getFolderList(); /* Check the folder */ if($folderList != $path) { $needsrepair = true; print "getID()."\">"; print "getID()."\">"; $tmppath = $folder->getPath(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($tmppath); $i++) { print "/".htmlspecialchars($tmppath[$i]->getName()); } print $foldername; print ""; $owner = $folder->getOwner(); print "".htmlspecialchars($owner->getFullName()).""; print "Folderlist is '".$folderList."', should be '".$path."'"; if($repair) { $folder->repair(); print "Repaired\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } } $subfolders = $folder->getSubFolders(); foreach($subfolders as $subfolder) { tree($subfolder, $indent.' ', $path.$folder->getId().':'); } $path .= $folder->getId().':'; $documents = $folder->getDocuments(); foreach($documents as $document) { /* Check the document */ $folderList = $document->getFolderList(); if($folderList != $path) { $needsrepair = true; $lc = $document->getLatestContent(); print "getID()."\">getFileType())."\" title=\"".$lc->getMimeType()."\">"; print "getID()."\">/"; $folder = $document->getFolder(); $tmppath = $folder->getPath(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($tmppath); $i++) { print htmlspecialchars($tmppath[$i]->getName())."/"; } print $document->getName(); print ""; $owner = $document->getOwner(); print "".htmlspecialchars($owner->getFullName()).""; print "Folderlist is '".$folderList."', should be '".$path."'"; if($repair) { $document->repair(); print "Repaired\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } } } /* }}} */ if (!$user->isAdmin()) { UI::exitError(getMLText("admin_tools"),getMLText("access_denied")); } $v = new LetoDMS_Version; UI::htmlStartPage(getMLText("admin_tools")); UI::globalNavigation(); UI::pageNavigation(getMLText("admin_tools"), "admin_tools"); UI::contentHeading(getMLText("objectcheck")); UI::contentContainerStart(); if(isset($_GET['repair']) && $_GET['repair'] == 1) { $repair = 1; echo "


"; } else { $repair = 0; } $folder = $dms->getFolder($settings->_rootFolderID); print ""; print "\n\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n\n\n"; $needsrepair = false; tree($folder, $repair); print "
\n"; if($needsrepair && $repair == 0) { echo '


'; } UI::contentContainerEnd(); UI::htmlEndPage(); ?>