* @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ /** * Class to represent the database access for the document management * This class uses PDO for the actual database access. * * @category DMS * @package SeedDMS_Core * @author Uwe Steinmann * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess { /** * @var boolean set to true for debug mode */ public $_debug; /** * @var string name of database driver (mysql or sqlite) */ protected $_driver; /** * @var string name of hostname */ protected $_hostname; /** * @var int port number of database */ protected $_port; /** * @var string name of database */ protected $_database; /** * @var string name of database user */ protected $_user; /** * @var string password of database user */ protected $_passw; /** * @var object internal database connection */ private $_conn; /** * @var boolean set to true if connection to database is established */ private $_connected; /** * @var boolean set to true if temp. table for tree view has been created */ private $_ttreviewid; /** * @var boolean set to true if temp. table for approvals has been created */ private $_ttapproveid; /** * @var boolean set to true if temp. table for doc status has been created */ private $_ttstatid; /** * @var boolean set to true if temp. table for doc content has been created */ private $_ttcontentid; /** * @var boolean set to true if in a database transaction */ private $_intransaction; /** * @var string set a valid file name for logging all sql queries */ private $_logfile; /** * @var resource file pointer of log file */ private $_logfp; /** * @var boolean set to true if views instead of temp. tables shall be used */ private $_useviews; /** * Return list of all database tables * * This function is used to retrieve a list of database tables for backup * * @return string[]|bool list of table names */ function TableList() { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': $sql = "SELECT `TABLE_NAME` AS `name` FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA`='".$this->_database."' AND `TABLE_TYPE`='BASE TABLE'"; break; case 'sqlite': $sql = "SELECT tbl_name AS name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"; break; case 'pgsql': $sql = "select tablename as name from pg_catalog.pg_tables where schemaname='public'"; break; default: return false; } $arr = $this->getResultArray($sql); $res = array(); foreach($arr as $tmp) $res[] = $tmp['name']; return $res; } /* }}} */ /** * Check if database has a table * * This function will check if the database has a table with the given table name * * @return bool true if table exists, otherwise false */ function hasTable($name) { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': $sql = "SELECT `TABLE_NAME` AS `name` FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA`='".$this->_database."' AND `TABLE_TYPE`='BASE TABLE' AND `TABLE_NAME`=".$this->qstr($name); break; case 'sqlite': $sql = "SELECT tbl_name AS name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND `tbl_name`=".$this->qstr($name); break; case 'pgsql': $sql = "SELECT tablename AS name FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname='public' AND tablename=".$this->qstr($name); break; default: return false; } $arr = $this->getResultArray($sql); if($arr) return true; return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Return list of all database views * * This function is used to retrieve a list of database views * * @return array list of view names */ public function ViewList() { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': $sql = "select TABLE_NAME as name from information_schema.views where TABLE_SCHEMA='".$this->_database."'"; break; case 'sqlite': $sql = "select tbl_name as name from sqlite_master where type='view'"; break; case 'pgsql': $sql = "select viewname as name from pg_catalog.pg_views where schemaname='public'"; break; default: return false; } $arr = $this->getResultArray($sql); $res = array(); foreach($arr as $tmp) $res[] = $tmp['name']; return $res; } /* }}} */ /** * Constructor of SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess * * Sets all database parameters but does not connect. * * @param string $driver the database type e.g. mysql, sqlite * @param string $hostname host of database server * @param string $user name of user having access to database * @param string $passw password of user * @param bool|string $database name of database */ function __construct($driver, $hostname, $user, $passw, $database = false) { /* {{{ */ $this->_driver = $driver; $tmp = explode(":", $hostname); $this->_hostname = $tmp[0]; $this->_port = null; if(!empty($tmp[1])) $this->_port = $tmp[1]; $this->_database = $database; $this->_user = $user; $this->_passw = $passw; $this->_connected = false; $this->_logfile = ''; if($this->_logfile) { $this->_logfp = fopen($this->_logfile, 'a+'); if($this->_logfp) fwrite($this->_logfp, microtime()." BEGIN ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']." ------------------------------------------\n"); } else $this->_logfp = null; // $tt*****id is a hack to ensure that we do not try to create the // temporary table twice during a single connection. Can be fixed by // using Views (MySQL 5.0 onward) instead of temporary tables. // CREATE ... IF NOT EXISTS cannot be used because it has the // unpleasant side-effect of performing the insert again even if the // table already exists. // // See createTemporaryTable() method for implementation. $this->_ttreviewid = false; $this->_ttapproveid = false; $this->_ttstatid = false; $this->_ttcontentid = false; $this->_useviews = false; // turn off views, because they are much slower then temp. tables $this->_debug = false; } /* }}} */ /** * Return driver * * @return string name of driver as set in constructor */ public function getDriver() { /* {{{ */ return $this->_driver; } /* }}} */ /** * Turn on views instead of temp. tables * * @param bool $onoff turn use of views instead of temp. table on/off */ function useViews($onoff) { /* {{{ */ $this->_useviews = $onoff; } /* }}} */ /** * Destructor of SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess */ function __destruct() { /* {{{ */ if($this->_logfile && $this->_logfp) { fwrite($this->_logfp, microtime()." END --------------------------------------------\n"); fclose($this->_logfp); } } /* }}} */ /** * Set the file pointer to a log file * * Once it is set, all queries will be logged into this file */ function setLogFp($fp) { /* {{{ */ $this->_logfp = $fp; } /* }}} */ /** * Connect to database * * @return boolean true if connection could be established, otherwise false */ function connect() { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': case 'mysqlnd': case 'pgsql': $dsn = $this->_driver.":dbname=".$this->_database.";host=".$this->_hostname; if($this->_port) $dsn .= ";port=".$this->_port; break; case 'sqlite': $dsn = $this->_driver.":".$this->_database; break; } try { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ $this->_conn = new PDO($dsn, $this->_user, $this->_passw); if (!$this->_conn) return false; switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': $this->_conn->exec('SET NAMES utf8'); /* Turn this on if you want strict checking of default values, etc. */ /* $this->_conn->exec("SET SESSION sql_mode = 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'"); */ /* The following is the default on Ubuntu 16.04 */ /* $this->_conn->exec("SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'"); */ break; case 'sqlite': $this->_conn->exec('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON'); break; } } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } if($this->_useviews) { $tmp = $this->ViewList(); foreach(array('ttreviewid', 'ttapproveid', 'ttstatid', 'ttcontentid') as $viewname) { if(in_array($viewname, $tmp)) { $this->{"_".$viewname} = true; } } } $this->_connected = true; return true; } /* }}} */ /** * Make sure a database connection exisits * * This function checks for a database connection. If it does not exists * it will reconnect. * * @return boolean true if connection is established, otherwise false */ function ensureConnected() { /* {{{ */ if (!$this->_connected) return $this->connect(); else return true; } /* }}} */ /** * Sanitize String used in database operations * * @param string $text * @return string sanitized string */ function qstr($text) { /* {{{ */ return $this->_conn->quote($text); } /* }}} */ /** * Replace back ticks by '"' * * @param string $text * @return string sanitized string */ function rbt($text) { /* {{{ */ return str_replace('`', '"', $text); } /* }}} */ /** * Return sql to concat strings or fields * * @param array $arr list of field names or strings * @return string concated string */ function concat($arr) { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': return 'concat('.implode(',', $arr).')'; break; case 'pgsql': return implode(' || ', $arr); break; case 'sqlite': return implode(' || ', $arr); break; } return ''; } /* }}} */ /** * Execute SQL query and return result * * Call this function only with sql query which return data records. * * @param string $queryStr sql query * @param bool $retick * @return array|bool data if query could be executed otherwise false */ function getResultArray($queryStr, $retick=true) { /* {{{ */ $resArr = array(); if($retick && $this->_driver == 'pgsql') { $queryStr = $this->rbt($queryStr); } if($this->_logfp) { fwrite($this->_logfp, microtime()." ".$queryStr."\n"); } $res = $this->_conn->query($queryStr); if ($res === false) { if($this->_debug) { echo "error: ".$queryStr."
"; print_r($this->_conn->errorInfo()); } return false; } $resArr = $res->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // $res->Close(); return $resArr; } /* }}} */ /** * Execute SQL query * * Call this function only with sql query which do not return data records. * * @param string $queryStr sql query * @param boolean $retick replace all '`' by '"' * @return boolean true if query could be executed otherwise false */ function getResult($queryStr, $retick=true) { /* {{{ */ if($retick && $this->_driver == 'pgsql') { $queryStr = $this->rbt($queryStr); } if($this->_logfp) { fwrite($this->_logfp, microtime()." ".$queryStr."\n"); } $res = $this->_conn->exec($queryStr); if($res === false) { if($this->_debug) { echo "error: ".$queryStr."
"; print_r($this->_conn->errorInfo()); } return false; } else return true; return $res; } /* }}} */ function startTransaction() { /* {{{ */ if(!$this->_intransaction) { $this->_conn->beginTransaction(); } $this->_intransaction++; if($this->_logfp) { fwrite($this->_logfp, microtime()." START ".$htis->_intransaction."\n"); } } /* }}} */ function rollbackTransaction() { /* {{{ */ if($this->_logfp) { fwrite($this->_logfp, microtime()." ROLLBACK ".$htis->_intransaction."\n"); } if($this->_intransaction == 1) { $this->_conn->rollBack(); } $this->_intransaction--; } /* }}} */ function commitTransaction() { /* {{{ */ if($this->_logfp) { fwrite($this->_logfp, microtime()." COMMIT ".$htis->_intransaction."\n"); } if($this->_intransaction == 1) { $this->_conn->commit(); } $this->_intransaction--; } /* }}} */ /** * Return the id of the last instert record * * @param string $tablename * @param string $fieldname * @return int id used in last autoincrement */ function getInsertID($tablename='', $fieldname='id') { /* {{{ */ if($this->_driver == 'pgsql') return $this->_conn->lastInsertId('"'.$tablename.'_'.$fieldname.'_seq"'); else return $this->_conn->lastInsertId(); } /* }}} */ function getErrorMsg() { /* {{{ */ $info = $this->_conn->errorInfo(); return($info[2]); } /* }}} */ function getErrorNo() { /* {{{ */ return $this->_conn->errorCode(); } /* }}} */ /** * Create various temporary tables to speed up and simplify sql queries * * @param string $tableName * @param bool $override * @return bool */ private function __createTemporaryTable($tableName, $override=false) { /* {{{ */ if (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttreviewid")) { switch($this->_driver) { case 'sqlite': $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttreviewid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` AS `reviewID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentReviewLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` "; //. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; break; case 'pgsql': $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttreviewid` (`reviewID` INTEGER, `maxLogID` INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (`reviewID`));". "INSERT INTO `ttreviewid` SELECT `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentReviewLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` ";//. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; break; default: $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttreviewid` (PRIMARY KEY (`reviewID`), INDEX (`maxLogID`)) ". "SELECT `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentReviewLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` "; //. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; } if (!$this->_ttreviewid) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ttreviewid=true; } else { if (is_bool($override) && $override) { if (!$this->getResult("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ttreviewid`")) return false; if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; } } return $this->_ttreviewid; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttapproveid")) { switch($this->_driver) { case 'sqlite': $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttapproveid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` AS `approveID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentApproveLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` "; //. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; break; case 'pgsql': $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttapproveid` (`approveID` INTEGER, `maxLogID` INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (`approveID`));". "INSERT INTO `ttapproveid` SELECT `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentApproveLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` "; //. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; break; default: $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttapproveid` (PRIMARY KEY (`approveID`), INDEX (`maxLogID`)) ". "SELECT `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentApproveLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` "; //. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; } if (!$this->_ttapproveid) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ttapproveid=true; } else { if (is_bool($override) && $override) { if (!$this->getResult("DROP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttapproveid`")) return false; if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; } } return $this->_ttapproveid; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttstatid")) { switch($this->_driver) { case 'sqlite': $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttstatid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` AS `statusID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentStatusLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` "; //. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; break; case 'pgsql': $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttstatid` (`statusID` INTEGER, `maxLogID` INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (`statusID`));". "INSERT INTO `ttstatid` SELECT `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentStatusLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` "; //. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; break; default: $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttstatid` (PRIMARY KEY (`statusID`), INDEX (`maxLogID`)) ". "SELECT `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentStatusLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` "; //. // "ORDER BY `maxLogID`"; } if (!$this->_ttstatid) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ttstatid=true; } else { if (is_bool($override) && $override) { if (!$this->getResult("DROP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttstatid`")) return false; if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; } } return $this->_ttstatid; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttcontentid")) { switch($this->_driver) { case 'sqlite': $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttcontentid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentContent`.`document` AS `document`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentContent`.`version`) AS `maxVersion` ". "FROM `tblDocumentContent` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ". "ORDER BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document`"; break; case 'pgsql': $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttcontentid` (`document` INTEGER, `maxVersion` INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (`document`)); ". "INSERT INTO `ttcontentid` SELECT `tblDocumentContent`.`document` AS `document`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentContent`.`version`) AS `maxVersion` ". "FROM `tblDocumentContent` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ". "ORDER BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document`"; break; default: $queryStr = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttcontentid` (PRIMARY KEY (`document`), INDEX (`maxVersion`)) ". "SELECT `tblDocumentContent`.`document`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentContent`.`version`) AS `maxVersion` ". "FROM `tblDocumentContent` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ". "ORDER BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document`"; } if (!$this->_ttcontentid) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ttcontentid=true; } else { if (is_bool($override) && $override) { if (!$this->getResult("DROP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ttcontentid`")) return false; if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; } } return $this->_ttcontentid; } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Drop various temporary tables to enforce recreation when needed * * @param string $tableName * * @return bool */ private function __dropTemporaryTable($tableName) { /* {{{ */ $queryStr = ''; if (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttreviewid")) { $queryStr = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ttreviewid`"; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttapproveid")) { $queryStr = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ttapproveid`"; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttstatid")) { $queryStr = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ttstatid`"; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttcontentid")) { $queryStr = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ttcontentid`"; } if($queryStr) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; else { $this->{'_'.$tableName} = false; return true; } } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Create various views to speed up and simplify sql queries * * @param string $tableName * @param bool $override * * @return bool */ private function __createView($tableName, $override=false) { /* {{{ */ if (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttreviewid")) { switch($this->_driver) { case 'sqlite': $queryStr = "CREATE VIEW `ttreviewid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` AS `reviewID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentReviewLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` "; //. break; case 'pgsql': $queryStr = "CREATE VIEW `ttreviewid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` AS `reviewID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentReviewLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` "; break; default: $queryStr = "CREATE".($override ? " OR REPLACE" : "")." VIEW `ttreviewid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` AS `reviewID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentReviewLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` "; } if (!$this->_ttreviewid) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ttreviewid=true; } else { if (is_bool($override) && $override) { if (!$this->getResult("DROP VIEW `ttreviewid`")) return false; if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; } } return $this->_ttreviewid; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttapproveid")) { switch($this->_driver) { case 'sqlite': $queryStr = "CREATE VIEW `ttapproveid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` AS `approveID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentApproveLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` "; //. break; case 'pgsql': $queryStr = "CREATE VIEW `ttapproveid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` AS `approveID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentApproveLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` "; break; default: $queryStr = "CREATE".($override ? " OR REPLACE" : "")." VIEW `ttapproveid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentApproveLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` "; } if (!$this->_ttapproveid) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ttapproveid=true; } else { if (is_bool($override) && $override) { if (!$this->getResult("DROP VIEW `ttapproveid`")) return false; if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; } } return $this->_ttapproveid; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttstatid")) { switch($this->_driver) { case 'sqlite': $queryStr = "CREATE VIEW `ttstatid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` AS `statusID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentStatusLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` "; break; case 'pgsql': $queryStr = "CREATE VIEW `ttstatid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` AS `statusID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentStatusLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` "; break; default: $queryStr = "CREATE".($override ? " OR REPLACE" : "")." VIEW `ttstatid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID`) AS `maxLogID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentStatusLog` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusID` "; } if (!$this->_ttstatid) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ttstatid=true; } else { if (is_bool($override) && $override) { if (!$this->getResult("DROP VIEW `ttstatid`")) return false; if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; } } return $this->_ttstatid; } elseif (!strcasecmp($tableName, "ttcontentid")) { switch($this->_driver) { case 'sqlite': $queryStr = "CREATE VIEW `ttcontentid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentContent`.`document` AS `document`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentContent`.`version`) AS `maxVersion` ". "FROM `tblDocumentContent` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ". "ORDER BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document`"; break; case 'pgsql': $queryStr = "CREATE VIEW `ttcontentid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentContent`.`document` AS `document`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentContent`.`version`) AS `maxVersion` ". "FROM `tblDocumentContent` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ". "ORDER BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document`"; break; default: $queryStr = "CREATE".($override ? " OR REPLACE" : "")." VIEW `ttcontentid` AS ". "SELECT `tblDocumentContent`.`document`, ". "MAX(`tblDocumentContent`.`version`) AS `maxVersion` ". "FROM `tblDocumentContent` ". "GROUP BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document` ". "ORDER BY `tblDocumentContent`.`document`"; } if (!$this->_ttcontentid) { if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ttcontentid=true; } else { if (is_bool($override) && $override) { if (!$this->getResult("DROP VIEW `ttcontentid`")) return false; if (!$this->getResult($queryStr)) return false; } } return $this->_ttcontentid; } return false; } /* }}} */ /** * Create various temporary tables or view to speed up and simplify sql queries * * @param string $tableName * @param bool $override * * @return bool */ public function createTemporaryTable($tableName, $override=false) { /* {{{ */ if($this->_useviews) return $this->__createView($tableName, $override); else return $this->__createTemporaryTable($tableName, $override); } /* }}} */ /** * Drop various temporary tables to force recreation when next time needed * * @param string $tableName * * @return bool */ public function dropTemporaryTable($tableName) { /* {{{ */ if($this->_useviews) return true; // No need to recreate a view else return $this->__dropTemporaryTable($tableName); } /* }}} */ /** * Return sql statement for extracting the date part from a field * containing a unix timestamp * * @param string $fieldname name of field containing the timestamp * @param string $format * @return string sql code */ function getDateExtract($fieldname, $format='%Y-%m-%d') { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': return "from_unixtime(`".$fieldname."`, ".$this->qstr($format).")"; break; case 'sqlite': return "strftime(".$this->qstr($format).", `".$fieldname."`, 'unixepoch')"; break; case 'pgsql': switch($format) { case '%Y-%m': return "to_char(to_timestamp(`".$fieldname."`), 'YYYY-MM')"; break; default: return "to_char(to_timestamp(`".$fieldname."`), 'YYYY-MM-DD')"; break; } break; } return ''; } /* }}} */ /** * Return sql statement for returning the current date and time * in format Y-m-d H:i:s * * @return string sql code */ function getCurrentDatetime() { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"; break; case 'sqlite': return "datetime('now', 'localtime')"; break; case 'pgsql': return "now()"; break; } return ''; } /* }}} */ /** * Return sql statement for returning the current timestamp * * @return string sql code */ function getCurrentTimestamp() { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'mysql': return "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"; break; case 'sqlite': return "strftime('%s', 'now')"; break; case 'pgsql': return "date_part('epoch',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)::int"; break; } return ''; } /* }}} */ /** * Return sql statement for returning the current timestamp * * @param $field * @return string sql code */ function castToText($field) { /* {{{ */ switch($this->_driver) { case 'pgsql': return $field."::TEXT"; break; } return $field; } /* }}} */ /** * Create an sql dump of the complete database * * @param resource $fp name of dump file * @return bool */ function createDump($fp) { /* {{{ */ $tables = $this->TableList('TABLES'); foreach($tables as $table) { if($table == 'sqlite_sequence') continue; $query = "SELECT * FROM `".$table."`"; $records = $this->getResultArray($query); fwrite($fp,"\n-- TABLE: ".$table."--\n\n"); foreach($records as $record) { $values=""; $i = 1; foreach ($record as $column) { if (is_numeric($column)) $values .= $column; else $values .= $this->qstr($column); if ($i<(count($record))) $values .= ","; $i++; } fwrite($fp, "INSERT INTO `".$table."` VALUES (".$values.");\n"); } } return true; } /* }}} */ }