-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 5.0.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - merged changes from 4.3.31 - fix saving online editing file - replace some php short tags by ) - do not ask for a filename if _strictFormCheck is set to false - do not erase file selection fields if a new document is added - fixed problems with expiry system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 3.0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major reorganisation of code Split LetoDMS into a core module, webdav server, and the known web application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 2.0.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDED A GRAPHIC LOGO The user can personalize it changing the image in styles/logo.png Reviewed the style to accomplish with the logo New settings' flag "_expandFolderTree" to start with the navigation tree hidden, expanded or expanded at the first level The tree status (hide/show) will be preserved through folder actions The witdh of open/closed tree can be defined using CSS (in "clean" CSS style "tree-open" and "tree-closed" ) DIFFERENT COMMENTS FOR DOCUMENT AND VERSION Creating a document user can insert a different comment for version and for entire document. If the version comment is leaved empty the document comment will be used for both Added a warning about the maximum upload file size in the upload pages (add document and add files). The size is a server setting and does not depend by letoDMS Better allignment in the view document page (Thanks to alekseyn). Better allignment in the view document version page. Note: the allignement is simply suggested setting width in table columns, thus can be modified by very long strings. Now checking none between keywords,name and comment in search form means searching all. That's a more logical way (same as behaviour of status checks) Added a settings var for default calendar view (week,month or year) Simplified the "Related documents" table: now the public yes/no is visible only to the user tha can edit it Removed a small bug with calendar function inclusion (thanks to c8900219) Bugfixed the control of empty document names (thanks to turkeburgr) Fixed a compatiblity bug in log management page (removed the unused readlink function) Restyled the warnings appearance in clean style Fixed a bug with empty vars on user management Fixed a small bug when trying to download deleted files from folder view Fixed a smal bug with logging on version removing (Thanks to larppaxyz) Reviewed print css according to folder tree and logo In print view the status was hide by css. Fixed EXPERIMENTAL: review the LDAP autentication by Doudoux. The old code is leaved commented in op.Login.php and in inc.Settings.php. the submit review/approval has moved in the reviewer/approvers list -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 2.0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDED MULTIPLE DOCUMENT INCLUSION in "Add document" page there's a new switch to add multiple files for every file a new document will be created in the folder the size limit depends on server settings if multiple file are added: - the file name is used to name the document - expiration, reviewers, approvers, comment, etc will be the same for every document ADDED HUMAN-READABLE OPTION ON ARCHIVE CREATION: with a flag in the "archive creation" tool the archive can be created using DMS paths and original file names. The archive contains only the last version of every file. Clearly a human readable archive cannot be used to restore a server backup but they are handyer for external uses. ADDED A SIDEBAR WITH TREE VIEW on the folder browsing the feature is optional an there's a new settings flag var $_enableFolderTree = true; The sidebar shows only folders (a complete tree wich includes document would be very heavy on most installation) ADDED A SHARED CALENDAR for DMS users - there'a new menu item ("calendar") to access the calendar - the starting view is current week - calendar has 3 view : year, month and week - every event has start/end time (only date), user, creation and date, name and comment - no hour/minute management (is not intent as personal/daily calendar) - events can be added and viewed by everyone (are public) - the event can be edit and delete by the user who insert it or by administrators - the feature is optional (can be deactivated in inc.Settings) ADDED A SIMPLE DB DUMP UTILITY in the Admin-Tools/Backup tools - the feature should complete the backup utilities toolkit - THE DB DUMP IS EXPERIMENTAL AND MUST BE TESTED WITH YOUR DB - The created will require an empty existing db to restore data (content only) IMPROVED THE DOCUMENT SEARCH FOR DOCUMENT STATUS now one can search all document rejected, expired, obsolete, ecc. reordered and restyled search form and result list Beautyfied e-mail messages The document expiration date (if any) is now showed near the status lined up the reviewer approvers table in view document and document details fixed a bug with group notify list administration reverse alphabetical order (newer first) for log list, backup list, dump list minor bugfix in versioning file creation/notification list editing added confirmation page for user/group deletion improve some log lines in user/group management minor bugfix in myDocuments view Now when editing a user the password can be leaved unchanged (if nothing is inserted the password will not be changed) Completed (not translated) some languages files fixed some bug with user deletion (there were some tables not updated) Fixed a bug with the time picker improved the folder chooser dialog Now the "view on line" works regardless to the case of the extension string (the extension can be upper, lower or mixed case) Same bugfix for the icon used in folder/document view Removed the javascript hide/show for reviewers/approvers list (buggy with some browser) Resolved a bug with hidden user flag Improved the log view page Reordered document action casistics (lock/unlock, permissiones, ecc.) Removed the js source folder and file (not used) Added new features description to the on-line help On update operation the mandatory users/reviwers where not used: fixed Bugfix again on View online function Bugfix in personal keyword list editing Removed a lot of php notice (viable only on some servers with php Notice enabled) Removed a bug with direcotry creation and safe_mod activated Reordered the theme folders Fixed a not define accessmode in document chooser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a first major release with a lot of changes, then some new features can contain new bugs. The DB require a small change: update.sql is included in the folder UPDATE-v1.9 ADDED THE MANDATORY REVIEWERS AND APPROVERS LIST (per user): Administrator can associate to every user one or more users as mandatory reviewer/approver. Every document inserted by that user will be forced to be reviewed/approved by the users in that list. Note that if document is not readable by the mandatory approver/reviewer then the appoval/review will not be required (for example will not be required for private documents). ADDED A LOGGING SYSTEM: - works with plain files - administrator tools includes a page to view/download/delete log files - log files are rotated with a time parameter in settings ($_logFileRotation) The logging system is an experimental feature and must be carefully tested in large multiuser environments. There are two new parameters in inc.Settings to enable. USERS CAN NOW BE HIDDEN FROM USERS LISTS viewed by all (there's a "hide" checkbox in user manager page) this function works with the "user view" list shown to all users clearly if "$_enableUsersView = false" in configuration the option is useless Restyled and improve the notify management: - the new personal administration is included in "myAccount" menu of every user - ADDED RECURSIVE INCLUSION (folder with all subfolders and/or all documents) Viewonline now works (but should be tested again with different platforms) Owner of a document is now emailed if someone else rename/move/update the document When a document is reviewed/approved the mail is now correclty sent to the document updater (the user who update the version) not necessarly to the owner. ADDED SWITCH BETWEEN ALPHABETICAL OR ORIGINAL ORDER in the folder view clicking on the "name" column header The archive includes an older version of adodb working with MySQL-4 The downloadable text file with versioning infos is now updated immediatly before download Bugfixed the create_table.sql Removed a bug in english language file Removed last references to the old name "myDMS" Restyled and improved the "backup tools" page Bugfixed the datechooser (was limited to 2010) ADDED THE EDITABLE "MANAGER" FLAG TO GROUP MEMBER now one (or more) user can be flagged as "manager" group member Currently group notification are editable only by group managers but the flag will be required for future use IMPROVED THE GROUP/USER MANAGEMENT PAGES - operation are ordered in a more clear way - the "add new" operation uses the hide/show javascript - now the page refresh immediatly when new data are saved Restyled and improve the "edit access permission" pages Improved the keyword category editing - operation are ordered in a more clear way - the "add new" operation uses the hide/show javascript - now the page refresh immediatly when new data are saved - the keyword category operation has been removed from administration personal account menu (the operation has gone in administration tool's menu because administrator edits the global keywords categories) Improved Keword chooser Added quick installation instruction on the README file THE USER IMAGES ARE NOW OPTIONAL (the implementation is poor and doesn't work on every system, then can be disabled) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.8.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Improved portuguese (thanks to Pedro.broggini), slovak (thanks to deb00t) and german (thanks to Vault) languages translations. Resolved some minor bugs (undefined variables) in inc.Class document and inc.ClassUI Bugfixed UPDATE script - added update instruction in README file Resolved a bug on ViewOnline feature (thanks to doudoux) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.8.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The link in revision/approval request email now is for the ViewDocument Fix a bug in big backup file creation Review ad reorganized the ViewFolder page: removed Reviewers/Approvers list and added directory contents (file and subfolder count) and comments Added directory dimension and content in out.Statistics Now thwe initial version number of a new document can be set (you can start a document with a version > 1) Some mail are corrected The various input field has been enlarged (using clean style) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.8.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- REDESIGNED THE ORGANIZATION OF DATA FOLDER Now the data folder (where files are located) has a more efficient organization: data_dir / id / version.filetype This scheme makes backups much more intuitive (the folder name corresponds to the id of the document, all versions and attached files are in the same folder. - Removed no longer needed tdbDirPath and tdlPathList - Removed no longer needed free path lookup functions - Modified sql create_tables.sql for changes to the DB in accordance with the new organization WARNING: This change makes the version incompatible with existing archives/DB but is required by the all thennew features (read ahead) The "UPDATE" folder contais two script for updating existing installations To update an existing archive: - Backup all (including DB) - Install the new DMS version - Install the "UPDATE" folder containing two files update.php and update.sql - Log in as administrator - Manually invoke the script (http://indirizzo/UPDATE/update.php - Remove the folder "UPDATE" If everything works well the old content has ben renamed "old" and can be removed (eg via ftp) ADDITIONAL FILES Added the ability to upload additional files associated to a document (as attachments) these files are not versioned and are designed as accessories to the document (Eg the PDF version or reductions in the image). The files are associated with the document, not to version. NOTE: To add attachments the user must have write permission on the document The attachment can be removed by the user who added it or having total permissions BACKUP Added some useful tools for backing up files and folders (real files, not the DB). Especially useful for working with entire folders which, being virtual, can not easily be backupped via ftp. There are three operations designed to be eventually applied in sequence. Data Backup versioning: Create for each document in a DMS folder a file containing the main versioning informations This allows you to make backup copies of which also contain information from the DB. This is meant to be performed before the creation of an archive, After creating the file versioning file can be viewed from out.ViewDocument Creating Archives: Creates a tar.gz file containing all files related to a specific DMS folder. The file is created in settings->_contentDir The file is constructed so that it can be unpacked again in the settings->_contentDir to restore removed files. In the page is presented the list of existing backup files which you can downloaded or delete Deleting files: you can delete from the server all the files related to a specific DMS folder and all its subfolders. By doing this you can free space on the server without removing the version information saved in the database that will be available for regular consultation. Having a backup deleted files can easily be restored when needed. All backups operations can be performed on the entire archive or only on a DMS folder. All backups operations are accessible only to administrators. OTHER FEATURES Added the possibility to change a approval/review already done. The editing is possible at any moment only to the user who made it. The time is retained (so you can understand subsequent amendments). The document status is updated automatically following a change. The editing is only possible on the latest version of the document. If a document expire date is set editing is only possible within that time Added delete_all_contents script. Cleaning DB tool for test use Proper content of some e-mail Added general information to the statistic page: - No. of documents - No. of folders - No. of files in every document - Number of total files - Total size of the archive Fixed the view of system notify list The comments related to the update opration (versione comment) are now editable Adjusted out.DefaultKeywords now equal to out.UserDefaultKeyword Added function formatted_size (view size in Bytes / Kb / Mb / Gb) in inc.Utils and applied where necessary Fixed a bug on documents cancellation (was not removed the corresponding list of notification) The files in data folder can be removed without cause errors in the DMS. When a file is not effectively present in out.ViewDocument displays a warning "file removed" and, of course, is no longer given the option to download. This feature can be used to free up space on the server, removing old files, while leaving available the corresponding version information. Fixed the view in out.AddSubFolder.php (default font size) Added icons for openoffice.org mime-type Added icons for some types of extensions (bz, dot, docx, etc.). Added (in inc.settings) option to disable the user administrator as a reviewer / approver (not listed) Remove the untranslated instructions "die" (replaced by UI:: exitError) Proper control permissions for internal links (related document): - The guest user can not add links - Users without write permission can only add links private - Add link publici the user must have write permission - To cancel link should be the user that added or have permission to total ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The reviewer/approver can edit his review/approval after having submitted it. Only the user whom effectivly submitted the review/approval can edit it, even if he was required as group member. The document status will be updated autmatically according with the modified submission. The edit is possible only on the last version of a document (there's no reason to edit a old version). If expiration date is set the edit is possible (obviously) only within that date. Account menu has been reviewed. Two new pages containing general views of groups and users are integrated in the account menu. The feature can be disabled in inc.Settings.php. The email notification can be completely disabled in inc.Settings.php. Every users can leave empty his e-mail field to not receive e-mail even if strictFormCheck is on. Fix of two redirection bugs after deleting documents or folders. The notification list is now integrated in the myDocument page/menu. The general tree view has been enhance. Fix of some e-mail composition errors. Fix of some italian translation errors. The owner is no longer automatically added to the notification list of a document. The notification lists should not be modified automatically (if not required the notification are annoying) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.7.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - removed vulnerability lang/theme at login (TODO: referuri in op.Login.php) - completed translation calls - a print css added - added "warning" and "error" styles - new css clean e hc (high contrast for visually impaired folks) - guest login must be default false - reorderer the first level menu - reordered personal document navigation - reorderd personal account navigation - out.info is now linked to administrator only and access protected - added permission control on root folder (no inheritance) - removed "remove" and "move" commands for root folder - reorganized permission pages - added disclaimer note (shown on every page) with setting flag and translation - where possible ALL the operation feedback are removed (where no errors the page return immedatly to the contents) - added and exitError function in ClassUI and review ALL pages to comply - syled the out.KeywordChooser page - deleted inc.OutUtils - deleted op.NotifyMailer (not used) - added a "legend" to out.Statistics ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.7.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Style Sheet modifications to improve IE6 compatibility, contributed by Juan Lago (thanks Juan!). This fixes some placement issues with elements that have the position attribute set to "absolute". - The div elements that are used to clear floats have been fixed so that they have zero height in IE6. It is not enough to specify "height: 0"; one must also set "font-size:0" otherwise IE6 will set the height of the element to match the standard font size. - UI layout improvements. Various changes to the user interface to improve the page flow and allow for further expansion in the future. The context menu bar has been separated from the page heading into its own container underneath the title. It's a more logical place to present the menu, and will allow for the easy addition of further sub-headings in the future without compromising the page flow. - The last dependency on the original theme system has been eliminated with the introduction of updated chooser dialogues for selecting files and folders. These dialogues have the new themes and the code has been revamped, replacing the old table structures with unordered lists. - LDAP update. A minor change to the LDAP authentication code to allow for the use of URIs to identify the server name (e.g. ldaps://host.com). Also, the LDAP version is set to 3 in order to support secure connections. - New language translations for Czech and Slovak. Contributed by SF user helix84 (thanks!). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.7.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Re-vamped Notification system allows users to receive an email when a document or folder is changed. This is a new, event-based mechanism that notifies the user as soon as the change has been made and replaces the cron mechanism originally developed. Any user that has read access to a document or folder can subscribe to be notified of changes. Users that have been assigned as reviewers or approvers for a document are automatically added to the notification system for that document. A new page has been created for users to assist with the management of their notification subscriptions. This can be found in the "My Account" section under "Notification List". - The test used to identify HTTPS connections has been improved so that it correctly identifies IIS servers that have ISAPI enabled but are not using HTTPS protocol. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixes to CSS display bugs. Minor updates to the display. - Improved handling of character escape sequences. - Review / Approve dates added to folder views and search results. - New file system directory management code to accommodate limitations in the underlying filesystem which restrict the number of files that MyDMS can store. MyDMS now uses a nested directory structure to store files, rather than a flat one. However, note that individual files are still stored one per directory in order to preserve compatibility with older versions of MyDMS. For details of the problem and the solution implemented, please refer to: http://mydms.sf.net/2007/08/15/new-file-system-storage-structure/ - Hungarian translation. - And as a bonus, there is a Drupal theme compatible with MyDMS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.6.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Theme and language choice are now saved as user attributes between sessions. Read update-1.6.1.txt for changes to database schema. - Link to document review / approval page from out.ViewDocument.php. - French translation. - Brazilian Portuguese translation. - Traditional Chinese translation. - Relaxation of criteria for selecting reviewers / approvers. Users now only require read access to be eligible reviewers or approvers. - Documents are now displayed in the correct sequence in the folder view. - Documents can be downloaded directly from the folder view by clicking their icon. - Document icons in the folder view now reflect the document type. - Empty passwords are not accepted, even when JS is disabled in the browser. - New restricted access mode rejects login from users who are not entered into the internal database, even if LDAP authentication was successful. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Introduction of a document workflow system that manages the life-cycle of a document, including review and approval stages. Details: Document Class: Created new methods: Document::addIndReviewer() Document::addGrpReviewer() Document::addIndApprover() Document::addGrpApprover() Changes to: Document::addContent() New Class: Email. out.AddDocument.php op.AddDocument.php Changes to allow selection of reviewers and approvers. Group Class: Changes to: Group::getUsers() -- query optimised New Methods: Group::getReviewStatus() Group::getApprovalStatus() User Class: New Methods: User::getReviewStatus() User::getApprovalStatus() Class Folder: Changes to: Folder::addDocument() -- accept reviewers, approvers as parameters. New Class: AddContentResultSet. Database: Document version field changed from TINYINT to unsigned SMALLINT throughout database. `tblGroupMembers`: `id` field removed as it is unnecessary. Created a primary of `groupID`, `userID`. DocumentContent Class: Created new methods: DocumentContent::getStatus() DocumentContent::getReviewStatus() DocumentContent::getApprovalStatus() DocumentContent::delIndReviewer() DocumentContent::delGrpReviewer() DocumentContent::delIndApprover() DocumentContent::delGrpApprover() out.ViewDocument.php op.ViewDocument.php Changes to incorporate display of workflow status. Links to allow user to change status of a document revision. out.UpdateDocument.php op.UpdateDocument.php Changes to allow selection of reviewers and approvers. out.Login.php op.Login.php redirect user to originally requested URL upon successful login. out.ReviewDocument.php op.ReviewDocument.php out.ApproveDocument.php op.ApproveDocument.php Created to enable users to review and approve documents. out.OverrideContentStatus.php op.OverrideContentStatus.php Allows document owner or site administrator to override the status of a document. out.SetReviewersApprovers.php op.SetReviewersApprovers.php Allows document owner or site administrator to re-assign reviewers and approvers to a document revision that is pending review or approval. out.ActionSummary.php Lists all the documents owned by current user that are pending review or approval. Lists all documents that are awaiting review or approval by the user. Search page now allows user to search for documents pending review or approval. Search results display overall document status. - Admin user cannot be deleted, and admin privilege cannot be removed from the admin user. Previously, both actions were possible. - Users can be assigned administrative privileges in the User Manager. - Deleting document revisions or the document itself notifies all affected users by email, deletes entries from all status logs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug in the keyword editing code which was preventing users from adding default keywords into global keyword categories. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Optimised search. Improved the performance of the search function by placing more of the work on the database and by applying indexes to some of the tables. Sub-folder searches are also dramatically improved due to the incorporation of a folderList field in the tblDocuments table. - Optimised display. New compact theme significantly reduces the page load times. This is the default theme. The original is still available as a selection. - Changed file download headers such that downloading works with IE over SSL. - Changed all instances of $HTTP_COOKIES_VARS, which has been deprecated, to $_COOKIE. - Replaced all short open tags (