]".PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo "Description:".PHP_EOL; echo " This program recreates the full text index of SeedDMS.".PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo "Options:".PHP_EOL; echo " -h, --help: print usage information and exit.".PHP_EOL; echo " -v, --version: print version and exit.".PHP_EOL; echo " -c: recreate index.".PHP_EOL; echo " --config: set alternative config file.".PHP_EOL; } /* }}} */ $version = "0.0.2"; $shortoptions = "hvc"; $longoptions = array('help', 'version', 'config:'); if(false === ($options = getopt($shortoptions, $longoptions))) { usage(); exit(0); } /* Print help and exit */ if(isset($options['h']) || isset($options['help'])) { usage(); exit(0); } /* Print version and exit */ if(isset($options['v']) || isset($options['verŅ•ion'])) { echo $version.PHP_EOL; exit(0); } /* Set alternative config file */ if(isset($options['config'])) { define('SEEDDMS_CONFIG_FILE', $options['config']); } elseif(isset($_SERVER['SEEDDMS_CONFIG_FILE'])) { define('SEEDDMS_CONFIG_FILE', $_SERVER['SEEDDMS_CONFIG_FILE']); } /* recreate index */ $recreate = false; if(isset($options['c'])) { $recreate = true; } include($myincpath."/inc/inc.Settings.php"); include($myincpath."/inc/inc.Init.php"); include($myincpath."/inc/inc.Extension.php"); include($myincpath."/inc/inc.DBInit.php"); function tree($dms, $fulltextservice, $folder, $indent='') { /* {{{ */ global $settings, $themes; echo $themes->black($indent."D ".$folder->getName()).PHP_EOL; $subfolders = $folder->getSubFolders(); foreach($subfolders as $subfolder) { tree($dms, $fulltextservice, $subfolder, $indent.' '); } $documents = $folder->getDocuments(); $index = $fulltextservice->Indexer(); $lucenesearch = $fulltextservice->Search(); foreach($documents as $document) { echo $themes->black($indent." ".$document->getId().":".$document->getName()." "); if(!($hit = $lucenesearch->getDocument($document->getId()))) { try { $idoc = $fulltextservice->IndexedDocument($document, true); if(isset($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['indexDocument'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['indexDocument'] as $hookObj) { if (method_exists($hookObj, 'preIndexDocument')) { $hookObj->preIndexDocument(null, $document, $idoc); } } } $index->addDocument($idoc); echo $themes->green(" (Document added)").PHP_EOL; } catch(Exception $e) { echo $themes->error(" (Timeout)").PHP_EOL; } } else { try { $created = (int) $hit->getDocument()->getFieldValue('created'); } catch (Exception $e) { $created = 0; } $content = $document->getLatestContent(); if($created >= $content->getDate()) { echo $themes->italic(" (Document unchanged)").PHP_EOL; } else { $index->delete($hit->id); try { $idoc = $fulltextservice->IndexedDocument($document, true); if(isset($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['indexDocument'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['SEEDDMS_HOOKS']['indexDocument'] as $hookObj) { if (method_exists($hookObj, 'preIndexDocument')) { $hookObj->preIndexDocument(null, $document, $idoc); } } } $index->addDocument($idoc); echo $themes->green(" (Document updated)").PHP_EOL; } catch(Exception $e) { echo $themes->error(" (Timeout)").PHP_EOL; } } } } } /* }}} */ $themes = new \AlecRabbit\ConsoleColour\Themes(); $index = $fulltextservice->Indexer($recreate); if(!$index) { echo $themes->error("Could not create index.").PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $folder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID); tree($dms, $fulltextservice, $folder); $index->commit(); $index->optimize();