"", 'access_denied' => "Access denied.", 'access_inheritance' => "Access Inheritance", 'access_mode' => "텭", 'access_mode_all' => "", 'access_mode_none' => "Ɔ녡", 'access_mode_read' => "", 'access_mode_readwrite' => "Dž", 'account_summary' => "Account Summary", 'action_summary' => "Action Summary", 'actions' => "Actions", 'add' => "Add", 'add_access' => "ᅡ", 'add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning' => "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no reviewer or approver is assigned.", 'add_document' => "ᆬ", 'add_document_link' => "", 'add_group' => "󤇾", 'add_link' => "Create Link", 'add_member' => "Ʌ", 'add_new_notify' => "܇", 'add_subfolder' => "ᅡɈօ", 'add_user' => "󤄻", 'adding_default_keywords' => "촅...", 'adding_document' => "󤆬\"[documentname]\"ꗈօ\"[foldername]\"...", 'adding_document_link' => "燢...", 'adding_document_notify' => "ꗇ܇...", 'adding_folder_notify' => "܇ф⇳...", 'adding_group' => "燾хꗇ...", 'adding_member' => "Ʌꗇ䄹...", 'adding_sub_folder' => "ᅡɈօ\"[subfoldername]\"ꗈօ\"[foldername]\"...", 'adding_user' => "ᄻꗇ...", 'admin' => "Administrator", 'admin_set_owner' => "Only an Administrator may set a new owner", 'admin_tools' => "典х", 'all_documents' => "All Documents", 'all_users' => "dž넻", 'and' => "", 'approval_group' => "Approval Group", 'approval_status' => "Approval Status", 'approval_summary' => "Approval Summary", 'approval_update_failed' => "Error updating approval status. Update failed.", 'approve_document' => "Approve Document", 'approve_document_complete' => "Approve Document: Complete", 'approve_document_complete_records_updated' => "Document approval completed and records updated", 'approver_added' => "added as an approver", 'approver_already_assigned' => "is already assigned as an approver", 'approver_already_removed' => "has already been removed from approval process or has already submitted an approval", 'approver_no_privilege' => "is not sufficiently privileged to approve this document", 'approver_removed' => "removed from approval process", 'approvers' => "Approvers", 'as_approver' => "as an approver", 'as_reviewer' => "as a reviewer", 'assign_privilege_insufficient' => "Access denied. Privileges insufficient to assign reviewers or approvers to this document.", 'assumed_released' => "Assumed released", 'back' => "", 'between' => "", 'cancel' => "", 'cannot_approve_pending_review' => "Document is currently pending review. Cannot submit an approval at this time.", 'cannot_assign_invalid_state' => "Cannot assign new reviewers to a document that is not pending review or pending approval.", 'cannot_change_final_states' => "Warning: Unable to alter document status for documents that have been rejected, marked obsolete or expired.", 'cannot_delete_admin' => "Unable to delete the primary administrative user.", 'cannot_move_root' => "Error: Cannot move root folder.", 'cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot' => "Unable to retrieve approval status snapshot for this document version.", 'cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot' => "Unable to retrieve review status snapshot for this document version.", 'cannot_rm_root' => "Error: Cannot delete root folder.", 'choose_category' => "----", 'choose_group' => "--燾--", 'choose_target_document' => "熬", 'choose_target_folder' => "燢օ", 'choose_user' => "--焻--", 'comment' => "ֈ", 'comment_for_current_version' => "ꆣ", 'confirm_pwd' => "󦈬셯", 'confirm_rm_document' => "󦈬ꬉ\"[documentname]\"?
ŏ 섻⻆󅾨", 'confirm_rm_folder' => "󦈬ꬉօ\"[foldername]\" ൄ຅?
ŏ 섻⻆󅾨", 'confirm_rm_version' => "鿇󦅫܈ \"[documentname]\" ꆣ [version]
ŏ 섻⻆󅾨", 'content' => "຅", 'continue' => "Continue", 'creating_new_default_keyword_category' => "...", 'creation_date' => "ц", 'current_version' => "ꆣ", 'default_access' => "Ɉ䅡텭", 'default_keyword_category' => "я", 'default_keyword_category_name' => "쇿", 'default_keywords' => "ůф촅", 'delete' => "ꬉ", 'delete_last_version' => "Document has only one revision. Deleting entire document record...", 'deleting_document_notify' => "܇фꬉ...", 'deleting_folder_notify' => "܇фꬉ⇳...", 'details' => "Details", 'details_version' => "Details for version: [version]", 'document' => "Document", 'document_access_again' => "䅡", 'document_add_access' => "⇳ꗆɆĺ굈...", 'document_already_locked' => "ꅸ", 'document_del_access' => "Ɇĺ굈ꬉ⇳...", 'document_edit_access' => "腡텭...", 'document_infos' => "爿", 'document_is_not_locked' => "ꆙƆ", 'document_link_by' => "Ʉ", 'document_link_public' => "༉", 'document_list' => "", 'document_notify_again' => "솼܇", 'document_overview' => "-", 'document_set_default_access' => "܆Ɉ䅡...", 'document_set_inherit' => "Ɇĺ굈ꅗ燠...", 'document_set_not_inherit_copy' => "...", 'document_set_not_inherit_empty' => "񇠭䅡Ƀ䆼Ɇĺ굈...", 'document_status' => "Document Status", 'document_title' => "ꇫ - [documentname]", 'document_versions' => "džꆣ", 'documents_in_process' => "Documents In Process", 'documents_owned_by_user' => "Documents Owned by User", 'documents_to_approve' => "Documents Awaiting User's Approval", 'documents_to_review' => "Documents Awaiting User's Review", 'documents_user_requiring_attention' => "Documents Owned by User That Require Attention", 'does_not_expire' => "䆙ƉĆ", 'does_not_inherit_access_msg' => "䅡", 'download' => "ꄹ", 'draft_pending_approval' => "Draft - pending approval", 'draft_pending_review' => "Draft - pending review", 'edit' => "edit", 'edit_default_keyword_category' => "", 'edit_default_keywords' => "촅", 'edit_document' => "", 'edit_document_access' => "ņ", 'edit_document_notify' => "܇", 'edit_document_props' => "ꅘǺ", 'edit_document_props_again' => "솼퇸", 'edit_existing_access' => "", 'edit_existing_notify' => "܇", 'edit_folder' => "օ", 'edit_folder_access' => "", 'edit_folder_notify' => "܇", 'edit_folder_props' => "օ񾅘Ǻ", 'edit_folder_props_again' => "օ񾅘Ǻ", 'edit_group' => "\"[groupname]\"", 'edit_inherit_access' => "Ǻ", 'edit_personal_default_keywords' => "촅", 'edit_user' => "\"[username]\"", 'edit_user_details' => "Edit User Details", 'editing_default_keyword_category' => "...", 'editing_default_keywords' => "촅...", 'editing_document_props' => "ꇸ...", 'editing_folder_props' => "օ...", 'editing_group' => "...", 'editing_user' => "...", 'editing_user_data' => "...", 'email' => "ɉⴄ", 'email_err_group' => "Error sending email to one or more members of this group.", 'email_err_user' => "Error sending email to user.", 'email_sent' => "Email sent", 'empty_access_list' => "Ɇ", 'empty_notify_list' => "Ɔ຅", 'error_adding_session' => "Error occured while creating session.", 'error_occured' => "", 'error_removing_old_sessions' => "Error occured while removing old sessions", 'error_updating_revision' => "Error updating status of document revision.", 'exp_date' => "Ćц", 'expired' => "Expired", 'expires' => "Ć", 'file' => "File", 'file_info' => "File Information", 'file_size' => "񺅗", 'folder_access_again' => "օ䅡", 'folder_add_access' => "憼Ʉ⇳...", 'folder_contents' => "Folders", 'folder_del_access' => "Ʉꬉ⇳...", 'folder_edit_access' => "...", 'folder_infos' => "օ爿", 'folder_notify_again' => "܇", 'folder_overview' => "օ-", 'folder_path' => "", 'folder_set_default_access' => "馈օ񾈿܉Ɉ䅡텭...", 'folder_set_inherit' => "Ɇĺ굈", 'folder_set_not_inherit_copy' => "Ʌ...", 'folder_set_not_inherit_empty' => "񇠭䆼Ƀ䆼Ɇĺ굈...", 'folder_title' => "ꇫ - օ [foldername]", 'folders_and_documents_statistic' => "чօ爿", 'foldertree' => "օ񾆿", 'from_approval_process' => "from approval process", 'from_review_process' => "from review process", 'global_default_keywords' => "࿅촅", 'goto' => "셾", 'group' => "", 'group_already_approved' => "An approval has already been submitted on behalf of group", 'group_already_reviewed' => "A review has already been submitted on behalf of group", 'group_approvers' => "Group Approvers", 'group_email_sent' => "Email sent to group members", 'group_exists' => "Group already exists.", 'group_management' => "", 'group_members' => "Ʌ", 'group_reviewers' => "Group Reviewers", 'group_unable_to_add' => "Unable to add group", 'group_unable_to_remove' => "Unable to remove group", 'groups' => "", 'guest_login' => "ш󈦽֩", 'guest_login_disabled' => "Guest login is disabled.", 'individual_approvers' => "Individual Approvers", 'individual_reviewers' => "Individual Reviewers", 'individuals' => "Individuals", 'inherits_access_msg' => "DžɈ󽇠", 'inherits_access_copy_msg' => "Ʌ", 'inherits_access_empty_msg' => "䆼Ʌ", 'internal_error' => "Internal error", 'internal_error_exit' => "Internal error. Unable to complete request. Exiting.", 'invalid_access_mode' => "Invalid Access Mode", 'invalid_action' => "Invalid Action", 'invalid_approval_status' => "Invalid Approval Status", 'invalid_create_date_end' => "Invalid end date for creation date range.", 'invalid_create_date_start' => "Invalid start date for creation date range.", 'invalid_doc_id' => "Invalid Document ID", 'invalid_folder_id' => "Invalid Folder ID", 'invalid_group_id' => "Invalid Group ID", 'invalid_link_id' => "Invalid link identifier", 'invalid_request_token' => "Invalid Request Token", 'invalid_review_status' => "Invalid Review Status", 'invalid_sequence' => "Invalid sequence value", 'invalid_status' => "Invalid Document Status", 'invalid_target_doc_id' => "Invalid Target Document ID", 'invalid_target_folder' => "Invalid Target Folder ID", 'invalid_user_id' => "Invalid User ID", 'invalid_version' => "Invalid Document Version", 'is_admin' => "Administrator Privilege", 'js_no_approval_group' => "Please select a approval group", 'js_no_approval_status' => "Please select the approval status", 'js_no_comment' => "Ɔ눬", 'js_no_email' => "ф䉢ɉⴄ", 'js_no_file' => "焹Dž", 'js_no_keywords' => "ш초", 'js_no_login' => "х֖", 'js_no_name' => "х쇿", 'js_no_override_status' => "Please select the new [override] status", 'js_no_pwd' => "鿉Ljц鿇䅯", 'js_no_query' => "цш຅", 'js_no_review_group' => "Please select a review group", 'js_no_review_status' => "Please select the review status", 'js_pwd_not_conf' => "腯󦈬຅섹Lj", 'js_select_user' => "焹Dž", 'js_select_user_or_group' => "焹Dž", 'keyword_exists' => "Keyword already exists", 'keywords' => "초", 'language' => "", 'last_update' => "ц", 'last_updated_by' => "Last updated by", 'latest_version' => "Latest Version", 'linked_documents' => "", 'local_file' => "", 'lock_document' => "", 'lock_message' => "ꅸ[username]܃
Ʉůф()", 'lock_status' => "܇dž", 'locking_document' => "...", 'logged_in_as' => "֩", 'login' => "֩", 'login_error_text' => "Error signing in. User ID or password incorrect.", 'login_error_title' => "Sign in error", 'login_not_found' => "֖셡", 'login_not_given' => "No username has been supplied", 'login_ok' => "Sign in successful", 'logout' => "֩", 'mime_type' => "Mime", 'move' => "Move", 'move_document' => "", 'move_folder' => "օ", 'moving_document' => "...", 'moving_folder' => "օ...", 'msg_document_expired' => "\"[documentname]\" (揭 \"[path]\") 􅣿[expires]Ć", 'msg_document_updated' => "\"[documentname]\" (揭 \"[path]\") [updated]酩", 'my_account' => "䅹֖", 'my_documents' => "My Documents", 'name' => "쇿", 'new_default_keyword_category' => "", 'new_default_keywords' => "촅", 'new_equals_old_state' => "Warning: Proposed status and existing status are identical. No action required.", 'new_user_image' => "ງ", 'no' => "ɪ", 'no_action' => "No action required", 'no_action_required' => "n/a", 'no_active_user_docs' => "There are currently no documents owned by the user that require review or approval.", 'no_approvers' => "No approvers assigned.", 'no_default_keywords' => "Ɔů촅", 'no_docs_to_approve' => "There are currently no documents that require approval.", 'no_docs_to_review' => "There are currently no documents that require review.", 'no_document_links' => "Ɔ뇢", 'no_documents' => "Ɔ놬", 'no_group_members' => "䆙ƆɅ", 'no_groups' => "Ɔ넻", 'no_previous_versions' => "No other versions found", 'no_reviewers' => "No reviewers assigned.", 'no_subfolders' => "Ɔ녡Ɉօ", 'no_update_cause_locked' => "鿄⻆ꏭ܄", 'no_user_image' => "Ɔ뾅ꗇງ", 'not_approver' => "User is not currently assigned as an approver of this document revision.", 'not_reviewer' => "User is not currently assigned as a reviewer of this document revision.", 'notify_subject' => "ꇫĆ䆬", 'obsolete' => "Obsolete", 'old_folder' => "old folder", 'only_jpg_user_images' => "ງŬх .JPG(JPEG) ᭅ", 'op_finished' => "Ʌ", 'operation_not_allowed' => "鿇䆼Ʉ", 'override_content_status' => "Override Status", 'override_content_status_complete' => "Override Status Complete", 'override_privilege_insufficient' => "Access denied. Privileges insufficient to override the status of this document.", 'overview' => "Overview", 'owner' => "dž넦", 'password' => "", 'pending_approval' => "Documents pending approval", 'pending_review' => "Documents pending review", 'personal_default_keywords' => "촅", 'previous_versions' => "Previous Versions", 'rejected' => "Rejected", 'released' => "Released", 'remove_document_link' => "ꬉ", 'remove_member' => "ꬉɅ", 'removed_approver' => "has been removed from the list of approvers.", 'removed_reviewer' => "has been removed from the list of reviewers.", 'removing_default_keyword_category' => "ꬉ...", 'removing_default_keywords' => "ꬉ촅...", 'removing_document' => "ꬉ...", 'removing_document_link' => "ꬉ燢...", 'removing_folder' => "ꬉօ...", 'removing_group' => "ꬉ...", 'removing_member' => "䄹ꬉɅ...", 'removing_user' => "ꬉ...", 'removing_version' => "ꆣ [version] ...", 'review_document' => "Review Document", 'review_document_complete' => "Review Document: Complete", 'review_document_complete_records_updated' => "Document review completed and records updated", 'review_group' => "Review Group", 'review_status' => "Review Status", 'review_summary' => "Review Summary", 'review_update_failed' => "Error updating review status. Update failed.", 'reviewer_added' => "added as a reviewer", 'reviewer_already_assigned' => "is already assigned as a reviewer", 'reviewer_already_removed' => "has already been removed from review process or has already submitted a review", 'reviewer_no_privilege' => "is not sufficiently privileged to review this document", 'reviewer_removed' => "removed from review process", 'reviewers' => "Reviewers", 'rm_default_keyword_category' => "ꬉ񈨙", 'rm_default_keywords' => "ꬉ촅", 'rm_document' => "ꬉ", 'rm_folder' => "ꬉօ", 'rm_group' => "ꬉ", 'rm_user' => "ꬉ", 'rm_version' => "ꆣ", 'root_folder' => "᠈օ", 'save' => "䙅", 'search' => "ɣ", 'search_in' => "ɣ䅣", 'search_in_all' => "džօ", 'search_in_current' => "Ŭ([foldername]) ɽɈօ", 'search_mode' => "ɣ텭", 'search_mode_and' => "dž䈨", 'search_mode_or' => "憣넹Dž", 'search_no_results' => "Ɔ놬ꇼꆖш󥄩", 'search_query' => "ɣ", 'search_report' => " [count] ꇼꆖш󥄩\", 'search_result_pending_approval' => "status 'pending approval'", 'search_result_pending_review' => "status 'pending review'", 'search_results' => "ɣɆ", 'search_results_access_filtered' => "Search results may contain content to which access has been denied.", 'search_time' => "ш鏭 [time] ƃ", 'select_one' => "ൄ", 'selected_document' => "䆬", 'selected_folder' => "օ", 'selection' => "Selection", 'seq_after' => "\"[prevname]\"", 'seq_end' => "DžDž", 'seq_keep' => "섻쇻", 'seq_start' => "Dž", 'sequence' => "щ兦", 'set_default_access' => "Set Default Access Mode", 'set_expiry' => "Set Expiry", 'set_owner' => "܆dž넦", 'set_reviewers_approvers' => "Assign Reviewers and Approvers", 'setting_expires' => "܉Ǿ...", 'setting_owner' => "܆dž넦...", 'setting_user_image' => "
馄܇ງ...", 'show_all_versions' => "Show All Revisions", 'show_current_versions' => "Show Current", 'start' => "", 'status' => "Status", 'status_approval_rejected' => "Draft rejected", 'status_approved' => "Approved", 'status_approver_removed' => "Approver removed from process", 'status_change_summary' => "Document revision changed from status '[oldstatus]' to status '[newstatus]'.", 'status_changed_by' => "Status changed by", 'status_not_approved' => "Not approved", 'status_not_reviewed' => "Not reviewed", 'status_reviewed' => "Reviewed", 'status_reviewer_rejected' => "Draft rejected", 'status_reviewer_removed' => "Reviewer removed from process", 'status_unknown' => "Unknown", 'subfolder_list' => "Ɉօ", 'submit_approval' => "Submit approval", 'submit_login' => "Sign in", 'submit_review' => "Submit review", 'theme' => "֯", 'unable_to_add' => "Unable to add", 'unable_to_remove' => "Unable to remove", 'under_folder' => "օ", 'unknown_command' => "Command not recognized.", 'unknown_group' => "Unknown group id", 'unknown_keyword_category' => "Unknown category", 'unknown_owner' => "Unknown owner id", 'unknown_user' => "Unknown user id", 'unlock_cause_access_mode_all' => "馆鿆녡\"all\"鿄䵅ůц醢܅笅", 'unlock_cause_locking_user' => "馆鿄܄Ǐ鿄䵅ůц醢܅笅", 'unlock_document' => "", 'unlocking_denied' => "鿇䆼Ʉ숵ш", 'unlocking_document' => "ꈺ...", 'update' => "Update", 'update_approvers' => "Update List of Approvers", 'update_document' => "", 'update_info' => "Update Information", 'update_locked_msg' => "܇dž", 'update_reviewers' => "Update List of Reviewers", 'update_reviewers_approvers' => "Update List of Reviewers and Approvers", 'updated_by' => "Updated by", 'updating_document' => "ꆢ...", 'upload_date' => "ц", 'uploaded' => "Uploaded", 'uploaded_by' => "Ʉ", 'uploading_failed' => "燫", 'use_default_keywords' => "Ʌꅫ܇촅", 'user' => "", 'user_already_approved' => "User has already submitted an approval of this document version", 'user_already_reviewed' => "User has already submitted a review of this document version", 'user_approval_not_required' => "No document approval required of user at this time.", 'user_exists' => "User already exists.", 'user_image' => "ງ", 'user_info' => "User Information", 'user_list' => "", 'user_login' => "֖", 'user_management' => "", 'user_name' => "࿅", 'user_removed_approver' => "User has been removed from the list of individual approvers.", 'user_removed_reviewer' => "User has been removed from the list of individual reviewers.", 'user_review_not_required' => "No document review required of user at this time.", 'users' => "", 'version' => "ꆣ", 'version_info' => "Version Information", 'version_under_approval' => "Version under approval", 'version_under_review' => "Version under review", 'view_document' => "View Document", 'view_online' => "܄ň", 'warning' => "Warning", 'wrong_pwd' => "숨", 'yes' => "", 'already_subscribed' => "Target is already subscribed.", // New as of 1.7.1. Require updated translation. 'documents' => "Documents", 'folders' => "Folders", 'no_folders' => "No folders", 'notification_summary' => "Notification Summary", // New as of 1.7.2 'all_pages' => "All", 'results_page' => "Results Page", // New 'sign_out' => "sign out", 'signed_in_as' => "Signed in as", 'assign_reviewers' => "Assign Reviewers", 'assign_approvers' => "Assign Approvers", 'override_status' => "Override Status", 'change_status' => "Change Status", 'change_assignments' => "Change Assignments", 'no_user_docs' => "There are currently no documents owned by the user", 'disclaimer' => "This is a classified area. Access is permitted only to authorized personnel. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the english and international laws.", 'backup_tools' => "Backup tools", 'versioning_file_creation' => "Versioning file creation", 'archive_creation' => "Archive creation", 'files_deletion' => "Files deletion", 'folder' => "Folder", 'unknown_id' => "unknown id", 'help' => "Help", 'versioning_info' => "Versioning info", 'versioning_file_creation_warning' => "With this operation you can create a file containing the versioning information of an entire DMS folder. After the creation every file will be saved inside the document folder.", 'archive_creation_warning' => "With this operation you can create achive containing the files of entire DMS folders. After the creation the archive will be saved in the data folder of your server.
WARNING: an archive created as human readable will be unusable as server backup.", 'files_deletion_warning' => "With this option you can delete all files of entire DMS folders. The versioning information will remain visible.", 'backup_list' => "Existings backup list", 'backup_remove' => "Remove backup file", 'confirm_rm_backup' => "Do you really want to remove the file \"[arkname]\"?
Be careful: This action cannot be undone.", 'document_deleted' => "Document deleted", 'linked_files' => "Attachments", 'invalid_file_id' => "Invalid file ID", 'rm_file' => "Remove file", 'confirm_rm_file' => "Do you really want to remove file \"[name]\" of document \"[documentname]\"?
Be careful: This action cannot be undone.", 'edit_comment' => "Edit comment", // new from 1.9 'is_hidden' => "Hide from users list", 'log_management' => "Log files management", 'confirm_rm_log' => "Do you really want to remove log file \"[logname]\"?
Be careful: This action cannot be undone.", 'include_subdirectories' => "Include subdirectories", 'include_documents' => "Include documents", 'manager' => "Manager", 'toggle_manager' => "Toggle manager", // new from 2.0 'calendar' => "Calendar", 'week_view' => "Week view", 'month_view' => "Month view", 'year_view' => "Year View", 'add_event' => "Add event", 'edit_event' => "Edit event", 'january' => "January", 'february' => "February", 'march' => "March", 'april' => "April", 'may' => "May", 'june' => "June", 'july' => "July", 'august' => "August", 'september' => "September", 'october' => "October", 'november' => "November", 'december' => "December", 'sunday' => "Sunday", 'monday' => "Monday", 'tuesday' => "Tuesday", 'wednesday' => "Wednesday", 'thursday' => "Thursday", 'friday' => "Friday", 'saturday' => "Saturday", 'from' => "From", 'to' => "To", 'event_details' => "Event details", 'confirm_rm_event' => "Do you really want to remove event \"[name]\"?
Be careful: This action cannot be undone.", 'dump_creation' => "DB dump creation", 'dump_creation_warning' => "With this operation you can create a dump file of your database content. After the creation the dump file will be saved in the data folder of your server.", 'dump_list' => "Existings dump files", 'dump_remove' => "Remove dump file", 'confirm_rm_dump' => "Do you really want to remove the file \"[dumpname]\"?
Be careful: This action cannot be undone.", 'confirm_rm_user' => "Do you really want to remove the user \"[username]\"?
Be careful: This action cannot be undone.", 'confirm_rm_group' => "Do you really want to remove the group \"[groupname]\"?
Be careful: This action cannot be undone.", 'human_readable' => "Human readable archive", 'email_header' => "This is an automatic message from the DMS server.", 'email_footer' => "You can always change your e-mail settings using 'My Account' functions", 'add_multiple_files' => "Add multiple files (will use filename as document name)", // new from 2.0.1 'max_upload_size' => "Maximum upload size for each file", // new from 2.0.2 'space_used_on_data_folder' => "Space used on data folder", 'assign_user_property_to' => "Assign user's properties to", ); ?>