isGuest()) { UI::exitError(getMLText("my_account"),getMLText("access_denied")); } // Get list of subscriptions for documents or folders for user or groups function getNotificationList($as_group, $folders) { global $user,$db; // First, get the list of groups of which the user is a member. if ($as_group){ $groups = $user->getGroups(); if (count($groups)==0) return NULL; $grpList = ""; foreach ($groups as $group) { $grpList .= (strlen($grpList)==0 ? "" : ", ") . $group->getID(); } $queryStr = "SELECT `tblNotify`.* FROM `tblNotify` ". "WHERE `tblNotify`.`groupID` IN (". $grpList .")"; }else{ $queryStr = "SELECT `tblNotify`.* FROM `tblNotify` ". "WHERE `tblNotify`.`userID` = '". $user->getID()."'" ; } $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); $ret=array(); foreach ($resArr as $res){ if (($res["targetType"] == T_DOCUMENT)&&(!$folders)) $ret[]=$res["target"]; if (($res["targetType"] == T_FOLDER)&&($folders)) $ret[]=$res["target"]; } return $ret; } function printFolderNotificationList($ret,$deleteaction=true) { global $dms; if (count($ret)==0) { printMLText("empty_notify_list"); } else { print ""; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n\n"; foreach($ret as $ID) { $fld = $dms->getFolder($ID); if (is_object($fld)) { $owner = $fld->getOwner(); print ""; print ""; print "\n"; print ""; print ""; } } print "
" . $fld->getName() . "".$owner->getFullName()."
"; } } function printDocumentNotificationList($ret,$deleteaction=true) { global $dms; if (count($ret)==0) { printMLText("empty_notify_list"); } else { print ""; print "\n\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n\n"; foreach ($ret as $ID) { $doc = $dms->getDocument($ID); if (is_object($doc)) { $owner = $doc->getOwner(); $latest = $doc->getLatestContent(); $status = $latest->getStatus(); print "\n"; print ""; print "\n"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "\n"; } } print "
" . $doc->getName() . "".$owner->getFullName()."".getOverallStatusText($status["status"])."".$latest->getVersion()."
"; } } UI::htmlStartPage(getMLText("my_account")); UI::globalNavigation(); UI::pageNavigation(getMLText("my_account"), "my_account"); UI::contentHeading(getMLText("edit_existing_notify")); UI::contentContainerStart(); print "
"; UI::contentSubHeading(getMLText("choose_target_folder")); UI::printFolderChooser("form1",M_READ); print ""; print getMLText("include_subdirectories"); print ""; print getMLText("include_documents"); print "  "; print "
"; print "
"; UI::contentSubHeading(getMLText("choose_target_document")); UI::printDocumentChooser("form2"); print "  "; print "
"; UI::contentContainerEnd(); // // Display the results. // UI::contentHeading(getMLText("edit_folder_notify")); UI::contentContainerStart(); UI::contentSubHeading(getMLText("user")); $ret=getNotificationList(false,true); printFolderNotificationList($ret); UI::contentSubHeading(getMLText("group")); $ret=getNotificationList(true,true); printFolderNotificationList($ret,false); UI::contentContainerEnd(); UI::contentHeading(getMLText("edit_document_notify")); UI::contentContainerStart(); UI::contentSubHeading(getMLText("user")); $ret=getNotificationList(false,false); printDocumentNotificationList($ret); UI::contentSubHeading(getMLText("group")); $ret=getNotificationList(true,false); printDocumentNotificationList($ret,false); UI::contentContainerEnd(); UI::htmlEndPage(); ?>