NOTE: creare il db mydms crere utente mydms con permessi sul db mysql -D mydms -u mydms -pmydms < create_tables.sql installare adodb versione 4 modificare inc/inc.Settings.php ------------------------------------------------------------------- MyDMS 1.7.2 Installation Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Requirements MyDMS is a web-based application written in PHP. It uses the MySQL RDBMS to manage the documents that are loaded into the application. Make sure you have PHP 4.0 or higher installed, and MySQL 4 or higher. MyDMS will work with PHP running in CGI-mode as well as running as module under apache. If you want to give your users the opportunity of uploading passport photos you have to enable the gd-library (but the rest of MyDMS will work without gd, too). You will also need to download and install the ADODB database abstraction library from since MyDMS relies upon it for all database connectivity. 2. Installation & Configuration Unzip the downloaded file ( in a directory that is accessible via your web server. You will also need to create a directory where the uploaded files are stored. This directory should not be accessible via your web-server for security reasons (create it outside of your www-root directory or put an appropriate .htaccess file in it). Download the ADODB package from SourceForge. The URL for the ADODB project page is: Extract the distribution into a suitable directory. For example, one can extract the files into the MyDMS root directory. Next you should set up your Database. Use the included script create_tables.sql. Since the exact procedure differs on the different database-systems I cannot give you a detailed instruction here. Post any questions concering this problem to the MyDMS-Forum. In general, create the database, make sure that the database has been selected (e.g. "USE mydms;"), then run the script. As of 1.6.0, you must make sure that the database user has "create temporary table" privileges. N.B. If the create_tables.sql script fails, it may be because the database has been configured to use InnoDB tables by default instead of MyISAM tables. If this is the case, it will be necessary to alter the sript such that each create table command has the text " ENGINE = MyISAM" appended to the end, immediately prior to the semi-colon. For example: Before: CREATE TABLE `tblDocumentLocks` ( `document` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `userID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`document`) ) ; After: CREATE TABLE `tblDocumentLocks` ( `document` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `userID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`document`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM ; Now edit the configuration file. First, go to the "inc" directory and copy (or move) "inc.Settings-sample.php" to "inc.Settings.php". Open the file and set the variables to the correct values (you will find a short description for each variable in the file itself). TIP: You can find out your root-directory by placing the following line into a php-file: Open it with your browser and look for "DOCUMENT_ROOT". When running into problems with the db-settings, read the readme-file in the adodb-directory or post questions to the MyDMS-Forum. By default PHP allows only files to be uploaded that are up to 2Mb in size. You can change this limit by editing php.ini: Search for "upload_max_filesize" and set it to the appropriate value (you should also change the value for "post_max_size" and make sure that your web-server does not limit the size either). 3. Email Notification A new, re-vamped Notification system allows users to receive an email when a document or folder is changed. This is a new, event-based mechanism that notifies the user as soon as the change has been made and replaces the cron mechanism originally developed. Any user that has read access to a document or folder can subscribe to be notified of changes. Users that have been assigned as reviewers or approvers for a document are automatically added to the notification system for that document. A new page has been created for users to assist with the management of their notification subscriptions. This can be found in the "My Account" section under "Notification List". 4. Auto-conversion to HTML Version 1.3.0 introduces a new feature: Documents can automatically be converted to HTML when uploading. You can enable this feature by setting $_enableConverting (in inc.Settings.php) to true. You will also need to edit $_convertFileTypes (again in inc.Settings.php). This array defines which file-types are converted and how. Under windows Word-, Excel- and Powerpoint-Files are automatically converted using js-Scipts and MS-Office. I tested it with Office 2000 and it worked just fine. Under Linux mswordview is used to convert Word-Files by default. Warning: Getting this feature working can be very tricky but if it works it is a great enhancement I think. Especially IIS could cause problems with its IIS-Guest-Account not having enough rights to execute Word or Excel... You will also have to edit your httpd.conf to be able to view the converted files online. Load mod_rewrite and add to following lines to your conf: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.*)viewonline/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.+)$ RewriteRule (.*)viewonline/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.+)$ $1op.ViewOnline.php?request=$2:$3 [PT] IIS Users can download the IIS Rewrite Engine for example: Post any questions to the MyDMS forum, please. 5. Nearly finished Now point your browser to and login with "admin" both as username and password. After having logged in you should first choose "My Account" and change the Administrator's password and email-address.