_rootDir . "languages/" . $settings->_language . "/lang.inc"; function _printMessage($heading, $message) { global $theme; $view = UI::factory($theme, 'ErrorDlg'); $view->exitError($heading, $message, true); return; } $tmp = explode('.', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); $controller = Controller::factory($tmp[1]); if (isset($_REQUEST["sesstheme"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["sesstheme"])>0 && is_numeric(array_search($_REQUEST["sesstheme"],UI::getStyles())) ) { $theme = $_REQUEST["sesstheme"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["login"])) { $login = $_REQUEST["login"]; $login = str_replace("*", "", $login); } if (!isset($login) || strlen($login)==0) { _printMessage(getMLText("login_error_title"), getMLText("login_not_given")."\n"); exit; } $pwd = ''; if(isset($_POST['pwd'])) { $pwd = (string) $_POST["pwd"]; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $pwd = stripslashes($pwd); } } if($settings->_enableGuestLogin && (int) $settings->_guestID) { $guestUser = $dms->getUser((int) $settings->_guestID); if ((!isset($pwd) || strlen($pwd)==0) && ($login != $guestUser->getLogin())) { _printMessage(getMLText("login_error_title"), getMLText("login_error_text")."\n"); exit; } } /* Initialy set $user to false. It will contain a valid user record * if authentication against ldap succeeds. * _ldapHost will only have a value if the ldap connector has been enabled */ $user = false; if(isset($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['authentication'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['authentication'] as $authObj) { if(method_exists($authObj, 'authenticate')) { $user = $authObj->authenticate($dms, $settings, $login, $pwd); if(is_object($user)) $userid = $user->getID(); } } } if (is_bool($user)) { if (isset($settings->_ldapHost) && strlen($settings->_ldapHost)>0) { if (isset($settings->_ldapPort) && is_int($settings->_ldapPort)) { $ds = ldap_connect($settings->_ldapHost, $settings->_ldapPort); } else { $ds = ldap_connect($settings->_ldapHost); } if (!is_bool($ds)) { /* Check if ldap base dn is set, and use ldap server if it is */ if (isset($settings->_ldapBaseDN)) { $ldapSearchAttribut = "uid="; $tmpDN = "uid=".$login.",".$settings->_ldapBaseDN; } /* Active directory has a different base dn */ if (isset($settings->_ldapType)) { if ($settings->_ldapType==1) { $ldapSearchAttribut = "sAMAccountName="; $tmpDN = $login.'@'.$settings->_ldapAccountDomainName; // Add the following if authentication with an Active Dir doesn't work // See https://sourceforge.net/p/seeddms/discussion/general/thread/19c70d8d/ // and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6222641/how-to-php-ldap-search-to-get-user-ou-if-i-dont-know-the-ou-for-base-dn ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); } } // Ensure that the LDAP connection is set to use version 3 protocol. // Required for most authentication methods, including SASL. ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); // try an authenticated/anonymous bind first. // If it succeeds, get the DN for the user and use it for an authentication // with the users password. $bind = false; if (isset($settings->_ldapBindDN)) { $bind = @ldap_bind($ds, $settings->_ldapBindDN, $settings->_ldapBindPw); } else { $bind = @ldap_bind($ds); } $dn = false; /* If bind succeed, then get the dn of for the user */ if ($bind) { $search = ldap_search($ds, $settings->_ldapBaseDN, $ldapSearchAttribut.$login); if (!is_bool($search)) { $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search); if (!is_bool($info) && $info["count"]>0) { $dn = $info[0]['dn']; } } } /* If the previous bind failed, try it with the users creditionals * by simply setting $dn to a default string */ if (is_bool($dn)) { $dn = $tmpDN; } /* No do the actual authentication of the user */ $bind = @ldap_bind($ds, $dn, $pwd); if ($bind) { // Successfully authenticated. Now check to see if the user exists within // the database. If not, add them in if _restricted is not set, // but do not add their password. $user = $dms->getUserByLogin($login); if (is_bool($user) && !$settings->_restricted) { // Retrieve the user's LDAP information. $search = ldap_search($ds, $settings->_ldapBaseDN, $ldapSearchAttribut . $login); } $bind = @ldap_bind($ds, $dn, $pwd); if ($bind) { // Successfully authenticated. Now check to see if the user exists within // the database. If not, add them in, but do not add their password. $user = $dms->getUserByLogin($login); if (is_bool($user) && !$settings->_restricted) { // Retrieve the user's LDAP information. /* new code by doudoux - TO BE TESTED */ $search = ldap_search($ds, $settings->_ldapBaseDN, $ldapSearchAttribut . $login); /* old code */ //$search = ldap_search($ds, $dn, "uid=".$login); if (!is_bool($search)) { $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search); if (!is_bool($info) && $info["count"]==1 && $info[0]["count"]>0) { $user = $dms->addUser($login, null, $info[0]['cn'][0], $info[0]['mail'][0], $settings->_language, $settings->_theme, ""); } } } if (!is_bool($user)) { $userid = $user->getID(); } } ldap_close($ds); } } } } if (is_bool($user)) { // // LDAP Authentication did not succeed or is not configured. Try internal // authentication system. // // Try to find user with given login. $user = $dms->getUserByLogin($login); if (!$user) { _printMessage(getMLText("login_error_title"), getMLText("login_error_text")); exit; } $userid = $user->getID(); if (($userid == $settings->_guestID) && (!$settings->_enableGuestLogin)) { _printMessage(getMLText("login_error_title"), getMLText("guest_login_disabled")); exit; } // Check if password matches (if not a guest user) // Assume that the password has been sent via HTTP POST. It would be careless // (and dangerous) for passwords to be sent via GET. if (($userid != $settings->_guestID) && (md5($pwd) != $user->getPwd())) { _printMessage(getMLText("login_error_title"), getMLText("login_error_text")); /* if counting of login failures is turned on, then increment its value */ if($settings->_loginFailure) { $failures = $user->addLoginFailure(); if($failures >= $settings->_loginFailure) $user->setDisabled(true); } exit; } // Check if account is disabled if($user->isDisabled()) { _printMessage(getMLText("login_disabled_title"), getMLText("login_disabled_text")); exit; } // control admin IP address if required // TODO: extend control to LDAP autentication if ($user->isAdmin() && ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $settings->_adminIP ) && ( $settings->_adminIP != "") ){ _printMessage(getMLText("login_error_title"), getMLText("invalid_user_id")); exit; } /* Clear login failures if login was successful */ $user->clearLoginFailures(); } // Capture the user's language and theme settings. if (isset($_REQUEST["lang"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["lang"])>0 && is_numeric(array_search($_REQUEST["lang"],getLanguages())) ) { $lang = $_REQUEST["lang"]; $user->setLanguage($lang); } else { $lang = $user->getLanguage(); if (strlen($lang)==0) { $lang = $settings->_language; $user->setLanguage($lang); } } if (isset($_REQUEST["sesstheme"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["sesstheme"])>0 && is_numeric(array_search($_REQUEST["sesstheme"],UI::getStyles())) ) { $sesstheme = $_REQUEST["sesstheme"]; $user->setTheme($sesstheme); } else { $sesstheme = $user->getTheme(); if (strlen($sesstheme)==0) { $sesstheme = $settings->_theme; $user->setTheme($sesstheme); } } $session = new SeedDMS_Session($db); // Delete all sessions that are more than 1 week or the configured // cookie lifetime old. Probably not the most // reliable place to put this check -- move to inc.Authentication.php? if($settings->_cookieLifetime) $lifetime = intval($settings->_cookieLifetime); else $lifetime = 7*86400; if(!$session->deleteByTime($lifetime)) { _printMessage(getMLText("login_error_title"), getMLText("error_occured").": ".$db->getErrorMsg()); exit; } if (isset($_COOKIE["mydms_session"])) { /* This part will never be reached unless the session cookie is kept, * but op.Logout.php deletes it. Keeping a session could be a good idea * for retaining the clipboard data, but the user id in the session should * be set to 0 which is not possible due to foreign key constraints. * So for now op.Logout.php will delete the cookie as always */ /* Load session */ $dms_session = $_COOKIE["mydms_session"]; if(!$resArr = $session->load($dms_session)) { /* Turn off http only cookies if jumploader is enabled */ setcookie("mydms_session", $dms_session, time()-3600, $settings->_httpRoot, null, null, !$settings->_enableLargeFileUpload); //delete cookie header("Location: " . $settings->_httpRoot . "out/out.Login.php?referuri=".$refer); exit; } else { $session->updateAccess($dms_session); $session->setUser($userid); } } else { // Create new session in database if(!$id = $session->create(array('userid'=>$userid, 'theme'=>$sesstheme, 'lang'=>$lang))) { _printMessage(getMLText("login_error_title"), getMLText("error_occured").": ".$db->getErrorMsg()); exit; } // Set the session cookie. if($settings->_cookieLifetime) $lifetime = time() + intval($settings->_cookieLifetime); else $lifetime = 0; setcookie("mydms_session", $id, $lifetime, $settings->_httpRoot, null, null, !$settings->_enableLargeFileUpload); } // TODO: by the PHP manual: The superglobals $_GET and $_REQUEST are already decoded. // Using urldecode() on an element in $_GET or $_REQUEST could have unexpected and dangerous results. if (isset($_POST["referuri"]) && strlen($_POST["referuri"])>0) { $referuri = trim(urldecode($_POST["referuri"])); } else if (isset($_GET["referuri"]) && strlen($_GET["referuri"])>0) { $referuri = trim(urldecode($_GET["referuri"])); } $controller->setParam('user', $user); $controller->setParam('session', $session); $controller->run(); add_log_line(); if (isset($referuri) && strlen($referuri)>0) { header("Location: http".((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (strcmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'],'off')!=0)) ? "s" : "")."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $referuri); } else { header("Location: ".$settings->_httpRoot.(isset($settings->_siteDefaultPage) && strlen($settings->_siteDefaultPage)>0 ? $settings->_siteDefaultPage : "out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".($user->getHomeFolder() ? $user->getHomeFolder() : $settings->_rootFolderID))); } //_printMessage(getMLText("login_ok"), // "


"); ?>