_coreDir)) require_once($settings->_coreDir.'/Core.php'); else require_once('SeedDMS/Core.php'); /** * SeedDMS access using WebDAV * * @access public * @author Uwe Steinmann * @version @package-version@ */ class HTTP_WebDAV_Server_SeedDMS extends HTTP_WebDAV_Server { /** * A reference of the DMS itself * * This is set by ServeRequest * * @access private * @var object */ var $dms = null; /** * A reference to a logger * * This is set by ServeRequest * * @access private * @var object */ var $logger = null; /** * Currently logged in user * * @access private * @var string */ var $user = ""; /** * Serve a webdav request * * @access public * @param object $dms reference to DMS */ function ServeRequest($dms = null, $logger = null) /* {{{ */ { // special treatment for litmus compliance test // reply on its identifier header // not needed for the test itself but eases debugging foreach (apache_request_headers() as $key => $value) { if (stristr($key, "litmus")) { error_log("Litmus test $value"); header("X-Litmus-reply: ".$value); } } // set root directory, defaults to webserver document root if not set if ($dms) { $this->dms = $dms; } else { return false; } // set logger $this->logger = $logger; // establish connection to property/locking db /* mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_passwd) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($this->db_name) or die(mysql_error()); */ // TODO throw on connection problems // let the base class do all the work parent::ServeRequest(); } /* }}} */ /** * Log array of options as passed to most functions * * @access private * @param string webdav methode that was called * @param array options */ function log_options($methode, $options) { /* {{{ */ if($this->logger) { $this->logger->log($methode.': '.$options['path'], PEAR_LOG_INFO); foreach($options as $key=>$option) { if(is_array($option)) { $this->logger->log($methode.': '.$key.'='.var_export($option, true), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); } else { $this->logger->log($methode.': '.$key.'='.$option, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); } } } } /* }}} */ /** * No authentication is needed here * * @access private * @param string HTTP Authentication type (Basic, Digest, ...) * @param string Username * @param string Password * @return bool true on successful authentication */ function check_auth($type, $user, $pass) /* {{{ */ { global $settings; if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('check_auth: type='.$type.', user='.$user.'', PEAR_LOG_INFO); $userobj = false; /* Authenticate against LDAP server {{{ */ if (!$userobj && isset($settings->_ldapHost) && strlen($settings->_ldapHost)>0) { require_once("../inc/inc.ClassLdapAuthentication.php"); $authobj = new SeedDMS_LdapAuthentication($this->dms, $settings); $userobj = $authobj->authenticate($user, $pass); } /* }}} */ /* Authenticate against SeedDMS database {{{ */ if(!$userobj) { require_once("../inc/inc.ClassDbAuthentication.php"); $authobj = new SeedDMS_DbAuthentication($this->dms, $settings); $userobj = $authobj->authenticate($user, $pass); } /* }}} */ if(!$userobj) return false; if(md5($pass) != $userobj->getPwd()) return false; $this->user = $userobj; return true; } /* }}} */ /** * Get the object id from its path * * @access private * @param string path * @return bool/object object with given path or false on error */ function reverseLookup($path) /* {{{ */ { $path = rawurldecode($path); if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('reverseLookup: path='.$path.'', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $root = $this->dms->getRootFolder(); if($path[0] == '/') { $path = substr($path, 1); } $patharr = explode('/', $path); /* The last entry is always the document, though if the path ends * in '/', the document name will be empty. */ $docname = array_pop($patharr); $parentfolder = $root; if(!$patharr) { if(!$docname) { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('reverseLookup: found folder '.$root->getName().' ('.$root->getID().')', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return $root; } else { if($document = $this->dms->getDocumentByName($docname, $root)) { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('reverseLookup: found document '.$document->getName().' ('.$document->getID().')', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return $document; } else { return false; } } } foreach($patharr as $pathseg) { if($folder = $this->dms->getFolderByName($pathseg, $parentfolder)) { $parentfolder = $folder; } } if($folder) { if($docname) { if($document = $this->dms->getDocumentByName($docname, $folder)) { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('reverseLookup: found document '.$document->getName().' ('.$document->getID().')', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return $document; } else { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('reverseLookup: nothing found', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return false; } } else { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('reverseLookup: found folder '.$folder->getName().' ('.$folder->getID().')', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return $folder; } } else { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('reverseLookup: nothing found', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return false; } if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('reverseLookup: nothing found', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return false; } /* }}} */ /** * PROPFIND method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @param array return array for file properties * @return bool true on success */ function PROPFIND(&$options, &$files) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('PROFIND', $options); // get folder or document from path $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"]); // sanity check if (!$obj) { $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"].'/'); if(!$obj) return false; } // prepare property array $files["files"] = array(); // store information for the requested path itself $files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo($obj); // information for contained resources requested? if (get_class($obj) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder' && !empty($options["depth"])) { $subfolders = $obj->getSubFolders(); $subfolders = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subfolders, $this->user, M_READ); if ($subfolders) { // ok, now get all its contents foreach($subfolders as $subfolder) { $files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo($subfolder); } // TODO recursion needed if "Depth: infinite" } $documents = $obj->getDocuments(); $docs = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($documents, $this->user, M_READ); if(!$this->user->isAdmin()) { $documents = array(); foreach($docs as $document) { $lc = $document->getLatestContent(); $status = $lc->getStatus(); if($status['status'] == S_RELEASED) { $documents[] = $document; } } } else { $documents = $docs; } if ($documents) { // ok, now get all its contents foreach($documents as $document) { $files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo($document); } } } // ok, all done return true; } /* }}} */ /** * Get properties for a single file/resource * * @param string resource path * @return array resource properties */ function fileinfo($obj) /* {{{ */ { // create result array $info = array(); $info["props"] = array(); // type and size (caller already made sure that path exists) if (get_class($obj) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { // modification time /* folders do not have a modification time */ $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getlastmodified", time()); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("creationdate", time()); // directory (WebDAV collection) $patharr = $obj->getPath(); array_shift($patharr); $path = ''; foreach($patharr as $pathseg) // $path .= '/'.rawurlencode($pathseg->getName()); $path .= '/'.$pathseg->getName(); if(!$path) { $path = '/'; $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("isroot", "true"); } // $info["path"] = htmlspecialchars($path); $info["path"] = $path; $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("displayname", $obj->getName()); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("resourcetype", "collection"); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", "httpd/unix-directory"); } else { // modification time $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getlastmodified",$obj->getLatestContent()->getDate()); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("creationdate", $obj->getDate()); // plain file (WebDAV resource) $content = $obj->getLatestContent(); $fspath = $content->getPath(); $patharr = $obj->getFolder()->getPath(); array_shift($patharr); $path = '/'; foreach($patharr as $pathseg) // $path .= rawurlencode($pathseg->getName()).'/'; $path .= $pathseg->getName().'/'; // $info["path"] = htmlspecialchars($path.rawurlencode($obj->getName())); $info["path"] = $path.$obj->getName(); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("displayname", $obj->getName()); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("resourcetype", ""); if (1 /*is_readable($fspath)*/) { $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", $content->getMimeType()); } else { $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", "application/x-non-readable"); } $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontentlength", filesize($this->dms->contentDir.'/'.$fspath)); if($keywords = $obj->getKeywords()) $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "keywords", $keywords); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "id", $obj->getID()); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "version", $content->getVersion()); $status = $content->getStatus(); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "status", $status['status']); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "status-comment", $status['comment']); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "status-date", $status['date']); if($obj->getExpires()) $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "expires", date('c', $obj->getExpires())); } if($comment = $obj->getComment()) $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "comment", $comment); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", "owner", $obj->getOwner()->getLogin()); $attributes = $obj->getAttributes(); if($attributes) { foreach($attributes as $attribute) { $attrdef = $attribute->getAttributeDefinition(); $valueset = $attrdef->getValueSetAsArray(); if($valueset && $attrdef->getMultipleValues()) { $valuesetstr = $attrdef->getValueSet(); $delimiter = substr($valuesetstr, 0, 1); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", str_replace(' ', '', $attrdef->getName()), $delimiter.implode($delimiter, $attribute->getValueAsArray())); } else $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("SeedDMS:", str_replace(' ', '', $attrdef->getName()), $attribute->getValue()); } } return $info; } /* }}} */ /** * GET method handler * * @param array parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function GET(&$options) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('GET', $options); // get folder or document from path $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"]); // sanity check if (!$obj) return false; // is this a collection? if (get_class($obj) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { return $this->GetDir($obj, $options); } $content = $obj->getLatestContent(); // detect resource type $options['mimetype'] = $content->getMimeType(); // detect modification time // see rfc2518, section 13.7 // some clients seem to treat this as a reverse rule // requiering a Last-Modified header if the getlastmodified header was set $options['mtime'] = $content->getDate(); $fspath = $this->dms->contentDir.'/'.$content->getPath(); // detect resource size $options['size'] = filesize($fspath); // no need to check result here, it is handled by the base class $options['stream'] = fopen($fspath, "r"); return true; } /* }}} */ /** * GET method handler for directories * * This is a very simple mod_index lookalike. * See RFC 2518, Section 8.4 on GET/HEAD for collections * * @param object folder object * @return void function has to handle HTTP response itself */ function GetDir($folder, &$options) /* {{{ */ { // fixed width directory column format $format = "%15s %-19s %-s\n"; $subfolders = $folder->getSubFolders(); $subfolders = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subfolders, $this->user, M_READ); $documents = $folder->getDocuments(); $docs = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($documents, $this->user, M_READ); if(!$this->user->isAdmin()) { $documents = array(); foreach($docs as $document) { $lc = $document->getLatestContent(); $status = $lc->getStatus(); if($status['status'] == S_RELEASED) { $documents[] = $document; } } } else { $documents = $docs; } $objs = array_merge($subfolders, $documents); echo "Index of ".htmlspecialchars($options['path'])."\n"; echo "

Index of ".htmlspecialchars($options['path'])."

\n"; echo "
		printf($format, "Size", "Last modified", "Filename");
		echo "
"; $parents = $folder->getPath(); $_fullpath = '/'; if(count($parents) > 1) { $p = array_slice($parents, -2, 1); $p = $p[0]; array_shift($parents); $last = array_pop($parents); foreach($parents as $parent) $_fullpath .= $parent->getName().'/'; printf($format, 0, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $p->getDate()), ".."); $_fullpath .= $last->getName().'/'; } foreach ($objs as $obj) { $filename = $obj->getName(); $fullpath = $_fullpath.$filename; if(get_class($obj) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { $fullpath .= '/'; $filename .= '/'; $filesize = 0; $mtime = $obj->getDate(); } else { $content = $obj->getLatestContent(); $mimetype = $content->getMimeType(); $mtime = $content->getDate(); $fspath = $this->dms->contentDir.'/'.$content->getPath(); $filesize = filesize($fspath); } // $name = htmlspecialchars($filename); $name = $filename; printf($format, number_format($filesize), strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $mtime), "".htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES).""); } echo "
"; echo "\n"; exit; } /* }}} */ /** * PUT method handler * * @param array parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function PUT(&$options) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('PUT', $options); $path = $options["path"]; $parent = dirname($path); $name = basename($path); // get folder from path if($parent == '/') $parent = ''; $folder = $this->reverseLookup($parent.'/'); if (!$folder || get_class($folder) != "SeedDMS_Core_Folder") { return "409 Conflict"; } /* Check if user is logged in */ if(!$this->user) { return "403 Forbidden"; } $tmpFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'webdav'); $fp = fopen($tmpFile, 'w'); while(!feof($options["stream"])) { $data = fread($options["stream"], 1000); fwrite($fp, $data); } fclose($fp); $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME); $mimetype = $finfo->file($tmpFile); $tmp = explode(';', $mimetype); $mimetype = $tmp[0]; switch($mimetype) { case 'application/pdf'; $fileType = ".pdf"; break; default: $lastDotIndex = strrpos($name, "."); if($lastDotIndex === false) $fileType = "."; else $fileType = substr($name, $lastDotIndex); } /* First check whether there is already a file with the same name */ if($document = $this->dms->getDocumentByName($name, $folder)) { if ($document->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE) { unlink($tmpFile); return "403 Forbidden"; } else{ /* Check if the new version iѕ identical to the current version. * In that case just update the modification date */ $lc = $document->getLatestContent(); if($lc->getChecksum() == SeedDMS_Core_File::checksum($tmpFile)) { $lc->setDate(); } else { if($this->user->getID() == $lc->getUser()->getID() && $name == $lc->getOriginalFileName() && $fileType == $lc->getFileType() && $mimetype == $lc->getMimeType()) { if(!$document->replaceContent($lc->getVersion(), $this->user, $tmpFile, $name, $fileType, $mimetype)) { unlink($tmpFile); return "403 Forbidden"; } } else { if(!$document->addContent('', $this->user, $tmpFile, $name, $fileType, $mimetype, array(), array(), 0)) { unlink($tmpFile); return "409 Conflict"; } } } } } else { if ($folder->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE) { unlink($tmpFile); return "403 Forbidden"; } elseif(!$res = $folder->addDocument($name, '', 0, $this->user, '', array(), $tmpFile, $name, $fileType, $mimetype, 0, array(), array(), 0, "")) { unlink($tmpFile); return "409 Conflict"; } } unlink($tmpFile); return "201 Created"; } /* }}} */ /** * MKCOL method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function MKCOL($options) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('MKCOL', $options); $path = $options["path"]; $parent = dirname($path); $name = basename($path); // get folder from path if($parent == '/') $parent = ''; $folder = $this->reverseLookup($parent.'/'); /* Check if parent folder exists at all */ if (!$folder) { return "409 Conflict"; } /* Check if parent of new folder is a folder */ if (get_class($folder) != 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { return "403 Forbidden"; } /* Check if parent folder already has folder with the same name */ if ($this->dms->getFolderByName($name, $folder) ) { return "405 Method not allowed"; } if (!empty($this->_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"])) { // no body parsing yet return "415 Unsupported media type"; } /* Check if user is logged in */ if(!$this->user) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if ($folder->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if (!$folder->addSubFolder($name, '', $this->user, 0)) { return "403 Forbidden"; } return ("201 Created"); } /* }}} */ /** * DELETE method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function DELETE($options) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('DELETE', $options); // get folder or document from path $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"]); /* Make a second try if it is a directory with the leading '/' */ if(!$obj) $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"].'/'); // sanity check if (!$obj) return "404 Not found"; // check for access rights if($obj->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_ALL) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if (get_class($obj) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { if($obj->hasDocuments() || $obj->hasSubFolders()) { return "409 Conflict"; } if(!$obj->remove()) { return "409 Conflict"; } } else { // check if user is admin // only admins may delete documents /* There is not reason to allow only admins to remove a document if(!$this->user->isAdmin()) { return "403 Forbidden"; } */ if(!$obj->remove()) { return "409 Conflict"; } } return "204 No Content"; } /* }}} */ /** * MOVE method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function MOVE($options) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('MOVE', $options); // no copying to different WebDAV Servers yet if (isset($options["dest_url"])) { return "502 bad gateway"; } // get folder or document to move $objsource = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"]); /* Make a second try if it is directory with the leading '/' */ if(!$objsource) $objsource = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"].'/'); if (!$objsource) return "404 Not found"; // get dest folder or document $objdest = $this->reverseLookup($options["dest"]); $newdocname = ''; if(!$objdest) { /* check if at least the dest directory exists */ $dirname = dirname($options['dest']); if($dirname != '/') $dirname .= '/'; $newdocname = basename($options['dest']); $objdest = $this->reverseLookup($dirname); if(!$objdest) return "412 precondition failed"; } /* Moving a document requires write access on the source and * destination object */ if (($objsource->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE) || ($objdest->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE)) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if(get_class($objdest) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Document') { /* If destination object is a document it must be overwritten */ if (!$options["overwrite"]) { return "412 precondition failed"; } if(get_class($objsource) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { return "400 Bad request"; } /* get the latest content of the source object */ $content = $objsource->getLatestContent(); $fspath = $this->dms->contentDir.'/'.$content->getPath(); /* save the content as a new version in the destination document */ if(!$objdest->addContent('', $this->user, $fspath, $content->getOriginalFileName(), $content->getFileType(), $content->getMimeType, array(), array(), 0)) { unlink($tmpFile); return "409 Conflict"; } /* change the name of the destination object */ $objdest->setName($objsource->getName()); /* delete the source object */ $objsource->remove(); return "204 No Content"; } elseif(get_class($objdest) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { /* Set the new Folder of the source object */ if(get_class($objsource) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Document') $objsource->setFolder($objdest); elseif(get_class($objsource) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') $objsource->setParent($objdest); else return "500 Internal server error"; if($newdocname) $objsource->setName($newdocname); return "204 No Content"; } } /* }}} */ /** * COPY method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function COPY($options, $del=false) /* {{{ */ { if(!$del) $this->log_options('COPY', $options); // TODO Property updates still broken (Litmus should detect this?) if (!empty($this->_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"])) { // no body parsing yet return "415 Unsupported media type"; } // no copying to different WebDAV Servers yet if (isset($options["dest_url"])) { return "502 bad gateway"; } // get folder or document to move $objsource = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"]); /* Make a second try if it is directory with the leading '/' */ if(!$objsource) $objsource = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"].'/'); if (!$objsource) return "404 Not found"; if (get_class($objsource) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder' && ($options["depth"] != "infinity")) { // RFC 2518 Section 9.2, last paragraph return "400 Bad request"; } // get dest folder or document $objdest = $this->reverseLookup($options["dest"]); $newdocname = ''; if(!$objdest) { /* check if at least the dest directory exists */ $dirname = dirname($options['dest']); if($dirname != '/') $dirname .= '/'; $newdocname = basename($options['dest']); $objdest = $this->reverseLookup($dirname); if(!$objdest) return "412 precondition failed"; } /* Copying a document requires read access on the source and write * access on the destination object */ if (($objsource->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READ) || ($objdest->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE)) { return "403 Forbidden"; } /* If destination object is a document it must be overwritten */ if(get_class($objdest) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Document') { if (!$options["overwrite"]) { return "412 precondition failed"; } /* Copying a folder into a document makes no sense */ if(get_class($objsource) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { return "400 Bad request"; } /* get the latest content of the source object */ $content = $objsource->getLatestContent(); $fspath = $this->dms->contentDir.'/'.$content->getPath(); /* save the content as a new version in the destination document */ if(!$objdest->addContent('', $this->user, $fspath, $content->getOriginalFileName(), $content->getFileType(), $content->getMimeType, array(), array(), 0)) { unlink($tmpFile); return "409 Conflict"; } $objdest->setName($objsource->getName()); return "204 No Content"; } elseif(get_class($objdest) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('COPY: copy \''.$objdest->getName().'\' to folder '.$objdest->getName().'', PEAR_LOG_INFO); /* Currently no support for copying folders */ if(get_class($objsource) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('COPY: source is a folder '.$objsource->getName().'', PEAR_LOG_INFO); return "400 Bad request"; } if(!$newdocname) $newdocname = $objsource->getName(); /* get the latest content of the source object */ $content = $objsource->getLatestContent(); $fspath = $this->dms->contentDir.'/'.$content->getPath(); if(!$newdoc = $objdest->addDocument($newdocname, '', 0, $this->user, '', array(), $fspath, $content->getOriginalFileName(), $content->getFileType(), $content->getMimeType(), 0, array(), array(), 0, "")) { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('COPY: error copying object', PEAR_LOG_INFO); return "409 Conflict"; } return "201 Created"; } } /* }}} */ /** * PROPPATCH method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function PROPPATCH(&$options) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('PROPPATCH', $options); // get folder or document from path $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"]); // sanity check if (!$obj) { $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"].'/'); if(!$obj) return false; } if ($obj->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE) { return false; } foreach ($options["props"] as $key => $prop) { if ($prop["ns"] == "DAV:") { $options["props"][$key]['status'] = "403 Forbidden"; } else { $this->logger->log('PROPPATCH: set '.$prop["ns"].''.$prop["val"].' to '.$prop["val"], PEAR_LOG_INFO); if($prop["ns"] == "SeedDMS:") { if(in_array($prop['name'], array('id', 'version', 'status', 'status-comment', 'status-date'))) { $options["props"][$key]['status'] = "403 Forbidden"; } else { if (isset($prop["val"])) $val = $prop["val"]; else $val = ''; switch($prop["name"]) { case "comment": $obj->setComment($val); break; default: if($attrdef = $this->dms->getAttributeDefinitionByName($prop["name"])) { $valueset = $attrdef->getValueSetAsArray(); switch($attrdef->getType()) { case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_string: $obj->setAttributeValue($attrdef, $val); break; case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_int: $obj->setAttributeValue($attrdef, (int) $val); break; case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_float: $obj->setAttributeValue($attrdef, (float) $val); break; case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_boolean: $obj->setAttributeValue($attrdef, $val == 1 ? true : false); break; } } } } } } } return ""; } /* }}} */ /** * LOCK method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function LOCK(&$options) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('LOCK', $options); // get object to lock $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"]); if(!$obj) return "200 OK"; // TODO recursive locks on directories not supported yet if (get_class($obj) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder' && !empty($options["depth"])) { return "409 Conflict"; } if ($obj->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE) { return "403 Forbidden"; } $options["timeout"] = 0;//time()+300; // 5min. hardcoded if(!$obj->setLocked($this->user)) { return "409 Conflict"; } $options['owner'] = $this->user->getLogin(); $options['scope'] = "exclusive"; $options['type'] = "write"; return "200 OK"; } /* }}} */ /** * UNLOCK method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function UNLOCK(&$options) /* {{{ */ { $this->log_options('UNLOCK', $options); // get object to unlock $obj = $this->reverseLookup($options["path"]); if(!$obj) return "204 No Content"; // TODO recursive locks on directories not supported yet if (get_class($obj) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder' && !empty($options["depth"])) { return "409 Conflict"; } if ($obj->getAccessMode($this->user) < M_READWRITE) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if(!$obj->setLocked(false)) { return "409 Conflict"; } return "204 No Content"; } /* }}} */ /** * checkLock() helper * * @param string resource path to check for locks * @return bool true on success */ function checkLock($path) /* {{{ */ { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('checkLock: path='.$path.'', PEAR_LOG_INFO); // get object to check for lock $obj = $this->reverseLookup($path); // check for folder returns no object if(!$obj) { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('checkLock: object not found', PEAR_LOG_INFO); return false; } // Folders cannot be locked if(get_class($obj) == 'SeedDMS_Core_Folder') { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('checkLock: object is a folder', PEAR_LOG_INFO); return false; } if($obj->isLocked() && $this->user->getLogin() != $obj->getLockingUser()->getLogin()) { $lockuser = $obj->getLockingUser(); if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('checkLock: object is locked by '.$lockuser->getLogin(), PEAR_LOG_INFO); return array( "type" => "write", "scope" => "exclusive", "depth" => 0, "owner" => $lockuser->getLogin(), "token" => 'kk', // must return something to prevent php warning in Server.php:1865 "created" => '', "modified" => '', "expires" => '' ); } else { if($this->logger) $this->logger->log('checkLock: object is not locked', PEAR_LOG_INFO); return false; } } /* }}} */ } /* * vim: ts=2 sw=2 noexpandtab */ ?>