* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, * 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli, * 2010-2012 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ /** * Include parent class */ require_once("class.Bootstrap.php"); /** * Class which outputs the html page for ViewFolder view * * @category DMS * @package SeedDMS * @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Uwe Steinmann * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, * 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli, * 2010-2012 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class SeedDMS_View_ViewFolder extends SeedDMS_Bootstrap_Style { function getAccessModeText($defMode) { /* {{{ */ switch($defMode) { case M_NONE: return getMLText("access_mode_none"); break; case M_READ: return getMLText("access_mode_read"); break; case M_READWRITE: return getMLText("access_mode_readwrite"); break; case M_ALL: return getMLText("access_mode_all"); break; } } /* }}} */ function printAccessList($obj) { /* {{{ */ $accessList = $obj->getAccessList(); if (count($accessList["users"]) == 0 && count($accessList["groups"]) == 0) return; for ($i = 0; $i < count($accessList["groups"]); $i++) { $group = $accessList["groups"][$i]->getGroup(); $accesstext = $this->getAccessModeText($accessList["groups"][$i]->getMode()); print $accesstext.": ".htmlspecialchars($group->getName()); if ($i+1 < count($accessList["groups"]) || count($accessList["users"]) > 0) print "
"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($accessList["users"]); $i++) { $user = $accessList["users"][$i]->getUser(); $accesstext = $this->getAccessModeText($accessList["users"][$i]->getMode()); print $accesstext.": ".htmlspecialchars($user->getFullName()); if ($i+1 < count($accessList["users"])) print "
"; } } /* }}} */ function js() { /* {{{ */ $user = $this->params['user']; $folder = $this->params['folder']; $orderby = $this->params['orderby']; $expandFolderTree = $this->params['expandFolderTree']; $enableDropUpload = $this->params['enableDropUpload']; header('Content-Type: application/javascript'); ?> function folderSelected(id, name) { window.location = '../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=' + id; } printNewTreeNavigationJs($folder->getID(), M_READ, 0, '', $expandFolderTree == 2, $orderby); if ($enableDropUpload && $folder->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READWRITE) { echo "SeedDMSUpload.setUrl('../op/op.Ajax.php');"; echo "SeedDMSUpload.setAbortBtnLabel('".getMLText("cancel")."');"; echo "SeedDMSUpload.setEditBtnLabel('".getMLText("edit_document_props")."');"; echo "SeedDMSUpload.setMaxFileSize(".SeedDMS_Core_File::parse_filesize(ini_get("upload_max_filesize")).");"; echo "SeedDMSUpload.setMaxFileSizeMsg('".getMLText("uploading_maxsize")."');"; } $this->printDeleteFolderButtonJs(); $this->printDeleteDocumentButtonJs(); } /* }}} */ function show() { /* {{{ */ $dms = $this->params['dms']; $user = $this->params['user']; $folder = $this->params['folder']; $orderby = $this->params['orderby']; $enableFolderTree = $this->params['enableFolderTree']; $enableClipboard = $this->params['enableclipboard']; $enableDropUpload = $this->params['enableDropUpload']; $expandFolderTree = $this->params['expandFolderTree']; $showtree = $this->params['showtree']; $cachedir = $this->params['cachedir']; $workflowmode = $this->params['workflowmode']; $enableRecursiveCount = $this->params['enableRecursiveCount']; $maxRecursiveCount = $this->params['maxRecursiveCount']; $previewwidth = $this->params['previewWidthList']; $folderid = $folder->getId(); $this->htmlAddHeader(''."\n", 'js'); echo $this->callHook('startPage'); $this->htmlStartPage(getMLText("folder_title", array("foldername" => htmlspecialchars($folder->getName())))); $this->globalNavigation($folder); $this->contentStart(); $txt = $this->callHook('folderMenu', $folder); if(is_string($txt)) echo $txt; else { $this->pageNavigation($this->getFolderPathHTML($folder), "view_folder", $folder); } $previewer = new SeedDMS_Preview_Previewer($cachedir, $previewwidth); echo $this->callHook('preContent'); echo "
\n"; // dynamic columns - left column removed if no content and right column then fills span12. if (!($enableFolderTree || $enableClipboard)) { $LeftColumnSpan = 0; $RightColumnSpan = 12; } else { $LeftColumnSpan = 4; $RightColumnSpan = 8; } if ($LeftColumnSpan > 0) { echo "
\n"; if ($enableFolderTree) { if ($showtree==1){ $this->contentHeading("", true); $this->contentContainerStart(); /* * access expandFolderTree with $this->params because it can * be changed by preContent hook. */ $this->printNewTreeNavigationHtml($folderid, M_READ, 0, '', $this->params['expandFolderTree'] == 2, $orderby); $this->contentContainerEnd(); } else { $this->contentHeading("", true); } } echo $this->callHook('leftContent'); if ($enableClipboard) $this->printClipboard($this->params['session']->getClipboard(), $previewer); echo "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; if ($enableDropUpload && $folder->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READWRITE) { echo "
"; echo "
"; } $txt = $this->callHook('folderInfo', $folder); if(is_string($txt)) echo $txt; else { $owner = $folder->getOwner(); $this->contentHeading(getMLText("folder_infos")); $this->contentContainerStart(); echo "\n"; if($user->isAdmin()) { echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; } echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; if($folder->getComment()) { echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; } if($user->isAdmin()) { if($folder->inheritsAccess()) { echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } } $attributes = $folder->getAttributes(); if($attributes) { foreach($attributes as $attribute) { $arr = $this->callHook('showFolderAttribute', $folder, $attribute); if(is_array($arr)) { echo $txt; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } else { $attrdef = $attribute->getAttributeDefinition(); ?> \n"; $this->contentContainerEnd(); } if ($enableDropUpload && $folder->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READWRITE) { echo ""; echo "
"; $this->contentHeading(getMLText("dropupload"), true); // $this->addFooterJS("SeedDMSUpload.setUrl('../op/op.Ajax.php');"); // $this->addFooterJS("SeedDMSUpload.setAbortBtnLabel('".getMLText("cancel")."');"); // $this->addFooterJS("SeedDMSUpload.setEditBtnLabel('".getMLText("edit_document_props")."');"); // $this->addFooterJS("SeedDMSUpload.setMaxFileSize(".SeedDMS_Core_File::parse_filesize(ini_get("upload_max_filesize")).");"); // $this->addFooterJS("SeedDMSUpload.setMaxFileSizeMsg('".getMLText("uploading_maxsize")."');"); ?>
"; echo "
"; } $this->contentHeading(getMLText("folder_contents")); $subFolders = $folder->getSubFolders($orderby); $subFolders = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subFolders, $user, M_READ); $documents = $folder->getDocuments($orderby); $documents = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($documents, $user, M_READ); if ((count($subFolders) > 0)||(count($documents) > 0)){ $txt = $this->callHook('folderListHeader', $folder, $orderby); if(is_string($txt)) echo $txt; else { print "
".getMLText("access_mode").":"; echo getMLText("inherited"); echo "
".getMLText('access_mode').":"; $this->printAccessList($folder); echo "
getName()); ?>: getValueAsArray())); ?>
"; print "\n\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; // print "\n"; print "\n"; // print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n\n\n"; } } else printMLText("empty_folder_list"); foreach($subFolders as $subFolder) { $txt = $this->callHook('folderListItem', $subFolder); if(is_string($txt)) echo $txt; else { echo $this->folderListRow($subFolder); } } foreach($documents as $document) { $document->verifyLastestContentExpriry(); $txt = $this->callHook('documentListItem', $document, $previewer); if(is_string($txt)) echo $txt; else { echo $this->documentListRow($document, $previewer); } } if ((count($subFolders) > 0)||(count($documents) > 0)) { $txt = $this->callHook('folderListFooter', $folder); if(is_string($txt)) echo $txt; else echo "\n
\n"; } echo "
\n"; // End of right column div $this->contentEnd(); echo $this->callHook('postContent'); $this->htmlEndPage(); } /* }}} */ } ?>