->enableConverting = $enable; } /* }}} */ function setConvertFileTypes($types) { /* {{{ */ $this->convertFileTypes = $types; } /* }}} */ function setViewOnlineFileTypes($types) { /* {{{ */ $this->viewOnlineFileTypes = $types; } /* }}} */ /** * Login as a user * * Checks if the given credentials are valid and returns a user object. * It also sets the property $user for later access on the currently * logged in user * * @param string $username login name of user * @param string $password password of user * * @return object instance of class {@link SeedDMS_Core_User} or false */ function login($username, $password) { /* {{{ */ } /* }}} */ /** * Set the logged in user * * If user authentication was done externally, this function can * be used to tell the dms who is currently logged in. * * @param object $user * */ function setUser($user) { /* {{{ */ $this->user = $user; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a document by its id * * This function retrieves a document from the database by its id. * * @param integer $id internal id of document * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Document} or false */ function getDocument($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocuments WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; // New Locking mechanism uses a separate table to track the lock. $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocumentLocks WHERE document = " . (int) $id; $lockArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if ((is_bool($lockArr) && $lockArr==false) || (count($lockArr)==0)) { // Could not find a lock on the selected document. $lock = -1; } else { // A lock has been identified for this document. $lock = $lockArr[0]["userID"]; } $document = new SeedDMS_Core_Document($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["date"], $resArr["expires"], $resArr["owner"], $resArr["folder"], $resArr["inheritAccess"], $resArr["defaultAccess"], $lock, $resArr["keywords"], $resArr["sequence"]); $document->setDMS($this); return $document; } /* }}} */ /** * Returns all documents of a given user * * @param object $user * @return array list of documents */ function getDocumentsByUser($user) { /* {{{ */ return $user->getDocuments(); } /* }}} */ /** * Returns all documents locked by a given user * FIXME: Not full implemented. Do not use, because it still requires the * temporary tables! * * @param object $user * @return array list of documents */ function getDocumentsLockedByUser($user) { /* {{{ */ return $user->getDocumentsLocked(); } /* }}} */ /** * Returns a document by its name * * This function searches a document by its name and restricts the search * to given folder if passed as the second parameter. * * @param string $name * @param object $folder * @return object/boolean found document or false */ function getDocumentByName($name, $folder=null) { /* {{{ */ if (!$name) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT `tblDocuments`.*, `tblDocumentLocks`.`userID` as `lockUser` ". "FROM `tblDocuments` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentLocks` ON `tblDocuments`.`id`=`tblDocumentLocks`.`document` ". "WHERE `tblDocuments`.`name` = " . $this->db->qstr($name); if($folder) $queryStr .= " AND `tblDocuments`.`folder` = ". $folder->getID(); $queryStr .= " LIMIT 1"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; if(!$resArr) return false; $row = $resArr[0]; $document = new SeedDMS_Core_Document($row["id"], $row["name"], $row["comment"], $row["date"], $row["expires"], $row["owner"], $row["folder"], $row["inheritAccess"], $row["defaultAccess"], $row["lockUser"], $row["keywords"], $row["sequence"]); $document->setDMS($this); return $document; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a document content by its id * * This function retrieves a document content from the database by its id. * * @param integer $id internal id of document content * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent} or false */ function getDocumentContent($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocumentContent WHERE id = ".(int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $row = $resArr[0]; $document = $this->getDocument($row['document']); $version = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent($row['id'], $document, $row['version'], $row['comment'], $row['date'], $row['createdBy'], $row['dir'], $row['orgFileName'], $row['fileType'], $row['mimeType'], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum']); return $version; } /* }}} */ function makeTimeStamp($hour, $min, $sec, $year, $month, $day) { /* {{{ */ $thirtyone = array (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12); $thirty = array (4, 6, 9, 11); // Very basic check that the terms are valid. Does not fail for illegal // dates such as 31 Feb. if (!is_numeric($hour) || !is_numeric($min) || !is_numeric($sec) || !is_numeric($year) || !is_numeric($month) || !is_numeric($day) || $month<1 || $month>12 || $day<1 || $day>31 || $hour<0 || $hour>23 || $min<0 || $min>59 || $sec<0 || $sec>59) { return false; } $year = (int) $year; $month = (int) $month; $day = (int) $day; if (array_search($month, $thirtyone)) { $max=31; } else if (array_search($month, $thirty)) { $max=30; } else { $max=(($year % 4 == 0) && ($year % 100 != 0 || $year % 400 == 0)) ? 29 : 28; } // If the date falls out of bounds, set it to the maximum for the given // month. Makes assumption about the user's intention, rather than failing // for absolutely everything. if ($day>$max) { $day=$max; } return mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year); } /* }}} */ /* * Search the database for documents * * Note: the creation date will be used to check againts the * date saved with the document * or folder. The modification date will only be used for documents. It * is checked against the creation date of the document content. This * meanѕ that updateѕ of a document will only result in a searchable * modification if a new version is uploaded. * * @param query string seach query with space separated words * @param limit integer number of items in result set * @param offset integer index of first item in result set * @param logicalmode string either AND or OR * @param searchin array() list of fields to search in * 1 = keywords, 2=name, 3=comment, 4=attributes * @param startFolder object search in the folder only (null for root folder) * @param owner object search for documents owned by this user * @param status array list of status * @param creationstartdate array search for documents created after this date * @param creationenddate array search for documents created before this date * @param modificationstartdate array search for documents modified after this date * @param modificationenddate array search for documents modified before this date * @param categories array list of categories the documents must have assigned * @param attributes array list of attributes. The key of this array is the * attribute definition id. The value of the array is the value of the * attribute. If the attribute may have multiple values it must be an array. * @param mode int decide whether to search for documents/folders * 0x1 = documents only * 0x2 = folders only * 0x3 = both * @param expirationstartdate array search for documents expiring after this date * @param expirationenddate array search for documents expiring before this date * @return array containing the elements total and docs */ function search($query, $limit=0, $offset=0, $logicalmode='AND', $searchin=array(), $startFolder=null, $owner=null, $status = array(), $creationstartdate=array(), $creationenddate=array(), $modificationstartdate=array(), $modificationenddate=array(), $categories=array(), $attributes=array(), $mode=0x3, $expirationstartdate=array(), $expirationenddate=array()) { /* {{{ */ // Split the search string into constituent keywords. $tkeys=array(); if (strlen($query)>0) { $tkeys = preg_split("/[\t\r\n ,]+/", $query); } // if none is checkd search all if (count($searchin)==0) $searchin=array(1, 2, 3, 4); /*--------- Do it all over again for folders -------------*/ $totalFolders = 0; if($mode & 0x2) { $searchKey = ""; $searchFields = array(); if (in_array(2, $searchin)) { $searchFields[] = "`tblFolders`.`name`"; } if (in_array(3, $searchin)) { $searchFields[] = "`tblFolders`.`comment`"; } if (in_array(4, $searchin)) { $searchFields[] = "`tblFolderAttributes`.`value`"; } if (count($searchFields)>0) { foreach ($tkeys as $key) { $key = trim($key); if (strlen($key)>0) { $searchKey = (strlen($searchKey)==0 ? "" : $searchKey." ".$logicalmode." ")."(".implode(" like ".$this->db->qstr("%".$key."%")." OR ", $searchFields)." like ".$this->db->qstr("%".$key."%").")"; } } } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular sub-tree in // the folder hierarchy. $searchFolder = ""; if ($startFolder) { $searchFolder = "`tblFolders`.`folderList` LIKE '%:".$startFolder->getID().":%'"; } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular // document owner. $searchOwner = ""; if ($owner) { if(is_array($owner)) { $ownerids = array(); foreach($owner as $o) $ownerids[] = $o->getID(); if($ownerids) $searchOwner = "`tblFolders`.`owner` IN (".implode(',', $ownerids).")"; } else { $searchOwner = "`tblFolders`.`owner` = '".$owner->getId()."'"; } } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular // attribute. $searchAttributes = array(); if ($attributes) { foreach($attributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) { if($attribute) { $attrdef = $this->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid); if($attrdef->getObjType() == SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_folder || $attrdef->getObjType() == SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_all) { if($valueset = $attrdef->getValueSet()) { if($attrdef->getMultipleValues()) { $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblFolderAttributes` WHERE `tblFolderAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND (`tblFolderAttributes`.`value` like '%".$valueset[0].implode("%' OR `tblFolderAttributes`.`value` like '%".$valueset[0], $attribute)."%') AND `tblFolderAttributes`.`folder`=`tblFolders`.`id`)"; } else $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblFolderAttributes` WHERE `tblFolderAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND `tblFolderAttributes`.`value`='".$attribute."' AND `tblFolderAttributes`.`folder`=`tblFolders`.`id`)"; } else $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblFolderAttributes` WHERE `tblFolderAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND `tblFolderAttributes`.`value` like '%".$attribute."%' AND `tblFolderAttributes`.`folder`=`tblFolders`.`id`)"; } } } } // Is the search restricted to documents created between two specific dates? $searchCreateDate = ""; if ($creationstartdate) { $startdate = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::makeTimeStamp($creationstartdate['hour'], $creationstartdate['minute'], $creationstartdate['second'], $creationstartdate['year'], $creationstartdate["month"], $creationstartdate["day"]); if ($startdate) { $searchCreateDate .= "`tblFolders`.`date` >= ".$startdate; } } if ($creationenddate) { $stopdate = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::makeTimeStamp($creationenddate['hour'], $creationstartdate['minute'], $creationstartdate['second'], $creationenddate["year"], $creationenddate["month"], $creationenddate["day"]); if ($stopdate) { if($startdate) $searchCreateDate .= " AND "; $searchCreateDate .= "`tblFolders`.`date` <= ".$stopdate; } } $searchQuery = "FROM `tblFolders` LEFT JOIN `tblFolderAttributes` on `tblFolders`.`id`=`tblFolderAttributes`.`folder` WHERE 1=1"; if (strlen($searchKey)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".$searchKey.")"; } if (strlen($searchFolder)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND ".$searchFolder; } if (strlen($searchOwner)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".$searchOwner.")"; } if (strlen($searchCreateDate)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".$searchCreateDate.")"; } if ($searchAttributes) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".implode(" AND ", $searchAttributes).")"; } /* Do not search for folders if not at least a search for a key, * an owner, or creation date is requested. */ if($searchKey || $searchOwner || $searchCreateDate || $searchAttributes) { // Count the number of rows that the search will produce. $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM (SELECT DISTINCT `tblFolders`.id ".$searchQuery.") a"); if ($resArr && isset($resArr[0]) && is_numeric($resArr[0]["num"]) && $resArr[0]["num"]>0) { $totalFolders = (integer)$resArr[0]["num"]; } // If there are no results from the count query, then there is no real need // to run the full query. TODO: re-structure code to by-pass additional // queries when no initial results are found. // Only search if the offset is not beyond the number of folders if($totalFolders > $offset) { // Prepare the complete search query, including the LIMIT clause. $searchQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT `tblFolders`.* ".$searchQuery." GROUP BY `tblFolders`.`id`"; if($limit) { $searchQuery .= " LIMIT ".$offset.",".$limit; } // Send the complete search query to the database. $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($searchQuery); } else { $resArr = array(); } // ------------------- Ausgabe der Ergebnisse ---------------------------- $numResults = count($resArr); if ($numResults == 0) { $folderresult = array('totalFolders'=>$totalFolders, 'folders'=>array()); } else { foreach ($resArr as $folderArr) { $folders[] = $this->getFolder($folderArr['id']); } $folderresult = array('totalFolders'=>$totalFolders, 'folders'=>$folders); } } else { $folderresult = array('totalFolders'=>0, 'folders'=>array()); } } else { $folderresult = array('totalFolders'=>0, 'folders'=>array()); } /*--------- Do it all over again for documents -------------*/ $totalDocs = 0; if($mode & 0x1) { $searchKey = ""; $searchFields = array(); if (in_array(1, $searchin)) { $searchFields[] = "`tblDocuments`.`keywords`"; } if (in_array(2, $searchin)) { $searchFields[] = "`tblDocuments`.`name`"; } if (in_array(3, $searchin)) { $searchFields[] = "`tblDocuments`.`comment`"; } if (in_array(4, $searchin)) { $searchFields[] = "`tblDocumentAttributes`.`value`"; $searchFields[] = "`tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`value`"; } if (count($searchFields)>0) { foreach ($tkeys as $key) { $key = trim($key); if (strlen($key)>0) { $searchKey = (strlen($searchKey)==0 ? "" : $searchKey." ".$logicalmode." ")."(".implode(" like ".$this->db->qstr("%".$key."%")." OR ", $searchFields)." like ".$this->db->qstr("%".$key."%").")"; } } } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular sub-tree in // the folder hierarchy. $searchFolder = ""; if ($startFolder) { $searchFolder = "`tblDocuments`.`folderList` LIKE '%:".$startFolder->getID().":%'"; } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular // document owner. $searchOwner = ""; if ($owner) { if(is_array($owner)) { $ownerids = array(); foreach($owner as $o) $ownerids[] = $o->getID(); if($ownerids) $searchOwner = "`tblDocuments`.`owner` IN (".implode(',', $ownerids).")"; } else { $searchOwner = "`tblDocuments`.`owner` = '".$owner->getId()."'"; } } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular // document category. $searchCategories = ""; if ($categories) { $catids = array(); foreach($categories as $category) $catids[] = $category->getId(); $searchCategories = "`tblDocumentCategory`.`categoryID` in (".implode(',', $catids).")"; } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular // attribute. $searchAttributes = array(); if ($attributes) { foreach($attributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) { if($attribute) { $attrdef = $this->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid); if($attrdef->getObjType() == SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_document || $attrdef->getObjType() == SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_all) { if($valueset = $attrdef->getValueSet()) { if($attrdef->getMultipleValues()) { $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblDocumentAttributes` WHERE `tblDocumentAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND (`tblDocumentAttributes`.`value` like '%".$valueset[0].implode("%' OR `tblDocumentAttributes`.`value` like '%".$valueset[0], $attribute)."%') AND `tblDocumentAttributes`.`document` = `tblDocuments`.`id`)"; } else $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblDocumentAttributes` WHERE `tblDocumentAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND `tblDocumentAttributes`.`value`='".$attribute."' AND `tblDocumentAttributes`.`document` = `tblDocuments`.`id`)"; } else $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblDocumentAttributes` WHERE `tblDocumentAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND `tblDocumentAttributes`.`value` like '%".$attribute."%') AND `tblDocumentAttributes`.`document` = `tblDocuments`.`id`"; } elseif($attrdef->getObjType() == SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_documentcontent) { if($attrdef->getValueSet()) { if($attrdef->getMultipleValues()) { $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblDocumentContentAttributes` WHERE `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND (`tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`value` like '%".$valueset[0].implode("%' OR `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`value` like '%".$valueset[0], $attribute)."%') AND `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`document` = `tblDocumentContent`.`id`)"; } else { $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblDocumentContentAttributes` WHERE `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`value`='".$attribute."' AND `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.content = `tblDocumentContent`.id"; } } else $searchAttributes[] = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `tblDocumentContentAttributes` WHERE `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`attrdef`=".$attrdefid." AND `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`value` like '%".$attribute."%' AND `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.content = `tblDocumentContent`.id"; } } } } // Is the search restricted to documents created between two specific dates? $searchCreateDate = ""; if ($creationstartdate) { $startdate = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::makeTimeStamp($creationstartdate['hour'], $creationstartdate['minute'], $creationstartdate['second'], $creationstartdate['year'], $creationstartdate["month"], $creationstartdate["day"]); if ($startdate) { $searchCreateDate .= "`tblDocuments`.`date` >= ".$startdate; } } if ($creationenddate) { $stopdate = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::makeTimeStamp($creationenddate['hour'], $creationenddate['minute'], $creationenddate['second'], $creationenddate["year"], $creationenddate["month"], $creationenddate["day"]); if ($stopdate) { if($searchCreateDate) $searchCreateDate .= " AND "; $searchCreateDate .= "`tblDocuments`.`date` <= ".$stopdate; } } if ($modificationstartdate) { $startdate = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::makeTimeStamp($modificationstartdate['hour'], $modificationstartdate['minute'], $modificationstartdate['second'], $modificationstartdate['year'], $modificationstartdate["month"], $modificationstartdate["day"]); if ($startdate) { if($searchCreateDate) $searchCreateDate .= " AND "; $searchCreateDate .= "`tblDocumentContent`.`date` >= ".$startdate; } } if ($modificationenddate) { $stopdate = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::makeTimeStamp($modificationenddate['hour'], $modificationenddate['minute'], $modificationenddate['second'], $modificationenddate["year"], $modificationenddate["month"], $modificationenddate["day"]); if ($stopdate) { if($searchCreateDate) $searchCreateDate .= " AND "; $searchCreateDate .= "`tblDocumentContent`.`date` <= ".$stopdate; } } $searchExpirationDate = ''; if ($expirationstartdate) { $startdate = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::makeTimeStamp($expirationstartdate['hour'], $expirationstartdate['minute'], $expirationstartdate['second'], $expirationstartdate['year'], $expirationstartdate["month"], $expirationstartdate["day"]); if ($startdate) { if($searchExpirationDate) $searchExpirationDate .= " AND "; $searchExpirationDate .= "`tblDocuments`.`expires` >= ".$startdate; } } if ($expirationenddate) { $stopdate = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::makeTimeStamp($expirationenddate['hour'], $expirationenddate['minute'], $expirationenddate['second'], $expirationenddate["year"], $expirationenddate["month"], $expirationenddate["day"]); if ($stopdate) { if($searchExpirationDate) $searchExpirationDate .= " AND "; $searchExpirationDate .= "`tblDocuments`.`expires` <= ".$stopdate; } } // ---------------------- Suche starten ---------------------------------- // // Construct the SQL query that will be used to search the database. // if (!$this->db->createTemporaryTable("ttcontentid") || !$this->db->createTemporaryTable("ttstatid")) { return false; } $searchQuery = "FROM `tblDocumentContent` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocuments` ON `tblDocuments`.`id` = `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentAttributes` ON `tblDocuments`.`id` = `tblDocumentAttributes`.`document` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentContentAttributes` ON `tblDocumentContent`.`id` = `tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`content` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentStatus` ON `tblDocumentStatus`.`documentID` = `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentStatusLog` ON `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` = `tblDocumentStatus`.`statusID` ". "LEFT JOIN `ttstatid` ON `ttstatid`.`maxLogID` = `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID` ". "LEFT JOIN `ttcontentid` ON `ttcontentid`.`maxVersion` = `tblDocumentStatus`.`version` AND `ttcontentid`.`document` = `tblDocumentStatus`.`documentID` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentLocks` ON `tblDocuments`.`id`=`tblDocumentLocks`.`document` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentCategory` ON `tblDocuments`.`id`=`tblDocumentCategory`.`documentID` ". "WHERE `ttstatid`.`maxLogID`=`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID` ". "AND `ttcontentid`.`maxVersion` = `tblDocumentContent`.`version`"; if (strlen($searchKey)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".$searchKey.")"; } if (strlen($searchFolder)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND ".$searchFolder; } if (strlen($searchOwner)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".$searchOwner.")"; } if (strlen($searchCategories)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".$searchCategories.")"; } if (strlen($searchCreateDate)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".$searchCreateDate.")"; } if (strlen($searchExpirationDate)>0) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".$searchExpirationDate.")"; } if ($searchAttributes) { $searchQuery .= " AND (".implode(" AND ", $searchAttributes).")"; } // status if ($status) { $searchQuery .= " AND `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status` IN (".implode(',', $status).")"; } if($searchKey || $searchOwner || $searchCategories || $searchCreateDate || $searchExpirationDate || $searchAttributes || $status) { // Count the number of rows that the search will produce. $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM (SELECT DISTINCT `tblDocuments`.id ".$searchQuery.") a"); if (is_numeric($resArr[0]["num"]) && $resArr[0]["num"]>0) { $totalDocs = (integer)$resArr[0]["num"]; } // If there are no results from the count query, then there is no real need // to run the full query. TODO: re-structure code to by-pass additional // queries when no initial results are found. // Prepare the complete search query, including the LIMIT clause. $searchQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT `tblDocuments`.*, ". "`tblDocumentContent`.`version`, ". "`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status`, `tblDocumentLocks`.`userID` as `lockUser` ".$searchQuery; // calculate the remaining entrїes of the current page // If page is not full yet, get remaining entries if($limit) { $remain = $limit - count($folderresult['folders']); if($remain) { if($remain == $limit) $offset -= $totalFolders; else $offset = 0; if($limit) $searchQuery .= " LIMIT ".$offset.",".$remain; // Send the complete search query to the database. $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($searchQuery); } else { $resArr = array(); } } else { // Send the complete search query to the database. $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($searchQuery); } // ------------------- Ausgabe der Ergebnisse ---------------------------- $numResults = count($resArr); if ($numResults == 0) { $docresult = array('totalDocs'=>$totalDocs, 'docs'=>array()); } else { foreach ($resArr as $docArr) { $docs[] = $this->getDocument($docArr['id']); } $docresult = array('totalDocs'=>$totalDocs, 'docs'=>$docs); } } else { $docresult = array('totalDocs'=>0, 'docs'=>array()); } } else { $docresult = array('totalDocs'=>0, 'docs'=>array()); } if($limit) { $totalPages = (integer)(($totalDocs+$totalFolders)/$limit); if ((($totalDocs+$totalFolders)%$limit) > 0) { $totalPages++; } } else { $totalPages = 1; } return array_merge($docresult, $folderresult, array('totalPages'=>$totalPages)); } /* }}} */ /** * Return a folder by its id * * This function retrieves a folder from the database by its id. * * @param integer $id internal id of folder * @return object instance of SeedDMS_Core_Folder or false */ function getFolder($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblFolders WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; else if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $folder = new SeedDMS_Core_Folder($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["parent"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["date"], $resArr["owner"], $resArr["inheritAccess"], $resArr["defaultAccess"], $resArr["sequence"]); $folder->setDMS($this); return $folder; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a folder by its name * * This function retrieves a folder from the database by its name. The * search covers the whole database. If * the parameter $folder is not null, it will search for the name * only within this parent folder. It will not be done recursively. * * @param string $name name of the folder * @param object $folder parent folder * @return object/boolean found folder or false */ function getFolderByName($name, $folder=null) { /* {{{ */ if (!$name) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblFolders WHERE name = " . $this->db->qstr($name); if($folder) $queryStr .= " AND `parent` = ". $folder->getID(); $queryStr .= " LIMIT 1"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if(!$resArr) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $folder = new SeedDMS_Core_Folder($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["parent"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["date"], $resArr["owner"], $resArr["inheritAccess"], $resArr["defaultAccess"], $resArr["sequence"]); $folder->setDMS($this); return $folder; } /* }}} */ /** * Returns a list of folders and error message not linked in the tree * * This function checks all folders in the database. * * @return array list of errors */ function checkFolders() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblFolders"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr === false) return false; $cache = array(); foreach($resArr as $rec) { $cache[$rec['id']] = array('name'=>$rec['name'], 'parent'=>$rec['parent'], 'folderList'=>$rec['folderList']); } $errors = array(); foreach($cache as $id=>$rec) { if(!array_key_exists($rec['parent'], $cache) && $rec['parent'] != 0) { $errors[$id] = array('id'=>$id, 'name'=>$rec['name'], 'parent'=>$rec['parent'], 'msg'=>'Missing parent'); } else { $tmparr = explode(':', $rec['folderList']); array_shift($tmparr); if(count($tmparr) != count(array_unique($tmparr))) { $errors[$id] = array('id'=>$id, 'name'=>$rec['name'], 'parent'=>$rec['parent'], 'msg'=>'Duplicate entry in folder list ('.$rec['folderList'].')'); } } } return $errors; } /* }}} */ /** * Returns a list of documents and error message not linked in the tree * * This function checks all documents in the database. * * @return array list of errors */ function checkDocuments() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblFolders"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr === false) return false; $fcache = array(); foreach($resArr as $rec) { $fcache[$rec['id']] = array('name'=>$rec['name'], 'parent'=>$rec['parent'], 'folderList'=>$rec['folderList']); } $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocuments"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr === false) return false; $dcache = array(); foreach($resArr as $rec) { $dcache[$rec['id']] = array('name'=>$rec['name'], 'parent'=>$rec['folder'], 'folderList'=>$rec['folderList']); } $errors = array(); foreach($dcache as $id=>$rec) { if(!array_key_exists($rec['parent'], $fcache) && $rec['parent'] != 0) { $errors[$id] = array('id'=>$id, 'name'=>$rec['name'], 'parent'=>$rec['parent'], 'msg'=>'Missing parent'); } else { $tmparr = explode(':', $rec['folderList']); array_shift($tmparr); if(count($tmparr) != count(array_unique($tmparr))) { $errors[$id] = array('id'=>$id, 'name'=>$rec['name'], 'parent'=>$rec['parent'], 'msg'=>'Duplicate entry in folder list ('.$rec['folderList'].''); } } } return $errors; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a user by its id * * This function retrieves a user from the database by its id. * * @param integer $id internal id of user * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_User} or false */ function getUser($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $user = new SeedDMS_Core_User($resArr["id"], $resArr["login"], $resArr["pwd"], $resArr["fullName"], $resArr["email"], $resArr["language"], $resArr["theme"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["role"], $resArr["hidden"], $resArr["disabled"], $resArr["pwdExpiration"], $resArr["loginfailures"], $resArr["quota"]); $user->setDMS($this); return $user; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a user by its login * * This function retrieves a user from the database by its login. * If the second optional parameter $email is not empty, the user must * also have the given email. * * @param string $login internal login of user * @param string $email email of user * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_User} or false */ function getUserByLogin($login, $email='') { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE login = ".$this->db->qstr($login); if($email) $queryStr .= " AND email=".$this->db->qstr($email); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $user = new SeedDMS_Core_User($resArr["id"], $resArr["login"], $resArr["pwd"], $resArr["fullName"], $resArr["email"], $resArr["language"], $resArr["theme"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["role"], $resArr["hidden"], $resArr["disabled"], $resArr["pwdExpiration"], $resArr["loginfailures"], $resArr["quota"]); $user->setDMS($this); return $user; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a user by its email * * This function retrieves a user from the database by its email. * It is needed when the user requests a new password. * * @param integer $email email address of user * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_User} or false */ function getUserByEmail($email) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE email = ".$this->db->qstr($email); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $user = new SeedDMS_Core_User($resArr["id"], $resArr["login"], $resArr["pwd"], $resArr["fullName"], $resArr["email"], $resArr["language"], $resArr["theme"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["role"], $resArr["hidden"], $resArr["disabled"], $resArr["pwdExpiration"], $resArr["loginfailures"], $resArr["quota"]); $user->setDMS($this); return $user; } /* }}} */ /** * Return list of all users * * @return array of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_User} or false */ function getAllUsers($orderby = '') { /* {{{ */ if($orderby == 'fullname') $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers ORDER BY fullname"; else $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers ORDER BY login"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $users = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resArr); $i++) { $user = new SeedDMS_Core_User($resArr[$i]["id"], $resArr[$i]["login"], $resArr[$i]["pwd"], $resArr[$i]["fullName"], $resArr[$i]["email"], (isset($resArr[$i]["language"])?$resArr[$i]["language"]:NULL), (isset($resArr[$i]["theme"])?$resArr[$i]["theme"]:NULL), $resArr[$i]["comment"], $resArr[$i]["role"], $resArr[$i]["hidden"], $resArr[$i]["disabled"], $resArr[$i]["pwdExpiration"], $resArr[$i]["loginfailures"], $resArr[$i]["quota"]); $user->setDMS($this); $users[$i] = $user; } return $users; } /* }}} */ /** * Add a new user * * @param string $login login name * @param string $pwd password of new user * @param string $email Email of new user * @param string $language language of new user * @param string $comment comment of new user * @param integer $role role of new user (can be 0=normal, 1=admin, 2=guest) * @param integer $isHidden hide user in all lists, if this is set login * is still allowed * @param integer $isDisabled disable user and prevent login * @return object of {@link SeedDMS_Core_User} */ function addUser($login, $pwd, $fullName, $email, $language, $theme, $comment, $role='0', $isHidden=0, $isDisabled=0, $pwdexpiration='') { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->db; if (is_object($this->getUserByLogin($login))) { return false; } if($role == '') $role = '0'; if(trim($pwdexpiration) == '') $pwdexpiration = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblUsers (login, pwd, fullName, email, language, theme, comment, role, hidden, disabled, pwdExpiration) VALUES (".$db->qstr($login).", ".$db->qstr($pwd).", ".$db->qstr($fullName).", ".$db->qstr($email).", '".$language."', '".$theme."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", '".intval($role)."', '".intval($isHidden)."', '".intval($isDisabled)."', ".$db->qstr($pwdexpiration).")"; $res = $this->db->getResult($queryStr); if (!$res) return false; return $this->getUser($this->db->getInsertID()); } /* }}} */ /** * Get a group by its id * * @param integer $id id of group * @return object/boolean group or false if no group was found */ function getGroup($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblGroups WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; else if (count($resArr) != 1) //wenn, dann wohl eher 0 als > 1 ;-) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $group = new SeedDMS_Core_Group($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["comment"]); $group->setDMS($this); return $group; } /* }}} */ /** * Get a group by its name * * @param string $name name of group * @return object/boolean group or false if no group was found */ function getGroupByName($name) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT `tblGroups`.* FROM `tblGroups` WHERE `tblGroups`.`name` = ".$this->db->qstr($name); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; else if (count($resArr) != 1) //wenn, dann wohl eher 0 als > 1 ;-) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $group = new SeedDMS_Core_Group($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["comment"]); $group->setDMS($this); return $group; } /* }}} */ /** * Get a list of all groups * * @return array array of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Group} */ function getAllGroups() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblGroups ORDER BY name"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $groups = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resArr); $i++) { $group = new SeedDMS_Core_Group($resArr[$i]["id"], $resArr[$i]["name"], $resArr[$i]["comment"]); $group->setDMS($this); $groups[$i] = $group; } return $groups; } /* }}} */ /** * Create a new user group * * @param string $name name of group * @param string $comment comment of group * @return object/boolean instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Group} or false in * case of an error. */ function addGroup($name, $comment) { /* {{{ */ if (is_object($this->getGroupByName($name))) { return false; } $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblGroups (name, comment) VALUES (".$this->db->qstr($name).", ".$this->db->qstr($comment).")"; if (!$this->db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; return $this->getGroup($this->db->getInsertID()); } /* }}} */ function getKeywordCategory($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblKeywordCategories WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) || (count($resArr) != 1)) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $cat = new SeedDMS_Core_Keywordcategory($resArr["id"], $resArr["owner"], $resArr["name"]); $cat->setDMS($this); return $cat; } /* }}} */ function getKeywordCategoryByName($name, $userID) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblKeywordCategories WHERE name = " . $this->db->qstr($name) . " AND owner = " . (int) $userID; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) || (count($resArr) != 1)) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $cat = new SeedDMS_Core_Keywordcategory($resArr["id"], $resArr["owner"], $resArr["name"]); $cat->setDMS($this); return $cat; } /* }}} */ function getAllKeywordCategories($userIDs = array()) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblKeywordCategories"; if ($userIDs) $queryStr .= " WHERE owner in (".implode(',', $userIDs).")"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; $categories = array(); foreach ($resArr as $row) { $cat = new SeedDMS_Core_KeywordCategory($row["id"], $row["owner"], $row["name"]); $cat->setDMS($this); array_push($categories, $cat); } return $categories; } /* }}} */ /** * This function should be replaced by getAllKeywordCategories() */ function getAllUserKeywordCategories($userID) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblKeywordCategories"; if ($userID != -1) $queryStr .= " WHERE owner = " . (int) $userID; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; $categories = array(); foreach ($resArr as $row) { $cat = new SeedDMS_Core_KeywordCategory($row["id"], $row["owner"], $row["name"]); $cat->setDMS($this); array_push($categories, $cat); } return $categories; } /* }}} */ function addKeywordCategory($userID, $name) { /* {{{ */ if (is_object($this->getKeywordCategoryByName($name, $userID))) { return false; } $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblKeywordCategories (owner, name) VALUES (".(int) $userID.", ".$this->db->qstr($name).")"; if (!$this->db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; return $this->getKeywordCategory($this->db->getInsertID()); } /* }}} */ function getDocumentCategory($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblCategory WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) || (count($resArr) != 1)) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $cat = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"]); $cat->setDMS($this); return $cat; } /* }}} */ function getDocumentCategories() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblCategory order by name"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; $categories = array(); foreach ($resArr as $row) { $cat = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory($row["id"], $row["name"]); $cat->setDMS($this); array_push($categories, $cat); } return $categories; } /* }}} */ /** * Get a category by its name * * The name of a category is by default unique. * * @param string $name human readable name of category * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory} */ function getDocumentCategoryByName($name) { /* {{{ */ if (!$name) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblCategory where name=".$this->db->qstr($name); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; $row = $resArr[0]; $cat = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory($row["id"], $row["name"]); $cat->setDMS($this); return $cat; } /* }}} */ function addDocumentCategory($name) { /* {{{ */ if (is_object($this->getDocumentCategoryByName($name))) { return false; } $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblCategory (name) VALUES (".$this->db->qstr($name).")"; if (!$this->db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; return $this->getDocumentCategory($this->db->getInsertID()); } /* }}} */ /** * Get all notifications for a group * * @param object $group group for which notifications are to be retrieved * @param integer $type type of item (T_DOCUMENT or T_FOLDER) * @return array array of notifications */ function getNotificationsByGroup($group, $type=0) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT `tblNotify`.* FROM `tblNotify` ". "WHERE `tblNotify`.`groupID` = ". $group->getID(); if($type) { $queryStr .= " AND `tblNotify`.`targetType` = ". (int) $type; } $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; $notifications = array(); foreach ($resArr as $row) { $not = new SeedDMS_Core_Notification($row["target"], $row["targetType"], $row["userID"], $row["groupID"]); $not->setDMS($this); array_push($notifications, $cat); } return $notifications; } /* }}} */ /** * Get all notifications for a user * * @param object $user user for which notifications are to be retrieved * @param integer $type type of item (T_DOCUMENT or T_FOLDER) * @return array array of notifications */ function getNotificationsByUser($user, $type=0) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT `tblNotify`.* FROM `tblNotify` ". "WHERE `tblNotify`.`userID` = ". $user->getID(); if($type) { $queryStr .= " AND `tblNotify`.`targetType` = ". (int) $type; } $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; $notifications = array(); foreach ($resArr as $row) { $not = new SeedDMS_Core_Notification($row["target"], $row["targetType"], $row["userID"], $row["groupID"]); $not->setDMS($this); array_push($notifications, $cat); } return $notifications; } /* }}} */ /** * Create a token to request a new password. * This function will not delete the password but just creates an entry * in tblUserRequestPassword indicating a password request. * * @return string hash value of false in case of an error */ function createPasswordRequest($user) { /* {{{ */ $hash = md5(uniqid(time())); $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblUserPasswordRequest (userID, hash, `date`) VALUES (" . $user->getId() . ", " . $this->db->qstr($hash) .", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"; $resArr = $this->db->getResult($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; return $hash; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if hash for a password request is valid. * This function searches a previously create password request and * returns the user. * * @param string $hash */ function checkPasswordRequest($hash) { /* {{{ */ /* Get the password request from the database */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblUserPasswordRequest where hash=".$this->db->qstr($hash); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; return $this->getUser($resArr['userID']); } /* }}} */ /** * Delete a password request * * @param string $hash */ function deletePasswordRequest($hash) { /* {{{ */ /* Delete the request, so nobody can use it a second time */ $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblUserPasswordRequest WHERE hash=".$this->db->qstr($hash); if (!$this->db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; return true; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a attribute definition by its id * * This function retrieves a attribute definitionr from the database by * its id. * * @param integer $id internal id of attribute defintion * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition} or false */ function getAttributeDefinition($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblAttributeDefinitions WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $attrdef = new SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["objtype"], $resArr["type"], $resArr["multiple"], $resArr["minvalues"], $resArr["maxvalues"], $resArr["valueset"], $resArr["regex"]); $attrdef->setDMS($this); return $attrdef; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a attribute definition by its name * * This function retrieves an attribute def. from the database by its name. * * @param string $name internal name of attribute def. * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition} or false */ function getAttributeDefinitionByName($name) { /* {{{ */ if (!$name) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblAttributeDefinitions WHERE name = " . $this->db->qstr($name); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $attrdef = new SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["objtype"], $resArr["type"], $resArr["multiple"], $resArr["minvalues"], $resArr["maxvalues"], $resArr["valueset"], $resArr["regex"]); $attrdef->setDMS($this); return $attrdef; } /* }}} */ /** * Return list of all attributes definitions * * @param integer $objtype select those attributes defined for an object type * @return array of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition} or false */ function getAllAttributeDefinitions($objtype=0) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblAttributeDefinitions"; if($objtype) { if(is_array($objtype)) $queryStr .= ' WHERE objtype in (\''.implode("','", $objtype).'\')'; else $queryStr .= ' WHERE objtype='.intval($objtype); } $queryStr .= ' ORDER BY name'; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $attrdefs = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resArr); $i++) { $attrdef = new SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition($resArr[$i]["id"], $resArr[$i]["name"], $resArr[$i]["objtype"], $resArr[$i]["type"], $resArr[$i]["multiple"], $resArr[$i]["minvalues"], $resArr[$i]["maxvalues"], $resArr[$i]["valueset"], $resArr[$i]["regex"]); $attrdef->setDMS($this); $attrdefs[$i] = $attrdef; } return $attrdefs; } /* }}} */ /** * Add a new attribute definition * * @param string $name name of attribute * @param string $type type of attribute * @param boolean $multiple set to 1 if attribute has multiple attributes * @param integer $minvalues minimum number of values * @param integer $maxvalues maximum number of values if multiple is set * @param string $valueset list of allowed values (csv format) * @return object of {@link SeedDMS_Core_User} */ function addAttributeDefinition($name, $objtype, $type, $multiple=0, $minvalues=0, $maxvalues=1, $valueset='', $regex='') { /* {{{ */ if (is_object($this->getAttributeDefinitionByName($name))) { return false; } if(!$type) return false; $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblAttributeDefinitions (name, objtype, type, multiple, minvalues, maxvalues, valueset, regex) VALUES (".$this->db->qstr($name).", ".intval($objtype).", ".intval($type).", ".intval($multiple).", ".intval($minvalues).", ".intval($maxvalues).", ".$this->db->qstr($valueset).", ".$this->db->qstr($regex).")"; $res = $this->db->getResult($queryStr); if (!$res) return false; return $this->getAttributeDefinition($this->db->getInsertID()); } /* }}} */ /** * Return list of all workflows * * @return array of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow} or false */ function getAllWorkflows() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflows ORDER BY name"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflowStates ORDER BY name"; $ressArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($ressArr) && $ressArr == false) return false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ressArr); $i++) { $wkfstates[$ressArr[$i]["id"]] = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State($ressArr[$i]["id"], $ressArr[$i]["name"], $ressArr[$i]["maxtime"], $ressArr[$i]["precondfunc"], $ressArr[$i]["documentstatus"]); } $workflows = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resArr); $i++) { $workflow = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow($resArr[$i]["id"], $resArr[$i]["name"], $wkfstates[$resArr[$i]["initstate"]]); $workflow->setDMS($this); $workflows[$i] = $workflow; } return $workflows; } /* }}} */ /** * Return workflow by its Id * * @param integer $id internal id of workflow * @return object of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow} or false */ function getWorkflow($id) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflows WHERE id=".intval($id); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if(!$resArr) return false; $initstate = $this->getWorkflowState($resArr[0]['initstate']); $workflow = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow($resArr[0]["id"], $resArr[0]["name"], $initstate); $workflow->setDMS($this); return $workflow; } /* }}} */ /** * Return workflow by its name * * @param string $name name of workflow * @return object of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow} or false */ function getWorkflowByName($name) { /* {{{ */ if (!$name) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflows WHERE name=".$this->db->qstr($name); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if(!$resArr) return false; $initstate = $this->getWorkflowState($resArr[0]['initstate']); $workflow = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow($resArr[0]["id"], $resArr[0]["name"], $initstate); $workflow->setDMS($this); return $workflow; } /* }}} */ /** * Add a new workflow * * @param string $name name of workflow * @param string $initstate initial state of workflow */ function addWorkflow($name, $initstate) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->db; if (is_object($this->getWorkflowByName($name))) { return false; } $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblWorkflows (name, initstate) VALUES (".$db->qstr($name).", ".$initstate->getID().")"; $res = $db->getResult($queryStr); if (!$res) return false; return $this->getWorkflow($db->getInsertID()); } /* }}} */ /** * Return a workflow state by its id * * This function retrieves a workflow state from the database by its id. * * @param integer $id internal id of workflow state * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State} or false */ function getWorkflowState($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflowStates WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $state = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["maxtime"], $resArr["precondfunc"], $resArr["documentstatus"]); $state->setDMS($this); return $state; } /* }}} */ /** * Return workflow state by its name * * @param string $name name of workflow state * @return object of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State} or false */ function getWorkflowStateByName($name) { /* {{{ */ if (!$name) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflowStates WHERE name=".$this->db->qstr($name); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if(!$resArr) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $state = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["maxtime"], $resArr["precondfunc"], $resArr["documentstatus"]); $state->setDMS($this); return $state; } /* }}} */ /** * Return list of all workflow states * * @return array of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State} or false */ function getAllWorkflowStates() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflowStates ORDER BY name"; $ressArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($ressArr) && $ressArr == false) return false; $wkfstates = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ressArr); $i++) { $wkfstate = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State($ressArr[$i]["id"], $ressArr[$i]["name"], $ressArr[$i]["maxtime"], $ressArr[$i]["precondfunc"], $ressArr[$i]["documentstatus"]); $wkfstate->setDMS($this); $wkfstates[$i] = $wkfstate; } return $wkfstates; } /* }}} */ /** * Add new workflow state * * @param string $name name of workflow state * @param integer $docstatus document status when this state is reached * @return object instance of new workflow state */ function addWorkflowState($name, $docstatus) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->db; if (is_object($this->getWorkflowStateByName($name))) { return false; } $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblWorkflowStates (name, documentstatus) VALUES (".$db->qstr($name).", ".(int) $docstatus.")"; $res = $db->getResult($queryStr); if (!$res) return false; return $this->getWorkflowState($db->getInsertID()); } /* }}} */ /** * Return a workflow action by its id * * This function retrieves a workflow action from the database by its id. * * @param integer $id internal id of workflow action * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action} or false */ function getWorkflowAction($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflowActions WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $action = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"]); $action->setDMS($this); return $action; } /* }}} */ /** * Return a workflow action by its name * * This function retrieves a workflow action from the database by its name. * * @param string $name name of workflow action * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action} or false */ function getWorkflowActionByName($name) { /* {{{ */ if (!$name) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflowActions WHERE name = " . $this->db->qstr($name); $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $action = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"]); $action->setDMS($this); return $action; } /* }}} */ /** * Return list of workflow action * * @return array list of instances of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action} or false */ function getAllWorkflowActions() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflowActions"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $wkfactions = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resArr); $i++) { $action = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action($resArr[$i]["id"], $resArr[$i]["name"]); $action->setDMS($this); $wkfactions[$i] = $action; } return $wkfactions; } /* }}} */ /** * Add new workflow action * * @param string $name name of workflow action * @return object instance new workflow action */ function addWorkflowAction($name) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->db; if (is_object($this->getWorkflowActionByName($name))) { return false; } $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblWorkflowActions (name) VALUES (".$db->qstr($name).")"; $res = $db->getResult($queryStr); if (!$res) return false; return $this->getWorkflowAction($db->getInsertID()); } /* }}} */ /** * Return a workflow transition by its id * * This function retrieves a workflow transition from the database by its id. * * @param integer $id internal id of workflow transition * @return object instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Transition} or false */ function getWorkflowTransition($id) { /* {{{ */ if (!is_numeric($id)) return false; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblWorkflowTransitions WHERE id = " . (int) $id; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $transition = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Transition($resArr["id"], $this->getWorkflow($resArr["workflow"]), $this->getWorkflowState($resArr["state"]), $this->getWorkflowAction($resArr["action"]), $this->getWorkflowState($resArr["nextstate"]), $resArr["maxtime"]); $transition->setDMS($this); return $transition; } /* }}} */ /** * Returns document content which is not linked to a document * * This method is for finding straying document content without * a parent document. In normal operation this should not happen * but little checks for database consistency and possible errors * in the application may have left over document content though * the document is gone already. */ function getUnlinkedDocumentContent() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocumentContent WHERE document NOT IN (SELECT id FROM tblDocuments)"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; $versions = array(); foreach($resArr as $row) { $document = new SeedDMS_Core_Document($row['document'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $document->setDMS($this); $version = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent($row['id'], $document, $row['version'], $row['comment'], $row['date'], $row['createdBy'], $row['dir'], $row['orgFileName'], $row['fileType'], $row['mimeType'], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum']); $versions[] = $version; } return $versions; } /* }}} */ /** * Returns document content which has no file size set * * This method is for finding document content without a file size * set in the database. The file size of a document content was introduced * in version 4.0.0 of SeedDMS for implementation of user quotas. */ function getNoFileSizeDocumentContent() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocumentContent WHERE fileSize = 0 OR fileSize is null"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; $versions = array(); foreach($resArr as $row) { $document = new SeedDMS_Core_Document($row['document'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $document->setDMS($this); $version = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent($row['id'], $document, $row['version'], $row['comment'], $row['date'], $row['createdBy'], $row['dir'], $row['orgFileName'], $row['fileType'], $row['mimeType'], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum'], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum']); $versions[] = $version; } return $versions; } /* }}} */ /** * Returns document content which has no checksum set * * This method is for finding document content without a checksum * set in the database. The checksum of a document content was introduced * in version 4.0.0 of SeedDMS for finding duplicates. */ function getNoChecksumDocumentContent() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocumentContent WHERE checksum = '' OR checksum is null"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; $versions = array(); foreach($resArr as $row) { $document = new SeedDMS_Core_Document($row['document'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $document->setDMS($this); $version = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent($row['id'], $document, $row['version'], $row['comment'], $row['date'], $row['createdBy'], $row['dir'], $row['orgFileName'], $row['fileType'], $row['mimeType'], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum']); $versions[] = $version; } return $versions; } /* }}} */ /** * Returns document content which is duplicated * * This method is for finding document content which is available twice * in the database. The checksum of a document content was introduced * in version 4.0.0 of SeedDMS for finding duplicates. */ function getDuplicateDocumentContent() { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = "SELECT a.*, b.id as dupid FROM tblDocumentContent a LEFT JOIN tblDocumentContent b ON a.checksum=b.checksum where a.id!=b.id ORDER by a.id"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; $versions = array(); foreach($resArr as $row) { $document = new SeedDMS_Core_Document($row['document'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $document->setDMS($this); $version = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent($row['id'], $document, $row['version'], $row['comment'], $row['date'], $row['createdBy'], $row['dir'], $row['orgFileName'], $row['fileType'], $row['mimeType'], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum']); if(!isset($versions[$row['dupid']])) { $versions[$row['id']]['content'] = $version; $versions[$row['id']]['duplicates'] = array(); } else $versions[$row['dupid']]['duplicates'][] = $version; } return $versions; } /* }}} */ /** * Returns statitical information * * This method returns all kind of statistical information like * documents or used space per user, recent activity, etc. * * @param string $type type of statistic * @param array statistical data */ function getStatisticalData($type='') { /* {{{ */ switch($type) { case 'docsperuser': $queryStr = "select b.fullname as `key`, count(owner) as total from tblDocuments a left join tblUsers b on a.owner=b.id group by owner"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; return $resArr; case 'docspermimetype': $queryStr = "select b.mimeType as `key`, count(mimeType) as total from tblDocuments a left join tblDocumentContent b on a.id=b.document group by b.mimeType"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; return $resArr; case 'docspercategory': $queryStr = "select b.name as `key`, count(a.categoryID) as total from tblDocumentCategory a left join tblCategory b on a.categoryID=b.id group by a.categoryID"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; return $resArr; case 'docsperstatus': $queryStr = "select b.status as `key`, count(b.status) as total from (select a.id, max(b.version), max(c.statusLogId) as maxlog from tblDocuments a left join tblDocumentStatus b on a.id=b.documentid left join tblDocumentStatusLog c on b.statusid=c.statusid group by a.id, b.version order by a.id, b.statusid) a left join tblDocumentStatusLog b on a.maxlog=b.statusLogId group by b.status"; $queryStr = "select b.status as `key`, count(b.status) as total from (select a.id, max(c.statusLogId) as maxlog from tblDocuments a left join tblDocumentStatus b on a.id=b.documentid left join tblDocumentStatusLog c on b.statusid=c.statusid group by a.id order by a.id, b.statusid) a left join tblDocumentStatusLog b on a.maxlog=b.statusLogId group by b.status"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; return $resArr; case 'docspermonth': $queryStr = "select *, count(`key`) as total from (select ".$this->db->getDateExtract("date", '%Y-%m')." as `key` from tblDocuments) a group by `key` order by `key`"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; return $resArr; case 'docsaccumulated': $queryStr = "select *, count(`key`) as total from (select ".$this->db->getDateExtract("date")." as `key` from tblDocuments) a group by `key` order by `key`"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; $sum = 0; foreach($resArr as &$res) { $sum += $res['total']; /* auxially variable $key is need because sqlite returns * a key '`key`' */ $res['key'] = mktime(12, 0, 0, substr($res['key'], 5, 2), substr($res['key'], 8, 2), substr($res['key'], 0, 4)) * 1000; $res['total'] = $sum; } return $resArr; case 'sizeperuser': $queryStr = "select c.fullname as `key`, sum(fileSize) as total from tblDocuments a left join tblDocumentContent b on a.id=b.document left join tblUsers c on a.owner=c.id group by a.owner"; $resArr = $this->db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!$resArr) return false; return $resArr; default: return array(); } } /* }}} */ /** * Set a callback function * * @param string $name internal name of callback * @param mixed $func function name as expected by {call_user_method} * @param mixed $params parameter passed as the first argument to the * callback */ function setCallback($name, $func, $params=null) { /* {{{ */ if($name && $func) $this->callbacks[$name] = array($func, $params); } /* }}} */ } ?>