SeedDMS_Corepear.php.netDocument management systemSeedDMS is a web based document management system (DMS). This is
the core of it, providing the basic functionality to create/update and delete
folders and documents. It also contains a user and group managmentUwe Steinmannsteinmuwe@steinmann.cxyes2022-11- License
- SeedDMS_Core_Folder::addDocument() does rollback transaction propperly when setting document categories fail
- add $skiproot and $sep parameter to SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getFolderPathPlain()
- add class name for 'documentfile'
- add method SeedDMS_Core_KeywordCategory::countKeywordLists() License
Initial release
2011-07- License
New release
2012-02- License
- added methods to find and repair errors in document and folder records
- removed sendmail parameter from some methods in LetoDMS_Core_Document
- do not use some of the temporay tables anymore
- SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) in LetoDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess::connect()
2012-03- License
- new release
2012-03- License
- fixed bug in LetoDMS_Core_Document::getDir()
2012-03- License
- fixed bug in LetoDMS_Core_Document::getPath()
2012-04- License
- fixed bug in LetoDMS_Core_DocumentFile::getPath()
2012-04-303. License
- minor corrections
2012-07- License
- no changes, just keep same version as letodms application
2012-08- License
- no changes, just keep same version as letodms application
2012-09- License
- more sql injection protection in LetoDMS_Core_User
2012-09- License
- version update to be in sync with letodms application
2012-12- License
- added PDO database driver, several sql changes for better compatiblity
- fixed bug when adding a new document category
- make sure the database remains consistent even in case of errors
2013-01-244.0.0pre14.0.0betastableGPL License
- added database transactions
- new workflow
- replaced old var declaration
2013-02-064.0.0pre24.0.0betastableGPL License
- lots of bug fixes
- replaced more of old var declaration
- more code documentation
2013-02-084.0.0pre34.0.0betastableGPL License
- minor bug fixes
2013-02-114.0.0pre44.0.0betastableGPL License
- calculate checksum for document versions
- some bug fixes
- some more documentation
- added new methods SeedDMS_Core_Document::getReadUserList() and
SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getReadUserList() which replaces getApproversList()
- fixed sql statement in getReadUserList() for sqlite3
2013-02-144.0.0pre54.0.0betastableGPL License
- changed name from letodms to seeddms
- fixed SeedDMS_Database::TableList()
2013-02-204.0.0RC14.0.0betastableGPL License
- minor bugfixes
2013-02- License
- minor bugfixes
2013-03- License
- minor bugfixes
2013-04- License
- stay in sync with seeddms application
2013-04- License
- set propper folderList of sub folders after moving a folder
2013-04- License
- stay in sync with seeddms application
2013-04- License
- fixed bug in SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::addIndApp()
2013-04-304. License
- fixed bug in SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::addIndApp()
2013-05- License
- admins can be added as reviewer/approver again
2013-09- License
- various small corrections
- comment of version is no longer taken from document if version comment is empty
- passing an array of users to SeedDMЅ_Core_DMS::search() instead of a single user ist now allowed
- turn on foreign key constraints for sqlite3
- SeedDMЅ_Core_Folder::getPath() can handle a subfolder treated as a root folder
2013-11- License
- new method SeedDMS_Core_Folder::isSubFolder()
- check for subFolder in SeedDMS_Core_Folder::setParent()
- new methods SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkFolders() and SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkDocuments()
2014-02- License
- SeedDMS_Folder::getDocuments() and SeedDMS_Folder::getSubFolders() do not
do any sorting if $orderby is not set.
- database hostname can have port seperated by ':'
- make all functions in SeedDMS_Core_File static (fixes problem with php 5.5.x)
2014-02- License
- fix handling of multivalue attributes
2014-03- License
no changes
2014-03- License
- add optional parameters $publiconly=false and $user=null to SeedDMS_Core_Document::getDocumentLinks()
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_Document::getReverseDocumentLinks()
2014-03- License
no changes
2014-04- License
- new method SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getStatisticalData()
2014-07-304. License
- SeedDMS_Core_KeywordCategory::getKeywordLists() sorts keywords aphabetically
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::addUser() doesn't throw an error if sql_mode is set to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES and pwdexpiration is not set to a valid date.
2014-10- License
new release
2014-11- License
- fixed saving multivalue attributes
- add method SeedDMS_Core_Attribute::getValueAsArray()
2014-11- License
- fix searching folders with multivalue attributes
2014-11- License
- fix searching for attributes
- add some more documentation
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDocumentCategories() returns categories sorted by name (Bug #181)
- new methode SeedDMS_Core_Document::replaceContent() which replaces the content of a version. License
- add missing start transaction in SeedDMD_Core_Folder::remove()
- SeedDMD_Core_Folder::isSubFolder() doesn't compare object instances anymore (Bug #194)
2015-02- License
users returned by SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getAllUsers() have language and theme set again
2015-03- License
no changes
2015-03- License
clean workflow log when a document version was deleted
2015-06- License
- add optional paramter $msg to SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::verifyStatus()
- add method SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDuplicateDocumentContent()
2015-06- License
- add optional paramter $noclean to clearAccessList(), setDefaultAccess(), setInheritAccess()
- clearAccessList() will clean up the notifier list
- new method cleanNotifyList()
2015-06- License
- add method SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkDate()
- add method SeedDMS_Core_Document::setDate()
- add method SeedDMS_Core_Folder::setDate()
- date can be passed to SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setStatus()
- add method SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::rewriteStatusLog()
- add method SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::rewriteReviewLog()
- add method SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::rewriteApprovalLog()
- access rights for guest are also taken into account if set in an acl. Previously guest could gain read rights even if the access was probibited
by a group or user right
2015-09- License
- add method SeedDMS_Core_Database::getCurrentTimestamp()
- add method SeedDMS_Core_Database::getCurrentDatetime()
- user getCurrentTimestamp() and getCurrentDatetime() whenever possible
2015-11- License
- fix sql statement to reset password
- pass some more information for timeline
2016-01- License
- new method SeedDMS_Core_DMS::createDump()
- minor improvements int SeedDMS_Core_Document::getReadAccessList()
2016-01- License
- make sure boolean attribute is saved as 0/1
- add SeedDMS_Core_User::[g|s]etMandatoryWorkflows()
- add SeedDMS_Core_User::getNotifications()
- add SeedDMS_Core_Group::getNotifications()
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getNotificationsByGroup() and
SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getNotificationsByUser() are deprecated
- SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory::getDocumentsByCategory() now returns the documents
- add SeedDMS_Core_Group::getWorkflowStatus()
- SeedDMS_Core_User::getDocumentsLocked() sets locking user propperly
2016-01- License
- classes can be overloaded
- clean workflow log when a document version was deleted
2016-01- License
- make sure boolean attribute is saved as 0/1
- add SeedDMS_Core_User::[g|s]etMandatoryWorkflows()
- add SeedDMS_Core_User::getNotifications()
- add SeedDMS_Core_Group::getNotifications()
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getNotificationsByGroup() and
SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getNotificationsByUser() are deprecated
- SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory::getDocumentsByCategory() now returns the documents
- add SeedDMS_Core_Group::getWorkflowStatus()
- SeedDMS_Core_User::getDocumentsLocked() sets locking user propperly
2016-03- License
- rename SeedDMS_Core_Group::getNotificationsByGroup() to getNotifications()
- use __construct() for all constructors
- fix setting multi value attributes for versions
2016-04- License
- add more callbacks
2016-04- License
- callbacks can have more then one user function
- fix some sql statements, because they didn't work with mysql 5.7.5 anymore
2016-08- License
- SeedDMЅ_Core_DMS::search() searches also comment of document version
2016-09- License
- SeedDMЅ_Core_Object::getAttributes() orders attributes by name of attribute definition
- SeedDMЅ_Core_Workflow::addTransition() force reload of transition list after adding a
- SeedDMЅ_Core_Document::rewrite[Review|Approval]Log() will also copy file if it exists
- add method SeedDMЅ_Core_Document::rewriteWorkflowLog()
2016-10-074.3.304.3.30stablestableGPL License
- new method SeedDMЅ_Core_AttributeDefinition::getValueSetSeparator()
- trim each value of a value set before saving the complete value set as a string
2016-11-024.3.314.3.31stablestableGPL License
- new method SeedDMЅ_Core_WorkflowAction::getTransitions()
- new method SeedDMЅ_Core_WorkflowState::getTransitions()
- new method SeedDMЅ_Core_AttributeDefinition::parseValue()
- add check for cycles in workflow SeedDMS_Core_Workflow::checkForCycles()
2017-01-124.3.324.3.32stablestableGPL License
- order groups by name returned by getReadAccessList()
- add optional parameter to SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterDocumentLinks()
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::search() can search for document/folder id
2017-02-224.3.334.3.33stablestableGPL License
- SeedDMЅ_Core_DMS::getTimeline() no longer returns duplicate documents
- SeedDMЅ_Core_Document::addContent() sets workflow after status was set
- SeedDMЅ_Core_Keyword::setOwner() fix sql statement
- SeedDMЅ_Core_User::setFullname() minor fix in sql statement
2017-02-284.3.344.3.34stablestableGPL License
SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDuplicateDocumentContent() returns complete document
2017-07-114.3.354.3.35stablestableGPL License
do not sort some temporary tables anymore, because it causes an error in mysql if sql_mode=only_full_group_by is set
2017-03-224.3.364.3.36stablestableGPL License
- fix sql statement for creating temp. tables (sqlite)
2018-02-144.3.374.3.37stablestableGPL License
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::search() finds documents without a status log
2016-01- License
- all changes from 4.3.24 merged
2016-04- License
- all changes from 4.3.25 merged
2016-04- License
- use classname from SeedDMS_Core_DMS::_classnames for SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent
- all changes from 4.3.26 merged
2016-05- License
- all changes from 4.3.27 merged
2016-08- License
- all changes from 4.3.28 merged
2016-09- License
- all changes from 4.3.29 merged
2016-11- License
- all changes from 4.3.30 merged
- better attribute value checking
2016-11- License
- all changes from 4.3.31 merged
2016-11- License
- all changes from 4.3.32 merged
2017-02- License
- all changes from 4.3.33 merged
2017-02- License
- all changes from 4.3.34 merged
2017-03- License
all sql statements can be logged to a file
do not sort some temporary tables anymore, because it causes an error in mysql if sql_mode=only_full_group_by is set
2017-07- License
- all changes from 4.3.36 merged
2017-02- License
- added postgres support
2017-02- License
- all changes from 5.0.11 merged
2017-03- License
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterDocumentFiles() returns also documents which are not public
if the owner tries to access them
- Check return value of onPreRemove[Document|Folder], return from calling method if bool
- Add SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDocumentList()
- Limit number of duplicate files to 1000
- Add hook on(Pre|Post)RemoveContent
- Add hook onAttributeValidate
2017-08- License
- SeedDMS_Core_Document::getNotifyList() and SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getNotifyList()
returns just users which are not disabled
- add new methods removeFromProcesses(), getWorkflowsInvolved(), getKeywordCategories() to SeedDMS_Core_User
- add methods isMandatoryReviewerOf() and isMandatoryApproverOf()
- add methods transferDocumentsFolders() and transferEvents()
- add method SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDocumentByOriginalFilename()
2017-09- License
- add virtual access mode for document links and attachments plus callbacks to
check access mode in a hook
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDocumentsExpired()
- all changes from 5.0.14 merged
2017-11- License
- use views instead of temp. tables
- add list of expired documents in SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDocumentList()
- add methods to set comment, name, public, version of document files
- add method SeedDMS_Core_Document::transferToUser()
- SeedDMS_Core_Document::addDocumentFile() returns object of file
- add SeedDMS_Core_DocumentFile::setDate()
- remove SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory::addCategory() and getCategories()
- add optional parameters $limit and $offset to SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getDocuments()
and SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getSubFolders()
- getInstance() returns now null instead of false if the object was not found in the db
- add new methods SeedDMS_Core_Document::addCategories() and
2018-02- License
- add SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getDocumentsMinMax()
- add lots of DocBlocks from merge request #8
- add SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::removeValue()
2018-04- License
- just bump version
2018-07- License
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::search() returns false in case of an error
- do not use views in DBAccessPDO by default anymore, use temp. tables
- SeedDMS_Core_Document::getNotifyList() has new parameter to include disabled user in list
- fix possible sql injection in SeedDMS_Core_User
2018-11- License
- context can be passed to getAccessMode()
- call hook in SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getAccessMode()
- new optional parameter $listguest for SeedDMS_Core_Document::getReadAccessList()
- remove deprecated methods SeedDMS_Core_Document::convert(), SeedDMS_Core_Document::wasConverted(), SeedDMS_Core_Document::viewOnline(), SeedDMS_Core_Document::getUrl()
2019-04- License
- fix php warning if workflow state doesn' have next transition
- add method SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess::setLogFp()
2019-05- License
- ???
2019-07- License
- parameter $orderby passed to SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getDocuments() and SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getSubFolders() can be a string, but only the first char is evaluated
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::search() excepts parameters as array, added orderby
- add SeedDMS_Core_Folder::hasSubFolderByName()
- fix SeedDMS_Core_Folder::hasDocumentByName() which returned an int > 0 if documents
has been loaded before and even if the document searching for was not among them.
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_Folder::empty()
2019-09- License
- add decorators
- add new methods SeedDMS_Core_Document::isType(), SeedDMS_Core_Folder::isType(), SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::isType(). Use them instead of checking the class name.
- skip a fileType with just a '.'
2020-02- License
- speed up SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getSubFolders() SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getDocuments() by minimizing the number of sql queries.
2020-03- License
- no changes, just keep same version as seeddms application
2020-04- License
- fix call of hooks in SeedDMS_Core
- add variable lasterror in SeedDMS_Core_DMS which can be set by hooks to pass an
error msg to the calling application
- better error checking in SeedDMS_Core_Document::addDocumentFile()
2020-05- License
- add new callback onSetStatus
- fix SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getExpiredDocuments(), sql statement failed because temp. tables were not created
- add parameters $orderdir, $orderby, $update to SeedDMS_Core::getExpiredDocuments()
2020-05- License
- fixed remaining todos
- fixed parsing of file size in SeedDMS_Core_File::parse_filesize()
- fix SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDocumentByOriginalFilename()
2020-07-305. License
- add method SeedDMS_Core_Document::setParent() as an alias for setFolder()
- clear the save content list and latest content in SeedDMS_Core_Document after
a version has been deleted.
- new method SeedDMS_Core_Document::isLatestVersion()
- add new attribute types 'document', 'folder', 'user', 'group'
2020-09- License
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDocumentList() returns false, if an unknown list is passed
- SeedDMS_Core_Document::getDocumentFiles() has new parameter to select only those files attached to a specific version of the document
- removing a document version will not remove attachments of the document anymore
- set dms of new user instances in SeedDMS_Core_Group
2020-09- License
- SeedDMS_Folder_DMS::getAccessList() and getDefaultAccess() do not return fals anymore if the parent does not exists. They just stop inheritance.
- pass attribute value to callback 'onAttributeValidate'
- new paramter 'new' of methode SeedDMЅ_Core_AttributeDefinition::validate()
- check if folder/document is below rootDir can be turned on (default off)
- SeedDMS_Core_User::setHomeFolder() can be used to unset the home folder
- check if attribute definition exists when setting attributes of folders and documents
2021-03- License
- add SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess::hasTable()
- add SeedDMS_Core_User->isType() and SeedDMS_Core_Group->isType()
- add SeedDMS_Core_User->getDMS() and SeedDMS_Core_Group->getDMS()
- add new parameter to SeedDMS_Core_DMS->getDocumentList() for skipping expired documents
- add parameter $incdisabled to SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getNotifyList()
- do not validate value in SeedDMS_Core_Attribute::setValue(), it should have been done before
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::search() can search for last date of document status change
- smarter caching in SeedDMS_Core_Document::getDocumentFiles() which fixes a potential
problem when removing a document
2021-08- License
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getTimeline() uses status log instead of document content
- add methods SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::getReviewers() and SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::getApprovers()
- add methods SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::getApproveLog() and SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::getReviewLog()
- better handling of document with an empty workflow state
- fix checking of email addresses by using filter_var instead of regex
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_Document::hasCategory()
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::removeReview()
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::removeApproval()
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_User::getFolders()
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_User::getDocumentContents()
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_User::getDocumentFiles()
- add new method SeedDMS_Core_User::getDocumentLinks()
- add new type 'foldersperuser' to method SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getStatisticalData()
2021-12- License
- in SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::removeWorkflow() remove records from tblWorklflowLog before tblDWorkflowDocumentContent
- make all class variables of SeedDMS_Core_User protected
- fix various errors in SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::validate()
- add lots of unit tests
- replace incorrect use of array_search() by in_array()
- move method SeedDMS_Core_DMS::createDump() into SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess
- lots of parameter checking when calling methods()
- make sure callbacks are callable
- SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getParent() returns null if there is no parent (used to be false)
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::search() will not find document without an expiration date anymore, if the search is limited by an expiration end date but no start date
- add method SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getFoldersMinMax()
- init internal cache variables of SeedDMS_Core_Folder/SeedDMS_Core_Document and add method clearCache()
- SeedDMS_Core_Folder::hasDocuments() does not use the interal document cache anymore
- SeedDMS_Core_Document::addDocumentLink() returns an object of type SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink in case of success
- trim email, comment, language, theme when setting data of user
- more checks whether an id > 0 when getting a database record
2022-04- License
- rename getLastWorkflowTransition() to getLastWorkflowLog()
- getLastWorkflowLog() returns a workflow entry even if the workflow has ended
- backport setFileType() from 6.0.x
- add SeedDMS_Core_File::fileExtension()
- add callbacks on onPostUpdateAttribute, onPostRemoveAttribute, onPostAddAttribute
- fix searching for document content with a custom attribute having a value set
2022-05- License
- fix validating multi value attributes
- SeedDMS_Core_User::removeFromProcesses() can be limited to a list of documents. In that case only the last version will be modified.
- add more types to getStatisticalData()
- add optional parameter $op to SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::getObjects()
- SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::getObjects() will not filter by value if null is passed
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getAllAttributeDefinitions() has second parameter to filter attributes by type
2022-08-315. License
- fix SeedDMS_Core_DMS::addAttributeDefinition() when objtype is 0
- sort search result even if sortorder is 'i' or 'n'
- pass an array as an attribute to search() will OR each element
2022-11- License
- fix SeedDMS_Core_User::getDocumentContents()
- fix SeedDMS_Core_File::fileExtension()
- SeedDMS_Core_DMS::createPasswordRequest() creates a cryptographically secure hash
- fix sql error when deleting a folder attribute
- add SeedDMS_Core_Attribute::getParsedValue() and use it in SeedDMS_Core_Object::getAttributeValue()
- add SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDuplicateSequenceNo() and SeedDMS_Core_Folder::reorderDocuments()
- add SeedDMS_Core_File::mimetype(), fix SeedDMS_Core_File::moveDir()
- all file operations use methods of SeedDMS_Core_File
- change namespace of iterators from SeedDMS to SeedDMS\Core