theme = $theme;
$this->params = $params;
$this->imgpath = '../views/'.$theme.'/images/';
$this->extraheader = array('js'=>'', 'css'=>'');
$this->footerjs = array();
* Add javascript to an internal array which is output at the
* end of the page within a document.ready() function.
* @param string $script javascript to be added
function addFooterJS($script) { /* {{{ */
$this->footerjs[] = $script;
} /* }}} */
function htmlStartPage($title="", $bodyClass="", $base="", $httpheader=array()) { /* {{{ */
if(1 || method_exists($this, 'js')) {
/* We still need unsafe-eval, because printDocumentChooserHtml and
* printFolderChooserHtml will include a javascript file with ajax
* which is evaled by jquery
* worker-src blob: is needed for cytoscape
* X-WebKit-CSP is deprecated, Chrome understands Content-Security-Policy
* since version 25+
* X-Content-Security-Policy is deprecated, Firefox understands
* Content-Security-Policy since version 23+
$csp_rules = "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; worker-src blob:;"; // style-src 'self';";
foreach (array("X-WebKit-CSP", "X-Content-Security-Policy", "Content-Security-Policy") as $csp) {
header($csp . ": " . $csp_rules);
if($httpheader) {
foreach($httpheader as $name=>$value) {
header($name . ": " . $value);
$hookObjs = $this->getHookObjects('SeedDMS_View_Bootstrap');
foreach($hookObjs as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'startPage')) {
echo "\n";
echo "\n
} /* }}} */
* Returns the html needed for the clipboard list in the menu
* This function renders the clipboard in a way suitable to be
* used as a menu
* @param array $clipboard clipboard containing two arrays for both
* documents and folders.
* @return string html code
function __menuTasks($tasks) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
$content = '';
// $content .= "
} /* }}} */
function pageList($pageNumber, $totalPages, $baseURI, $params) { /* {{{ */
$maxpages = 25; // skip pages when more than this is shown
$range = 5; // pages left and right of current page
if (!is_numeric($pageNumber) || !is_numeric($totalPages) || $totalPages<2) {
// Construct the basic URI based on the $_GET array. One could use a
// regular expression to strip out the pg (page number) variable to
// achieve the same effect. This seems to be less haphazard though...
$resultsURI = $baseURI;
foreach ($params as $key=>$value) {
// Don't include the page number in the basic URI. This is added in
// during the list display loop.
if (!strcasecmp($key, "pg")) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $subkey=>$subvalue) {
$resultsURI .= ($first ? "?" : "&").$key."%5B".$subkey."%5D=".$subvalue;
$first = false;
else {
$resultsURI .= ($first ? "?" : "&").$key."=".$value;
$first = false;
echo "
if($enableRecursiveCount) {
if($user->isAdmin()) {
/* No need to check for access rights in countChildren() for
* admin. So pass 0 as the limit.
$cc = $subFolder->countChildren($user, 0);
$content .= $cc['folder_count']." ".getMLText("folders")." ".$cc['document_count']." ".getMLText("documents");
} else {
$cc = $subFolder->countChildren($user, $maxRecursiveCount);
if($maxRecursiveCount > 5000)
$rr = 100.0;
$rr = 10.0;
$content .= (!$cc['folder_precise'] ? '~'.(round($cc['folder_count']/$rr)*$rr) : $cc['folder_count'])." ".getMLText("folders")." ".(!$cc['document_precise'] ? '~'.(round($cc['document_count']/$rr)*$rr) : $cc['document_count'])." ".getMLText("documents");
} else {
/* FIXME: the following is very inefficient for just getting the number of
* subfolders and documents. Making it more efficient is difficult, because
* the access rights need to be checked.
$subsub = $subFolder->getSubFolders();
$subsub = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subsub, $user, M_READ);
$subdoc = $subFolder->getDocuments();
$subdoc = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subdoc, $user, M_READ);
$content .= count($subsub)." ".getMLText("folders")." ".count($subdoc)." ".getMLText("documents");
$content .= "
return $content;
} /* }}} */
* Output HTML Code for jumploader
* @param string $uploadurl URL where post data is send
* @param integer $folderid id of folder where document is saved
* @param integer $maxfiles maximum number of files allowed to upload
* @param array $fields list of post fields
function printUploadApplet($uploadurl, $attributes, $maxfiles=0, $fields=array()){ /* {{{ */
} /* }}} */
* Output HTML Code for jumploader
* @param string $uploadurl URL where post data is send
* @param integer $folderid id of folder where document is saved
* @param integer $maxfiles maximum number of files allowed to upload
* @param array $fields list of post fields
function printFineUploaderHtml($prefix='userfile') { /* {{{ */
id="-fine-uploader-uuids" name="-fine-uploader-uuids" value="" />
$(document).ready(function() {
uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
debug: false,
autoUpload: false,
multiple: ,
element: $('#-fine-uploader')[0],
template: 'qq-template',
request: {
endpoint: ''
0 ? '
validation: {
sizeLimit: '.$maxuploadsize.'
' : ''); ?>
chunking: {
enabled: true,
mandatory: true
messages: {
sizeError: '{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}.'
callbacks: {
onComplete: function(id, name, json, xhr) {
onAllComplete: function(succeeded, failed) {
var uuids = Array();
var names = Array();
for (var i = 0; i < succeeded.length; i++) {
/* Run upload only if all files could be uploaded */
if(succeeded.length > 0 && failed.length == 0)
onError: function(id, name, reason, xhr) {
text: reason,
type: 'error',
dismissQueue: true,
layout: 'topRight',
theme: 'defaultTheme',
timeout: 3500,
$document = $latestContent->getDocument();
$accessop = $this->params['accessobject'];
case "approval":
$statusList = $latestContent->getApprovalStatus(10);
case "revision":
$statusList = $latestContent->getRevisionStatus(10);
case "receipt":
$statusList = $latestContent->getReceiptStatus(10);
$statusList = array();
foreach($statusList as $rec) {
echo "
echo "
switch ($rec["type"]) {
case 0: // individual.
$required = $dms->getUser($rec["required"]);
if (!is_object($required)) {
$reqName = getMLText("unknown_user")." '".$rec["required"]."'";
} else {
$reqName = htmlspecialchars($required->getFullName()." (".$required->getLogin().")");
case 1: // Approver is a group.
$required = $dms->getGroup($rec["required"]);
if (!is_object($required)) {
$reqName = getMLText("unknown_group")." '".$rec["required"]."'";
else {
$reqName = "".htmlspecialchars($required->getName())."";
echo $reqName;
echo "