* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, * 2010 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ /** * Class to represent a user group in the document management system * * @category DMS * @package SeedDMS_Core * @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Uwe Steinmann * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class SeedDMS_Core_Group { /** * The id of the user group * * @var integer */ protected $_id; /** * The name of the user group * * @var string */ protected $_name; /** * Back reference to DMS this user group belongs to * * @var object */ protected $_dms; function __construct($id, $name, $comment) { /* {{{ */ $this->_id = $id; $this->_name = $name; $this->_comment = $comment; $this->_dms = null; } /* }}} */ /** * Create an instance of a group object * * @param string|integer $id Id, name of group, depending * on the 3rd parameter. * @param object $dms instance of dms * @param string $by search by group name if set to 'name'. * Search by Id of group if left empty. * @return object instance of class SeedDMS_Core_Group */ public static function getInstance($id, $dms, $by='') { /* {{{ */ $db = $dms->getDB(); switch($by) { case 'name': $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblGroups` WHERE `name` = ".$db->qstr($id); break; default: $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblGroups` WHERE id = " . (int) $id; } $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; else if (count($resArr) != 1) //wenn, dann wohl eher 0 als > 1 ;-) return false; $resArr = $resArr[0]; $group = new self($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["comment"]); $group->setDMS($dms); return $group; } /* }}} */ public static function getAllInstances($orderby, $dms) { /* {{{ */ $db = $dms->getDB(); switch($orderby) { default: $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblGroups ORDER BY name"; } $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $groups = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resArr); $i++) { $group = new self($resArr[$i]["id"], $resArr[$i]["name"], $resArr[$i]["comment"]); $group->setDMS($dms); $groups[$i] = $group; } return $groups; } /* }}} */ function setDMS($dms) { /* {{{ */ $this->_dms = $dms; } /* }}} */ function getID() { return $this->_id; } function getName() { return $this->_name; } function setName($newName) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "UPDATE tblGroups SET name = ".$db->qstr($newName)." WHERE id = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_name = $newName; return true; } /* }}} */ function getComment() { return $this->_comment; } function setComment($newComment) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "UPDATE tblGroups SET comment = ".$db->qstr($newComment)." WHERE id = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_comment = $newComment; return true; } /* }}} */ function getUsers() { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if (!isset($this->_users)) { $queryStr = "SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblGroupMembers` ON `tblGroupMembers`.`userID`=`tblUsers`.`id` ". "WHERE `tblGroupMembers`.`groupID` = '". $this->_id ."'"; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $this->_users = array(); $classnamerole = $this->_dms->getClassname('role'); $classname = $this->_dms->getClassname('user'); foreach ($resArr as $row) { $role = $classnamerole::getInstance($row['role'], $this->_dms); $user = new $classname($row["id"], $row["login"], $row["pwd"], $row["fullName"], $row["email"], $row["language"], $row["theme"], $row["comment"], $role, $row['hidden']); $user->setDMS($this->_dms); array_push($this->_users, $user); } } return $this->_users; } /* }}} */ function getManagers() { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblGroupMembers` ON `tblGroupMembers`.`userID`=`tblUsers`.`id` ". "WHERE `tblGroupMembers`.`groupID` = '". $this->_id ."' AND tblGroupMembers.manager = 1"; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $managers = array(); $classname = $this->_dms->getClassname('user'); foreach ($resArr as $row) { $user = new $classname($row["id"], $row["login"], $row["pwd"], $row["fullName"], $row["email"], $row["language"], $row["theme"], $row["comment"], $row["role"], $row['hidden']); array_push($managers, $user); } return $managers; } /* }}} */ function addUser($user,$asManager=false) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblGroupMembers (groupID, userID, manager) VALUES (".$this->_id.", ".$user->getID(). ", " . ($asManager?"1":"0") ." )"; $res = $db->getResult($queryStr); if (!$res) return false; unset($this->_users); return true; } /* }}} */ function removeUser($user) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblGroupMembers WHERE groupID = ".$this->_id." AND userID = ".$user->getID(); $res = $db->getResult($queryStr); if (!$res) return false; unset($this->_users); return true; } /* }}} */ // $asManager=false: verify if user is in group // $asManager=true : verify if user is in group as manager function isMember($user,$asManager=false) { /* {{{ */ if (isset($this->_users)&&!$asManager) { foreach ($this->_users as $usr) if ($usr->getID() == $user->getID()) return true; return false; } $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if ($asManager) $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblGroupMembers WHERE groupID = " . $this->_id . " AND userID = " . $user->getID() . " AND manager = 1"; else $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblGroupMembers WHERE groupID = " . $this->_id . " AND userID = " . $user->getID(); $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr) != 1) return false; return true; } /* }}} */ function toggleManager($user) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if (!$this->isMember($user)) return false; if ($this->isMember($user,true)) $queryStr = "UPDATE tblGroupMembers SET manager = 0 WHERE groupID = ".$this->_id." AND userID = ".$user->getID(); else $queryStr = "UPDATE tblGroupMembers SET manager = 1 WHERE groupID = ".$this->_id." AND userID = ".$user->getID(); if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; return true; } /* }}} */ /** * Delete user group * This function deletes the user group and all it references, like access * control lists, notifications, as a child of other groups, etc. * * @param object $user the user doing the removal (needed for entry in * review log. * @return boolean true on success or false in case of an error */ function remove($user) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $db->startTransaction(); $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblGroupMembers WHERE groupID = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblACLs WHERE groupID = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblNotify WHERE groupID = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblMandatoryReviewers WHERE reviewerGroupID = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblMandatoryApprovers WHERE approverGroupID = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblWorkflowTransitionGroups WHERE groupid = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblGroups WHERE id = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } // TODO : update document status if reviewer/approver has been deleted $reviewStatus = $this->getReviewStatus(); foreach ($reviewStatus as $r) { $queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewLog` (`reviewID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ". "VALUES ('". $r["reviewID"] ."', '-2', 'Review group removed from process', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $user->getID() ."')"; $res=$db->getResult($queryStr); if(!$res) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } } $approvalStatus = $this->getApprovalStatus(); foreach ($approvalStatus as $a) { $queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApproveLog` (`approveID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ". "VALUES ('". $a["approveID"] ."', '-2', 'Approval group removed from process', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $user->getID() ."')"; $res=$db->getResult($queryStr); if(!$res) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } } $receiptStatus = $this->getReceiptStatus(); foreach ($receiptStatus as $r) { $queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReceiptLog` (`receiptID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ". "VALUES ('". $r["receiptID"] ."', '-2', 'Recipients group removed from process', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $user->getID() ."')"; $res=$db->getResult($queryStr); if(!$res) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } } $revisionStatus = $this->getRevisionStatus(); foreach ($revisionStatus as $r) { $queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisionLog` (`revisionID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ". "VALUES ('". $r["revisionID"] ."', '-2', 'Revisors group removed from process', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $user->getID() ."')"; $res=$db->getResult($queryStr); if(!$res) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return false; } } $db->commitTransaction(); return true; } /* }}} */ function getReviewStatus($documentID=null, $version=null) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if (!$db->createTemporaryTable("ttreviewid")) { return false; } $status = array(); // See if the group is assigned as a reviewer. $queryStr = "SELECT `tblDocumentReviewers`.*, `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`status`, ". "`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`date`, ". "`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`userID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentReviewers` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentReviewLog` USING (`reviewID`) ". "LEFT JOIN `ttreviewid` on `ttreviewid`.`maxLogID` = `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID` ". "WHERE `ttreviewid`.`maxLogID`=`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID` ". ($documentID==null ? "" : "AND `tblDocumentReviewers`.`documentID` = '". (int) $documentID ."' "). ($version==null ? "" : "AND `tblDocumentReviewers`.`version` = '". (int) $version ."' "). "AND `tblDocumentReviewers`.`type`='1' ". "AND `tblDocumentReviewers`.`required`='". $this->_id ."' "; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr)>0) { foreach ($resArr as $res) $status[] = $res; } return $status; } /* }}} */ function getApprovalStatus($documentID=null, $version=null) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if (!$db->createTemporaryTable("ttapproveid")) { return false; } $status = array(); // See if the group is assigned as an approver. $queryStr = "SELECT `tblDocumentApprovers`.*, `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`status`, ". "`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`date`, ". "`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`userID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentApprovers` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentApproveLog` USING (`approveID`) ". "LEFT JOIN `ttapproveid` on `ttapproveid`.`maxLogID` = `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID` ". "WHERE `ttapproveid`.`maxLogID`=`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID` ". ($documentID==null ? "" : "AND `tblDocumentApprovers`.`documentID` = '". (int) $documentID ."' "). ($version==null ? "" : "AND `tblDocumentApprovers`.`version` = '". (int) $version ."' "). "AND `tblDocumentApprovers`.`type`='1' ". "AND `tblDocumentApprovers`.`required`='". $this->_id ."' "; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr)>0) { foreach ($resArr as $res) $status[] = $res; } return $status; } /* }}} */ function getReceiptStatus($documentID=null, $version=null) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $status = array(); // See if the group is assigned as a recipient. $queryStr = "SELECT `tblDocumentRecipients`.*, `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`status`, ". "`tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`date`, ". "`tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`userID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentRecipients` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentReceiptLog` USING (`receiptID`) ". "WHERE `tblDocumentRecipients`.`type`='1' ". ($documentID==null ? "" : "AND `tblDocumentRecipients`.`documentID` = '". (int) $documentID ."' "). ($version==null ? "" : "AND `tblDocumentRecipients`.`version` = '". (int) $version ."' "). "AND `tblDocumentRecipients`.`required`='". $this->_id ."' "; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr)>0) { foreach ($resArr as $res) { if(isset($status["status"][$res['documentID']])) { if($status["status"][$res['documentID']]['date'] < $res['date']) { $status["status"][$res['documentID']] = $res; } } else { $status["status"][$res['documentID']] = $res; } } } return $status; } /* }}} */ function getRevisionStatus($documentID=null, $version=null) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $status = array(); // See if the group is assigned as a revisor. $queryStr = "SELECT `tblDocumentRevisors`.*, `tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`status`, ". "`tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`date`, ". "`tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`userID` ". "FROM `tblDocumentRevisors` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentRevisionLog` USING (`revisionID`) ". "WHERE `tblDocumentRevisors`.`type`='1' ". ($documentID==null ? "" : "AND `tblDocumentRevisors`.`documentID` = '". (int) $documentID ."' "). ($version==null ? "" : "AND `tblDocumentRevisors`.`version` = '". (int) $version ."' "). "AND `tblDocumentRevisors`.`required`='". $this->_id ."' "; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; if (count($resArr)>0) { $status['status'] = array(); foreach ($resArr as $res) { if($res['date']) { if(isset($status["status"][$res['documentID']])) { if($status["status"][$res['documentID']]['date'] < $res['date']) { $status["status"][$res['documentID']] = $res; } } else { $status["status"][$res['documentID']] = $res; } } } } return $status; } /* }}} */ /** * Get a list of documents with a workflow * * @param int $documentID optional document id for which to retrieve the * reviews * @param int $version optional version of the document * @return array list of all workflows */ function getWorkflowStatus($documentID=null, $version=null) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = 'select distinct d.*, c.groupid from tblWorkflowTransitions a left join tblWorkflows b on a.workflow=b.id left join tblWorkflowTransitionGroups c on a.id=c.transition left join tblWorkflowDocumentContent d on b.id=d.workflow where d.document is not null and a.state=d.state and c.groupid='.$this->_id; if($documentID) { $queryStr .= ' AND d.document='.(int) $documentID; if($version) $queryStr .= ' AND d.version='.(int) $version; } $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $result = array(); if (count($resArr)>0) { foreach ($resArr as $res) { $result[] = $res; } } return $result; } /* }}} */ /** * Get all notifications of group * * @param integer $type type of item (T_DOCUMENT or T_FOLDER) * @return array array of notifications */ function getNotifications($type=0) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "SELECT `tblNotify`.* FROM `tblNotify` ". "WHERE `tblNotify`.`groupID` = ". $this->_id; if($type) { $queryStr .= " AND `tblNotify`.`targetType` = ". (int) $type; } $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; $notifications = array(); foreach ($resArr as $row) { $not = new SeedDMS_Core_Notification($row["target"], $row["targetType"], $row["userID"], $row["groupID"]); $not->setDMS($this); array_push($notifications, $not); } return $notifications; } /* }}} */ } ?>