* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli, 2010 Uwe Steinmann * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class LetoDMS_Folder { var $_id; var $_name; var $_parentID; var $_comment; var $_ownerID; var $_inheritAccess; var $_defaultAccess; var $_sequence; var $_dms; function LetoDMS_Folder($id, $name, $parentID, $comment, $ownerID, $inheritAccess, $defaultAccess, $sequence) { /* {{{ */ $this->_id = $id; $this->_name = $name; $this->_parentID = $parentID; $this->_comment = $comment; $this->_ownerID = $ownerID; $this->_inheritAccess = $inheritAccess; $this->_defaultAccess = $defaultAccess; $this->_sequence = $sequence; $this->_dms = null; } /* }}} */ /* * Set dms this folder belongs to. * * Each folder needs a reference to the dms it belongs to. It will be * set when the folder is created by LetoDMS::getFolder(). The dms has a * references to the currently logged in user and the database connection. * * @param object $dms reference to dms */ function setDMS($dms) { /* {{{ */ $this->_dms = $dms; } /* }}} */ /* * Get the internal id of the folder. * * @return integer id of folder */ function getID() { return $this->_id; } /* * Get the name of the folder. * * @return string name of folder */ function getName() { return $this->_name; } /* * Set the name of the folder. * * @param string $newName set a new name of the folder */ function setName($newName) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "UPDATE tblFolders SET name = '" . $newName . "' WHERE id = ". $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_name = $newName; return true; } /* }}} */ function getComment() { return $this->_comment; } function setComment($newComment) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "UPDATE tblFolders SET comment = '" . $newComment . "' WHERE id = ". $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_comment = $newComment; return true; } /* }}} */ function getParent() { /* {{{ */ if ($this->_id == $this->_dms->rootFolderID || !isset($this->_parentID) || ($this->_parentID == null) || ($this->_parentID == "") || ($this->_parentID == 0)) { return false; } if (!isset($this->_parent)) { $this->_parent = $this->_dms->getFolder($this->_parentID); } return $this->_parent; } /* }}} */ function setParent($newParent) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if ($this->_id == $this->_dms->rootFolderID || !isset($this->_parentID) || ($this->_parentID == null) || ($this->_parentID == "") || ($this->_parentID == 0)) { return false; } $queryStr = "UPDATE tblFolders SET parent = " . $newParent->getID() . " WHERE id = ". $this->_id; $res = $db->getResult($queryStr); if (!$res) return false; $this->_parentID = $newParent->getID(); $this->_parent = $newParent; // Must also ensure that any documents in this folder tree have their // folderLists updated. $pathPrefix=""; $path = $this->getPath(); foreach ($path as $f) { $pathPrefix .= ":".$f->getID(); } if (strlen($pathPrefix)>1) { $pathPrefix .= ":"; } $queryStr = "SELECT `tblDocuments`.`id`, `tblDocuments`.`folderList` FROM `tblDocuments` WHERE `folderList` LIKE '%:".$this->_id.":%'"; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; foreach ($resArr as $row) { $newPath = ereg_replace("^.*:".$this->_id.":(.*$)", $pathPrefix."\\1", $row["folderList"]); $queryStr="UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `folderList` = '".$newPath."' WHERE `tblDocuments`.`id` = '".$row["id"]."'"; $res = $db->getResult($queryStr); } return true; } /* }}} */ function getOwner() { /* {{{ */ if (!isset($this->_owner)) $this->_owner = $this->_dms->getUser($this->_ownerID); return $this->_owner; } /* }}} */ function setOwner($newOwner) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "UPDATE tblFolders set owner = " . $newOwner->getID() . " WHERE id = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_ownerID = $newOwner->getID(); $this->_owner = $newOwner; return true; } /* }}} */ function getDefaultAccess() { /* {{{ */ if ($this->inheritsAccess()) { $res = $this->getParent(); if (!$res) return false; return $this->_parent->getDefaultAccess(); } return $this->_defaultAccess; } /* }}} */ function setDefaultAccess($mode) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "UPDATE tblFolders set defaultAccess = " . $mode . " WHERE id = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_defaultAccess = $mode; // If any of the notification subscribers no longer have read access, // remove their subscription. foreach ($this->_notifyList["users"] as $u) { if ($this->getAccessMode($u) < M_READ) { $this->removeNotify($u->getID(), true); } } foreach ($this->_notifyList["groups"] as $g) { if ($this->getGroupAccessMode($g) < M_READ) { $this->removeNotify($g->getID(), false); } } return true; } /* }}} */ function inheritsAccess() { return $this->_inheritAccess; } function setInheritAccess($inheritAccess) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $inheritAccess = ($inheritAccess) ? "1" : "0"; $queryStr = "UPDATE tblFolders SET inheritAccess = " . $inheritAccess . " WHERE id = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_inheritAccess = $inheritAccess; // If any of the notification subscribers no longer have read access, // remove their subscription. foreach ($this->_notifyList["users"] as $u) { if ($this->getAccessMode($u) < M_READ) { $this->removeNotify($u->getID(), true); } } foreach ($this->_notifyList["groups"] as $g) { if ($this->getGroupAccessMode($g) < M_READ) { $this->removeNotify($g->getID(), false); } } return true; } /* }}} */ function getSequence() { return $this->_sequence; } function setSequence($seq) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "UPDATE tblFolders SET sequence = " . $seq . " WHERE id = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $this->_sequence = $seq; return true; } /* }}} */ function getSubFolders($orderby="") { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if (!isset($this->_subFolders)) { if ($orderby=="n") $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblFolders WHERE parent = " . $this->_id . " ORDER BY name"; else $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblFolders WHERE parent = " . $this->_id . " ORDER BY sequence"; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $this->_subFolders = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resArr); $i++) // $this->_subFolders[$i] = new LetoDMS_Folder($resArr[$i]["id"], $resArr[$i]["name"], $resArr[$i]["parent"], $resArr[$i]["comment"], $resArr[$i]["owner"], $resArr[$i]["inheritAccess"], $resArr[$i]["defaultAccess"], $resArr[$i]["sequence"]); $this->_subFolders[$i] = $this->_dms->getFolder($resArr[$i]["id"]); } return $this->_subFolders; } /* }}} */ function addSubFolder($name, $comment, $owner, $sequence) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); //inheritAccess = true, defaultAccess = M_READ $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblFolders (name, parent, comment, owner, inheritAccess, defaultAccess, sequence) ". "VALUES ('".$name."', ".$this->_id.", '".$comment."', ".$owner->getID().", 1, ".M_READ.", ".$sequence.")"; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $newFolder = $this->_dms->getFolder($db->getInsertID()); unset($this->_subFolders); return $newFolder; } /* }}} */ /* * Returns a array of all parents, grand parent, etc. up to root folder. * The folder itself is the last element of the array. * * @return array Array of parents */ function getPath() { /* {{{ */ if (!isset($this->_parentID) || ($this->_parentID == "") || ($this->_parentID == 0)) { return array($this); } else { $res = $this->getParent(); if (!$res) return false; $path = $this->_parent->getPath(); if (!$path) return false; array_push($path, $this); return $path; } } /* }}} */ function getFolderPathHTML($tagAll=false) { /* {{{ */ $path = $this->getPath(); $txtpath = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($path); $i++) { if ($i +1 < count($path)) { $txtpath .= "getID()."&showtree=".showtree()."\">". $path[$i]->getName()." / "; } else { $txtpath .= ($tagAll ? "getID()."&showtree=".showtree()."\">". $path[$i]->getName()."" : $path[$i]->getName()); } } return $txtpath; } /* }}} */ function getFolderPathPlain() { /* {{{ */ $path=""; $folderPath = $this->getPath(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($folderPath); $i++) { $path .= $folderPath[$i]->getName(); if ($i +1 < count($folderPath)) $path .= " / "; } return $path; } /* }}} */ /** * Überprüft, ob dieser Ordner ein Unterordner von $folder ist */ function isDescendant($folder) { /* {{{ */ if ($this->_parentID == $folder->getID()) return true; elseif (isset($this->_parentID)) { $res = $this->getParent(); if (!$res) return false; return $this->_parent->isDescendant($folder); } else return false; } /* }}} */ function getDocuments($orderby="") { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if (!isset($this->_documents)) { if ($orderby=="n") $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocuments WHERE folder = " . $this->_id . " ORDER BY name"; else $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblDocuments WHERE folder = " . $this->_id . " ORDER BY sequence"; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; $this->_documents = array(); foreach ($resArr as $row) { // array_push($this->_documents, new LetoDMS_Document($row["id"], $row["name"], $row["comment"], $row["date"], $row["expires"], $row["owner"], $row["folder"], $row["inheritAccess"], $row["defaultAccess"], isset($row["lockUser"])?$row["lockUser"]:NULL, $row["keywords"], $row["sequence"])); array_push($this->_documents, $this->_dms->getDocument($row["id"])); } } return $this->_documents; } /* }}} */ // $comment will be used for both document and version leaving empty the version_comment function addDocument($name, $comment, $expires, $owner, $keywords, $tmpFile, $orgFileName, $fileType, $mimeType, $sequence, $reviewers=array(), $approvers=array(),$reqversion,$version_comment="") { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $expires = (!$expires) ? 0 : $expires; // Must also ensure that the document has a valid folderList. $pathPrefix=""; $path = $this->getPath(); foreach ($path as $f) { $pathPrefix .= ":".$f->getID(); } if (strlen($pathPrefix)>1) { $pathPrefix .= ":"; } $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblDocuments (name, comment, date, expires, owner, folder, folderList, inheritAccess, defaultAccess, locked, keywords, sequence) VALUES ". "('".$name."', '".$comment."', " . mktime().", ".$expires.", ".$owner->getID().", ".$this->_id.",'".$pathPrefix."', 1, ".M_READ.", -1, '".$keywords."', " . $sequence . ")"; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $document = $this->_dms->getDocument($db->getInsertID()); if ($version_comment!="") $res = $document->addContent($version_comment, $owner, $tmpFile, $orgFileName, $fileType, $mimeType, $reviewers, $approvers,$reqversion,FALSE); else $res = $document->addContent($comment, $owner, $tmpFile, $orgFileName, $fileType, $mimeType, $reviewers, $approvers,$reqversion,FALSE); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) { $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblDocuments WHERE id = " . $document->getID(); $db->getResult($queryStr); return false; } return array($document, $res); } /* }}} */ function remove() { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); // Do not delete the root folder. if ($this->_id == $this->_dms->rootFolderID || !isset($this->_parentID) || ($this->_parentID == null) || ($this->_parentID == "") || ($this->_parentID == 0)) { return false; } //Entfernen der Unterordner und Dateien $res = $this->getSubFolders(); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) return false; $res = $this->getDocuments(); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) return false; foreach ($this->_subFolders as $subFolder) { $res = $subFolder->remove(FALSE); if (!$res) return false; } foreach ($this->_documents as $document) { $res = $document->remove(FALSE); if (!$res) return false; } //Entfernen der Datenbankeinträge $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblFolders WHERE id = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblACLs WHERE target = ". $this->_id. " AND targetType = " . T_FOLDER; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblNotify WHERE target = ". $this->_id. " AND targetType = " . T_FOLDER; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; return true; } /* }}} */ function getAccessList($mode = M_ANY, $op = O_EQ) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if ($this->inheritsAccess()) { $res = $this->getParent(); if (!$res) return false; return $this->_parent->getAccessList($mode, $op); } if (!isset($this->_accessList[$mode])) { if ($op!=O_GTEQ && $op!=O_LTEQ && $op!=O_EQ) { return false; } $modeStr = ""; if ($mode!=M_ANY) { $modeStr = " AND mode".$op.$mode; } $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM tblACLs WHERE targetType = ".T_FOLDER. " AND target = " . $this->_id . $modeStr . " ORDER BY targetType"; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false; $this->_accessList[$mode] = array("groups" => array(), "users" => array()); foreach ($resArr as $row) { if ($row["userID"] != -1) array_push($this->_accessList[$mode]["users"], new LetoDMS_UserAccess($this->_dms->getUser($row["userID"]), $row["mode"])); else //if ($row["groupID"] != -1) array_push($this->_accessList[$mode]["groups"], new LetoDMS_GroupAccess($this->_dms->getGroup($row["groupID"]), $row["mode"])); } } return $this->_accessList[$mode]; } /* }}} */ function clearAccessList() { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblACLs WHERE targetType = " . T_FOLDER . " AND target = " . $this->_id; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; unset($this->_accessList); return true; } /* }}} */ function addAccess($mode, $userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "userID" : "groupID"; $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblACLs (target, targetType, ".$userOrGroup.", mode) VALUES (".$this->_id.", ".T_FOLDER.", " . $userOrGroupID . ", " .$mode. ")"; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; unset($this->_accessList); // Update the notify list, if necessary. if ($mode == M_NONE) { $this->removeNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser); } return true; } /* }}} */ function changeAccess($newMode, $userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "userID" : "groupID"; $queryStr = "UPDATE tblACLs SET mode = " . $newMode . " WHERE targetType = ".T_FOLDER." AND target = " . $this->_id . " AND " . $userOrGroup . " = " . $userOrGroupID; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; unset($this->_accessList); // Update the notify list, if necessary. if ($newMode == M_NONE) { $this->removeNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser); } return true; } /* }}} */ function removeAccess($userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "userID" : "groupID"; $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblACLs WHERE targetType = ".T_FOLDER." AND target = ".$this->_id." AND ".$userOrGroup." = " . $userOrGroupID; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false; unset($this->_accessList); // Update the notify list, if necessary. $mode = ($isUser ? $this->getAccessMode($this->_dms->getUser($userOrGroupID)) : $this->getGroupAccessMode($this->_dms->getGroup($userOrGroupID))); if ($mode == M_NONE) { $this->removeNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser); } return true; } /* }}} */ /* * Liefert die Art der Zugriffsberechtigung für den User $user; Mögliche Rechte: n (keine), r (lesen), w (schreiben+lesen), a (alles) * Zunächst wird Geprüft, ob die Berechtigung geerbt werden soll; in diesem Fall wird die Anfrage an den Eltern-Ordner weitergeleitet. * Ansonsten werden die ACLs durchgegangen: Die höchstwertige Berechtigung gilt. * Wird bei den ACLs nicht gefunden, wird die Standard-Berechtigung zurückgegeben. * Ach ja: handelt es sich bei $user um den Besitzer ist die Berechtigung automatisch "a". */ function getAccessMode($user) { /* {{{ */ /* Admins have full access */ if ($user->isAdmin()) return M_ALL; /* User has full access if he/she is the owner of the document */ if ($user->getID() == $this->_ownerID) return M_ALL; /* Guest has read access by default, if guest login is allowed at all */ if (($user->getID() == $this->_dms->guestID) && ($this->_dms->enableGuestLogin)) { $mode = $this->getDefaultAccess(); if ($mode >= M_READ) return M_READ; else return M_NONE; } //Berechtigung erben?? // wird über GetAccessList() bereits realisiert. // durch das Verwenden der folgenden Zeilen wären auch Owner-Rechte vererbt worden. /* if ($this->inheritsAccess()) { if (isset($this->_parentID)) { if (!$this->getParent()) return false; return $this->_parent->getAccessMode($user); } } */ /* check ACLs */ $accessList = $this->getAccessList(); if (!$accessList) return false; foreach ($accessList["users"] as $userAccess) { if ($userAccess->getUserID() == $user->getID()) { return $userAccess->getMode(); } } foreach ($accessList["groups"] as $groupAccess) { if ($user->isMemberOfGroup($groupAccess->getGroup())) { return $groupAccess->getMode(); } } return $this->getDefaultAccess(); } /* }}} */ function getGroupAccessMode($group) { /* {{{ */ $highestPrivileged = M_NONE; $foundInACL = false; $accessList = $this->getAccessList(); if (!$accessList) return false; foreach ($accessList["groups"] as $groupAccess) { if ($groupAccess->getGroupID() == $group->getID()) { $foundInACL = true; if ($groupAccess->getMode() > $highestPrivileged) $highestPrivileged = $groupAccess->getMode(); if ($highestPrivileged == M_ALL) //höher geht's nicht -> wir können uns die arbeit schenken return $highestPrivileged; } } if ($foundInACL) return $highestPrivileged; //Standard-Berechtigung verwenden return $this->getDefaultAccess(); } /* }}} */ function getNotifyList() { /* {{{ */ if (!isset($this->_notifyList)) { $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $queryStr ="SELECT * FROM tblNotify WHERE targetType = " . T_FOLDER . " AND target = " . $this->_id; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false) return false; $this->_notifyList = array("groups" => array(), "users" => array()); foreach ($resArr as $row) { if ($row["userID"] != -1) array_push($this->_notifyList["users"], $this->_dms->getUser($row["userID"]) ); else //if ($row["groupID"] != -1) array_push($this->_notifyList["groups"], $this->_dms->getGroup($row["groupID"]) ); } } return $this->_notifyList; } /* }}} */ /* * Adds notify for a user or group to folder * * @param integer $userOrGroupID * @param boolean $isUser true if $userOrGroupID is a user id otherwise false * @return integer error code * -1: Invalid User/Group ID. * -2: Target User / Group does not have read access. * -3: User is already subscribed. * -4: Database / internal error. * 0: Update successful. */ function addNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */ GLOBAL $user; $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); $userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "userID" : "groupID"; /* Verify that user / group exists */ $obj = ($isUser ? $this->_dms->getUser($userOrGroupID) : $this->_dms->getGroup($userOrGroupID)); if (!is_object($obj)) { return -1; } /* Verify that the requesting user has permission to add the target to * the notification system. */ if ($user->getID() == $this->_dms->guestID) { return -2; } if (!$user->isAdmin()) { if ($isUser) { if ($user->getID() != $obj->getID()) { return -2; } } else { if (!$obj->isMember($user)) { return -2; } } } // // Verify that user / group has read access to the document. // if ($isUser) { // Users are straightforward to check. if ($this->getAccessMode($obj) < M_READ) { return -2; } } else { // Groups are a little more complex. if ($this->getDefaultAccess() >= M_READ) { // If the default access is at least READ-ONLY, then just make sure // that the current group has not been explicitly excluded. $acl = $this->getAccessList(M_NONE, O_EQ); $found = false; foreach ($acl["groups"] as $group) { if ($group->getGroupID() == $userOrGroupID) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found) { return -2; } } else { // The default access is restricted. Make sure that the group has // been explicitly allocated access to the document. $acl = $this->getAccessList(M_READ, O_GTEQ); if (is_bool($acl)) { return -4; } $found = false; foreach ($acl["groups"] as $group) { if ($group->getGroupID() == $userOrGroupID) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { return -2; } } } // // Check to see if user/group is already on the list. // $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblNotify` WHERE `tblNotify`.`target` = '".$this->_id."' ". "AND `tblNotify`.`targetType` = '".T_FOLDER."' ". "AND `tblNotify`.`".$userOrGroup."` = '".$userOrGroupID."'"; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr)) { return -4; } if (count($resArr)>0) { return -3; } $queryStr = "INSERT INTO tblNotify (target, targetType, " . $userOrGroup . ") VALUES (" . $this->_id . ", " . T_FOLDER . ", " . $userOrGroupID . ")"; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return -4; unset($this->_notifyList); return 0; } /* }}} */ /* * Removes notify for a user or group to folder * * @param integer $userOrGroupID * @param boolean $isUser true if $userOrGroupID is a user id otherwise false * @return integer error code * -1: Invalid User/Group ID. * -3: User is not subscribed. * -4: Database / internal error. * 0: Update successful. */ function removeNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */ GLOBAL $user; $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); /* Verify that user / group exists. */ $obj = ($isUser ? $this->_dms->getUser($userOrGroupID) : $this->_dms->getGroup($userOrGroupID)); if (!is_object($obj)) { return -1; } $userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "userID" : "groupID"; /* Verify that the requesting user has permission to add the target to * the notification system. */ if ($user->getID() == $this->_dms->guestID) { return -2; } if (!$user->isAdmin()) { if ($isUser) { if ($user->getID() != $obj->getID()) { return -2; } } else { if (!$obj->isMember($user)) { return -2; } } } // // Check to see if the target is in the database. // $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblNotify` WHERE `tblNotify`.`target` = '".$this->_id."' ". "AND `tblNotify`.`targetType` = '".T_FOLDER."' ". "AND `tblNotify`.`".$userOrGroup."` = '".$userOrGroupID."'"; $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (is_bool($resArr)) { return -4; } if (count($resArr)==0) { return -3; } $queryStr = "DELETE FROM tblNotify WHERE target = " . $this->_id . " AND targetType = " . T_FOLDER . " AND " . $userOrGroup . " = " . $userOrGroupID; if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return -4; unset($this->_notifyList); return 0; } /* }}} */ function getApproversList() { /* {{{ */ $db = $this->_dms->getDB(); if (!isset($this->_approversList)) { $this->_approversList = array("groups" => array(), "users" => array()); $userIDs = ""; $groupIDs = ""; $defAccess = $this->getDefaultAccess(); if ($defAccessgetAccessList(M_READ, O_GTEQ); } else { // Get the list of all users and groups that DO NOT have write access // to the folder. $tmpList = $this->getAccessList(M_NONE, O_LTEQ); } foreach ($tmpList["groups"] as $group) { $groupIDs .= (strlen($groupIDs)==0 ? "" : ", ") . $group->getGroupID(); } foreach ($tmpList["users"] as $user) { if ($user->getUserID()!=$this->_dms->guestID) { $userIDs .= (strlen($userIDs)==0 ? "" : ", ") . $user->getUserID(); } } // Construct a query against the users table to identify those users // that have write access to this folder, either directly through an // ACL entry, by virtue of ownership or by having administrative rights // on the database. $queryStr=""; if ($defAccess < M_READ) { if (strlen($groupIDs)>0) { $queryStr = "(SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblGroupMembers` ON `tblGroupMembers`.`userID`=`tblUsers`.`id` ". "WHERE `tblGroupMembers`.`groupID` IN (". $groupIDs .") ". "AND `tblUsers`.`id` !='".$this->_dms->guestID."')"; } $queryStr .= (strlen($queryStr)==0 ? "" : " UNION "). "(SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ". "WHERE (`tblUsers`.`id` !='".$this->_dms->guestID."') ". "AND ((`tblUsers`.`id` = ". $this->_ownerID . ") ". "OR (`tblUsers`.`isAdmin` = 1)". (strlen($userIDs) == 0 ? "" : " OR (`tblUsers`.`id` IN (". $userIDs ."))"). ")) ORDER BY `login`"; } else { if (strlen($groupIDs)>0) { $queryStr = "(SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ". "LEFT JOIN `tblGroupMembers` ON `tblGroupMembers`.`userID`=`tblUsers`.`id` ". "WHERE `tblGroupMembers`.`groupID` NOT IN (". $groupIDs .")". "AND `tblUsers`.`id` != '".$this->_dms->guestID."' ". (strlen($userIDs) == 0 ? ")" : " AND (`tblUsers`.`id` NOT IN (". $userIDs .")))"); } $queryStr .= (strlen($queryStr)==0 ? "" : " UNION "). "(SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ". "WHERE (`tblUsers`.`id` = ". $this->_ownerID . ") ". "OR (`tblUsers`.`isAdmin` = 1))". "UNION ". "(SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ". "WHERE `tblUsers`.`id` != '".$this->_dms->guestID."' ". (strlen($userIDs) == 0 ? ")" : " AND (`tblUsers`.`id` NOT IN (". $userIDs .")))"). " ORDER BY `login`"; } $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!is_bool($resArr)) { foreach ($resArr as $row) { if ((!$this->_dms->enableAdminRevApp) && ($row["id"]==$this->_dms->adminID)) continue; $this->_approversList["users"][] = new LetoDMS_User($row["id"], $row["login"], $row["pwd"], $row["fullName"], $row["email"], $row["language"], $row["theme"], $row["comment"], $row["isAdmin"]); } } // Assemble the list of groups that have write access to the folder. $queryStr=""; if ($defAccess < M_READ) { if (strlen($groupIDs)>0) { $queryStr = "SELECT `tblGroups`.* FROM `tblGroups` ". "WHERE `tblGroups`.`id` IN (". $groupIDs .")"; } } else { if (strlen($groupIDs)>0) { $queryStr = "SELECT `tblGroups`.* FROM `tblGroups` ". "WHERE `tblGroups`.`id` NOT IN (". $groupIDs .")"; } else { $queryStr = "SELECT `tblGroups`.* FROM `tblGroups`"; } } if (strlen($queryStr)>0) { $resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr); if (!is_bool($resArr)) { foreach ($resArr as $row) { $this->_approversList["groups"][] = new LetoDMS_Group($row["id"], $row["name"], $row["comment"]); } } } } return $this->_approversList; } /* }}} */ } ?>