Changelog for LetoDMS version 1.8.1 - (C)2010 Matteo Lucarelli ================================================================================ REDESIGNED THE ORGANIZATION OF DATA FOLDER =============================== Now the data folder (where files are located) has a more efficient organization: data_dir / id / version.filetype This scheme makes backups much more intuitive (the folder name has corresponding to the id of the document, all versions and attached files are in the same folder. - Removed no longer needed tdbDirPath and tdlPathList - Removed no longer needed free path lookup functions - Modified sql create_tables.sql for changes to the DB in accordance with the new organization WARNING: This change makes the version incompatible with existing archives/DB but is required by the all thennew features (read ahead) The "UPDATE" folder contais two script for updating existing installations To update an existing archive: - Backup all (including DB) - Install the new DMS version - Install the "UPDATE" folder containing two files update.php and update.sql - Log in as administrator - Manually invoke the script (http://indirizzo/UPDATE/update.php - Remove the folder "UPDATE" If everything works well the old content has ben renamed "old" and can be removed (eg via ftp) ADDITION FILES ================================================================ Added the ability to upload additional files associated to a document (as attachments) these files are not versioned and are designed as accessories to the document (Eg the PDF version or reductions in the image). The files are associated with the document, not to version. NOTE: To add attachments the user must have write permission on the document The attachment can be removed by the user who added it or having total permissions BACKUP ================================================= ======================== Added some useful tools for backing up files and folders (real files, not the DB). Especially useful for working with entire folders which, being virtual, can not easily be backupped via ftp. There are three operations designed to be eventually applied in sequence. Data Backup versioning: Create for each document in a DMS folder a file containing the main versioning informations This allows you to make backup copies of which also contain information from the DB. This is meant to be performed before the creation of an archive, After creating the file versioning file can be viewed from out.ViewDocument Creating Archives: Creates a tar.gz file containing all files related to a specific DMS folder. The file is created in settings->_contentDir The file is constructed so that it can be unpacked again in the settings->_contentDir to restore removed files. In the page is presented the list of existing backup files which you can downloaded or delete Deleting files: you can delete from the server all the files related to a specific DMS folder and all its subfolders. By doing this you can free space on the server without removing the version information saved in the database that will be available for regular consultation. Having a backup deleted files can easily be restored when needed. All backups operations can be performed on the entire archive or only on a DMS folder. All backups operations are accessible only to administrators. OTHER FEATURES ================================================ ========== Added the possibility to change a approval/review already done. The editing is possible at any moment only to the user who made it. The time is retained (so you can understand subsequent amendments). The document status is updated automatically following a change. The editing is only possible on the latest version of the document. If a document expire date is set editing is only possible within that time Added delete_all_contents script. Cleaning DB tool for test use Proper content of some e-mail Added general information to the statistic page: - No. of documents - No. of folders - No. of files in every document - Number of total files - Total size of the archive Fixed the view of system notify list The comments related to the update opration (versione comment) are now editable Adjusted out.DefaultKeywords now equal to out.UserDefaultKeyword Added function formatted_size (view size in Bytes / Kb / Mb / Gb) in inc.Utils and applied where necessary Fixed a bug on documents cancellation (was not removed the corresponding list of notification) The files in data folder can be removed without cause errors in the DMS. When a file is not effectively present in out.ViewDocument displays a warning "file removed" and, of course, is no longer given the option to download. This feature can be used to free up space on the server, removing old files, while leaving available the corresponding version information. Fixed the view in out.AddSubFolder.php (default font size) Added icons for mime-type Added icons for some types of extensions (bz, dot, docx, etc.). Added (in inc.settings) option to disable the user administrator as a reviewer / approver (not listed) Remove the untranslated instructions "die" (replaced by UI:: exitError) Proper control permissions for internal links (related document): - The guest user can not add links - Users without write permission can only add links private - Add link publici the user must have write permission - To cancel link should be the user that added or have permission to total