_rootFolderID; } else { $folderid = $_GET["folderid"]; } } $includecontent = false; if (isset($_GET["includecontent"]) && $_GET["includecontent"]) $includecontent = true; $newowner = null; if (isset($_GET["newowner"]) && is_numeric($_GET["newowner"]) && $_GET['newowner'] > 0) { $newowner = $dms->getUser((int) $_GET['newowner']); } $changecategory = null; if (isset($_GET["changecategory"]) && is_numeric($_GET["changecategory"]) && $_GET['changecategory'] > 0) { $changecategory = $dms->getDocumentCategory((int) $_GET['changecategory']); } $removecategory = 0; if (isset($_GET["removecategory"]) && is_numeric($_GET["removecategory"]) && $_GET['removecategory'] > 0) { $removecategory = (int) $_GET['removecategory']; } $terms = []; $limit = (isset($_GET["limit"]) && is_numeric($_GET["limit"])) ? (int) $_GET['limit'] : 20; $fullsearch = ((!isset($_GET["fullsearch"]) && $settings->_defaultSearchMethod == 'fulltext') || !empty($_GET["fullsearch"])) && $settings->_enableFullSearch; if($fullsearch) { // Search in Fulltext {{{ if (isset($_GET["query"]) && is_string($_GET["query"])) { $query = $_GET["query"]; if(isset($_GET['action']) && ($_GET['action'] == 'typeahead')) $query .= '*'; } else { $query = ""; } // category $categories = array(); $categorynames = array(); $category = array(); if(isset($_GET['category']) && $_GET['category']) { $category = $_GET['category']; foreach($_GET['category'] as $catid) { if($catid) { if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory($catid)) { $categories[] = $cat; $categorynames[] = $cat->getName(); } } } } // // Get the page number to display. If the result set contains more than // 25 entries, it is displayed across multiple pages. // // This requires that a page number variable be used to track which page the // user is interested in, and an extra clause on the select statement. // // Default page to display is always one. $pageNumber=1; if (isset($_GET["pg"])) { if (is_numeric($_GET["pg"]) && $_GET["pg"]>0) { $pageNumber = (integer)$_GET["pg"]; } elseif (!strcasecmp($_GET["pg"], "all")) { $pageNumber = "all"; } } // --------------- Suche starten -------------------------------------------- // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular // document owner. $owner = []; $ownernames = []; if (isset($_GET["owner"])) { $owner = $_GET['owner']; if (!is_array($_GET['owner'])) { if(!empty($_GET['owner']) && $o = $dms->getUser($_GET['owner'])) $ownernames[] = $o->getLogin(); else UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("unknown_owner")); } else { foreach($_GET["owner"] as $l) { if($l && $o = $dms->getUser($l)) $ownernames[] = $o->getLogin(); } } } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular // mimetype. $mimetype = []; if (isset($_GET["mimetype"])) { if (!is_array($_GET['mimetype'])) { if(!empty($_GET['mimetype'])) $mimetype[] = $_GET['mimetype']; } else { foreach($_GET["mimetype"] as $l) { if($l) $mimetype[] = $l; } } } // status if(isset($_GET['status'])) $status = $_GET['status']; else $status = array(); // record_type if(isset($_GET['record_type'])) $record_type = $_GET['record_type']; else $record_type = array(); if (isset($_GET["attributes"])) $attributes = $_GET["attributes"]; else $attributes = array(); // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular sub-tree in // the folder hierarchy. $startFolder = null; if (isset($_GET["folderfullsearchid"]) && is_numeric($_GET["folderfullsearchid"]) && $_GET["folderfullsearchid"]>0) { $targetid = $_GET["folderfullsearchid"]; $startFolder = $dms->getFolder($targetid); if (!is_object($startFolder)) { UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("invalid_folder_id")); } } $rootFolder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID); $startTime = getTime(); if($settings->_fullSearchEngine == 'lucene') { Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::setDefaultEncoding('utf-8'); } if(strlen($query) < 4 && strpos($query, '*')) { $session->setSplashMsg(array('type'=>'error', 'msg'=>getMLText('splash_invalid_searchterm'))); $dcount = 0; $totalPages = 0; $entries = array(); $searchTime = 0; } else { $startTime = getTime(); // $limit = 20; $total = 0; $index = $fulltextservice->Indexer(); if($index) { // $terms = $index->terms($_GET['query']); $lucenesearch = $fulltextservice->Search(); $searchresult = $lucenesearch->search($query, array('record_type'=>$record_type, 'owner'=>$ownernames, 'status'=>$status, 'category'=>$categorynames, 'user'=>$user->isAdmin() ? [] : [$user->getLogin()], 'mimetype'=>$mimetype, 'startFolder'=>$startFolder, 'rootFolder'=>$rootFolder, 'attributes'=>$attributes), ($pageNumber == 'all' ? array() : array('limit'=>$limit, 'offset'=>$limit * ($pageNumber-1)))); if($searchresult === false) { $session->setSplashMsg(array('type'=>'error', 'msg'=>getMLText('splash_invalid_searchterm'))); $dcount = 0; $fcount = 0; $totalPages = 0; $entries = array(); $facets = array(); $searchTime = 0; } else { $entries = array(); $facets = $searchresult['facets']; $dcount = 0; $fcount = 0; if($searchresult['hits']) { foreach($searchresult['hits'] as $hit) { if($hit['document_id'][0] == 'D') { if($tmp = $dms->getDocument(substr($hit['document_id'], 1))) { // if($tmp->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ) { $tmp->verifyLastestContentExpriry(); $entries[] = $tmp; $dcount++; // } } } elseif($hit['document_id'][0] == 'F') { if($tmp = $dms->getFolder(substr($hit['document_id'], 1))) { // if($tmp->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ) { $entries[] = $tmp; $fcount++; // } } } } if(isset($facets['record_type'])) { $fcount = isset($facets['record_type']['folder']) ? $facets['record_type']['folder'] : 0; $dcount = isset($facets['record_type']['document']) ? $facets['record_type']['document'] : 0 ; } } if(/* $pageNumber != 'all' && */$searchresult['count'] > $limit) { $totalPages = (int) ($searchresult['count']/$limit); if($searchresult['count']%$limit) $totalPages++; // if($limit > 0) // $entries = array_slice($entries, ($pageNumber-1)*$limit, $limit); } else { $totalPages = 1; } $total = $searchresult['count']; } $searchTime = getTime() - $startTime; $searchTime = round($searchTime, 2); } else { $session->setSplashMsg(array('type'=>'error', 'msg'=>getMLText('splash_invalid_search_service'))); $dcount = 0; $fcount = 0; $totalPages = 0; $entries = array(); $facets = array(); $searchTime = 0; } } // }}} } else { // Search in Database {{{ if (isset($_GET["query"]) && is_string($_GET["query"])) { $query = $_GET["query"]; } else { $query = ""; } if (isset($_GET["orderby"]) && is_string($_GET["orderby"])) { $orderby = $_GET["orderby"]; } else { $orderby = ""; } /* Select if only documents (0x01), only folders (0x02) or both (0x03) * are found */ $resultmode = 0x03; if (isset($_GET["resultmode"]) && is_numeric($_GET["resultmode"])) { $resultmode = $_GET['resultmode']; } $mode = "AND"; if (isset($_GET["mode"]) && is_numeric($_GET["mode"]) && $_GET["mode"]==0) { $mode = "OR"; } $searchin = array(); if (isset($_GET['searchin']) && is_array($_GET["searchin"])) { foreach ($_GET["searchin"] as $si) { if (isset($si) && is_numeric($si)) { switch ($si) { case 1: // keywords case 2: // name case 3: // comment case 4: // attributes case 5: // id $searchin[$si] = $si; break; } } } } // if none is checkd search all if (count($searchin)==0) $searchin=array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular sub-tree in // the folder hierarchy. if (isset($_GET["targetid"]) && is_numeric($_GET["targetid"]) && $_GET["targetid"]>0) { $targetid = $_GET["targetid"]; $startFolder = $dms->getFolder($targetid); } else { $startFolder = $dms->getRootFolder(); } if (!is_object($startFolder)) { UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("invalid_folder_id")); } // Check to see if the search has been restricted to a particular // document owner. $owner = array(); $ownerobjs = array(); if (isset($_GET["owner"])) { $owner = $_GET['owner']; if (!is_array($_GET['owner'])) { if(!empty($_GET['owner']) && $o = $dms->getUser($_GET['owner'])) { $ownerobjs[] = $o; } else UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("unknown_owner")); } else { foreach($_GET["owner"] as $l) { if($o = $dms->getUser($l)) { $ownerobjs[] = $o; } } } } /* Creation date {{{ */ $createstartdate = array(); $createenddate = array(); if(!empty($_GET["createstart"])) { $createstartts = makeTsFromDate($_GET["createstart"]); $createstartdate = array('year'=>(int)date('Y', $createstartts), 'month'=>(int)date('m', $createstartts), 'day'=>(int)date('d', $createstartts), 'hour'=>0, 'minute'=>0, 'second'=>0); } if ($createstartdate && !checkdate($createstartdate['month'], $createstartdate['day'], $createstartdate['year'])) { UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("invalid_create_date_end")); } if(!empty($_GET["createend"])) { $createendts = makeTsFromDate($_GET["createend"]); $createenddate = array('year'=>(int)date('Y', $createendts), 'month'=>(int)date('m', $createendts), 'day'=>(int)date('d', $createendts), 'hour'=>23, 'minute'=>59, 'second'=>59); } if ($createenddate && !checkdate($createenddate['month'], $createenddate['day'], $createenddate['year'])) { UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("invalid_create_date_end")); } /* }}} */ /* Status date {{{ */ $statusstartdate = array(); $statusenddate = array(); if(!empty($_GET["statusdatestart"])) { $statusstartts = makeTsFromDate($_GET["statusdatestart"]); $statusstartdate = array('year'=>(int)date('Y', $statusstartts), 'month'=>(int)date('m', $statusstartts), 'day'=>(int)date('d', $statusstartts), 'hour'=>0, 'minute'=>0, 'second'=>0); } if ($statusstartdate && !checkdate($statusstartdate['month'], $statusstartdate['day'], $statusstartdate['year'])) { UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("invalid_status_date_start")); } if(!empty($_GET["statusdateend"])) { $statusendts = makeTsFromDate($_GET["statusdateend"]); $statusenddate = array('year'=>(int)date('Y', $statusendts), 'month'=>(int)date('m', $statusendts), 'day'=>(int)date('d', $statusendts), 'hour'=>23, 'minute'=>59, 'second'=>59); } if ($statusenddate && !checkdate($statusenddate['month'], $statusenddate['day'], $statusenddate['year'])) { UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("invalid_status_date_end")); } /* }}} */ /* Expiration date {{{ */ $expstartdate = array(); $expenddate = array(); if(!empty($_GET["expirationstart"])) { $expstartts = makeTsFromDate($_GET["expirationstart"]); $expstartdate = array('year'=>(int)date('Y', $expstartts), 'month'=>(int)date('m', $expstartts), 'day'=>(int)date('d', $expstartts), 'hour'=>0, 'minute'=>0, 'second'=>0); if (!checkdate($expstartdate['month'], $expstartdate['day'], $expstartdate['year'])) { UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("invalid_expiration_date_start")); } } if(!empty($_GET["expirationend"])) { $expendts = makeTsFromDate($_GET["expirationend"]); $expenddate = array('year'=>(int)date('Y', $expendts), 'month'=>(int)date('m', $expendts), 'day'=>(int)date('d', $expendts), 'hour'=>23, 'minute'=>59, 'second'=>59); if (!checkdate($expenddate['month'], $expenddate['day'], $expenddate['year'])) { UI::exitError(getMLText("search"),getMLText("invalid_expiration_date_end")); } } /* }}} */ // status $status = isset($_GET['status']) ? $_GET['status'] : array(); /* $status = array(); if (isset($_GET["pendingReview"])){ $status[] = S_DRAFT_REV; } if (isset($_GET["pendingApproval"])){ $status[] = S_DRAFT_APP; } if (isset($_GET["inWorkflow"])){ $status[] = S_IN_WORKFLOW; } if (isset($_GET["released"])){ $status[] = S_RELEASED; } if (isset($_GET["rejected"])){ $status[] = S_REJECTED; } if (isset($_GET["obsolete"])){ $status[] = S_OBSOLETE; } if (isset($_GET["expired"])){ $status[] = S_EXPIRED; } */ /* Do not search for folders if result shall be filtered by status. * If this is not done, unexplainable results will be delivered. * e.g. a search for expired documents of a given user will list * also all folders of that user because the status doesn't apply * to folders. */ // if($status) // $resultmode = 0x01; // category $categories = array(); $category = []; if(isset($_GET['category']) && $_GET['category']) { $category = $_GET['category']; foreach($_GET['category'] as $catid) { if($cat = $dms->getDocumentCategory($catid)) { $categories[] = $cat; } } } /* Do not search for folders if result shall be filtered by categories. */ // if($categories) // $resultmode = 0x01; if (isset($_GET["attributes"])) $attributes = $_GET["attributes"]; else $attributes = array(); foreach($attributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) { $attrdef = $dms->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid); if($attribute) { if($attrdef->getType() == SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_date) { if(is_array($attribute)) { if(!empty($attributes[$attrdefid]['from'])) $attributes[$attrdefid]['from'] = date('Y-m-d', makeTsFromDate($attribute['from'])); if(!empty($attributes[$attrdefid]['to'])) $attributes[$attrdefid]['to'] = date('Y-m-d', makeTsFromDate($attribute['to'])); } else { $attributes[$attrdefid] = date('Y-m-d', makeTsFromDate($attribute)); } } } } // // Get the page number to display. If the result set contains more than // 25 entries, it is displayed across multiple pages. // // This requires that a page number variable be used to track which page the // user is interested in, and an extra clause on the select statement. // // Default page to display is always one. $pageNumber=1; // $limit = 15; if (isset($_GET["pg"])) { if (is_numeric($_GET["pg"]) && $_GET["pg"]>0) { $pageNumber = (int) $_GET["pg"]; } elseif (!strcasecmp($_GET["pg"], "all")) { $pageNumber = "all"; } } // ---------------- Start searching ----------------------------------------- $startTime = getTime(); $resArr = $dms->search(array( 'query'=>$query, 'limit'=>0, 'offset'=>0 /*$limit, ($pageNumber-1)*$limit*/, 'logicalmode'=>$mode, 'searchin'=>$searchin, 'startFolder'=>$startFolder, 'owner'=>$ownerobjs, 'status'=>$status, 'creationstartdate'=>$createstartdate ? $createstartdate : array(), 'creationenddate'=>$createenddate ? $createenddate : array(), 'modificationstartdate'=>array(), 'modificationenddate'=>array(), 'categories'=>$categories, 'attributes'=>$attributes, 'mode'=>$resultmode, 'expirationstartdate'=>$expstartdate ? $expstartdate : array(), 'expirationenddate'=>$expenddate ? $expenddate : array(), 'statusstartdate'=>$statusstartdate ? $statusstartdate : array(), 'statusenddate'=>$statusenddate ? $statusenddate : array(), 'orderby'=>$orderby )); $total = $resArr['totalDocs'] + $resArr['totalFolders']; $searchTime = getTime() - $startTime; $searchTime = round($searchTime, 2); $entries = array(); $fcount = 0; if(!isset($_GET['action']) || $_GET['action'] != 'export') { if($resArr['folders']) { foreach ($resArr['folders'] as $entry) { if ($entry->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ) { $entries[] = $entry; $fcount++; } } } } $dcount = 0; if($resArr['docs']) { foreach ($resArr['docs'] as $entry) { if ($entry->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ) { if($entry->getLatestContent()) { $entry->verifyLastestContentExpriry(); $entries[] = $entry; $dcount++; } } } } $totalPages = 1; if ((!isset($_GET['action']) || $_GET['action'] != 'export') /*&& (!isset($_GET["pg"]) || strcasecmp($_GET["pg"], "all"))*/) { $totalPages = (int) (count($entries)/$limit); if(count($entries)%$limit) $totalPages++; if($pageNumber != 'all') $entries = array_slice($entries, ($pageNumber-1)*$limit, $limit); } else $totalPages = 1; $facets = array(); // }}} } // -------------- Output results -------------------------------------------- if($settings->_showSingleSearchHit && count($entries) == 1) { $entry = $entries[0]; if($entry->isType('document')) { header('Location: ../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid='.$entry->getID()); exit; } elseif($entry->isType('folder')) { header('Location: ../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid='.$entry->getID()); exit; } } else { $tmp = explode('.', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); $view = UI::factory($theme, $tmp[1], array('dms'=>$dms, 'user'=>$user)); $accessop = new SeedDMS_AccessOperation($dms, null, $user, $settings); if($view) { $view->setParam('facets', $facets); $view->setParam('accessobject', $accessop); $view->setParam('query', $query); $view->setParam('includecontent', $includecontent); $view->setParam('marks', isset($_GET['marks']) ? $_GET['marks'] : array()); $view->setParam('newowner', $newowner); $view->setParam('changecategory', $changecategory); $view->setParam('removecategory', $removecategory); $view->setParam('searchhits', $entries); $view->setParam('terms', $terms); $view->setParam('totalpages', $totalPages); $view->setParam('pagenumber', $pageNumber); $view->setParam('limit', $limit); $view->setParam('searchtime', $searchTime); $view->setParam('urlparams', $_GET); $view->setParam('cachedir', $settings->_cacheDir); $view->setParam('onepage', $settings->_onePageMode); // do most navigation by reloading areas of pages with ajax $view->setParam('showtree', showtree()); $view->setParam('enableRecursiveCount', $settings->_enableRecursiveCount); $view->setParam('maxRecursiveCount', $settings->_maxRecursiveCount); $view->setParam('total', $total); $view->setParam('totaldocs', $dcount /*resArr['totalDocs']*/); $view->setParam('totalfolders', $fcount /*resArr['totalFolders']*/); $view->setParam('fullsearch', $fullsearch); $view->setParam('mode', isset($mode) ? $mode : ''); $view->setParam('orderby', isset($orderby) ? $orderby : ''); $view->setParam('defaultsearchmethod', !empty($_GET["fullsearch"]) || $settings->_defaultSearchMethod); $view->setParam('resultmode', isset($resultmode) ? $resultmode : ''); $view->setParam('searchin', isset($searchin) ? $searchin : array()); $view->setParam('startfolder', isset($startFolder) ? $startFolder : null); $view->setParam('owner', $owner); $view->setParam('createstartdate', !empty($createstartdate) ? getReadableDate($createstartts) : ''); $view->setParam('createenddate', !empty($createenddate) ? getReadableDate($createendts) : ''); $view->setParam('expstartdate', !empty($expstartdate) ? getReadableDate($expstartts) : ''); $view->setParam('expenddate', !empty($expenddate) ? getReadableDate($expendts) : ''); $view->setParam('statusstartdate', !empty($statusstartdate) ? getReadableDate($statusstartts) : ''); $view->setParam('statusenddate', !empty($statusenddate) ? getReadableDate($statusendts) : ''); $view->setParam('creationdate', isset($creationdate) ? $creationdate : ''); $view->setParam('expirationdate', isset($expirationdate) ? $expirationdate: ''); $view->setParam('statusdate', isset($statusdate) ? $statusdate: ''); $view->setParam('status', $status); $view->setParam('recordtype', isset($record_type) ? $record_type : null); $view->setParam('categories', isset($categories) ? $categories : ''); $view->setParam('category', $category); $view->setParam('mimetype', isset($mimetype) ? $mimetype : ''); $view->setParam('attributes', isset($attributes) ? $attributes : ''); $attrdefs = $dms->getAllAttributeDefinitions(array(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_document, SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_documentcontent, SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_folder, SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::objtype_all)); $view->setParam('attrdefs', $attrdefs); $allCats = $dms->getDocumentCategories(); $view->setParam('allcategories', $allCats); $allUsers = $dms->getAllUsers($settings->_sortUsersInList); $view->setParam('allusers', $allUsers); $view->setParam('workflowmode', $settings->_workflowMode); $view->setParam('enablefullsearch', $settings->_enableFullSearch); $view->setParam('previewWidthList', $settings->_previewWidthList); $view->setParam('previewConverters', isset($settings->_converters['preview']) ? $settings->_converters['preview'] : array()); $view->setParam('conversionmgr', $conversionmgr); $view->setParam('timeout', $settings->_cmdTimeout); $view->setParam('xsendfile', $settings->_enableXsendfile); $view->setParam('showsinglesearchhit', $settings->_showSingleSearchHit); $view($_GET); exit; } }